Monochrome Love (A Laughing J...

By BloodSapphire

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Kaylee is depressed and suicidal. What will happen when Laughing Jack comes into her life? More

Chapter 2 - Late At Night
Chapter 3 - It's For The Best
Chapter 4 - Sugar Rushes and Loving Family Members
Chapter 5 - Please
Chapter 6 - The Next Morning
Chapter 7 - Attack
Chapter 8 - Second Encounter
Chapter 9 - Closer
Chapter 10 - Start Talking
Chapter 11 - We're No Different

Chapter 1 - Struggles

3.2K 61 17
By BloodSapphire

[Kaylee's POV]

I got home, feeling still in shock.

I can't believe I lost my job... How could they just shut down the company?! How could they just fire everyone without warning like that?!

How am I gonna feed Cayden?? More importantly, how will I be able to pay the bills, and the rent?! We're a month behind and will end up on the streets!!!

"Kaylee!!" My six year old baby brother said happily as he ran up and clutched to my thin legs.

"Hi sweetie, how was school??" I asked, forcing my smile.

"It was so cool!! We made birdhouses!!" he said happily as Monica, the babysitter, emerged from the living room.

My name is Kaylee Dawn Ferguson. I'm 19 years old living with my little brother, Cayden Tyler.

Our parents died in a car accident. To be honest, it was both a heartbreak and a relief, because my parents were never really good parents to me and Cayden, mostly. I was abused a lot, Cayden was neglected.

The abuse lead to me becoming suicidal and depressed, and pretty much a quiet person. I have nobody who really cares even a little bit about me, really.

But I hide the pain for Cayden's sake. I love my baby brother too much and do all I can for him to be happy. He's all I have left to fight for.

I was given custody of Cayden after our parents died.

"That's great, baby," I said, kissing his cheek. "Listen, why don't you go upstairs while I talk with Monica, okay?"

He nodded and scurried off.

I pulled out two $20 bills from my bag and hand it to Monica.

"I'm afraid I can't ask for your help anymore, Monica," I said, placing the money in her hand. "They closed the company down."

"Oh Kaylee, I'm so sorry," Monica said. "If that's the case, then I can't take this."

"No, no, take it. It'll be alright," I said.

Monica hesitated, but puts the money in her pocket. "Good luck."

I nodded a thank you as she left.

I sigh as I made some Mac and cheese for Cayden, then serving it with apple juice.

"Cayden, dinner!" I called out.

He came bounding down the stairs and started to scarf down the gooey and cheesy pasta.

I grabbed a water bottle and sat at the couch while Cayden ate and watched the news.

"Breaking news tonight, a 5 year old boy murdered in way not even serial killers in the past or in a movie killed their victims and is leaving officials baffled and even had 3 officials of forensics quit on the spot and sent to the hospital for continuous nausea and vomitting. 5 year old Tyson Holland was found dead this morning by his parents in the most shocking and horrifying manner. They young boy's blood splattered the walls, and the blood kept spelling words of laughter, and only a few organs were recovered, along with half of a brain. But what led to the resignation of the 3 forensic officials was the body of the child which, and I am not lying about this, was stuffed with candy. You heard right, folks. Autopsy revealed organs were scooped out and replaced with candy. What leaves police baffled was that there was no evidence of a killer or signs of a break in at the scene, and the identity of the murderer is unknown. Drawing created by the child only reveal a strange monochromatic clown the parents say the child saw in his nightmares, but can't lead to anywhere. Investigation continues, and it is advised that all families lock all entrances of their homes, especially in their children's rooms. More news tonight at 11. Now back to the studio," the reporter said.

I gulped nervously and looked at Cayden before getting up and starting to lock doors and windows.

Just great. First I loose my job, now some psycho is turning kids into piñatas. Just what I needed.

I locked Cayden's window shut, pulling the storm shield down, too, when Cayden walked in.

"Whatca doin', sissy??" he asked.

"Well, there's a bad man out there, so I'm making sure he doesn't get in to hurt you," I said.

"Oh, ok, but what about you??" he asked.

I sigh. "Don't worry about me, baby, I'll be okay," I said. "Better me than you anyway."

"NO! I won't let the bad man take my sissy!!" he shouted, then grabbed his baseball bat and hugged my leg.

I giggled and kneeled down, hugging.

"My brave little Batman," I smiled, kissing his forehead.

He smiled and kissed my cheek before I sigh sadly.

"Cayden, I need you you know that I lost my job," I said.

His face fell. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, sweetie. They just didn't need me anymore, I guess."

"They're stupid heads! But don't worry. I need you, Kaylee," he said.

At that moment, I literally tried not to cry, but i lost and ended up sobbing and clutching to my baby brother, who held to me, comforting me.

I don't deserve him. I don't deserve someone as sweet as Cayden. Not even as a brother.

"I love you so much, Cayden," i cried.

"I love you, too, Kaylee. Now, don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry," he said.

I pulled back, and took a deep breath, wiping my eyes and smiling.

"Sorry for crying," i said.

"It's okay. Come on, let's go watch Iron Man," he said.

"Okay, but then its off to bed," I said.

He nodded and we went on ahead to watch Avengers movies.

Soon, Cayden fell asleep on my lap, and then I carried him to bed, checking his window again and other entrances, making sure everything was secure and locked before going to my room.


Picture on the side is Kaylee------>>

Starting another CreepyPasta story!!

Rated R for triggering and graphic scenes, and other stuff that will be mentioned along the way.

I will be continuing this after I am almost done or complete with my Jeff the Killer story.

Be sure to also read my Jeff the Killer story. Its called 'Daughter of the Killer Family'

♡~S.V.A. ^.^=

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