I Don't Deserve You (A Jamilt...

By Superwholockfan19

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Book Two of The Macaroni Series *Must read Book One (Puppies Bring Love) before you read this one* Alexander... More

Chapter 1: The Coffee Shop
Chapter 2: Together & Late Nights
Chapter 3: Southerners
Chapter 4: As Trusting or As Kind...
Chapter 5: Bad Breakups
Chapter 6: Jefferson's Favorite Frenchman
Chapter 7: Hangovers, Angry Frenchmen, and Apologies
Chapter 8: Advice
Chapter 9: Flowers, Misunderstandings, and Square One
Chapter 10: How to Fix a Relationship
Chapter 11: Monticello
Chapter 13: A Very Special Date
Chapter 14: Road Trip!!!
Chapter 15: Welcome to Monticello
Chapter 16: A Day at the Beach Pt. 1
Chapter 17: A Day at the Beach Pt. 2
Chapter 18: Video Games and Emotions
Chapter 19: Rage and Storms
Chapter 20: Visiting the Family
Chapter 21: Resparking the Flame
New Story
I've been tagged
Merry Christmas
New Story-unrelated
Update - Please Read
New Story
New Story-still unrelated

Chapter 12: No Phone Policy

499 23 17
By Superwholockfan19

“What do you mean you’re leaving!?” James cried.

“Relax, it’s only for a week and we leave Friday,” Thomas explained.

“Wait wait wait, mon ami, we? As in you and Alexander?!” Lafayette asked confused.

“Look, I know it sounds crazy, but we both really want this relationship to work and...I think taking a break from the world is how to do it.”

“So you’re gonna go all the way to Virginia?” James asked. “And you’re asking us not to call or text you? Even if there’s an emergency?”

“Jemmy, what kind of emergency would you need me for?” Thomas raised an eyebrow.

“This is a terrible idea, mon ami!” Lafayette yelled. “You’re gonna be stuck with him for a whole week! Aren’t you trying to move on and let him go?!”

“I tried that, but I can’t let go, not yet.”

“I can’t believe you’re going home without me,” James pouted. “It feels like decades since I’ve last stepped foot in Monticello.”

“Same. I would invite you and Aaron, but I kinda need nobody to be there. This trip is about getting our relationship together and hopefully when we return, we’ll be all smiles and kisses again.”

“...well, I wish you best of luck,” James smiled.


“Laf, I know you care about me, and I thank you for that, but I know what I’m doing,” Thomas tried to convince him.

“Fine...alright, as long as you’re okay with this...then you have my full support,” Lafayette said hesitantly.

“Thank you, Lafayette,” Thomas hugged his French friend.

“But if he causes you any more trouble, feel free to give us a call,” Lafayette reminded him before he hugged back.

“I will.”


“Let me get this straight...you and your ex-boyfriend are going far away for a week and we’re not allowed to call or text you!?” Hercules asked.

“Yeah, pretty much,” Alex shrugged.

“And this was Thomas’ idea?” Aaron questioned confused.

“Mmhm. He wants to fix the relationship just as much as I do and he thought the best way to do so was to isolate ourselves,” Alex replied. “Look, I know what I'm doing and he knows what he's doing.”

“What if this doesn't work? What if this makes it worse?” Hercules worried.

“If it doesn't work out, we're just going to be friends,” Alex smiled. “We both agreed to that.”

“So...Virginia?” Aaron asked.

“Yeah. We’re going to his mansion called Montice-”

“Trust me, I’ve been around Thomas long enough to know about Monticello. That man is so proud of making the blueprints.”

“Wait, he made his own mansion?” Hercules asked surprised.

“Yeah, he didn’t build it, but he supervised everything,” Alex replied with a proud smile.

“That's honestly really cool,” Hercules commented.

“That's what I said,” Alex chuckled.

A knock on the door, interrupted them.

“Come in,” Alex said and none other than Thomas Jefferson walked in.

“Oh...sorry, I'll come back later,” he said once he saw the meeting being held.

“No, no, it's okay. What did you need?” Alex asked sweetly.

“Your phone.”

“Why do you need my phone?”

“This trip is about erasing ourselves from the world, so there's a no phone policy.”

“Wait, wait, wait, that's ridiculous,” Alex laughed. “You expect me to ride with you for six hours without my phone?”

“Yup! Don't worry, I'm leaving my phone too,” Thomas included. “I just gave mine to Jemmy.”

“We’re not leaving until tomorrow evening,” Alex commented.

“We can start early, “ Thomas shrugged.

“And what if there's an emergency?”

“We’ll use the phones I have there.”

“How will we take pictures?”

“I have one of those cool Polaroid cameras,” Thomas smiled.

Alex’s face lit up. “Those cameras that print out the pictures and you shake them to make it clear!?! I love those cameras!!!”

Thomas laughed at his response.

“Burr, take my phone!” Alex handed Aaron his phone.

“Why me?” Burr asked.

“Cuz I know you're careful!”

“Alright...that's pretty much all I had to say,  so, uh...get rested up, we have a busy day tomorrow.”

“You get some sleep too,” Alex commented before Thomas left.

“I'm more concerned about you though!” Thomas retorted.

Alex laughed then turned to the two guys in front of him, who were smiling at him.

“What?” he asked awkwardly.

“I think this plan will work,” Hercules replied.

“He still looks at you like you're his angel,” Burr smirked. “And vice versa.”

Alex blushed and rolled his eyes, while the two of them laughed at him.


(749 words)

Another short chapter, sorry. In other news, the STEVEN UNIVERSE ALBUM IS FINALLY HERE!!!! Ahem, sorry. I'm hype as hecc, man! I'm listening to Here Comes a Thought atm! Love Estelle's voice! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! You know what to do if you did! Love you guys and see you all on Monday! Bye!

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