The Eighth King | K Project F...

By S_Luna_

193K 6.3K 885

"Blue of cold and red of fire make beautiful purple that has many shades and faces..." We only know that t... More

Umeko Murasaki
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
A small announcement

Chapter 2

9.3K 268 8
By S_Luna_

A/N: Hi everyone!! I just wanted to say thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! ^ . ^   If you notice any mistakes (wording, grammar etc) then let me know!!

The pic up there is what their living room looks like.

When using:


sensory scrying 


Umeko's pov

"Hello...How did he...I am late...Can you....She said yes to....What....Don't worry...You may... Kawaii.... Oh hell no.....Why...Mr....I like....Then why didn't......That bit... It's so pretty...."  I jumped from mind to mind looking for something that captures my interest.

The Shizume City in the morning is like ant's nest. People are talking and running around to make it on time to school, work and so on. Their day is so planned and when something unplanned happens then they panic.

"Oh look there is a bar called HOMRA!..My cat-" I jumped back into the woman's mind that talked about HOMRA. I quickly read her mind. 19-year-old Nariko Taiki. Works for an agency. Hmm... 

She pushes the door open making it creak announcing customer's arrival. Tall man with purple sunglasses was polishing a glass behind the bar... Izumo Kusanagi. Everything was quiet except footsteps of my current host. She looked around and I saw the King, Mikoto Suoh, himself and little girl sitting and eating. A blond man came from kitchen and smiled at Nariko taking a seat next to the girl Anna Kushina. Why is his mind so hard to enter.... 

I try to enter his mind but it is too difficult. I am truly amazed. I stay in Nariko Taiki's mind and watched how she sat down on the stool.

Izumo turned his attention from the glass to the woman in front of him. 

"Hello, miss! What can I get for you?" he asks. 

"One red wine, please!"  Izumo gets to work and soon slides the glass filled with red alcohol towards Nariko. Nariko nods a thank you and takes a sip, humming in content. Izumo smiles. It is getting boring..... Let's spice thing up a bit shall we... I take over her mind, her eyes quickly flashing purple. I smile and feel the body doing the same. Let the fun begin...

I look around to see if someone saw and I notice Anna looking at me. I see her take out a red marble and I try not to smile. My mind is in this body so this girl will look usual for her through the marble. I look at Izumo and see him smiling at me.

"Don't mind her. I am Izumo Kusanagi and may I know your name, beautiful?"

"Hmm...My name?" He nods and flashes me another smile.

"Nariko  Taiki"

"I haven't seen you around here. You new?"

"Yes! Actually I am detective  and I had case somewhere here." Izumo looked interested.

"You did!? What happened?" 

"Some people reported sightings of people with bizarre behaviour..." Izumo  tensed and his gaze flickered behind me. I felt small hand  grasp at my blouse. I turned towards her an-

"UMEKO-CHAAAAAN!!!" I gasp and pull away abruptly breaking connection with Nariko. I frown and rise from my chair and go towards the door. Damn, I almost got to the fun part! I pull it open and saw Natsuko and Kaito arguing. I pull my lips into tight line and step forward making my boots click on the floor. 

"Ohhh fuck... They just distracted her while scrying...." Takashi muttered to Ryou and drawing Natsuko's and Kaito's attention. They both look at me faces going pale. I glared at them making them shiver.

"S-sorry, Master!" Kaito apologizes and bows at me. I sight and walk forward and petting him on the head making him smile instantly. I move towards the kitchen making others follow. Natsuko and Kaito stood near the door, Ryou and Takashi took a seat behind the table.

"What happened?" I mumble my voice completely emotionless looking towards the two troublemakers who were fidgeting under my gaze. Natsuko looked towards Kaito victoriously making the boy widen his eyes more, if that was possible. I grabbed one apple from the basket on the table, taking out one of my knives I proceeded to cut the fruit into smaller bits. I raised one of my eyebrows letting them know that I am waiting for explanation.

"Kaito started! He said that he was bored also wanting to go out and I said go ask Umeko-chan. He said that she would let us out but not with you." At her last word I stopped cutting and eating the apple. Kaito gulped and started fidgeting. My heterochromia eyes found his. His eyes said it all, he was scared. 

"Don't be scared.." I whispered into his mind and he relaxed. 

"Kaito is a baka dog to talk like that about you, Umeko-chan!" Natsuko smirked at the strain next to her. 

"Shut up, you-you..." Kaito was thinking of good insult to throw at cat, but came up with nothing. 

3rd pov

"Ohh... Did the cat got your tongue, Kaito?" Ryou smirked from his spot and Takashi approved the joke by high five. The dog strain stood open mouthed and looked towards the King, wanting her to start scolding others. The leader of Infinity opened her mouth drawing the attention to her. Ryou and Takashi waited for a good remark, Kaito hoped she will stop the teasing and Natsuko  prayed for her one out of nine lives.

"Hmhh" That was all Umeko said. The red head and the black haired man bursted into laughter, the cat wiped her forehead and Kaito looked like a kicked puppy. The Purple king smirked stopping the laughter. Everyone realized that the careless sight before was just a diversion.

"You all should know that teasing others about something that they are born with is low. In Infinity, I don't tolerate people who are like that. Takashi," Umeko scolded and turned towards the eldest, making him freeze, :" you out of all should be at your best behaviour, being oldest. Ryou, I know that you like jokes but we all know that Kaito here is sentimental. Try not to tease him too much. Natsuk- where the hell are you going?" In the middle of the lecture the feline strain tried to sneak away.

"Get your ass back here!" The King pinched the bridge of her nose and Natsuko awkwardly waved and re-entered the kitchen.

"You, being able to turn into animal too should know what it feel to be mocked about that. Also, don't scream my name like that next time. I was scrying and I could have hurted the persons mind really bad." Natsuko nodded and fumbled with her blouse edge. 

"Kaito... Try not to be too softie, alright? And I know how you feel about me not going out but don't worry. Also I wanted to talk about that."

"About you going out!?" Ryou asked excitedly. 

Umeko's pov

"Yes, Ryou." This caught everyone's attention.

"Akira, come to kitchen" I told the only clansman missing from kitchen.

Few seconds later Akira walked in and took her place near the strains.

"Soon we'll reveal ourselves!" I say strongly and see how my clansmen's face change from curiosity to shock. Takashi stands and looks at me in alarm.

"Are you all right?" He steps closer to me. I make my face go emotionless.

"Yes, I am fine!"

"Sooo... why so suddenly, Poker face?" I glare towards the smirking sniper, Akira.

"I have been watching the Colourless clan after their King, Ichigen Miwa died.  The new King is unworthy to be titled as a King. He has changed his body for many times already and is hard to track by physical  appearance. I have lost him from my sight and I think his planning something involving Red and Blue King." I tell them and they are confused.

"So that's why you have been using every second of your free time to ...."


"Okey! What should we do?" Kaito asked and I looked at him.

"You all will be going out a lot!" I say with little too much of enthusiasm, making Akira cringe.

"What about you?" Natsuko ask making my lips shift into a small smile.

" I will use my powers and keep an eye out for everything. Don't worry! I will go out... it's only the matter of time..." I trail off. I dismiss everyone and I start walking towards my room.

"Ohh.. and Akira! Try not to call me poker face!" I call to her.

"No promises!" 


I hope you liked it!!  

Also I don't own K!! 

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