Pride and Arrogance: Berkut x...

By Nikki-Insanity

14.7K 331 126

(Y/n) is a Rigelian noble that meets Lord Berkut at a ball her family was invited to. Through multiple intera... More

Update but not update
Not a Fan of Parties
Promise to visit
Adventure with Massena
Berkut Returns
Way of the sword
"She's mine"
Winter in Rigel
Winter Ball
Change in purpose
Preparing for Ambush
The Time Has Come
"Taking it easy"
Gradual Insanity

Palace Adventure

1.2K 27 11
By Nikki-Insanity

We made our way inside, Berkut's face returning to his prideful look as we found my uncle and discussed my relocation. My uncle was delighted to hear of my decision to stay with the lord, and supported my decision.

"You're growing up, (y/n). You've become a fine young woman and now you've found your place in the palace." He put his hands on my shoulders, looking to Berkut. "Take care of her. She doesn't have much family left."

"I'll take good care of her. I promise."

Berkut and I had left my uncle's manor, now riding to the palace.

"I'll send someone after your belongings. For now, I'll let you explore the palace when we arrive." He held my hand as I admired the passing scenery. Nearing the palace, the manors grew rarer and open fields with many riders with their horses roamed the land around the palace.

"The paladins in training are practicing holding their weapons while riding today. I will be out there later today with the higher ranking knights to train. You can come with me and watch, if you'd like to after we explore."

I smiled and nodded to him, admiring the riders as they moved in formations and held their weapons with pride.

Once we had arrived at the palace, Berkut helped me out of the carriage and walked me inside. "I shall join your adventure shortly; I must notify my uncle of your presence and tend to some errands before I can join you. I promise to make it up to you, my lady." He bows to me, turning swiftly and marching off to the throne room.

Time to explore again.

Instead of heading the way to the ballroom, I went down the opposite hallway. Many guards gave me suspicious looks, but paid me no mind. After a series of twists and turns, I had found myself near the back of the palace. Outside was a garden and beyond that and off to the side, facing the fields out front, was the stables and garrison.

The garden had a large variety of flowers, many of which I couldn't name because I've never seen them before. There was a fountain in the center with a marble dragon sculpture as the centerpiece; rose bushes of multiple colors circled around the fountain.

I must have been admiring the garden for a while, for when I turned to return inside, Berkut was striding towards me; his arrogant masque fading as he noticed me.

"How did I know you'd be out here?" He smiled and took in the sight around him as well, letting out a relaxed sigh. "I always come here to clear my head after dealing with stressful work."

"It's very nice, Berkut. I could stay here and wander around for hours on end."

"But as promised, I'll show you around the rest of the palace and then off to training I go." Berkut took my hand and led me back inside, showing me multiple rooms I had missed and taking me upstairs to show me the library, his uncle's study, and the large balcony overlooking the palace.

"Now then, shall I entertain you for a while, my lady?" He beckoned me once again to follow him to the stables where his black stallion was waiting for us.

"My, what a beautiful creature." Reaching my hand out, I rubbed the stallion's head, receiving a nose nudge as a greeting.

"He likes you. I suppose he has taken a liking to you because of me. He usually detests other people." Berkut climbs up into the saddle, holding his arm out to help me up in front of him. After settling myself, we rode down to the fields, Berkut pointing out random things he found interesting as we went.

Upon arrival to the training fiels, Berkut let me down, and made his way to the other riders a little ways away. I settled myself in the grass on the hill he convienantly placed me on and watched as the riders lined up and started their training.

Berkut was up first as he sparred against a younger man with a sword. I couldn't tell his expression, but I could hear his laugh from here as he readied his lance. The two weapons collided, sending a few sparks here and there as the two knights relentlessly attacked each other.

Berkut had seen an opening and knocked the younger rider off his horse, securing a win for himself. He looked in my direction, and I clapped for him. He was very skilled, and deserved appreciation for his hard work. It took a lot of practice to fight using a lance.

The commander of the training session followed Berkut's gaze, then turnes back to the dark paladin and spoke to him. I was too far away to hear their words, but their conversation must be about my presence.

The commander waved Berkut away, and the paladin rode over to me. He had a smile on his face as he approached.

"That was impressive, Berkut."

"Thank you. My teacher was asking about you, so I enlightened him and he has no problem with you watching my training sessions." Berkut scoots back in his saddle, pulling me up and helping me get settled.

"We can go wherever you want for the rest of the afternoon. The reins are all yours, and he will follow your every command." Berkut explained to me and handed me the reins.

I rode around the training field, watching the other trainees, then turned and wandered around the garrison. I let the horse wander where he wanted so I could take in my surroundings and marvel and the sight before me. When I turned to look back at Berkut, I was met with the sweetest smile I've ever seen.

(The picture is a drawing I did of the little cinnamon roll while
writing this part. He needed some love)

His eyes sparkled in the light of the afternoon sun, and never strayed from me, while his smile was the most genuine I've seen from him like he's marveling over a work of art that he would be able to see for the rest of his life.

"I'm glad to have you at my side, (y/n). With you, I will never have to prove my strength or worth to you by being cold and arrogant."

"You don't have to prove anything to me, Berkut. You don't have to be strong to catch my eye. You did that by just being yourself."

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