Youngest Mikaelson Sibling •...

By Multi-Fandom-Inc

52.5K 831 68

"That's where you're wrong little brother. Someone sitting in this very room happens to have shared a bathroo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Final Note

Chapter 10

1.8K 29 3
By Multi-Fandom-Inc


                 I watch as Klaus feeds each werewolf his blood and snaps their necks. He stands back to admire his work only to be interrupted by Rays groans, "Ah, he's awake."

                 Ray stands up but quickly falls over and yells, "What's happening?" I turn him over to find blood running from his eyes and nose.

                  "Is this suppose to be happening?" I ask and let my brother see for himself.

                     Stefan walks up next to me and laughs, "So much for siring your own species."

                     "This isn't suppose to be happening. I did everything they asked! I did everything right!" Klaus yells and kicks the dirt.

Suddenly Ray shoots up and attacks Stefan. I pull him off and go to make sure that Stefan is alright. He has a large bite in his arm and he frowns, "He bit me."

"Oh yes, that does look pretty nasty," Klaus says examining the bite.

"Ya, I'm gonna need some of your blood," Stefan concludes.

"How about I make you a deal. Ray seems to have run off somewhere, if you bring him back here I'll give you my blood. If not I guess you'll just be dead," Klaus says with an arrogant look on his face.

"Niklaus, you're being a tad unreasonable," I begin but he puts his hand up.

"Off you go then." Stefan takes one final glance at us, "We need to exchange words, you and I."

"Oh exchange words? Is that what we need to do? If Stefan dies you will not hear the end of it from me," I threaten.

"I fully intend on keeping Stefan alive, but we never did get to finish that chat," Klaus point out.

"What about it, Niklaus? You reminded me off a time when we were younger, so what?"

"I believe there was a bit more than that. That was the first time I truly believed that something awful had happened to you. It hurt me to see you like that. It still does to this day," Klaus says looking at the ground.

                            "You didn't seem to believe that when you snapped Benjamins neck," I try to hold back the tears but they keep coming.

                          "You know I will not approve of anyone for you my dear sister. You deserve the best of the best," He looks into my eyes, "For what it's worth, I'm sorry I killed your 'man candy' as kids would say it now days."

                           "You call that an apology?" I ask incredulously.

                          "I call it a start. No matter how much you deny it, we are siblings. Connected by blood. I will need that connection for what is to come."

                             I'm about to ask what's coming when the hybrids begin to wake up," Oh good lord."

                           "This is not how it was suppose to be. Would you care to assist me in slaughtering the lot of them, sister?" Klaus asks smirking.

                           "A pleasure," I rip the heart out of the first one I set eyes on and take out my anger. I hit, punch, kick, attack, kill. The last one falls to the ground and I sigh, "Well what a waste of my time."

                            "We need to figure out what happened. Something obviously went wrong, or this would have worked," Klaus breaths heavily and his nostrils flare.

                             I hear the crunches of leaves and smile, "Great. Stefan's back. Let's go before you do something stupid."

                             "Not before he cures me," Stefan flatly answers and drops Rays dead body on the ground.

                                 Klaus rolls his eyes and puts his wrist to Stefan's mouth, forcefully feeding him the blood, "These young vampires, so dramatic. Which reminds me, our next stop involves a certain sister with blond hair and a knack for being annoying," Klaus smirks.

                             My smile grows,"Rebekah." 


                   "What century is it?" Rebekah appears back from her shopping spree. Count on Rebekah to come back from the dead and go shopping. In the bar we are currently shacked up at, Klaus has been showing Stefan his past and revealing secrets that bore me to death.

                      "21st, hello sister," I greet.

                       "Thea, it's been far too long. Times have been rough since you left. I was alone with Niklaus, Elijah, and Kol. Complete torture," Rebekah rolls her eyes.

"Strap in Stefan, were going to take a little trip," Klaus whispers and snaps his neck.

We hop in the semi that Klaus rented and begin to drive out of Chicago, "So Athena, tell me something," Rebekah speaks a few hours into the car ride.

                         "Nik was quite surprised to find that you'd escaped that cellar filled with vervain."

                          "Yes, how did you escape, and where did you go after that? Seems like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find you," My brother peers through the mirror and looks back at me.

                             "Well I can start by saying that a certain favorite brother of mine let me out," I say hiding a smirk.

                              "You are mistaken sister, I did not let you out of that cell," Klaus jokes and glares, "So Kol let you out. Where did you go after that?"

                               "Well, it seemed that Katrina and I were in the same position that night, so we fled together. Niklaus, did I ever mention how close you were to finding me that night? Two more steps and you would have had me," I snap my fingers and pretend to be upset, "Pity really. Even though I did end up handing your ass to you."

                                 Rebekah snorts and tries to contain her laughter, "Did I mention how much I missed you?"

                                 "Yes, but it feels good to be missed by at least one person. Good to know someone in the family still loves me," I reply and shoot Klaus a petty look.

                                  "We're here," Klaus snaps and slams the door shut.


                      "Rebekah, be a dear and fetch the Lockwood kid, alive please. He's a rather important bit to my plan," Klaus orders and Rebekah stomps off into Mystic Falls High school.

                         "What are we doing here?" I ask. I thought we were leaving Mystic Falls in the dust.

                          "Rebekah thinks that Stefan is hiding something. I intend to find out what it is," He offers me his arm, "Shall we, sister?"

                           Scoffing I walk past him and enter the building.

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