Not What It Seems (Chase Dave...

By Writing_Babe

333K 5.5K 2.5K

Living with the Davenport's mean craziness and adventures. Continue to follow Alex through the wild adventure... More

I'm Not Leaving
Speed Trapped
Missin' The Mission
The Cousin From Hell
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
Save Me
The Rats Strike Back
Parallel Universe
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole In One
Trucked Out
The Bionic 500
Bionic Showdown
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Llama Drama
The Haunting of Mission Creek High
Perry 2.0
My Little Brother
Prank You Very Much
Twas the Mission Before Christmas
Trent Gets Schooled
No Going Back
Third Book!

Spy Fly

15.7K 252 130
By Writing_Babe

The guys and I were all down in the lab doing some last minute homework, and let's just say, we were getting frustrated. Well, Bree and I were since Chase was already done. He was just helping us with our homework. Bree started swatting something with her hand and I could tell that she was getting aggravated.

"What is that?" She asked.

Chase chuckled. "Bree, relax. It's just a fly."

She kept swatting the fly away. "Well, why is it bothering me when the foul stench of Adam is right there." She pointed to her older brother her grinned.

"Lucky undies, nine days in a row. No lightning strikes. That's science."

"That's just gross." I mumbled.

The fly kept on buzzing around Bree, causing her to keep on flailing her arms around. Leo then walked into the lab, laughing when he caught sight of Bree.

"You look ridiculous." He told her.

"Well, so would you if you had some flying thing attacking you." She countered.

"Would I?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He held out his hand and to my surprise, the fly landed in his hand.

Bree looked at his hand, eyes wide. "How'd you do that?"

"I talk to insects." He bragged. "They call me the fly whisperer."

"No they don't." I informed him.

Adam put down the bowl of cereal that he was eating and rushed over to Leo. "You can talk to flies? Ask them why bees are such jerks."

Chase walked over to Leo, looked at his bag, and pulled this cool looking container out. "Guys, Leo's messing with you. That's Mr. Davenport's Spy Fly. He designed it for re-con missions." The fly buzzed in Leo's hand and the sound was so annoying that I wanted to take a hammer, and crush it. "See, the fly's head is a tiny camera. Leo's controlling the entire thing with a track ball on this watch." He pointed to the watch Leo was wearing.

"Is there anything you don't ruin?" Leo asked.

Chase grinned. "Nope. Leo, I don't think Mr. Davenport would approve of you using his expensive gadgets as toys."

"Then he shouldn't have went to Rock N' Roll Fantasy Camp. Hello! You're almost forty. You can't rock and you're no one's fantasy." Leo replied.

Bree reached down to touch the fly. "Can I see it?"

Leo backed away from her. "Back off handsy! It needs to charge in its fly hive." He opened the container, put the fly in, and closed it.

I did a couple of more math problems before I was finally done. I slammed my notebook shut and did a little victory dance.

"You're so weird." I stopped dancing to glare at my boyfriend. "But still cute.

I smiled and pecked his lips, causing my three friends to gag. "Sometimes you guys make me want to claw my eyes out." Leo said, earning his a punch in the arm.

Leo walked over to Davenport's other desk and plugged in something. "I give you the best of Bree." He pressed something on his watch and suddenly, the screen showed Bree sleeping in her capsule, snoring. Then one with her nose pressed up against the glass, one where's she's drooling, and the last was Bree kissing the glass of her capsule. Adam and Chase were laughing and Bree just looked angry. Even I was a bit ticked off.

"I can't believe you, Leo!" Bree yelled, fuming.

"Hey, it's not my fault you sleep ugly." Leo defended.

"I swear Leo, sometimes you're an idiot." I said as I grabbed my bag. All he did was smile and wave me off before heading upstairs. I walked over to Bree who looked upset.

"Don't let him get to you, alright?" I told her softly. "Besides, when he sleeps, he looks like a demented creature."

She laughed and hugged me. "Thanks for cheering me up, but I'm so getting him back."

"Go for it." I encouraged. "But let me know if you need any help."

"You got it."

Later on in the day, Bree and I were walking down the stairs, just talking about the test that we were gonna have in physics when Leo decided to annoy us. He brought that stupid spy fly to school and he was letting it fly around us.

We were flailing our arms around, trying to hit the damn fly. "Leo, enough."

"Seriously, would you cut it out?" Bree asked, annoyed. "I can't believe you brought Davenport's fly to school. Now I have two little pests following me around."

"How could I not? He's my...wingman." Leo joked, causing me to roll my eyes.

My eyebrows rose when I spotted Chase and Adam walking towards us. Chase had a baby doll strapped to his chest and I couldn't help think that he actually looked adorable.

"Hey guys,"

"Chase," Leo said, a smirk on his face. "Have you been stealing from five year old girls again?"

Chase narrowed his eyes at my short best friend. "Haha. It's for health class. Each of us has to babysit a robo-baby for a night." The doll started crying and Chase's eyes widened. "Are you hungry? Yes you are my snoogie-woogie-boogie." He waddled over to the bench in the middle of the hallway and sat down.

"Just when we thought he couldn't get any creepier." Bree stated, causing me to chuckle.

"It cries when it's tired or hungry. I have to take care of him because if I don't I lose a point. Which of course, I haven't." Chase said, lifting up the baby's shirt, revealing a screen on the back that had a number on it. I wasn't surprised when the number was a hundred. My genius boyfriend, everybody.

"And I won't because I've downloaded every child care book available. I even know how to rescue a baby out of an alligator's mouth." Chase continued to explain. He started feeding the baby and Adam gave him a strange look. "It happens more often than you think."

"So, where's your baby?" Bree asked Adam. "Lost it already?"

Adam laughed. "No! You really think I'm that irresponsible?" He lifted up his book bag. "It's in here. I named him Shut Your Cry Hole. That way whenever I say his name, he'll know when to stop crying."

"You keep your baby in your bag?" Leo asked.

Adam grinned. "Yeah. It's super toasty, books to read when he's bored, and it's totally safe." He pulled out his baby and I immediately shuddered. There was a bunch of crap sticking to it. Poor baby. "You found my gum!" Adam exclaimed, pulling of the piece of gum and shoving it in his mouth.

I gagged and sat down next to Chase. "Is it me or does he keep getting more and more disgusting?" I asked my boyfriend, quietly.

"Believe me, it's not just you." He responded back, just as quiet. "Dude, you're totally going to fail this assignment." Chase told Adam as he stood up. I mimicked his actions.

"No, I'm not because unlike you, I know what a baby likes." Adam said as he started walking. Bree, Chase, Leo, and I followed. "I think like a baby."

"Yeah, he's got you there." Bree said. "Alex, we have to go take our physics test, let's go." Bree started pulling on my arm and I had no choice but to follow her to the cafeteria where we were gonna take the test.

"Gee, you didn't even let me say goodbye to the guys." I said as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"Please, you see them all the time so not saying goodbye one time won't kill you."

On our way to the cafeteria, we stopped by Bree's locker. Leo then walked up to us. Wasn't he with us?

"Leo, you ready for our physics test?" I asked, smirking. I knew he forgot about it.

"Physics test? Oh man, I forgot to study. I was too busy with the spy fly."

"Well, that was your mistake." I told him.

He then smiled sweetly and it was kind of creepy. "Bree, my loving sister. And Alex, my loving best friend."

"What do you want, Leo?" Bree and I asked in unison.

"I have an idea. How about you guys write down the right answers, and I'll copy off your paper. Sound like a plan?"

"No way, Leo. We're not helping you cheat." Bree said.

"Yeah, you should've studied like us instead of playing with that stupid spy fly." I added.

"Fine, I won't cheat off you guys." He said, defeated. We smiled and walked away.

Ten minutes into the test, I noticed in the corner of my eye that Bree was swatting a fly away. I tried to focus on my test, but she kept on flailing her arms and it was a bit distracting.

I jumped at Bree's sudden outburst. "Ahh! That's it! Give me that thing! Gimme!"

"Hey! Bounce House!" Principal Perry jumped out of her seat and walked up to Bree and Leo. "Knock it off. There are people in here trying to concentrate on failing." She said. Well, that was just rude.

"But he was-"

"No buts." Perry interrupted. "You know the rules. You leave your seat during a test, that's an automatic "F." Go! Walk the hallway of shame."

Leo stood up. "Principal Perry, wait. Can I get a little extra time? That was really distracting."

"Unbelievable." I muttered under my breath.

Bree walked out of the cafeteria and I could tell that she was really upset. Because of Leo, she failed. Sometimes, I want to strangle that boy. I don't care that he's my best friend.

After I finished the test, I ran out of the cafeteria and looked for Bree. I found her leaning against her locker.

"You okay?" I asked softly.

She shook her head. "I'm getting so annoyed with Leo and all I want to do is smack him upside the head."

"Yeah, he's starting to annoy me to." I admitted. "I'm sorry that he made you fail the test."

"It's not your fault, but I'm gonna make Leo pay."

"Need help?" I grinned.

She laughed. "Nah, I think I can do this on my own."

"Alright, but just remember. I'm a master when it comes to revenge."

"Believe me, I know." She smiled. "Now go find Chase because I know you miss him."

"Shut up." I mumbled, a smile tugging at my lips. I quickly hugged Bree before heading off on the search for my boyfriend.

When I did find him, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. He was singing to his baby.

"Chase?" I approached him slowly, then placed my hand on his forehead.

"Uh, what are you doing?" He asked, amusement evident in his voice.

"I'm just seeing if you have a fever since you're singing to a doll."

He smiled. "I have to make this as real as possible so singing helps."

I kissed his cheek. "I find it weird and adorable."

"I'm gonna ignore the weird comment and focus on the adorable one."

I laughed. "You do that."

Suddenly, I heard Adam's voice and it sounded like he was yelling, "Baby on board!" Adam came strolling towards on us a garbage can and he bumped into Chase, causing my boyfriend to drop his baby.

"Ouch." I muttered under my breath.

"I just lost a point because of your stupidity!" Chase yelled, staring at his baby that was on the ground.

"Relax, it was an accident." Adam said. He then took out a plunger and placed it on the baby's face, lifting him off the floor. The baby started crying and I knew Chase wasn't going to be happy. "Here's your baby." Adam handed the baby to Chase.

Chase snatched the baby away from Adam and checked his score. "Now I've lost two points! And so should you! Give me that baby!"

They started playing tug-o-war with Adam's baby and I knew something bad was going to happen. Chase let go of the baby as Adam pulled on it, causing the baby to fly into the vending machine that was behind him, head first. The baby started crying and Chase was practically giddy.

"Aww, the little guys must have been hungry." Chase said in a baby voice.

"I feel bad for that baby." I said to no one in particular.

Later when we were all home, I walked into the lab to find Adam playing tether ball with Chase's baby. Chase was jumping up and down, trying to grab the doll.

I groaned. "You guys are ridiculous. Can't you quit it with this stupid baby war?"

They both looked at me. "No." They said in unison.

I groaned once again and walked away. I entered the living room to find Bree watching TV, and as I got closer, I noticed that she was smiling.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked, taking a seat next to her.

"Oh, no reason. Just that Perry stole Davenport's spy fly and Leo's gonna get it." She grinned.

I laughed. "I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow."

And we did find out what happened. The next day at school, Perry announced that she installed a new security system and guess what the system was. That's right. Davenport's spy fly. Now because of Leo, that stupid fly will be flying around the school constantly.

"Prepare the airlines. Clear for takeoff." Perry said, sending the fly in the air. The fly buzzed around a group of people. "If you're experiencing mild turbulence, it's because we're passing over the Rockies! Whoops! Those aren't mountains! Those are pimples!" She laughed.

"What a bitch." I whispered to Bree. She nodded.

Perry continued. "To your right, we see Lindsay Hoffman writing in her oh, so private diary. What? Lindsay has a crush on Timmy Newcastle? I think I'll go tell him. Whoops! I think I just did!" Lindsay buried her face in her book and I frowned. "Good luck!"

"Leo, this is all your fault." I told him.

Leo looked down and then back up. He suddenly smiled. "Look! Perry left the charging hive." Leo and Bree looked at each other before running towards the hive. Bree snatched it before Leo had the chance to.

"Kay now, Bree, Bree, think about what you're doing! If you give that to Perry, she could recharge the fly and my life will be over!" Leo exclaimed. "Everyone will hate me!"

"That's the plan." Bree grinned.

Leo and Bree started playing tug-o-war with the hive, causing the lid to come off. Do all the Davenport siblings like to play tug-o-war? I swear, they're children. A bunch of flies flew out of the hive and started buzzing around the students that were in the hallway.

"You see what happens when you don't let me cheat off you?!" Leo yelled over the buzzing. We were all trying to swat the flies away but nothing was working. We just looked ridiculous as we flailed our arms around.

"How am I going to get these flies back?" Leo asked.

"I don't know. And also, I don't care." Bree said. She was enjoying this way too much.

Principal Perry barged through the gym doors and looked at Leo. "Dooley! Your stupid toy's messed up!" She threw Davenport's watch at Leo. "Uh, where did these come from?!" She started swatting the flies away. "I haven't seen this many flies since I thought my cat took a five day nap."

"Gross." I mumbled.

"I'll open the door." Perry said.

Leo stood in front of her. "No! They're my step dads. I can't lose them."

"That door's opening whether you're in the way or not. I just need a running start." She started backing up. "CHARGE!" She ran towards Leo, causing him to scream.

The flies swarmed around Perry, making her lose her sense of direction, so she never made it to the door.

"Bree, I can't get all these flies back without your help." Leo said.

"Fine, no problem. Just tell Perry you cheated." She told him.

"Really? You're still on that?" He asked.

"Yup. Looks like you're stuck, Leo."

Suddenly, Leo's eyes widened and he smiled. "Stuck! That's it!"

The next thing I knew, Leo started painting the homecoming sign with rubber cement. "The best way to catch a fly is with flypaper."

"Leo, that'll never work. They're not real flies." Bree told him.

Perry screamed, "Turns! Sharp turns!" She ended up getting stuck to the sign. "Ugh, I'm stuck." She said but her words were a bit muffled.

"Got one." Leo grinned.

I don't know how long we tried to get rid of the flies, but I would assume that we tried for about fifteen minutes. But swatting the flies away was no longer cutting it.

"Just confess and I can help you fix all this!" Bree said. "You'll never be able to steer them all."

"Please, have a little faith." Leo started pressing buttons on Davenport's watch and I raised my eyebrow when it started beeping. "What's that?" He asked.

Bree looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Attack mode engaged. Stunt stingers activated. This is getting better by the minute."

I quickly hid behind Bree when I noticed that all the students were falling to the ground. "Leo, if I get zapped from one of those flies, you're dead." I threatened.

Leo bent down to one of the girls that got zapped and started talking to her. "Um, hey, don't worry. The stings aren't lethal. You'll just be stunned for ten minutes." He started laughing. "In Spain, they call this a siesta!" His laughter turned to cries.

He continued to try and fix the watch, but he had no luck. Suddenly, the gym doors busted open and in came running Chase.

"Leo, what's happening?" He questioned.

"Oh, you know. Just destroying pricey inventions, unleashed a bio-hazard, hated by all. Typical Tuesday."

Adam was the next person to bust through the doors. "Whoa, look at all those flies!"

I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw Adam's baby get lifted into the air by the flies. "My baby!" He yelled and Chase laughed. "Somebody do something! Chase, throw your baby to get mind down!"

"No way." Chase grinned.

"But it's gonna get hurt." Adam frowned.

"Hurt? Adam, it's a plastic doll."

Adam gasped. "That is so insensitive. To you he's just a piece of plastic, but to me, he's become a little fake person friend who almost never judges me. I was supposed to look after him and I failed." Adam looked up at his floating baby. "I failed you my little Cry Hole."

"Well, I don't care." Chase stated. "I'm going to turn mine in which means I'm gonna win and you're gonna lose. Ha!" He started walking away but he was taking slow steps.

"Yeah, I guess so." Adam said, sadly. Chase continued to slowly walk away but I could see that he was starting to feel a little guilty. "Congratulations, Chase."

"Thank you. I'm gonna go now." Adam continued to look at his baby. "I'm gonna do it." Chase warned. "I'm leaving." Adam whimpered and that's when Chase gave in. "Fine, I'll help you!" He threw his baby up in the air, knocking Adam's down.

I winced when Chase's baby landed on the floor. "Thanks, Chase. That really meant a lot to me." Adam said. Chase crossed his arms and hummed. "Especially the part where you completely fell for it!" Adam laughed, then kicked Chase's baby. Adam walked away and Chase ran after him.

The buzzing caused by the flies got louder and I was starting to get a headache. Leo hid behind Bree. "Help me!" He squealed.

"You ready to tell Perry you cheated?" She questioned.

"Not really, no." He answered.

"Leo, tell Perry now or I'm gonna shove you in your locker!" I said through gritted teeth.

He ignored me. "Oh, come on! Adam and Chase would cover for me."

"Yeah," Bree said. "And they also turned their babies into breakfast treats. Look, I'm your sister and it's my job to call you out and hope that you're mature enough to take responsibility."

"But I'm not!" He whined, then sighed. "Fine, I'll tell Perry."

"Smart move." Bree smirked. "Now, I'll just use my super speed to create a vacuum effect and suck the flies back into the hive."

"What about using your bionics in public?" Leo asked.

We all looked around the hall and the students were still stunned. "I think we're good." I said.

Leo handed Bree the hive, and she placed it on the ground. She then used her super speed to create a vacuum, causing the flies to get sucked into the hive. She closed the lid and smiled.

"Wow. That was the fourth weirdest thing I've seen all day." Leo said.

"Speaking of which, number three is still waiting over there to hear your confession." Bree pointed to Perry.

"Great," Leo groaned. "I have to confess to the wrong end of a pant suit." He trudged over to Perry and started talking.

"Is there any way that we could destroy those spy flies?" I asked Bree.

"Not unless you want Davenport to have a mental breakdown."

I chuckled. "It would be a bit funny." She nodded in agreement.

I turned my attention to Leo and Perry and Leo was trying to get her unstuck. He ended up getting his foot stuck on the sign. Bree and I looked at each other, then walked over to them and helped get Perry unstuck.

"Thanks, Dooley. I owe you one." Perry thanked.

"Really?" He asked, shocked.

"Yeah. One long hot trip to summer school." She laughed. "Oh, forgot my eyebrows." She ripped off her eyebrows from the sign and stuck them back on her face. Too bad she put them on the wrong way. It made her look really creepy.

When school finally ended, I couldn't help but mentally cheer because it was officially the start of the weekend.

"Today was exhausting." I complained to Chase as we crashed on the couch. As soon as we got home, Adam raced down to the lab, and Bree and Leo were probably in my room, watching TV.

"Tell me about it. Baby wars are tiring." He groaned and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Hey," I flicked his head. He glared at me and rubbed the spot I hit. "The baby war was both of your faults so don't complain to me about it being tiring."

"At least we don't have the babies anymore. We returned them before we left the school."

"Good. Even though they were only dolls, I felt bad for them. You two completely abused them."

He chuckled. "You know, I didn't even kiss you today."

"And whose fault is that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Mine." He admitted. I smiled and nodded. "Well, can I make it up to you?"

"If you didn't, I'd be very upset." I teased. He playfully rolled his eyes and captured my lips with his own. He placed one hand on my cheek and caressed it ever so softly. I placed one of my hands at the back of his head and tangled my fingers in his hair.

"Want to head down to the lab and see if Adam broke anything?" Chase asked as we pulled away.

I chuckled. "I don't think he would break anything." He gave me a look. "Okay, never mind. Let's go." We stood up and he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers before walking towards the elevator.

When we arrived down in the lab, I couldn't help but look at Adam weirdly. He had a bunch of baby dolls on the rock wall.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Chase asked.

"I got so lonely, I had to adopt six new babies. Meet, Change Your Own Diaper, Stop Staring At Me, Quit Whining, Don't Be A Baby, I Said Shh, and Ted."

"Why would you get six babies?" Chase questioned.

"Because seven would just be crazy."

"Adam, this is ridiculous." Chase told him.

"You wanna borrow one, don't you?" He asked, smiling.

Chase paused. "I'll take Ted."

"Seriously? We just went over this whole baby thing." I said, throwing my hands up in the air. I walked away and entered the elevator. Chase ran in before it closed.

"Wanna play with Ted?" He asked, childishly.

I chuckled and shook my head. "You're a child, I hope you know that."

"Maybe I am. But you just so happen to love this child."

I sighed and placed my lips on his. "I hate it when you're right." I mumbled against his lips.

Episode two of Lab Rats complete! Comment and vote, please!

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