Me And You?

Missmersae द्वारा

117K 2.8K 506

"Ryan let me out! I hiss and move out the way, while trying to still be quiet. Him and I both know well what... अधिक

(hunter meets Mel's parents)


3.6K 124 26
Missmersae द्वारा


Today I was watching Hunter and Ryan practice for lacrosse. Actually the whole team, but mainly Hunter and Ryan. Right now some dude just passed it to Hunter, and Hunter threw it in the goal but missed slightly. I sighed but still gave Hunter a thumbs up when he looked up at me. The coach blew the whistle signaling that practice was over, but called Hunter to talk to him. Ryan took that as an opportunity to come talk to me. He jogged over to where I was.

"Like what you saw on the field, tucker?" He asked.

I chuckled.

"I guess you were alright, I mean you weren't all that," I tease him.

"You weren't a very good cheerleader to me, but I guess you were alright," he said copying me.

I chuckled. Although I did have to give Ryan his props. He was great on the  lacrosse field, and if it wasn't for Hunter being captain, Ryan would be an excellent captain. Wait did I just- yes. I did.

"Anyway Rowan's turning 14 in a couple days." Ryan says. Rowan was Ryan's younger sister. SHe had all of Ryan's features, but in girl form.

"Oh, what are you going to do," I gushed.

"I was kinda hoping you could help me in that department," he said glancing over at me. I smiled excitedly. "Of course I'll help you, just tell what she's Interested in." I offer.

"Well she's going to be 14, so maybe a fourteen year old themed party?" Ryan suggest. At that moment I busted out laughing. To anyone passing by it would have looked like Ryan told an incredibly funny joke, but no.

"You know absolutely nothing about your sister do you?" I asked with a huge smile on my face. He shook his head no. I chuckled.

"Okay, let's meet tomorrow after school, and I'll help you plan everything. If we can plan a birthday part in 2 days." I say. A bright smile comes across his face.

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you." He says getting up.  Just then Hunter walked over to me.

"Hey," he smiled brightly at me. I returned the favor and gave him a hug.

"Great job out there today," I complimented him. As we began walking.

He gave a look that said ' yeah right' . "Okay maybe you have somethings to work on," I said trying to sugar coat things. He smiles.

"Mel, it's okay. You don't have to sugarcoat it." I sigh defeated. "IM sorry I'm just trying to make you feel better for sucking," I say.

He stopped in his tracks. "sucking? He asks with his eyebrows raised. I chuckle and try to cover my tracks when I see him stepping closer.

"I'm just kidding, im sorry," I say backing away, when he starts chasing me. But he's the lacrosse player so he obviously caught up to me.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and spun me around a few times, causing laughter to escape from my mouth. He finally put me down, and I rubbed my hands on his shirt.

"Ew you're all sweaty," I said.

He chuckled. "Deal with it."

We continued walking, until we reached the boys locker room. I waited for Hunter to finish so I could ride home with him.

You ready to go," he asks when he gets out of the lockerroom. "Yep," I said.

He took his hand into mine and we walked to his car.

While we were driving Hunter decided to start up a conversation.

"So I was wondering..." He started. I faced him and nodded my head as I sign to go on.

"Since we haven't really been on our first official date yet, if you would want to go on one? He asks keeping his eyes on the road.

A smile instantly comes to my face. "Of course, that would be amazing," I say trying not to sound too happy.

"Great I'll pick you up Thursay, wear something... He took a short pause. "Classy." He finished. I chuckled. "Okay."

"Oh yeah be ready around 7:45. I'll pick you up then." He finished. "Alright, can't wait." I said. As the car came to a stop, I reached over and gave Hunter a peck on the cheek. He smiled after, and gave me a 'see you soon' and pulled off.

I entered my house to be greeted by my mom. "Was that Hunter? She asked. I nodded my head with a smile still on my face.

"I hope I get to meet him a bit more." She says smiling at me.

I chuckle. "You will Thursday, cause that's our first date." I say all excitedly. My mom give me one of those 'okay girll.' Faces.

"A date huh? You better look good," she says.

I chuckle at her remark and go upstairs.

On my way upstairs I meet Myles.

"Date with Hunter huh? He smiles at me. I rolled my eyes.

"At least I have a date." I throw at him.

"Why throwing shade sis? He asks pretending to be hurt. I laugh at him and push past him.

I go upstairs and go sit on my bed to text skyler, and Natasha about the news. about the news.

Mel: Guess who's got their first official date with Hunter Lawrence this Thursday after school?

Nattie: No way! Congrats guys :) .

Skyler: 😉😉 my girl.

That wasn't quite the reacting I was expecting from the girls but I guess it's alright. They're probably tired of me talking about them to Hunter anyways.

I turned my phone off and sighed, I've got a date with Hunter in 2 days....😊

Ryan's POV

So a date on Thurday, huh. She just filled me in on the details. Yes, one of Melanie's friends are on my side. We worked out a plan. She can have Hunter, and I can have Melanie. It all plays out so well. I smile to myself and text Melanie.

Ryan: Hey Melanie! Can you come over Thursday to help with the decorations, not gonna take long, just a short little thing. Rowan's really excited, she won't stop talking about her birthday.

Yes I used Rowan in this plan. It was kind of a stretch, but I know Melanie would fall for it. She's always had a soft spot for Rowan.

Mel: Of course! I'll come by after school!

I smiled. Everything is going according to plan. Before they know it, Hunter and MELANIES relationship will come crashing down. And I'll be there to pick it all up for Melanie. And she'll be there to pick up for Hunter. Just like how it's suppose to be.

HEY GUYS! Who do you think is working with Ryan? Natasha or Skyler??

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