H O P E | o.p

By mia_rose240

16.1K 232 50

Following the death of Megatron, the dreadful Decepticon leader, life returned to normal. Andy and Sam start... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r

f i v e

1K 42 4
By mia_rose240


Amid all the chaos at base, there was one thing I did enjoy; And that was talking to Colonel Lennox. There was a NEST base about an hour from Sam and Athena's university. If there was an emergency that needed to be addressed, I could send one of the bots to retrieve them and bring them here.

Of course, after the meeting that was held earlier with General Morshower, it was a concerning thought that the humans could send us away. Although it was their choice, it still worried me for the sake that the Decepticons will never leave the humans alone. "You seem to be more in your head than usual Prime." Lennox pointed out, leaning against my alt as I turned my gaze to his.

"My apologies." I mumbled. "There is a lot of things taking place right now. I can't help but think."

Lennox nodded his head. "I understand." He motioned to me. "How's your, uh, holoform?"

I looked down at myself. I wouldn't lie and say it was the most comfortable vessel. The soft skin that clung to my body was very different and curse this curly hair; It always falls into my line of sight. "Ah, it's a bit uncomfortable. Ratchet says it is a work in progress."

"I bet Andy appreciates it." Epps smirked while cleaning his weapon.

I furrowed my brows. "That implies what?" I looked at Lennox. "I am still not accustomed to your human words."

"It means Andy probably finds you attractive." Epps chuckled. "You know, you two seem to be real cozy."

"Well... I..." I began to sputter in embarrassment. "That is no way to talk about Athena."

Lennox chuckled. "Relax, Optimus, we're just joking." The colonel placed his hand on his hip. "Besides, you're taking this whole 'college frat party' thing rather well."

"Party?" I scratched the side of my face. "It is a small gathering correct?"

"Nooo." Epps and Lennox chimed in unison.

"That's where mistakes are made." Epps said. "I remember when I was in college..."

"Before you dropped out." Lennox interrupted.

Epps rolled his eyes. "Anyway, those parties are wild."

"Most rape cases happen at those parties too." I suppose Lennox had seen the nervous look on my face before he became panicked. "I mean, Andy's a smart girl. She knows better."

"Yeah, just trust her."

"I trust Athena." I started. "It's those human males I do not trust."


You know, there was one thing I hated more in this world and that was red lipstick. And it was what Lydia was currently trying to get me to wear with good intentions.

"But I don't like red lipstick, it sucks trying to get it off after I'm shitfaced." I groaned trying to force the red tube away from my face.

"Well, what color do you normally wear?" Lydia asked. "Because I think this color would look great on you!"

I smiled, a color instantly coming to my mind. "Brown."

Lydia rolled her eyes. "This is a frat party! Not a goth party."

I crossed my arms with a huff. "I can rock brown lipstick very well, thank you very much."

Lydia looked at me deeply before giving in. "Fine, you win." She applied brown lip liner then lipstick. "Well, it doesn't look hideous." She grumbled while putting the red on her lips.

I looked at myself in the mirror with a small smile. "Can you take a picture? I want to show my best friend." Lydia grabbed my phone from the bed, taking my picture. I put up a peace sign to make the picture look a little more interesting. She looked the photo over with a deep sigh.

"I wish I was this pretty."

I smiled with a chuckle. "You are pretty."

Lydia watched me fix my lipstick just a little before leaning back on her arms. "So, what do you wanna do when you get out of college?"

"I haven't really given it much thought." I shrugged.

Lydia swiped her thumb over the screen, a wide smirk growing on her face. "Is this your man?" She asked with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, snatching my phone out of her grasp. "We're just friends."

"It didn't look like that this afternoon." I shot Lydia a look. "Hawking down a man's tongue on your bed isn't exactly a friend thing to do."

"It's..." I sighed. "Complicated."

"You should just send it to him."

I bit my lip in contemplation. Optimus is from another planet, he wouldn't be interested in pictures. Lydia gave a loud groan, snatching my phone from my hands. "Give me that!"

She placed her foot out, hitting me in my stomach. "Don't worry, I'll get the ball rolling." The closer I got to my phone, the farther away Lydia moved it away. "Done!"

I slumped to the floor like a toddler. "That's it... I'm doomed." I whined, covering my face with a frustrated groan.

Lydia sat up with a smirk. "Oh, calm down you big baby." My phone buzzed. "That was fast." I grabbed my phone from her hands like the Flash. I quickly read over what was sent.


Okay, having trouble trying to find an outfit. How does this look?


You look splendid, may I ask what's the occasion?


Out to a party with Sam and my roommate. I can't go to college and not have fun.

Just as I was going to text him again, my phone started to ring. Lydia and I both stared at each other in surprise.

"Is he calling you?" Lydia asked shockingly.

"I don't wanna answer it!"

"Just do it!" Lydia and I played Hot Potato with my phone before she answered the call and threw it back at me.

I pulled the phone to my ear hesitantly, eyes screwed shut. "Hey, Chief..."

"You are going to one of these college parties and didn't think it would be wise to inform me?" Optimus asked quite harshly.

I was taken aback. I told him this, why is he acting so surprised? "Why are you getting so upset? You were right next to Sam and I when he told me the dress code I decided not to follow."

"Because Athena, according to Colonel Lennox, most cases of rape happen at these... college parties. I will not be able to protect you if anything was to happen." I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "And given your erased history of disorderly conduct under the influence...-"

"Do not do that!" I hissed. "Did Lennox and Epps tell you all that? I told them not to put anything in your head!"

"That is not the point, Athena!"

Lydia quietly grabbed her jacket, whispering she was going to be outside waiting for me.

"So, what? Am I not allowed to have fun? Is that what you're telling me?"

"No, that isn't..." He gave a deep growl in frustration. "You are important to me, and as your guardian...-"

"That's the thing Optimus, you aren't anymore. I relieved you and Bumblebee of that duty. I can take care of myself." I argued. "Matter-of-fact, you relieved that duty yourself."

"I am your guardian whether you like it or not!" He bellowed over the phone. "You are not allowed to go to that party or so help me, Athena, I will personally put you in a holding cell until you are of age."

"I am of age!" I hissed. "You're being ridiculous."

"You do as I say, Athena, end of discussion."

I pursed my lips in anger, the hot headedness I get from my mother coming out full swing. You aren't my father! Until you start treating me as an adult, don't call me!"


I pressed the end call button before he could get the chance to scold me even further. I sucked in a deep breath before walking out of the room.

"Everything okay?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah, he's just being... him." I grumbled before shaking my head. "Let's just go and get fucked up."

Lydia smiled widely. "Sounds like a plan."

"Andy?" I looked down the hallway to see Sam walking towards both of us with vicious speed. "I said look your worst, this is your fashion at its best!" Sam scolded, trying to cover me from his roommate's wandering eyes with his body. "I mean, you look great, but Jesus."

"Hey, hey, enough!" I growled with narrowed eyes. "I'm nineteen, we're nineteen, by ourselves with no parents." I slapped his hands away. "I dress how I want."

Leo wrapped his arm around my neck with a smirk. "Hell yeah!"

We walked out the doors of the dorm as Fassbinder cleared his throat. "Sooo, you like Linkin Park?" He asked, motioning to my shirt.

I looked down before smiling at him. "Yeah, they're one of my favorites."

"Okay, what's your favorite album? Hybrid Theory, Meteora, or Minutes To Midnight?"

Without thinking, the answer flew out of my mouth. "Minutes to Midnight."

He had a dreamy look in his eyes. "Please marry me."

"In your dreams." Sam grumbled from beside me.

Leo took three giant steps ahead of us before spinning around. "So ladies," he asked walking backwards. "How does it feel to be independent women of society?"


"Soul crushing." I snorted. "I already have no idea what I wanna do with my life."

"That makes two of us girlfriend." Sharksy chuckled.

Leo held his arms open with a smirk. "My offer still stands."

"I'm good." I chuckled, stuffing my hands in my pockets. I noticed a piece of sidewalk sticking up. "Hey watch out for the—"

Leo's foot tripped over the sidewalk as he tumbled back. Lydia gasped as I broke out in an ugly laugh. I bent over onto my knees to cackle. "Are you oka... AHA, okay?"

Sam helped Leo up, trying not to laugh as well. "No, yeah, totally, pride is a little bruised though."

This time, Lydia and I broke out into laughter uncontrollably. This wasn't a feeling I was used to, to be normal. Was it okay? Sure, but did it feel I could do it for the rest of my life? Most likely not.

I wiped my tears away and patted Leo's chest. "Let's keep going, Mr. Entrepreneur." As Lydia and I kept walking, I heard Leo, almost proudly, talk with his boys.

"You guys saw that? She's totally into me!"

Soon, our entire group walked the empty streets of the university, making conversation as we went. I was laughing with Lydia as Leo was trying to make jokes. He clapped his hands together, catching all of our attentions.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, the first frat party is a game-changer. We're hunting in the wild so get ya game faces on!" Leo smirked, excitement coursing through his veins.

"Okay, I can't stay long, I have a video call with my girlfriend." Sam said quickly.

"That's so cool..." Fassbinder mumbled.

Leo rolled his eyes. "No, it's not."

When we entered the house, the music was even more intense than I thought. People were dancing, drinking, playing pool or beer pong. You name it, they were doing it. I slowly started to feel my gloomy mood being uplifted by the sounds of Nickelback surrounding me in a thunderous melody.

Lydia grabbed my arm tightly. "Ow..." I mumbled. Lydia pointed her finger over to the boy she was with earlier when she caught me macking on Optimus.

"That is Nate Martin, he is so hot." She sighed dreamily.

I took a closer look at Nate. "Seriously?" I chuckled. "I mean, he's okay looking." I shrugged. "Not really in the 'checking out dudes' mood, Lyd."

Lydia scoffed. "You're crazy. Have you seen him without his shirt?"

I snorted in amusement. "He's the definition of class A douchebag."

She nudged me. "This is your opportunity to get over that guy who obviously has a problem with you going out to live your life! You're not together, you're single and pretty, let loose!" Yeah, the last time I let loose, I ended up in stealing my middle school Principal's Corvette with Mikaela, drunk off our asses. Not saying it wasn't fun, per say, but it led us in Juvie right after that.

I laughed, walking off towards the bar. "I'm leaving now!"

Lydia shouted after me. "You know I'm right!"

When I made it past the sweaty, and very horny, crowd of people, I leaned against the bar with a deep sigh. "What is this?" I shouted over the loud music.

"Pure fuel!" The bartender shouted back, handing me a small cup with the glowing green liquid; the rim surrounded by salt.

I began to wonder if it was worth drinking whatever green concoction was in the bowl. "Guess I'm getting shit-faced..." I whispered to myself.

I downed the whole thing in one go. Was it a bad idea? Hell yeah.

The reason why I say that was because, oh I don't know, all these weird-ass symbols were clouding my vision. "Oh, man..." I mumbled in confusion. "Ohhhhh..." I gasped quietly. "I must be on acid..." I whispered to myself with wide eyes. "Oh, shit..."

I looked around the room to see if there was anything I could write about what I was seeing. My vision landed on a yellow and white decorated cake. I dipped my finger into the frosting and began to write what I saw, twitching as I went.

"Andy?" I jumped in surprise, frosting flying everywhere. I looked to see Sam blinking in amusement.


Sam looked down at the table and gasped. "What the hell!"

I used my body to cover the mess from his sight. "It's nothing, stop freaking out."

Sam widened his eyes in shock. "Don't freak out? You're exploiting alien writing all over the table!" He squeaked, using his hand to smear it.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "That's unsanitary."

Sam took multiple napkins, smearing the sugar substance into the table even more. "Just go clean yourself up, I'll deal with this."

I quickly scampered over to the, surprisingly, empty bathroom. I turned on the water, washing my hands with the lady's hand soap. Bunch of girls these frat boys are. I began to giggle to myself like an idiot.

"I'm losing my mind..." I looked up into the mirror with a deep sigh. Why was this happening now? I just couldn't grasp the answer in my head. God just hates me, I think that's it.

The buzzing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts. I fished around for my phone in my pocket. When I pulled it out, Optimus's caller I.D. popped up. I rolled my eyes, sending it straight to voicemail. A little red symbol popped up, alerting me that I had 75 new voicemails and that I needed to clear it out.

I stuffed it into my pocket, already annoyed that I didn't have circuit to tell me what he wanted. I opened the door to the bathroom to be met with the boy from earlier, Nate, I believe his name was. I screamed in surprise.

"Woah! Easy..." He chuckled lightly.

"I'm sorry, just kind of jumpy."

"You're Athena, right?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded my head with a small smile. "Yep, that's me." Not creepy at all that he knows my name. "And it's just Andy."

"Well, Andy, dance with me?" I scratched the back of my neck. I immediately thought about Optimus. My feelings for him were so strong. I don't understand why he sees me as nothing but a child. Even though we did make out earlier today. I guess he just made up his mind or I'm just stupid.

I could just be stupid.

I sighed and grabbed Nate's hand. "Let's go..." He pulled me onto the dance floor, his hand placed on my lower back. I couldn't help but get a weird vibe from him. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"You look beautiful you know." He complimented charmingly. I, on the other hand, wasn't buying it.

I gave a sheepish smile. "Thanks, I usually don't get dressed up, but it's my first party in a long time." I felt my phone buzz for what felt like the millionth time tonight. I couldn't hold back my groan of annoyance this time.

"Parent trouble?"

"Worse, boy trouble."

"Oh... you have a boyfriend?"

I shook my head with a laugh. "If I did, we wouldn't be dancing."

He cracked a smirk. "You're the faithful type." I raised a brow.

"That should be the only type."

Nate laughed with a nod of his head. "You, Notande, are very smart." I tilted my head to the side at the word. It sounded familiar, almost alien.

Before I could ask what that word was, the dude throwing the party screamed. "Hey!" Everyone turned to the frat boy. "Who drove the freaking semi-truck?"

I widened my eyes, knowing exactly who that was. I detangled myself from Nate's wandering limbs and ran to the window. Nate followed me like a lost puppy.

There was, indeed, a humongous blue and red flamed semi-truck resting his heavy ass on the lawn. "You know who that is?" Nate asked curiously.

"I wish I didn't..."

"There's a truck on the lawn!" The guy shouted again. "Whoever it is, it's ruining my GRASS!"

"You gotta be kidding me..." I mumbled, stomping outside. I can't go one day without complete chaos. "You are unbelievable!" I hissed, climbing up his steps to look into the window. "What are you doing here!"

I was met with Optimus' hologram staring back at me angrily. "When I call, you answer." Optimus hissed. "How am I able to trust you with your own safety when you are acting like an irresponsible child."

"There is a perfectly good reason why I'm not talking to you, dad." I snapped. "My own parents don't bother me as much as you do."

Optimus gave a deep sigh. "Athena, I did not come to argue. We wouldn't be in this predicament if you had just simply answered your phone!"

I looked to see Bee flash his lights at me. "You brought Bee?!"

"I was going to send him in if you didn't come out at all."

"Well, you got my attention along with the entire freaking campus!"

"I was able to retract you outside, that's all that matters." He stated bluntly.

"You are so unbelievable." I grumbled with narrowed eyes. "I'm going back inside!" I hissed, stomping off.

"Athena Belle!" Optimus shouted.

"And next time you want to get me, do it yourself, Mr. Big Time Leader of the Free World!"

I could hear the steam coming out of Optimus' alt. He was beyond pissed off and frankly, I could give a damn. "If I get out of this truck, Athena!"

"Can't hear you from how far away I am!"

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