Only caring for her

By RyanJersey

40.8K 895 297

You are a Godzilla like Faunus. This is a Blake X Reader, Y/N, trapped with Merlot for 10 years after having... More

Character Development, G Version
A Test Subject
Lost Control
A place unknown
The Night Out
Collecting Sap
A Chicken?
Glynda's class and Shopping
Ozpin's Test
Y/N vs Hedorah
Y/N Interrogated
Visit from an old friend
The Cosmos
Y/N formally meets Mothra
Weeks gone by
Y/N and Blake At The Dance
Y/N Vs Destroyah and SpaceGodzilla
Blake's feelings
Beth, Heather, and Courtney
The Dance with the Three
Y/N Vs Kiryu
Y/N's Revenge
Y/N, Mothra, And Rodan Vs. Monster X
Y/N Vs. Kaizer Ghidorah
Date Night

Moths, Bats, and Caterpillars oh my

1.1K 35 6
By RyanJersey

So I'm trapped in a bubble, Ironwood has a big smile on his face, one of the girls. Beth I think it is, has the power to do this shit. If I lose control, I'm making sure I'm closest to her.
Me: people are going to die
Ironwood: our military has everything covered
Me: listen with all do respect, I've killed a mechanical Chicken, cooked a lobster and smashed the head of a giant sludge monster, I think you guys need me
Ironwood: I can't let you out, you have so much to tell us
Courtney: we can't let you go, not until you apologize
I just flicked them off, Courtney was about to say something until a soft voice entered the room, this girl was one of those stereotypical shy girls, she was short, quiet and easily afraid
Beth: ugh, what do you want Hannah
Hannah: I-I-S-s-saw a Butterfly and a B-Bat
She jumped and hid behind Courtney
Hannah: who is that
Me: the guy who's going to break this fucking bubble.
I charged my laser and shot it at the bubble, it wasn't cracking but I was still trying. Eventually I wore myself out and went unconscious
Ironwood: you can release him now
I immediately transformed with all the anger I had inside me, it was too late for that bitch to put me back it, before I got too big I went through the window closest to me and jumped out, in midair I was transforming, which led into me roaring

Before any of you say "That's not Godzilla 2002/2003" I know that. The roar is basically the same
I was finished and I looked to see a giant Bat like thing coming at me.
My thoughts: fuck it, lose it now, there is no time for thinking, only fighting
I then completely lost it in the form, no control whatsoever, just the thrill.
My thoughts: glad I can still think, I may not have control of everything, but I have some control here *twitch* kill every last one
Hannah POV
I saw the scary man transform into a giant monster. It was loud, General Ironwood left the room, talking to some guy named Ozpin
Ironwood: Ozpin, what is with this boy.....I had to bring him in for questioning.......I can't bring him back.....he's a giant fucking monster.......I'll try
Me: w-what's going on g-general
Ironwood: go back to your dorm
The moment he turned around I ran up quietly, grabbed his scroll out of his pocket and ran for dear life. I locked my dorm door and called Ozpin
Ozpin: hello General
Me: I-its n-n-not the general, I t-t-took his scroll
Ozpin: is he trying to calm Y/N
Me: I-I-I-is that his name
Ozpin: tell me, what can you see
Me: t-t-tanks.....a-a-and monsters....they're fighting
Ozpin: alright, I have no other choice but to ask you, what I need you to do is
3rd POV
Y/N grabbed the giant butterfly by the head and threw it into a bunch of tanks. Y/N then looked up to see two caterpillar/worm things. They were both  going towards him. While distracted Battra came from behind Y/N's head and knocked him over. Y/N then threw Battra over and smashed him into the ground. It's Thorax bursted making blood fly everywhere.
Ironwood: execute order 1954
All of a sudden a safe opened to reveal a canister, a label was on it, it said "Oxygen Destroyer".
Ironwood: you had this coming
Y/N confined to fight the tanks, the worms made it over to Mothra, they looked happy to see each other, these were the babies of Mothra. Y/N looked over and decided to end it

Y/N Thoughts(this sounds a little like Eren Yeager in English dub, during his fight with Reiner): you brought this upon yourself, you wanted to come here and destroy everything, nothing can destroy this city BUT ME.
Y/N roared causing the Larva to fight back.
Hannah POV
Ozpin: do you have everything
Me: y-yes
Ozpin: what I need you to do is shoot that at Y/N
Me: y-you sure this w-will work
Ozpin: it has too
I rolled up my window to see the giant lizard fighting two red eyes larva. I aimed the gun, I was told to aim for the back of the head, Once I got the aim, I fired and it had a direct hit.
Me: excuse me, b-but what was in that compound
Ozpin: you made your very own tranquilizer, he should be calm soon
My thoughts: what....I....feel drained, this can't be good, I must keep fighting, I REFUSE TO DIE LIKE THIS. Oh fuck it
3rd POV
Y/N fell back onto the larva behind him, killing it from the weight being pressed down. Y/N then transformed back into his normal self, unconscious on the floor. Ironwood just got the gun and saw Y/N
Ironwood: dammit, now I really do have to bring this kid to Ozpin
Y/N then woke up and started to run. Hannah then lost her grip of the gun, she then fell through the window. He looked up, sighed and then caught her.
Y/N: that is the last fucking time I go with someone who wants to ask me questions.
Hannah: did he r-really bring you here a-a-against your will
Y/N: sounds about right, also thanks for the Tranq. I was probably gonna kill Ironwood if I didn't get it
Hannah: y-y-you're welcome
Y/N: I'm taking you to Beacon, you have a target on your back here, not with those three cum dumpsters, but the General too
Hannah: r-really
Y/N: I swear to god if you cry we are going to have issues
Hannah: sorry
Y/N: no I'm sorry, I still have lent up anger

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