Sight and Sound

By AsterUchiha

588 11 0

Aster cares for Sasuke like a little brother and is head over heels for Itachi. Her one dream is to find happ... More

Leaving Again
Hate Akatsuki
Worst Reunion
Going Back
Let Go
To Train
My History
Clattering Kunai
Rash Words
Lacking Response
Loyalties Betray
Dreamstate Ultimatum
You and Me
Vengeance Vs. Forgiveness
Vengeance Vs. Forgiveness Part 2
Back to Start
Coming Together
Take Back

New Paths

20 1 0
By AsterUchiha

Itachi stood talking with Shusui. "They won't really do that.. Shusui?" Itachi was upset. Shusui was like a brother to him. He was the only one Itachi would tell what he really felt to. "The Akatsuki mean what they say. The clan only wants to keep its status in Konoha. His life means nothing to them." Shusui spoke gravely, trying to keep Itachi from the imminent proposition he felt coming. "Shusui, I won't let them just hand over Sasuke like some animal. He is not a guinea pig. He is a little boy, my little brother." Itachi was adamant. "Itachi what can we do? Just listen to me for once.." Shusui tried to reason with him. But Itachi was far wiser than his age credited him. "I have an idea. I have already tried to go in his place, but that didn't work." Itachi looked at Shusui, expecting him to be able to perceive the plot he was cooking up. "I have another way to save him." Shusui furrowed his brow at this, "Itachi, stop beating around the bush. What do you mean?" Again Itachi stared into his eyes in that all-knowing way, "I will infiltrate the Akatsuki and destroy them from the inside out." His brother-like clansman only scowled at him. "Itachi Uchiha! How the heck to you plan to infiltrate such an organization?" Itachi for once sighed because he had no answer. Then he looked hopefully at Shusui. "Why else would I tell you about my plan, unless I needed help? Please, Shusui. I can't stand by while they send Sasuke unknowingly to his death." As Shusui met Itachi's desperate gaze, he melted. The utterly lost feel of his eyes made it impossible to refuse his help. "I can't promise anything. This is betraying the clan, we are a pair of traitors as of now. I will do my best for you." Itachi only looked at him reprovingly, "For Sasuke. Not me."

Aster moved slowly through the lightless forest. Despair weighed down her every step. She was going to try to find Itachi, but she really had no idea where he was headed or how far ahead he was. Quietly as she could, she moved through the trees. Aster realized that was running away from Konoha, much the same way she had before. Disgusted with herself, she continued on, only thinking of Itachi. As she moved on the forest floor, she heard voices above her. Aster whipped her head up, believing to be caught.

A girl with a flute and a bandaged head that showed tufts of red hair stared menacingly at Sasuke. Sasuke only gazed back coolly, "I thought you were the 'Sound Five'.. There are only four of you. Are all of Orochimaru's subordinates unable to count?"

The girl replied, "You've got guts. How bout I tell you the story on the way?"

Sasuke tilted his head nonchalantly. Aster stared up, apparently still unnoticed. This is the path he has chosen? She thought as a pit formed in her stomach.

"Do we really need to move so quickly?" Sasuke asked, anger putting an edge on his words. Aster gaped. The Sasuke she had known was never malicious.

The redhead chuckled darkly. "He needs you more than ever now. We must move quickly."

Sasuke shivered slightly, but as far as Aster could tell, none of Orochimaru's henchmen picked it up. She could tell he was apprehensive about what he was doing. That made it harder to watch him go. Then, at a signal from a man with six arms, they set off, leaving Aster stunned in her hiding place.

Dazed and distant, she stumbled through the woods, blindly searching for Itachi. Itachi heard crashing in the trees behind him. He turned when he felt the crash of something in the forest behind him. He was going to attack, but he recognized Aster's silhouette. Tiredly he thought to himself, I knew leaving her in Konoha was too easy.

She picked herself up and stared at him in wonder. "Itachi? Is it really you?" He thought she had been saying a lot of the same thing.

Reprovingly, and a little angrily he asked her, "What are you doing here? You should still be in a hospital bed in Konoha.."

She instantly fell apart. "I.. Sasuke-he! And Orochimaru! How could I? How could I do that to Sasuke-chan?!" She ran toward him and wrapped her arms around him tightly. He was too aghast to resist.

"What are you talking about?" he choked out in a strangled voice. Why are weird, dramatic meetings a usual with her?

Aster looked at him in complete confusion. "You mean? You really have no idea?!"

He scowled at her. Did she think he read minds? Now annoyed, "Just tell me, straight to the point."

She pulled back just enough to look squarely in his eyes. "Sasuke-chan.. he-.." She recoiled against him, unable to speak. Itachi wriggled a little, more than slightly uncomfortable. "Orochimaru's offer.." she whispered.

He instantly became pale. Orochimaru? But he left Akatsuki.. Shouldn't he be dead? "What does he have to do with Sasuke?"

Aster only became more agitated. She was falling apart at the seems. She yelled into his shoulder, "He broke his promise to me! He-he hates..."

Itachi was confused by her ravings and more than a little frazzled. "Stop babbling and speak to me."

She met his eyes solemnly, "He hates.." she paused, "you."

He only stared dumbfounded. She's had no idea? She really didn't figure it out until now?!

Aster continued in a childish voice, "He's going to him. Those people.. the 'Sound Five'.. they are taking him there."

Itachi nodded. It all made sense now. Then, it suddenly occurred to him, "Why didn't you stop him?" He knew she at least understood how horrible the Sound Five were, if not why.

Aster turned red from anger at herself and embarrassment. She had let her emotions get the better of her, even now. Itachi would never do that, she realized ruefully. "I made a promise. There's no way.. I just can't." She paused sorrowfully. Then she brightened suddenly, "What about you?"

He looked at her, not really seeing her. I can take on Orochimaru.. But chasing Sasuke would attract the attention of Akatsuki. If I can't defeat all of them at once, there's no way I can afford to break the contract. He glanced at Aster, I can't do it. Especially trying to protect her. Trying to reason with her and himself he answered, "Even if I were to chase him, do you really believe Sasuke would go with me willing?"

Aster hung her head in despair. "It's hopeless. What have I done?" she moaned despairingly.

Itachi seemed unphased, until his features hardened, "No." Aster stared at him aghast from his shoulder. "He will come to us." With a piercing gaze he added, "to me.."

Aster twisted her face in pain, "That was my promise. To let him go. To stop him if he got to you." She paused to stare directly into his eyes, "To give my life.. or take his."

Itachi only gaped at her, startled and disconcerted. "It won't come to that," he said trying to stop her from looking at him the way she was.

It worked. She buried her face against the neck of his cloak. Then in her numbness whispered in a prophetic tone, "Yes. Yes it will."

They stood in an awkward silence before she finally let go him. Itachi sighed in a short-lived relief as she backed up a couple steps away from him. It was cut short when she continued, "Well, at this point, if I have this all right, Kirikagure, Konoha, the Sound Five, and the rest of Akatsuki wouldn't mind offing me.." Itachi nodded slowly. Aster then added in a bright tone that disturbed him, "So you're all I've got!"

As they continued on, Aster trudged behind, worn down from the night. Itachi was unable to forget her words. Under his breath, he muttered, darkly, "You shouldn't be so sure of that.."

They walked for several hours in the cloak of darkness that the night and forest canopy created. Eventually, they had to rest. Itachi went behind some trees, whether for water from a nearby stream, or something else, Aster didn't know or care. She slumped against the rough bark of the nearest tree. It wasn't long before so was asleep.

Itachi emerged from the shadows to find her sleeping from exhaustion. He couldn't just leave her there. Physically he could, but his conscience wouldn't let him leave her behind. He knew it would be pointless anyways. As soon as she woke up, she'd be searching for him. Even worn out as he was from lack of sleep, he slung her over his shoulder and continued on.

Kisame's silhouette stood out from the shadows because of its ominous darkness and size. Orochimaru sat in a wood chair, calmly eyeing him. He tapped his fingers impatiently, but he spoke in a slow, casual way.

"Ah, Kisame," Orochimaru addressed him in a mockingly affectionate way. "A member of Akatsuki", he continued in disdain, "an organization of my previous affiliations. What brings you here?"

Kisame was hesitant around the ex-member of Akatsuki, but he didn't stutter in his answer, "It's about Uchiha Itachi."

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows at the name, but quickly glared at Kisame. All facades of politeness and friendliness were dropped. "I already have an Uchiha on the way. I have no use for him." Orochimaru paused for a moment, remembering why he had deserted Akatsuki. With venom he added, "I haven't forgotten anything."

Kisame recalled the fight between Itachi and Sasuke in the hotel. He smiled threateningly, "Neither has your new vessel. He will have business with Itachi. This could be beneficial to both of us."

"Hmm.." Orochimaru rapped his fingertips on the arm of the chair. "What are you suggesting?"

Even weary as he was, Itachi trudged on with Aster draped over his left shoulder. It was about midday, and they were finally almost to their destination. Then, he felt her shift her weight. Awake he thought, but didn't put her down.

It was a few minutes before he commented, "You're a horrible actor."

Aster snored loudly in a failed attempt at 'sleeping.' Itachi only sighed.

"Horrible," he said. He walked, mercilessly swinging her over his shoulder in rhythm to his steps.

Aster gave up the façade. "If you knew.." she blushed suddenly, "Why are you still carrying me?"

"Tch!" he shrugged, jostling her and causing her more discomfort on purpose. "You'd cause more trouble if I put you down."

Aster hung her crossed arms against his back, pouting. "You're heartless!" she whined.

All the amusement and light-heartedness was gone from his voice, "You don't know the half of it..."

Aster was silent. She was disturbed by the sudden edge in his tone. They walked for a while in the tense thickness of his words. Aster was never one to grasp the serious side of things, so she only was quiet because she felt it was proper. She hung her head over her still crossed arms and against his back.

Raising her head she broke the silence. "You smell.." she trailed off, trying to find the appropriate words. Itachi listened, unsure if he had heard her right. Finally, after a long moment in thought, she came back with her long-sot words, "kind of weird.."

Itachi said nothing at first, dumbfounded that it had taken her that long, only to phrase things like that. "What?" he asked, still hoping he had only misheard her.

Aster continued on her off the wall train of thought, "Not in a bad way, but..."

She paused as if waiting for him to answer her. Itachi didn't reply though. He was stunned that he hadn't misunderstood her. But what surprised even him, was the bit of curiosity her musings stirred in him. How do I smell? He wondered.

"Clean,.. but" she paused again, trying to find the correct order of words. " Not in the usual sense." Aster grinned, even though he couldn't see it, he knew it by her tone of voice, "Ya' know what I mean?"

She was beginning to get on his nerves now. "No. I don't know what you mean," he snapped at her.

Aster waved her hands out to the sides, messing with Itachi's peripheral vision, and serving only to make him edgier. "Well," she began, "You smell-"

"Never mind," he said, cutting her off. "I don't want to know. There are more important things."

Aster only snorted at him. "Fine!" she exclaimed. In her most mock-business tone she continued, "On to more important things!"

Itachi was reaching for some berries he had picked at their rest stop. His only reply was a surprised, "Hm?" He chewed the berry slowly, unsure of what kind he was eating. Instead of being concerned with what he was eating he thought I wonder where this is going..

"When do we start my training?" Aster asked in an annoyingly upbeat and sunshiny way.

Itachi choked on the berry before swallowing it completely and going into a coughing fit. After much suffering he was able to stammer, "Um,... Training?"

"Yeah!" she yelled, punching the air with her fist and knocking them off balance for a second. Then she calmed and became serious, "I haven't forgotten about destroying Akatsuki.."

He almost stopped for a second in the middle of the path, taken aback. He sighed, debating it in his head. If I did train her, she might help me overthrow the Akatsuki. But that's a big maybe. She was never very strong, but.. His only spoken thought was, "Maybe."

Aster immediately became angry with him. "Maybe?! What's that supposed to mean?!" she cried in her outburst. Hanging limply against him after the outrage left her system, she added, "You can't always be there to save me.."

He was surprised to see such thought from her. Ruefully, he thought She has a point. Trying stave off her dependence on him, he said, "Who told you I'd save you again?"

Aster took a defensive position, and tried to re-attack the problem. "I know why you don't want to train me, she said elusively. Itachi only raised one eyebrow skeptically. "You don't think I can handle it," she accused.

He winced involuntarily, that was a big reason. He was secretly glad that she was over his shoulder. It meant she couldn't see his face.

Ominous undertones were easy to hear in Aster's voice as she continued, "You know a lot, but not about me." She paused, taking a deep breath, finding it hard to continue. Itachi waited for her to elaborate, but instead she changed the subject slightly. "There's a lot."

He was curious now, and that didn't happen often. "Why don't you inform me?"

"I..." she started slowly. He could feel her frame become weaker in his grasp as she debated over her next words. "Don't be afraid to be hard on me.." she said, sounding something like a broken record.

It frightened him to realize how desperate she was to train. Just like Sasuke.. He almost shuddered at the thought. Then abruptly he rebuked her, "This is exactly why I won't.."

Aster gripped the back of his cloak in disbelief. "But you said maybe!" she cried, extremely upset.

Itachi was growing tired of this quickly. Finally, they had reached their destination. Without another moment's hesitation, he put her down as gently as he could. "Enough, we're here," he said.

Aster ignored him and began pouting, "Why do you treat me so childishly? I'm not a little kid!"

He sighed softly, looking at her with one eyebrow raised again. She stared back determinedly. Sighing again, he turned to look past her, at his and Kisame's hideout.

Aster swiveled her body quickly to follow his gaze. She stood for a moment, surveying the house. "What do we do now that we're here?" she asked tentively.

"Clean." Itachi said simply, not wasting a single word.

Aster gaped at him. It took her a few seconds to realize it wasn't some twisted form of a sense of humor. Her heart sank when she realized he was dead serious. "WHA-?" she howled loud enough for the people in Konoha and the Mist Village to hear. Itachi ignored her horrorified cries and walked toward the front door.

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