I'll Show You Love: Just The...

By AnneeLynn

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This is a story about a girl named Madeline meeting this boy, who she then found out was famous, named Nathan... More

Girls Night Out (Chapter 1)
Expect The Unexpected (Chapter 2)
Thought You'd Never Call (Chapter 3)
Like A Satellite (Chapter 4)
Brad (Chapter 6 - Part 1)
Brad (Chapter 6 - Part 2)
I'll Protect You (Chapter 7)
Are You Serious? (Chapter 8)
This Isn't Real (Chapter 9 - Part 1)
This Isn't Real (Chapter 9 - Part 2)
A Loss For Words (Chapter 10)
I'm Sorry (Chapter 11)
This Heartbreaker (Chapter 12)
A Hot Mess (Chapter 13)
Just By The Look In His Eyes (Chapter 14)

I Don't Think I Can Wait That Long (Chapter 5)

864 7 1
By AnneeLynn

Chapter 5:

~ Madeline's P.O.V ~

- Monday, April 30th. 7:00pm -

For the first time, I’m actually ready on time and I still have a half hour to spare.

I’m just waiting for Paige to come here. I gave Nathan my address; he and the boys are going to pick us both up from my place.

Hopefully they don’t get lost though. My house is basically in the middle of this humungous neighborhood, there are so many streets and parks.

All of a sudden my doorbell starts to ring like crazy. It sounded as if I were in a fire drill or something!

I bet you it’s Paige, who else would it be? I run down the stairs towards the door. “Chill woman! The doorbell hasn’t done anything to you so stop murdering it!”

Ignoring my comment, Paige replies “Where are they? Are they here yet?”. “No they’re coming at 7:30 Paige, and it’s only... 7:06!”

Paige looks awfully dressed up tonight. She was wearing a short skirt, a flowy top, and heels.

I wouldn’t blame her though; we’re going out with one of the biggest names in the music industry!

But I could care less; I just had on a plaid shirt, a new pair of jeans, and my vans.

After chilling in the living room, waiting for the boys to come; my phone starts ringing. “They’re here!” I reject the call, grab Paige’s hand and run out the door.

Tom was driving, with Max in the seat beside him; I wasn’t surprised. Nathan was in one of the middle seats, and Jay and Siva’s in the back.

There was an empty seat beside Nathan & an empty seat in the back with Jay & Seev.

Paige runs over to the car like a maniac with a huge smile across her face. She opens the door and greets the boys.

She takes the seat beside Nathan. I shrug my shoulders and hop into the car and sit in the back with Jay & Siva.

The whole ride, we cracked jokes and got to know each other more.

We talked liked we’ve known each other forever, even though we SURELY haven’t.

Once we got there and paid for a lane, and shoes, we had to wait for a free lane.

We decide to go to the room in the far back. It had a couple of arcade games, and a pool table. We all left our things against the wall; no one would have taken anything. All 7 of us played a game of pool until a lane was free.

After about 15 minutes, they called us and said we could take lane 13.

“Oh great, lane 13. What a lucky lane.” Max said sarcastically.

“ALRIGHT! What shall our nicknames be?!” Siva asked with a big smile while rubbing his hands together.


Max:  I’ll be ... FLOPPY FISH!


*Madeline & Paige looks at each other*

Paige: ... ugh, I think we’ll just... keep our names..

Siva & Nathan: Ugh yeah we will too!

Madeline: Nuh uh Seev! You’ll be The Diva & Nathan... you can be... MICROMIDGET!

*Siva & Nathan looks at each other with wide open eyes*

Nathan: Whaaatt! Noo! That’s even worse than Baby Nathhhhhh!

Paige: Yeah well, Too bad!

Siva: Man, You guys are the worst!

*Max & Jay starts dying of laughter*

Nathan: Oh zip it! You’re a bird, and you’re fish.

*1 hour later* 

My stomach hurts! I can’t stop laughing!

It was our last turn and Jay wanted to throw the ball as hard as he could just for the sake of it. But as he swings his arm back, he accidently sacked Tom with the bowling ball!

Oh man, this is like an ab workout! The whole night, I don’t think any of us went a minute without laughing!

“Alright, you guys take off your shoes, and I’ll go grab our things!” I shouted at them while jogging back to the arcade room.

I pick up all our bags and jackets and right when I turn around, Nathan was standing barely an inch in front of me.

*GASP* “For fuck sake Nathan! Don’t do that! Almost gave me a freakin’ heart attack! Geez!” He smiled but didn’t say a word.

He just started staring deep into my eyes. His green eyes were so beautiful, but I snap out of it before it got awkward. 

“Hey? I think they’re waiting for us. Let’s go!” I said quickly looking away.

Before I could start to walk away, he grabs my wrist. “Wait. Can I talk to you for a second?” he asks.

My heart started racing insanely. “Yeah sure Nath! What’s up?” I put a couple of the heavy bags down.

“Uhm, I know we just got to know each other and all, but I’ve –“ He gets cut off.

“GUYS. Let’s go!” Paige said as her head was peeking into the room.

“KAY! COMING! ... You can tell me another time Nathan, they’re waiting for us!” I pick up the rest of the stuff and start walking back.

“I don’t think I can wait that long...” I heard him whisper. “What?” I said looking back. “Nothing, let’s go.”

I continue walking back. I can hear Nathan following behind me, but he didn’t say another word.

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