Adopted By Dan Howell and Phi...

By lrby2001

24.3K 827 520

Being a teenager isn't easy, believe me. But when you get adopted by Youtube sensations Dan Howell and Phil L... More

Best Day Ever!
Hello, Des Moines!
Show Time!
Chicago Bound!
Would You Rather... Gone Wrong
Dad Of The Year
Homeward Bound
Surprises Every Corner
Forgive and Forget
Room Designing!
Authors Note
Septiplier Away!
Jari Collab
Very Important Video
Authors Note
Is This Goodbye?
Picture Perfect
Back to Normal
Meeting 1/2
Birthday Time!
Grandma Tag (?)
Welcome Home
Special Suprise
Special someone?
coffee "date"
trouble in paradise?
the tweet
just friends? or more?
good news
boyfriend tag
happy words (?)
familiar faces
home again
matte black ;)
rose gold ;)
fight/big step
stressing out!
please read
baking and PDA
wedding planner's grandson
"I'm not okay."
fixing hearts
save the date!
friends OR foes?
castleton mall and mean girls
clearing the air
run in at the mall
interesting flight home
screaming match
reception time!
friend zoned??
address the issue
new friends and weird actions?
terrible news *trigger warning*
friendly stranger
cafe talks
waking up confused
heart eyes
Meeting with Markiplier
I'll always take care of you
sick of exes
THE (suprising) DATE!!
announcement video!
big news!!!
dress shopping!
i love you...
ask the author
the big day! :)
phone calls and morning sickness
The End of an Era
The Story Ends

drama channels and losing subs

106 6 5
By lrby2001

Even though I was unconsious, I could still hear Austin unlock the door and come in. I tried to make myself wake up, but I couldn't. I heard him say something, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. All sounds were muffled. The sound of the fans blowing to help the heat, the sound of the clock hanging in Austin and I's bedroom, the sound of complete silence. When he got close enough, I could finally understand him. "Nari! Oh my gosh." He held my wrist for a pulse. I felt him relax when he felt it, he oushed the hair out of my face as he patted a washcloth against my forehead. He was saying things like "How did this happen?" or "Who did this to you, Nari?" I wanted to answer those questions, but he would have hurt Pj if he knew. I slowly felt myself regain consiousness and I opened my eyes. Austin hugged me tighly when he saw my eyes were open. "Hey, babe. I was wondering when you were going to wake up." He forced a smile and kissed my forehead.

I smiled up at him and the look on his face grew worried. "What happened?" He finally asked me, I looked away. "I don't remember. Just that I started having an anxiety attack and then passed out." He sighed. "Did you take your medicine?" I huffed, why is everyone asking me that? "Of course I did. Trust me, I wish these would go away too." I said shortly. I tried to get up, but my whole body went limp again. "Calm down, babe. I was just asking. Did you call someone?" My body tensed, he couldn't know about Pj. "Um, yeah. I called Zoe maybe an hour ago at this point." He nodded in understanding. "Okay, good." He said, there was a few seconds of silence. "So, are you hungry?" He asks me while smiling, I nod. "Starving." He helped me up, but my body still wouldn't let me. Austin smiled and picked me up bridal style. "Don't worry. I will always be here to pick you up when you're down." I smile at him and kiss his cheek. "You're the absolute best." I say, he smiles and sits me down on the couch.

"Here is your coconut chicken." He hands me a tray with my chicken and a glass of ice water. "Thanks, Austin." I smile at him and he sits down. As I'm eating, I start thinking again. I shouldn't tell him about my call with Pj, he would freak out. But, yet again, he said he loved me as a FRIEND so there's nothing to worry about! Yeah, everything will be fine. I love Austin, Austin loves me. Everything is perfect. "What do you want to do tonight?" I ask Austin, he looks up at me with a suprised look on his face. "Probably nothing, you can't walk." He says coldly. Um okay? What was that about? "What's wrong?" I ask him, he sighs. "Nothing, Nari. Don't worry about it." He gets our plates and disappears out of the room. He comes back a few minutes later with his laptop. "Look here." He says, pointing at his screen. It's of his channel, "Okay. What exactly am I supposed to see?" He gestures towards the screen again and I look harder. My eyes scan his video titles, thumbnails, banner, profile picture... subscriber count. He's lost almost 5,000 subscribers over the course of a week.

"Oh my gosh! What happend?" I ask him, he shrugs with a grumpy look on his face. "I don't know. I haven't posted any out of line videos, have I?" He asks me, I quickly shake my head. He might use a little bit of clickbait, but he's done that for as long as I can tell. "No, have you googled your name or searched it on Youtube? Maybe someone's made a theory video about you or something?" I suggest, he smiles at me. "Good idea! Can you help me?" He asks me, I nod. "Yeah. I'll search Google, you search Youtube." We sat there for about two hours just going through any videos that mention Austin King. So far, we haven't found anything. Just when we were about to give up, I found something. "Austin, I found someone's channel from Google. This video is called 'Reasons why people hate Austin King.'" He looks at me and nods his head, to tell me to click on the video. It's one of those way too popular drama channels.

"Hello everybody and welcome to 'Reasons why people hate Austin King.' For the record, I DO NOT hate Austin King, I love his prank videos and his vlogs." The youtuber says, he looks to be in his late twenties and he had bleach blonde hair with bright blue tips. His hair looks pretty cool to be honest. "First reason, people are way too jealous about his and Nari Howell-Lester's realtionship. Their relationship is legit the cutest thing I have ever seen though, they're totally goals. Second, people think he doesn't care about his subscribers? I guess I could see that, he does a lot of clickbaiting. Everyone clickbaits, some more than others. Third reason, he's selfish. I can TOTALLY see this one. He takes advantage of his subscribers. I bet the only reason he has the subs he's gained is because of Nari..." I pause the video and turn to look at him. He looks furious. "Babe, it's a drama channel. They make up stuff to get youtuber's to give them attention." He sighs and leans back on the couch. "I know, baby. I don't know what to do." He says sadly. He's talked to me about deleting his channel before because of these drama channels.

"Make a video addressing this, it will make you feel better. Did you see all of the people supporting you in the comments?" I ask him, he shakes his head. I hand him my laptop and he scrolls through the comments. Sometimes he will laugh, other times he'll tear up, and other times he'll just sit there and smile. "See? People will always love you. That includes me." I say, kissing his cheek. "In fact, I love you way more than the rest of them." He smiles and pulls me onto his lap. "I'll make a video..." He says. "Tomorrow." I laugh and he continues kissing me. "Austin, it would be better to address this now." I say, he growls and picks me up. "Fine. You're helping me though. I have ZERO idea what to say." He says, I laugh and he carries me to our room.

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