The Real Ghostbusters

By Copercurlz

19.6K 326 327

Thought the adventurers with the Ghostbusters was over? Wrong! Join them once again in this book filled with... More

1: Present
2: Venkman's Ghost Repellers?
3: Cold Cash and Hot Water
4: A Date
5: Louis' New Look
6: Back to Normal
7: Happy Birthday Natalie and Egon!
8: The Trip
9: The Snow Queen?
10: Demon Inside
11: Fail
12: Cry Uncle
13: Where Oh Where Has My Little Nat Gone?
14: The Ghostmaster
15: Getting Hitched?
16: Look Homeward, Ray
17: Ellen or Grance
18: Hope This Works
19: Moaning Stones, Dragons, and Books
20: The Boogieman Cometh
21: The Boogieman is Back!
22: Lick is Back
23: Interview
24: Cupid
25: Love is in the Air
26: The Sky
27: Ligen is Back?
28: Where Are They?
29: I Love You
30: Hero
31: Egon!
32: What Happened?
33: The Nightmare
34: Mrs. Spengler
35: Ruby Wells
36: The Ghost of Wells Manor
37: Souls
38: Wanna Play Dollie?
39: Princess Bubblegum-pow
40: About Time!
41: I'm Sorry
42: The Big Guy
43: Egon's Gone Bye-Bye!
44: Ellis Spengler
45: Natalie?
46: The Truth
47: I Don't Know Anymore
48: Don't Think Like That
49: It Wasn't Real
50: Home Sweet Home
51: That's Not True
52: Can't Help But Wonder...
53: Natalie Grey
54: A Wish Came True
55: Well...
56: Getting Back On My Feet
57: Earthquake
59: Stop it!
60: Ceremony
61: The Blue Gel
62: Last Words

58: Natalie's Boyfriend?

231 3 18
By Copercurlz

*Ray's pov* 

"Do you think that this ghost will be back?" I asked Egon. We were tracking a chysena, a dangerous ghost. The others were behind us, watching us work, being smart and staying out of our way. 

"I'm not sure," Egon answered. "It might if it finds a new victim to eat. Poor girl, wish we could have saved her." 

The chysena was a dangerous type of ghost, being a class eight.  It took girls with good, clean hearts, pure hearts. The purer the better. What it did to those girls was ate the hearts and slowly turned those 'good girls' into new chysenas. It has come to New York and has taken one victim already. We had to stop it before it took more. At least we only had one. When a chysena is made, it can't stay in the place it was made. So far New York only had one. 

"We all wish we could safe her," Peter sighed. The alarm went off and we all ran down and got it. We rode off in Ecto 1 and soon came to a stop in front of an old warehouse. 

"Does anyone even live here?" Natalie asked strapping on her pack. "Or own this?" 

"Should," Winston answered. We all walked in, looking around for any sign of a ghost. We looked around, not seeing a sign of human life either. 

"Maybe there is nothing," I said, but Egon's meter went off, making us look down. He pulled it out and we followed him to the spot the ghost was. We looked up and gasped. 

"The chysena!" Egon called. 

We were facing a large purple monster. It had a red line down it's back, the number of stems it had leading out of that one line depending on the number of hearts eaten. This one had twelve. The large, spider-like eyes were looking at us, glaring. It's large tentacles were looking for something. It was a large creature. It charged at us. 

"Don't let it escape!" I called and we all tried to blast it. It looked at one of us, almost like it wanted to take them. But they couldn't because they were bound to woman's hearts only. Someone blasted it, and it went through the roof. 

"Escaped again!" Nat cried. Now it was free to take its next victim. 

"Oh well," Peter sighed. "It will be back. Now let's go find out where we can get paid!" 

We walked out and saw a man in a purple shirt looking around. His eyes looked black, almost like they never had color to them. His skin was pale and he was looking at something. He looked up when we came out and smiled at us. 

"Hello," he said, "are you the Ghostbusters?" he looked at every single one of us and looked at one of us with joy. It was Natalie. "Well aren't you a pretty thing?" 

"Thank you," she said laughing a bit. He took her hand and kissed it. 

"Chris Ericst. What would you're lovely name be?" 

"Natalie Spengler." 

"Hello?" Peter asked, but he was looking into Natalie's eyes, almost like he was staring into her soul. Egon placed his hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him. 

"We really need our pay if you own this building," Nat told him. He sighed and shock his head. 

"I don't have enough money to pay you fine men and lovely lady," he told us winking at Natalie. She smiled a bit. 

"Well maybe we could work something out," Natalie told him. This wasnt' how Nat usually asked. It was almost like she was under his control, putty in his hands. 

"Like what?" Chris asked. 

"Maybe you could treat me to a night on the town," she said placing her hands on his chest. That made us gasp. 

"Natalie!" Peter cried. 

"Hm?" she asked not looking at us. 

"What about Louis?" I asked her. 


"You know, the man you plan to marry!" Winston said trying to knock some sense into her. 

"Oh it's just for one night," she said waving us away has Chris took her arm into his own. "It's not like it would hurt anything. Besides, I'm sure one good night will pay for us showing up. I'll see you guys later," she told us walking off with a man she was so pulled into that she just meant. He just started at her. 

"Something's wrong with that girl," Peter spoke up and put his pack in the car. We all followed and drove off to the firehouse. Janine and Louis looked up, noticing that Nat wasn't with us. 

"Where is she?" Louis asked, worry in his voice. Oh boy. 

"Well she went on a... date," Peter mumbled. Louis looked wide eyed at him. 

"A date? My future wife went on a date with another man?" Louis asked. We nodded. He sank down into his chair like his knees were going to give out. I placed my hand on his shoulder. 

"It's okay," I told him. "She's probably not going to have a good time anyway." 

It was a few hours before she came back. When she walked in she had a huge smile on her face, almost like she was in a trance. She sat down and looked up at Janine, a flower in her hair. She was humming a song, something I have never heard before. She took Janine's hand in her own. 

"Isn't life wonderful?" Natalie asked her, laughing. Janine just looked like she had three heads. 

"Have you forgotten something?" Louis asked her, clearly angry at her. 

"Hm?" she asked, not really looking at him. 

"You may have forgotten your, I don't know, future husband!" he cried. She giggled at him. She slipped her ring off and placed it in her hand. 

"I didn't forget you," she told him standing up. "I just don't want to be with you. Chris just treats me so much better. I'm sorry," she told him not sounding sorry at all. She started to giggle again and walked up the stairs in a very happy mood, even though she just broke the heart of the guy who loved her. All because she may have a new boyfriend. 

I got my grove back! Sorry it took a while to get it up. I thought I posted yesterday, but turns out it didnt' post. Whoops. So I hope you liked the chapter. That's all I got to say. Peace out my Stars! 

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