By sailor__mars

15.3K 436 25

"Angel, oh oh oh. Knew you were special from the moment I saw you." {angel by the weeknd} in which the younge... More



2.8K 91 4
By sailor__mars


The blonde English girl drove around the town of Beacon Hills in search of a home to live in. It hasn't been long since she fled her home in Mystic Falls, Virginia in which her family lived in. Adelaide Mikaelson was known as being an Original, the first and powerful vampires that walked the earth for a thousand years. After successfully finding a home to live in, Adelaide compelled the Home Estate owner to give her the house and soon moved in. Although the original looked no older than eighteen, she decided it was best to enroll into school to fit in with the community.

The next morning, Adelaide woke up and got ready for school. Finally arriving to Beacon Hills High School, she parked next to a Porsche. Opening the door to her Land Rover, trying not it hit the car with her door, she heard a voice calling out to her, "Hey! Watch the paint job."

Adelaide glared at the boy, venom lacing her accent, "Wouldn't want to ruin the car mummy and daddy got you, wouldn't we?," she smirked and walked towards the entrance.

The vampire halted, she smelt blood, although having control of her hunger, she was thirsty. The vampire decided to walk towards where the smell was coming from, which was two boys, as one of the boys with the buzz cut was saying, "Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since - Since the birth of Lydia Martin," he saw Adelaide walking towards them, "And now since I saw her. Is she walking towards us?"

The blonde smiled at the boy as she spoke, "Hi, I was wondering if you knew where the office was? I'm Adelaide."

The cute freckled spaz gaped at her as his friend spoke up, "I'm Scott, this is Stiles. Uh, the office is through those doors to your left."

Adelaide smiled at Scott, saying a small thank you while walking away, listening to what Stiles said to Scott, "She's English, Scott. English!"

The vampire walked in the office, compelling the secretary to enroll her into the school. Soon after getting her schedule, the woman told her to wait outside for the vice-principal with the other new student. Adelaide sighed, walking outside where a girl that looked her age waiting outside on the phone. Adelaide sat down as the girl gave the vampire a shy smile while hanging up then standing up as she saw the vice-principal approaching them, "Sorry to keep you two waiting," the girl and he was exchanging a couple words as they were walking towards their class, "So you were saying San Francisco isn't where you grew up?"

The girl, who Adelaide yet needed to learn her name, said, "No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family."

The vice-principal turned to Adelaide, "And you came from Mystic Falls, Virginia, correct?"

Adelaide nodded, "My family came from England when their child have gotten sick and passed. A couple years after living here they had more children."

As the trio approached their class, the vice-principal said, "Well, hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while," then soon opened a door, which must have been their homeroom, "Class, these are our new students, Allison Argent and Adelaide Mikaelson. Please do your best to make them feel welcome."

There were two seats opened, one behind Scott and the other in front of Stiles. Adelaide decided to take the one in front of Stiles and Allison took the one behind Scott.

Adelaide looked around a bit, before seeing Scott handing Allison a pen, she recalled Allison asking her if she had a pen and Adelaide told her she only had one. How did Scott know she needed a pen?


Adelaide decided to walk with Allison to her locker since they were both new and had classes together, until a red-head approached them, "That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?"

Allison looked at Adelaide before turning to the red-head, "My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco," the girl turned to Adelaide, examining her outfit before gasping, "Your shoes! Where did you get them?"

Adelaide smirked, "A gift from my brother for doing something he wasn't supposed to do."

The girl smiled, "And you two are my new best friends," someone walked up to the red-head, full out making out with her, Adelaide looked at Allison in disgust, before the girl broke the kiss, "Hey, Jackson."

Adelaide saw Scott, Stiles and a girl, who seem to be speaking to Stiles, looking at them. The vampire decided to listen to their conversation, "Can someone tell me how the new girls are here all of five minutes, and they're already hanging out with Lydia's clique?"

Stiles soon answered, "Because they're hot. Beautiful people herd together," Adelaide smiled, seeming satisfied at his reply before listening to the conversation between Allison, the red-head, and Jackson.

The red-head, who Adelaide remembered name was Lydia, said, "So, this weekend, there's a party," Adelaide perked up at the conversation, "A party?"

Jackson spoke up, "Yeah - Friday night, you two should come."

Adelaide smirked, "Well, I'm in," before seeing the unsure look on Allison's face, "But, Allison told me she has plans this weekend, so she can't"

"Yeah!," Allison started, "It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking."

Jackson didn't look satisfied with her answer, "You sure? Everyone's going after scrimmage."

Adelaide, who looked confused, asked. "Like football?" Jackson scoffed, "Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse. We've won the state championship for the past three years."

Lydia spoke, "Because of a certain team captain."

"Such a shame," Adelaide started, "Football is such a better sport."

Jackson, who looked irritated at her answer, said, "Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is, if you two don't have anything else."

Allison spoke up nervously, "Well, we were going to-" Lydia cut her off, "Perfect, you're both coming," before grabbing both girls hands, dragging them onto the Lacrosse field.

Adelaide sighed as her phone rang, she looked and saw Niklaus in bold letters. Adelaide declined his call, which didn't go unnoticed by Lydia, "Who's Niklaus? And what kind of name is that?"

The vampire glared at the girl, "Watch your tongue. And Niklaus is my brother."

Lydia asked, "Why did you decline his call?"

Adelaide clenched her jaw, "Because he'll want me to go home with him in Mystic Falls and I don't want that."

Allison smiles a bit, "Talk to him. He'll have to face reality someday to know that you want to stay here."

Adelaide sighs, "My brother is stubborn. You see, My family is quite close, but Klaus and my father did not get on too well. We found out something that was absolutely horrid, Klaus was not my father's son. My mother had been unfaithful many years before. That was her darkest secret."

Allison exhales, "I'm sorry, that must be horrible. Who else did you tell that story to?"

The vampire scowls, "My brother, Elijah, told one he calls Elena Gilbert. When I saw her, I was not impressed. She looked like the one who played my brothers years ago. Niklaus was in love with the girl."

Lydia, who wasn't listening to the conversation between the girls gasps, "Oh! Practice is starting!"

Allison saw Scott in goal, she pointed asking Lydia, "Who's that?"

Lydia looked to see who Allison was pointing at, "Him? I'm not sure who he is. Why?"

Adelaide saw she was pointing at Scott, "That's Scott, I met him and his mate this morning. They directed me to the office."

Allison smiled at Adelaide before answering Lydia, "He's in our English class."

Adelaide saw Scott getting hit in the face with the lacrosse ball and heard Jackson yell, "Hey, way to catch with your face, McCall!"

After a while, Scott started to catch all the balls being thrown at him.

Allison states, "He seems like he's pretty good."

Lydia hums, "Oh, very good."

Adelaide looks at Scott in suspicion, "Fantastic, even."


School had ended and Adelaide drove home. Although she didn't need it, she decided to take a run in the woods. Before she could have gotten far, she heard two familiar voices.

Scott jumps in a flowing stream, "I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I, I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things."

Stiles asks him, "Smell things? Like what?"

Scott says, "Like the mint - mojito gum in your pocket. And," he smells the air for a bit, "vanilla perfume?"

Stiles looks at his best friend confused, "Vanilla perfume?" He began to look through his pockets, "And I don't even have any mint - mojito" he looked at the gum in his hand, "So all this started with a bite?"

Scott explained to Stiles, "What if it's like an infection, like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"

Stiles thought for a bit, "You know what? I actually think I've heard of this, It's a specific kind of infection."

Scott halts and looks at Stiles, "Are you serious?"

Stiles continues walking, "Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy."

Adelaide rolls her eyes and accidentally steps on a twig. Scott, hearing this stops and looks around, but sees no one, asked, "What's that? Is that bad?

Stiles nods, "Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month."

Scott looks at his best friend, "Once a month?"

"Mhm. On the night of the full moon," Stiles howls and laughs as Scott shoves him a bit, "Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling."

"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me."

"I know! You're a werewolf!," Stiles imitates a growl, "Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon."

Adelaide decides to show herself by purposely running into Stiles, "Oh! Sorry about that. Didn't know where I was going," she pauses a bit, "why are you two in the woods?"

Stiles looks at Scott before trying to make up a lie,"Uh, Scott dropped his inhaler while running here yesterday."

The vampire studies his face, "You're lying. You saw the body everyone is talking about here yesterday, didn't you?"

Stiles sighs as Scott stops and looks around, "No, I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler."

Stiles suggests, "Maybe the killer moved the body."

Scott starts looking around, "If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks."

Adelaide sees a man around Klaus' age standing behind Scott, she taps Stiles as Stiles grabs Scott.

The man demands, "What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property."

Stiles apologised, "Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know."

Scott explains, "Yeah, we were just looking for something, but uh, forget it."

The man throws Scott his inhaler as Adelaide starts following the man through the woods.

This didn't go unnoticed by Stiles, "What, Adelaide? Where are you going?"

The vampire yells towards him, "I'll see you both tomorrow. I have to talk to him."

As she got farther in the woods, she stumbled across a burnt down house. Being curious as she is, she walks towards the front door. The vampire called out, "I know you're here. It's best for you to show yourself."

The man, Derek, walks down the stairs,"I remember you. Your family is friends with my mother, aren't they?"

Adelaide smirked, "Well, counting that you haven't seen me since you were ten, you called me Aunt Addy as I recall."

Adelaide knows Derek?! You guys should've heard what was going through my mind as i wrote this istg. this is wild affff

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