
Autorstwa urfavkidd

16.5K 214 138

Will these two lovers ever get the chance to be together or will there always be something or someone in the... Więcej

Thoughts of You (cont.)
The Day After
Moving Forward

Thoughts of You

995 35 17
Autorstwa urfavkidd

Tonight is the big night. It's the night that Toni will be returning to the big stage and performing for the first time in years.

When Toni married Keri Lewis, member of the famous group Mint Condition, Keri decided that it was best for her to take a break from her music career and just focus on their marriage and expanding their family. Toni, who was well into her career, had happily agreed. She was so ready to be a mother and to kick back and enjoy the fruits of her labor. Being a mother was everything to her, but even with all the joy that motherhood brought, she missed singing and being in the spotlight doing what she loved, so tonight was her special night. Now that her sons were older, she felt like it was time to make a comeback. She was still young and was still that girl. She was ready to prove to everyone and to herself that she still had it. And this event was the perfect opportunity.

Tonight's show would be like the old BET awards shows. Back in the '99 and early 2000s when EVERYONE would come out to support each other and have an absolute blast together.

Everyone who is anyone will be at tonight's event. Legends as big as Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Prince, Mariah Carey, Aretha Franklin, Patti LaBelle, TLC, Gladys Knights, Luther Vandross, Tina Turner, and etc. The list of the greatest artists to ever do it just goes on. With a lineup so amazing, Toni couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. She had been out of the game for quite some time, but luckily her vocal coach had helped her tremendously, and she of course had the support of her loving family and millions of fans.

Yet, out of all the hundreds of people that will be in attendance tonight, there is only one person she's nervous about seeing. It was her old lover, manager, business partner, and who she used to consider her dearest friend, Kenny Edmonds. Kenny had always been someone Toni could rely on in and outside of the entertainment world, but when she announced that she was getting married and putting her career on hold for a while, Kenny and Toni's relationship took a turn for the absolute worst. He was absolutely against her decision and had told her as such in a not-so polite way. He couldn't believe she was marrying someone, especially since he thought he was the one she loved.

The thing that you might find funny though is that Kenny was a married man himself at the time, but he wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Yet Toni did love him. So loved him so fucking much, but after years of only sneaking around with him, she started to want more for herself and had had enough. She got so tired of being his "little sister" in public, so she did what any woman in her right mind would do, she got herself a man that she could call her own.

However, that was many years ago and the old feelings/anger she had for Kenny were long gone. She's had time to heal, to move on, and to even forgive him for all the cruel things he said to her in anger. It was water under the bridge, truly.

Hopefully now that years has passed and they both have families of their own, they're be able to move forward and reconcile their friendship. Toni really does miss him and their friendship. He was the best, and she only hopes that he misses her too.


"Babe, did you go and pick up your tux from the tailor yet? The boys tuxedos were dropped earlier by mom." Toni questioned as she stored away her makeup. She glanced over her shoulder at her husband, anticipating his response. When she got no answer, she immediately knew something was up.

"Keri... You are coming with me and the boys tonight, right? ...Right?"

"Shit." Keri grimaced. "That- that is tonight, isn't it? Damn T, I'm sorry."

"Keri..." She whined, knowing what was coming next.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry but I can't make it. If I could, you know that I would, babe."

Toni's nose flared. She turned to fully face him. "And why can't you make it tonight, Keri," she asked angrily. "You know how important this is to me! You've known about this for months! You had months to get your shit together for this day!"

People had warned her not to get with him. But because she knew that she was neither perfect, she pursued the relationship with him anyway. After dating for a year, they married and together they shared two sons, Denim and Diezel. Her sons were her absolute world. Toni had given up so much of herself for the men in her life and she would do again and again for sons, but for her husband, she wasn't quite so sure.

Toni often only saw the good in people even when they bluntly did her wrong. As the years passed by, Toni realized more and more that that's what she's done with Keri through the years— forgive and forget. But, she does have love for him. Keri had stuck by her side when she needed him the most, and for that, she did want their marriage to work. She wanted so badly to prove the naysayers wrong.

"Look Toni, I said I was sorry but I have business to handle just like you do. I'll make it up to you. I swear."

Toni sighed, shaking her head. This was so fucking typical of him to cancel on her at the very last minute. It baffled her how she always had to bend and break for him, to be the perfect wife, but when it came to her, he showed little to no interest in the things that were important to her.

She was seriously getting sick and tired of being embarrassed by his inconsiderate actions which often left her to come up with some sort of excuse to why her husband wasn't ever around to support her.

"You know what, it's fine," she said, rolling her eyes. She wasn't in the mood to argue with him, nor did she have the time. "Just make sure the boys are ready before I get back. Please? I have rehearsal in half an hour. I'll be home right after to get ready with my team, so please make sure the boys actually shower and are dressed with their hair done."

"Yeah.. Sure, T."

After kissing him goodbye, she left in her black 2024 Audi to where the event was being held. At her arrival, she parked and headed inside to start rehearsal with the band and complete soundcheck with the production crew. The event was being prerecorded.

Her anger towards Keri was long forgotten once she hit the stage. Singing, being back on a stage felt so amazing. It felt like home.

In that moment, she realized she could still have the career she wanted all while being a wife and mother, too. Plenty of women did it.


Tonight's the night he'll get to see many familiar faces that he's worked with throughout the years of his career. Those who have made it to the top with him. Excitement is understatement for how he's feeling for many reasons, but mainly because he'll get to see her,

Toni Braxton. The living legend.

God he's missed her.

He remembers acting like a complete asshole when she announced that she was getting married, and although he knows that he had no right to be that way because he was the married one when they were fooling around, he felt that since he was willing to risk his own marriage to be with her, then he deserved more from her. Not her betrayal. She didn't even give him a heads up about her relationship. Kenny found out about her relationship with Keri along with the rest of the world, only months before their wedding date.

Even now, years later, it still bothered him when he thought about for too long. Toni was honestly the one he let get away and he regretted it every day. That saying "you don't miss your water til your well runs dry" couldn't be any truer.

He was soon brought out of his thoughts by his sweet little angel, Peyton Michelle,

"Daddy! Can we go now? I am starving." Peyton whined as she stood in front of her father with her hands on her hips and a pout on her face.

Kenny chuckled placing his phone down. He twisted one of Peyton's tendrils. The stylist had flat ironed her naturally curly hair, then gave her a half up-half down style and bumped her ends so beautifully. He liked this look for his baby girl. It was perfect for a girl her age.

"Yeah, let me get my shoes and jacket on and I'll be ready to go," he answered. "You look very pretty, bug," he added and twirled her around. Her fluffy yellow dress flowed with the wind.

"Thank you, daddy." Peyton giggled adorably. Warming Kenny's heart. He never wanted her to grow up.

Shortly after the daddy-daughter moment, Kenny's sons entered his room, too. They were as handsome as their father, dressed in their matching black tuxedos with their curly, dark brown hair styled to perfection. All three of his kiddos were gorgeous and Kenny knew he was blessed.

"We're ready, dad. Let's go have some fun," Dylan, the middle child said.

Brandon, the oldest, side-eyed his brother and shook his head. "Dude, tonight's gala is for old people like dad. No one is going to have fun except for them."

Kenny laughed. "What you mean old people party? You know we 'older people' can get just as turned up as you youngsters can!"

"Pops, no." Brandon cringed. "Aye, why are you so excited anyway? You usually hate these type of things. Is it because Ms. Toni going to be there," he asked, looking in Kenny's direction with a smirk.

Clearly, he was teasing his old man.

Brandon vaguely remembers Toni coming around when she and his dad used to work together. He was only a small child when she did, but he remembers.

Once he was older, he read about how close they were and even in their photos together he saw how happy they looked together. Brandon often wondered what happened between them, but he never asked his dad.

Kenny tried to play it off as he answered his son. "I don't hate these events, Bran. And I heard she was in the lineup and it would be great to see her, but I'm just excited to get on stage to perform."

With that being said, Brandon laughed and mumbled, "Yeaaah. Sure, dad."

Kenny began to laugh as well before shooing all three of his children out of his room so that he could finish getting dressed for the evening.

His kids were a handful, but he was grateful for them. They kept him on his toes and in the loop for all of the new things happening in the world. His sons, Brandon and Dylan were from his first wife, Tracey, and little Peyton was a product of his recent, ex-wife, Nicole.

Though none of his marriages worked out with the mothers of his children that didn't stop him from being a present father. He loved his kids more than anything, and no matter what their mothers had to say about him, they could never say that Kenny wasn't a fantastic father and great provider.

After they were all dressed and ready for the long and exciting night ahead, Kenny gathered his boys and princess into the limo and his driver drove them to the huge venue.

Once they arrived, they had their photos taken by multiple photographers then the kids went to sit. Kenny was fine with that as he went on a mission to find Toni. While on his search, he instead ran into his friend and old business partner, Antonio.

"What's up, Face!" Antonio said as they shared a man hug. It had been a while since they last saw each other. They caught up for a while until Kenny couldn't help himself. He just had to ask,

"Aye man, have you...have you seen Toni here yet?"

Antonio chuckled as he shook his head. Some things never change. He knew all about Toni's and Kenny's past relationship. And he knew they were both idiots for trying to deny and ignore what they had. A love like theirs was just too hard to resist. But maybe the universe had separated them to give them time to grow up and now that they were, it was time for them to be together. Who knows?

"Yeah, she and I caught up earlier, but she's gone now."

"What?!" Kenny asked shockingly. "What do you mean gone? Ain't she performing tonight?"

Before he could get any more worked up, Antonio informed him that Toni had come for soundcheck then she left, but should be back before the show started.

Damn, Kenny thought as he checked his watch.

Two hours to go until he saw her.

To help kill time, he continued to mingle with the other artist and the actors that were in the building.

"Anita... Hey!" Kenny spoke, wanting to be cordial.

Anita Baker glanced at him then rolled her eyes. "Tuh!" She laughed dryly and continued walking by him.

Kenny couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head.

"You know you got beef with her forever, right? She ain't never letting shit go." Taraji P. Henson teased.

"Oh, I know." Kenny laughed again before continuing his conversation with her. He really loved him some Taraji, she was hilarious.




It's back! Whoop-whoop! However, i am still in the process of revising this book so the updates will come sporadically.

Did you enjoy? Let me know in the comments!

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