Uzumaki-sama .The Uzukage (It...

By Perseades26

530K 15.6K 2K

Throughout his whole life he has been beaten, stabbed, rejected, hated and much more. But he has learned to i... More

What has she done?
Start over
Meeting them part 1
Meeting them part 2
To impress a man is by their stomach
I have a plan
The gaki's smart
God damn it Itachi
2 years later
Long time no see Baachan..
Together again
Kushinas rage
The dream and father
Kami no me
Midnight visitor


19.1K 571 17
By Perseades26

We walked together in silence until we made it to the bottom of the stair well. I was confused until she said "Kai.". Then another stairwell revealed itself going even lower. Then we made it to a door at the bottom that had writing on it. 'Hokage only.' It also had a blood seal on it. Which she swiped her freshly spilled blood on which unlocked the door. I then blinked at the sudden brightness. It was very bright from the lights. As we walked I noticed there was 2 doctors that walked out of a room both in white coats. "Hokage-sama. We just checked Ku-" They then looked at me surplexed. "Uhh... Ho-" "He knows. Continue." Then they sighed. "Alright. We just checked Kushina-samas vitals and she's doing just fine. No signs of blood clot, or anything like that. So we'll be on our way. Good day Hokage-sama." They then bowed to us and left. She then walked to the door that held my mother within it and suddenly I felt very nervous. I started fidgeting with my fingers until I felt someone lift my hand. "Its going to be alright... Let's go Naruto.." I finally inhaled a large amount of air then opened the door and almost cried at the sight before my eyes. She looked so beautiful. Her long red hair. Her pale curvy face. The only thing was.. She looked so pale. So pale that she almost looked like the sheet that was pulled over her chest. The only things notifying me that she was alive was her chest rising up and down and the beep of the monitor "Kaa..Chan..." A barely audible whisper left my mouth. I then went to kneel beside her bed. Of course Baachan knew I needed some time alone so she left without a noise. I then buried my head into her red hair that was overflowing, falling off the bed. And started sobbing. "Kaa...Chan.. W-when are you going to wake up?.…. I need you.... Please.. Wake up.. Mom.." Then suddenly all I heard was a deafening beep from the machine. My eyes shot wide in terror. "MOM!!!!!!" She was flat lining.

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