Love Is Magical

By MirandaBrown9

1.1K 49 4

A girl with unique powers and a boy who doesn't care about rules or obeying the law. Seems like a bad combina... More

Chapter 1~ Intros
Chapter 2~ Instant Enemies
Chapter 3~ An Unexpected Home Life
Chapter 4~ Help
Chapter 5~ A Broken Boy
Chapter 6~ His Guardian
Chapter 7~ Changed
Chapter 8~ An Attack
Chapter 9~ Making Friends
Chapter 10~ A Father Son Moment
Chapter 11~ A Fight
Chapter 12~ Date Night
Chapter 13~ Kidnapped
Chapter 14~ A Secret
Chapter 15~ Unfixable
Chapter 16~ A Long Wait
Chapter 17~ Being Controlled
Chapter 18~ Bendin' The Rules And Breakin' the Law
Chapter 19~ Romeo And Juliet
Chapter 20~ A Cowboy And His Gut
Chapter 21~ Fiancés And A Song
Chapter 22~Some Fun
Chapter 23~ Still Not Friendly
Chapter 24~ Betrayed
Chapter 25~ Gone
Chapter 26~ No Man's Land
Chapter 27~ Sisters To The Rescue
Chapter 28~ Winter Wonderland
Chapter 30~ Back
Chapter 31~ Church Pew Or Bar Stool
Chapter 32~ Rivalry And Plans
Chapter 33~ A Prisoner In My Own Home
Chapter 34~ Anger And Tricks
Chapter 35~ In Sorcerer's Jail
Chapter 36~ Shocking Change
Chapter 37~ A Day Out
Chapter 38~ Hell On An Angel
Chapter 39~ Age Is But A Number
Chapter 40~ A Teacher
Chapter 41~ Stressed To The Max
Chapter 42~ A Dream And A Past Figure
Chapter 43~ Talkin'
Chapter 44~ Magical Life
Chapter 45~ Newfound Power
Chapter 46~ Hilarity
Chapter 47~ A Shifty Man
Chapter 48~ A Battle Of The Ages
Chapter 49~ Prisoner
Chapter 50- Mental Torture
Chapter 51- Powerful
Chapter 52~ A Maze
Chapter 53~ Trapped Like Mice
Chapter 54~ A Plan
Chapter 55~ Magic Is Power
Chapter 56~ A Drastic Decision
Chapter 57- Conflicted
Chapter 58~ A New Friend?
Chapter 59~ Magical Artifacts
Chapter 60~ The Mirror Of Reversi
Chapter 61~ A Tiny Problem

Chapter 29~ Dark

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By MirandaBrown9

Miranda's pov

*in her dream*

The building behind me explodes. I shakily stumble in the smoking ruins of my hometown. "Parker stop!! Please!!!" I screech desperately, clutching my stomach protectively. She laughs behind me. "Don't you want to be an aunt?!" I was now pressed to the wall. Her feet skidded when she stopped, a few feet in front of me,a sick twisted smile on her face. "Your husband is a joke. He makes me sick. You make me sick the fact that you love a terrible person like him!" "Shut up!!" I yell angrily. "I won't let you get away with it!" She raises her wand. I block my head and stomach terrified. "Not today!" I hear Jason shout. He jumps from the caving rooftop and lands in front of me, protectively. "At one time you protected her, now you're harmful. And I won't let you near my wife." "How nice of you to join us!"

*she wakes up*

I scream and sit up in bed. Jason screams in surprise, hearing me scream. "What's... What happened?" "B-Bad dream." I mumble. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and hugs me. "I'm s-sorry I woke you." I shakily whisper. "It's okay, honey. You aren't the only one having nightmares." That makes me shudder. He's so strong and brave.

*the next day*

I go visit my dad. "Hey dad." I say, rubbing my eyes tiredly. He looks up from making oatmeal at the stove. "What's gonna happen to Parker." I ask, nervously sitting down. He stiffens then turns around, staring at me sadly. "Ya know why she really went insane?" He asks. "Cause she doesn't trust Jason." "No. Because she was jealous." I freeze. "Jealous?! Why?!" "Because you were spending so much time with him, you forgot about her." "No! I didn't! Where's she being held?" "You can't visit her. She's in a wizard prison for attempted murder. She's awaiting trial." My jaw drops. "I have to help!! I have to get her free... To testify." "No. She tried to kill you and Jason. She needs to be locked up." Tears well in my eyes. "No... D-Dad... She's my best friend!" He hugs me. "You need to think about what's best for you and your baby. She isn't well, Miranda." I get back home, sad and tears in my eyes. Jason's reading the newspaper. He looks up and sees me. "WHAT'S WRONG?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" He quickly jumps up and runs to me, holding my hands. "Did she hurt you?! God dammit I'll kill her!" "Jason she didn't hurt me. She's locked up in prison." I shakily say. "Why are you crying?" He brushes the tears from my face. "Because.... I've... I've lost my best friend." He sighs. "I wish there was something I could do." "We can drop the charges. Let her go!" I beg clasping my hands together in desperation. He shakes his head, firmly. "No. I can't do that." "Why not?! I can figure out how to help her be back to normal!" "She is normal! That's who she is. She hates me and she'll stop at nothing to keep us apart. Even murder. I don't trust her around you or my baby. I'm sorry but I'm not dropping the charges. She's dangerous." "She.... She's... My best friend." "Honey she's not right in the head." He says, a little less aggressively. I sigh. "You're both right. I just... I'm gonna miss her." He hugs me. "There's so many more people you can make friends with. I love you honey." "I love you too, Jay." I whisper, laying my head on his chest. "Jason...." I whisper quietly. "Yeah?" "Who do you hope for?" "As long as he or she is healthy, I'm okay." He whispers. "Are we gonna teach him or her magic?" I look into his concern filled green eyes. He smiles and nods. "Nothing's gonna hurt my babies ever again." He whispers softly, cradeling my face in his hands. "I'll protect you both." He kisses me on the noise, making me smile. "We'll get him or her a guardian though right?" He shrugs. "That way he or she will have a best friend." He smiles. "Whatever you want to do." Hm. "Well.... I wanna let Parker go free." His smile fades. "That's not funny, Miranda. I don't want to keep having this conversation." I sigh. "I'm sorry." "Don't be. I love you." "I love you too." We sit on the couch, me cradled in his arms. "I'm tellin' ya though. If the baby is a girl and comes home at like sixteen with a guy that walks or talks or acts like me in any way, I'm shootin' him." I laugh hard at that and rest a hand on my stomach. "Why?" "Because I'm a rough houser." I smile and tuck my head in the crook of his neck. He caresses my stomach. I fall asleep in his arms.

Jason's pov

I call Luke after she falls asleep. "Luke, the first chance you get, you kill her." I whisper. "Already planned on it, dude." "Good. That bitch will never come near my family again." I hang up and smile softly. Nothing will hurt my family. Parker is as good as dead.

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