The Above Cover Agent

By circcanread

15.9K 1.2K 1.1K

Some say to keep your friends close but your enemies closer but who's to say they are not all the same? A gir... More

-{Character Introduction}-
-{Chapter 1}-
-{Chapter 2}-
-{Chapter 3}-
-{Chapter 4}-
-{Chapter 5}-
-{Chapter 6}-
-{Chapter 7}-
-{Chapter 8}-
-{Chapter 9}-
-{Chapter 10}-
-{Chapter 11}-
-{Chapter 12}-
-{Chapter 13}-
-{Chapter 14}-
-{Chapter 15}-
-{Chapter 16}-
-{Chapter 17}-
-{Chapter 18}-
-{Chapter 19}-
-{Chapter 20}-
-{Chapter 21}-
-{Chapter 22}-
-{Chapter 23}-
-{Chapter 24}-
-{Chapter 25}-
-{Chapter 26}-
-{Chapter 27}-
-{Chapter 28}-
-{Chapter 29}-
-{Chapter 30}-
-{Chapter 31}-
-{Chapter 32}-
-{Chapter 33}-
-{Chapter 34}-
-{ Chapter 35 }-
-{ Chapter 36 }-
-{ Chapter 37 }-
-{ Chapter 38 }-
-{ Chapter 39 }-
-{ Chapter 40 }-
-{ Chapter 41 }-
-{ Chapter 42 }-
-{ Chapter 43 }-
-{ Chapter 44 }-
-{ Chapter 45 }-
-{ Chapter 46 }-
-{ Chapter 47 }-
-{ Chapter 48 }-
-{ Chapter 49 }-
-{ Chapter 50 }-
-{ Chapter 51 }-
-{ Chapter 52 }-
-{ Chapter 53 }-
-{ Chapter 54 }-
-{ Chapter 55 }-
-{ Chapter 56 }-
-{ Chapter 57 }-
-{ Chapter 58 }-
-{ Chapter 59 }-
-{ Chapter 60 }-
-{ Chapter 61 }-
-{ Chapter 62 }-
-{ Chapter 63 }-
-{ Chapter 64 }-
-{ Chapter 65 }-
-{ Chapter 66 }-
-{ Chapter 67 }-
-{ Chapter 69 }-
-{ Ending }-

-{ Chapter 68 }-

142 9 6
By circcanread

    "Fine, I'll go!" I screamed out in annoyance getting odd glances in return from the rest of the girls in the class including Miss Cordelia. Whoops, I guess I was a little too loud...

♦    ♦    ♦    ♦

    I glanced across the bathroom observing my features in the mirror. My hair was elegantly and naturally cascading down my shoulder over a simplistic but very adorable white summer dress.

    I trailed y finger against the glass feeling the coldness against my finger tips. In awe, I gazed over at a girl that I did not know a girl who looked happy.

    I would never choose to look like this what so ever. Hell, I would never even put on a dress willingly or use the word adorable or cute before this.

    This place is making me become soft... I just want to go home... I stopped the organization saved the king an d prince I finished my mission I just want to go back home.

    Yeah, normally our missions are to assassinate people. I mean we are a criminal organization but occasionally we do rescue people for large amounts of money.

    My mind went to Liam, Julian, Jasper and all of the other boys as well as my maids, teachers and even Mia placing me in a weird predicament.

    I would miss them tremendously, but I was never supposed to be friends with any them in the first place I was never supposed to make any connections or get attached.

    I trailed my finger against my lips looking at my outfit. I had a white summer dress on with the same tan summer hat that I had worn when I went out with Liam as well as tan shoes. 

    I am dressed, I have my bag, my phone, extra snacks for emergencies, four of my throwing knives, earbuds just in case and some small spy gadgets and gizmos.

    "I am all ready!" I made my way towards the apartment door swaying my hips side to side enjoying the fact that my dress twirled each movement that I made.

    The memory and feelings of anger and annoyance I had felt when Mia told me about the summer celebration evaporated as I walked down the halls.

    Maybe this won't be so bad after all I mean it's a barbeque I love food! And who can say no to free food that's the only reason I purposely come to these school celebrations.

    And on top of that, I will be able to say my goodbyes to everyone and then head back home to the HQ. I hope everyone is okay.. they are right..?

    Doubt ate at my consciousness once more at the thought of not knowing if my family was even alive. The last I heard was that our second HQ exploded and they were supposed to be there.

    The fact that this was officially going to be the last day here also kind of hurt. I mean I won't have breakfast in bed anymore, no more waffles. 

    But I can live without it, everything will go back to normal. I replied trying to convice myself more than anyone else.

    I wiped an imaginary tear from my cheek thinking of all the things that will be gone. I won't be able to see Julian.. or liam.. or jasper.. or any of them ever again..

    Snap out of it you are not supposed to make connections or get attached you did your mission and you are going to go back to HQ and continue on with your life. I told myself mentally.

    Supposedly everyone is getting driven or put on a plane to get sent back home, that's what Julieta told me after all.

    Anyway, let's get this over with. I never liked goodbyes I never liked saying them because saying goodbye is like the ending of a book it's painful sometimes the true ending of something.

♦    ♦    ♦   ♦

    "Kiara!" Ryder cheered out running over towards me with two glasses of red liquid in his hands, It's probably fruit punch.

    "Hey, Ryder!" I replied smiling happily waving my hand.

    Before I would have glared a and walked away but after talking to him in the garden I got to know him. He's actually a great guy, yes he acts like a child most of the time but he is so sweet.

    Following him was no other than the other fantastic four members. Julian, Liam, and Lucas ran up towards me each one of them sending their smiles towards me.

    I returned each of the smiles hugging Julian and Liam as well as Lucas and Ryder. They all looked extremely dashing like usual, but a little more attractive than normal.

    Julian and Lucas both wore tan colored shorts with simplistic t-shirts. Liam was wearing plaid shorts with a black shirt and then for Ryder, he was wearing pink shorts with pink socks, typical.

    In the corner of my eye, I noticed a dark shadowy figure run up towards me. My eyes adjusted on Jaspers frame as he jogged over towards me carrying two large plates of food.

    "Jasper!" I cheered out running over towards him.

    Maybe I was running over to him for the food or maybe just for hugs who knows both are great. Jasper smiled towards me placing one of the plates in my hand.

    The plate had chicken on a stick followed by fruits, crackers, vegetables and typical barbeque food. It was beautifully decorated and matched, he got me food that is so sweet!

♦    ♦    ♦    ♦

    I moved my hips side to side swinging my body left to right allowing my dress and hair to swirl around in circles as I danced.

    The sky was dark and a large bonfire illuminated light all around us. groups of princes and princesses were dancing around the bonfire.

    I danced side to side to a none familiar tune by the guy's side. Is it weird for one girl to be dancing with five boys, when all the other girls are glaring at you, yes.

    But do I care what they think, nope. 

    I placed my left hand in Julians and my right into Jaspers forming a small circle of the guys. I began to shimmy and shake my arms the guys eventually catching on.

    Together we all danced hand in hand shaking our arms and hips to the rhythm of the music and beat allowing the tune to flow throughout our bodies controlling our movements.

    I gazed over towards the large on fire admiring the beautiful red flames watching as they ignited into larger flames consuming all of the wood crinkling and crackling.

    It was getting darker and darker and the sky was now full of stars. The dancing and all of the movements that we had made luckily kept us from getting cold.

    The fire slowly began to dim down as the groups of princes and princesses began to gather together to collect their items and leave the gardens. 

    A few others including myself and the guys all decided to stay. We were all cuddled up laying against a log right beside the bonfire.

    Beside me was Julian and Jasper Liam was behind me and Ryder and Lucas were across. Even Mia was here, although she was a prince named Maleek?

    I don't even know Maleek that well all I know is that he was one of the contestants for the grand balls darts ceremony and that he had asked Mia out.

    The beat of the music changed as well as our dances as we transitioned into new ones. This time it was more up an upbeat like song.

    I glanced over towards Ryder watching as he attempted to dance. And when I mean attempted I mean him doing the chicken dance. In response, I burst out into laughter slapping my knee.

    Julian and Jasper, Liam and Lucas were following my steps as we simply shook side to side swaying back and forth as we watched Ryder make a total fool of himself.

    "Get off the stage you suck!" Liam replied throwing an empty red solo cup at Ryder.

    "I'm not even on a stage" Ryder replied rubbing his shoulder looking over at Liam with a pained expression and pouty lips.

    "Boo, you suck!" Liam replied laughing out at his best friend.

    I glanced over towards Liam watching as he bent down collecting a bunch of empty solo cups. After collecting a decent amount he stood up one more beginning to chuck them towards ryder.

    A small crinkling like sound filled my ears as I turned on my heel facing a sparkler that illuminated brightly. To clarify, sparklers are small sticks that lit up into mini fireworks.

    I have not seen these since I was like four.. small clips and bits memories of the past filled my mind as I gazed over towards Jasper a small smiling appearing on my lips.

    He had a bunch of lit sparklers in his hand. Cautiously he handed me one allowing me to pick it up from his hold. I observed the mini fireworks watching in astonishment as they exploded. 

    Eventually, we all had our own sparklers even Ryder. As a group, we all made sure to stay a good distance away from Ryder. It is not a very good idea for that boy to be holding fire.

♦    ♦    ♦    ♦

    A cold and icy breeze hit against my face as I nuzzled into something warm. An arm was slouched over my shoulder while another on my hip.

     Another cold breeze flew passed me forcing me to shiver as I slowly opened my eyes. Julian's face was only inches away from mine as he slept peacefully his arm slouched over my shoulder.

     I blinked a few time while continuing to look at Julian's adorable sleeping state. There was still red solo cups scattered all around thanks to Liam as well as food.

     The night was still dark and the fire was completely burnt out. All of us were sleeping on a small picnic like blanket. Besides my was Julian, Lucas, and Jasper.

     Where are Liam and Ryder? Realization hit me when I noticed that another arm was slouched over me but this time on my hip.

     Julian does not have three arms... I turned my body to the side slowly meeting the gaze of Liam's sleeping face. His eyes were closed as his body nuzzled into mine as well as Julian's.

     On the other side of Liam was Ryder and for what I can see everyone is fast asleep. We must have fallen asleep t the party I wonder what time it is 2 am maybe?

     For a few minutes, I laid down nuzzling into the both of them. They were both warm and it felt nice especially because it's freezing out.

     After awhile I came to the conclusion that I should probably head back to my room. It's not like I want to leave I really don't want to, I like being with them.

     But last time I fell asleep outside which was with Julian a photo was taken of us. It was an entire week of questions and hell. 

     With ease I moved Julian's hand off of me and then Liam's placing them to their sides. Slowly and very cautiously I stood.

     When it was safe I stepped over their bodies avoiding hitting or stepping on any of them. After I was a few feet away I began to increase my speed as I walked over towards the school doors.

     I trailed my hands against the wood as I pushed it open. The familiar floors and chandeliers were standing still in front of me, but not like normal everything was dark.

     I know that it's night but dang the castle is kind of spooky everything is so dark.








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