Heathens ( Yandere Levi x Rea...

By YoonBum_Protection

224K 5.8K 4.5K

S.I.N.A. the name short for Schooling for the Insane and Neurotic Adolescents. A facility made only for child... More

Read This Before You Start
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
1K One Shot Special!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Fools Read This...please
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Another story?
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
10K Special (Side Story)
Chapter 24 (Lemon)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Hey guys it's me!

Chapter 20

4.3K 136 244
By YoonBum_Protection

Very Important!

This chapter will include LOTS of gore! To be specific it will include blood and torture! If you don't want to read this I will tell you when this does happen. If anything important to the story happens I will put it at the end!

It will also be a lot longer than usual chapters so I don't stop in the middle of the torture.


Levi's Pov

Today was strolling by at the pace of a turtle. The events that will happen tonight had me itching for nighfall. The thought of blood on my hands filled my head all day.

"Hey Levi, want to hangout after school at my place?" I looked to my side where my princess was sitting eating her lunch. My princess sat to my right ever since she became mine.

"Can't, there's going to be a huge ass test tomorrow in my Civics class." I saw the disappointment in her face for a few seconds before it covered up with her usual cheery expression.

"Well then text me if you change your mind. Remember to keep your girlfriend happy!" She wrapped her left arm around my neck and leaned on me. Her hair fell on my shoulder as she decided to just rest her head on me.

"I'll take you out on a date tomorrow, how about that?" I moves my arm to latch onto her waist and pulled her closer.

"I might just have to take you up on that offer." She used the arm wrapped around my neck to pick the cookie off my tray and take a bite off the dessert. As she leaned her face close to mine to take the bite I pressed my lips to hers.

Other than my small conversations with my princess throughout the day nothing exciting happened until after school.

I had to hurry to my "date" location to set everything up. It only took me about fifteen minutes to set the stage for tonight.

When I finally was ready for I made my way to the girl's dorm to wait for (Bitch's Name).

"Were you waiting for me?" I looked into her eyes. My expression wasn't any different than my usual look of boredom.

"You're late." She lookes at ther watch and started to blush when she realized the time.

"I wasn't late late, only five minutes." I internally rolled my eyes at her tardiness. My princess would never be late for something we would do together.

"C'mon." I turned around and started to walk towards the school, or more specifically, towards the forest behind the school.

"So, what do you have planned?" She latched onto my arm like the disgusting leech she is. People like her only for her body not her personality.

"You'll know soon enough." The rest of the walk was in silence with the occasional annoying remark from the witch.

After about twenty minutes of walking a small cave came into view. The cave only big enough to park a average sized car vertically.

"Is this the place you were taking me to?" Is the girl serious? Why the fuck would I stop here, where I might add is where a bonfire is lit, without a reason?!

"Obviously." She walked into the back of the cave where I had lined up plastic rope, a candle, a sewing needle, and a spool of thread. They were sitting nearly on the ground in a nice straight line.

"This is some pretty kinky stuff. I won't do the thread and needle." She picked up the candle before smirking at it and placing it down.

"You're good at jumping to conclusions." She looked at me confused as I began to approach her.

"What do you mean?" She started to back up as I continued to walk towards her. Her back connected with the wall after only taking a few steps.

"I hate you." I stopped directly ahead of her and slammed my hand against the wall beside her head. I leant on that arm to get closer to her face but still keep my space fron that filthy pig.

"You act like you didn't break my number one rule." I took a fist full of her hair and started to drag her.

The gore starts here so don't say I didn't warn you!

"Stop! I didn't do anything! Let me go!" I threw her onto the ground and pressed my foot against her throat.

"Well, I don't believe you. My princess herself told me what you've done." I slammed my foot as hard as I could on both her hands and feet to keep her from leaving.

I walked to my line of items and picked up the rope. "You're one of the most annoying people I've ever met. Look at you. You're clawing at the ground with two broken hands. Pitiful." I roughly grabbed her hands and tied them together as tightly as I could. I mirrored my actions to her feet as I did to her hands before dragging her towards the flame by her broken hands.

I set her upright and took a seat on the ground behind her with her back to my chest. "They say the world is full of coincidences. Just like you have ten fingers and you have ten chances to figure out your sin."

I singled out her index finger and brought it close to the flame but not inside. "Now, what did you do?" She started to scream and pull on her wrists in an attempt to break them free from my grip.

"I'll take that as a no." I looked into the flames and saw the rock a safe distance, for me, in the flames then placed her entire finger directly on the rock.

Her screams were like a well casted orchestra to my ears. The way they bounced off the caves walls then returned to my ears again for a second round almost made me shiver from the delightful sound.

"I- I don't know!" The pain in her voice was drowned by her screams as I put her second finger onto the heated rock.

"If you can stop screaming for thirty second I can make this easier for both of us." She nodded her head and closed her mouth as tightly as I've ever seen someone do before.

I started my inner clock to start ticking a few seconds after she stopped to make it longer.

As my clock hit the halfway mark I slowed down the seconds passing making two seconds pass before moving on to the next number.

Her screams started to rise up in her throat as the last seconds ticked away and my timer reached thirty.

"Well done. I didn't think a pussy like you could handle it." I peeled her fingers off the heated rock and released only her fingers from my grip.

"Here's the deal; I'll give you a hint if you grab the rock and hold it in the fire. Shouldn't be too hard." The look of betrayal ran through her eyes. Fuck, she actually thought I would let her go. How naive of her.

"Will you do it?" I saw her hesitate before slowly shaking her head in agreement. "Good. Now hurry up."

She reached her hand willingly into the flame and as soon as her fingers touched the rock again she retracted them.

"I knew it. You don't have the guts." I started to prepare her other hand to put into the flames before she jerked it out of my grip.

"I can!" Tears were rolling down her face like a disgusting waterfall.

"Then do it." She took the deepest breath she could before picking up the rock in a second and clutching it as hard as she could.

"Haha! Fuck! That's gonna stick real bad!" She started to scream louder than before, and if we weren't so far from civilization someone might have heard her.

"Go on and let go now." My grin was etched across my face as she dropped the rock along with a few layers of skin and a trail of blood.

"Oh, you can still move your hand. That won't do. Pick it up again." She reached for the rock slowly this time before throwing her head back.

After a minute I decided to give her the hint. "You know, my princess tells me that you've insulted her. That won't do at all." When I finished her whole wrist went slack and she dropped the rock back in the fire.

"About time. Do you know what happened, my dear?" I took her hand out of the fire and let it fall limp at her side. She shook her head furiously for me to answer.

"You just destroyed the nerves in your hand." The nerves in her hand had been destroyed by the severity of her burns.

Her eyes widened in fear and she began the flail her arms around to bring feeling back into her unmoving hand.

"You know what you did wrong now, right?" She nodded her head knowing what she had done now. "What did you do?"

"I- I hurt your girlfriend." My face darkened from hearing her say it.

"Correct." I grabbed her good hand and dragged her away from the flames.

"You're making me hungry." I linked my finger with hers. "You don't mind, right?" I grabbed her index finger, it had been the first into the fire, and twisted it until the bones snapped.

Her screaming was music to my ears before, but now it is sounding like nails on a chalkboard. "Shut up!"

I stepped on her face and heard a snap from her nose. The broken nose only made her scream louder.

I hurriedly walked over to my line of supplies and picked up the candle. I brought it over towards the fire and lit the wick.

The wax melted and formed a small puddle on the tip. I walked towards the hog and forcefully grabbed her face. "This will shut you up." I leaned over and grabbed the needle and thread after setting the candle down to collect more wax.

I threaded the needle and broke it closer to her lips. "Now this will definitely shut you up." I pushed the needle all the way through her lips. I continued the process through the entirety of her mouth making it impossible for her to speak, but the most important part; making her unable to open her mouth.

"This will hurt more than you think." I pulled on the tread and latched my teeth onto the loose thread and pulled the needle breaking the line.

I picked up the candle with had made a decent amount of wax form a small circle at the top.

I held her head between my thighs to keep her from moving while I could work.

I brought the candle closer to lips before pouring it onto her tightly closed lips and allowing it to harden. She attempted to open her mouth only for the skin to be pulled and the "stitches" to pull on her skin.

Thankfully her screams were muffled to a now tolerable level. "That's a lot better, but while I'm at it I might as well finish with the candle." I sewed both her eyes open before I picked the candle back up and let the wax flow down onto them.

"I picked a see through candle to know if you can see through it. I know you actually can't see through it, but it is better than having a colored one." The wax dried and I threw the candle into the fire to help destroy and evidence.

"Anyway, I want food, and sadly you're the only thing around." I untied the rope around her wrists and wrapped it around the finger I was working on until I was interrupted.

I wrapped the finger as tightly as i could with the plasic rope before moving the rope back and forth like a saw.

The skin began breaking and I could begin to see the bone that I had broken. "It's okay. I'll tell you how you taste." I ripped the finger as hard as I could and the small amount of muscle keeping it attached tore off.

"At least it's cooked medium-rare." I took a heaping bite out of the appendage like eating a corn still on the cob.

The meat's texture wasn't that amazing but the flavor had me wanting more.

I ate the meat on the bone, but I purposely left a small amount of skin around the end I had torn it off from her body.

"Here, I can fix this." I picked up the needle and thread to sew the finger back onto her.

I followed this process for her entire right hand. The end result looked like some weird figure of the human skeleton from my anatomy class that wasn't fully decomposed.

"How does your blood taste like? There wasn't any in your finger." I untied her ankles and used the rope to form yet another cut onto her ankles just above her foot.

I shoved my finger up into her leg and moved it around to get the most blood on them.

I licked the blood off my fingers but I wasnt that impressed with the flavor. The blood was at a nice warm temperature but the way it stickily slid down my throat wasn't that appealing.

I pulled my fingers out of the gaping cut above her ankles and stood up. Her moving had stopped all together when I pulled my fingers out. Her breathing had slowed down also making her seem like she was asleep.

"Tch, about time you fucking passed out." I kicked her once more in the head before dragging her unconscious body over towards the flames. I set her down there before wandering out of the cave and gathering more stuff to burn in the fire.

I set a hand full of sticks on fire and placed them throughout the cave turning the back half of it into a fire pit.

I threw her body into it and walked outside and back towards the school.

The gore is over here! You missed Levi becoming a cannibal and torturing (Bitch's Name)! He lit the place on fire and left! (Highly doubt any of you skipped it though)

After my walk back to my dorm I immediately took my clothes of and washed them in my sink. I would throw them out with a few of my old clothes that didn't fit anymore.

My story about my clothes if they asked about it would be I "accidently" ruined that pair after jerking off. They wouldn't check for blood on it then, and I jerked off in it to make it more believable.

I had set my alibi beforehand and now I had something to justify that I was here.

It would take them awhile to find her body, if at all. And if they never find it the more power to me. I will make sure they never find me.

Even if I have to kill again, they will not find me.

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