Meeting the Billionaire

By Dinosaurstar

622K 14.1K 714

May is a 18 year old girl who is constantly bullied at school and has been since she was a freshman. over the... More

A new year a new look
Avoid the new kid
Happiness is key in life
Bucket list
Skipping class like a pro
Sleep over part 1
sleep over part 2
Who are you?
Why must is be so hard to buy a present
well that was... fun?
you got to be kidding me
Lunch with Mr rich boy
Sexy secretary?
Happy birthday to us
Birthday dinner part 2
Birthday dinner part 3
Birthday dinner part 4
I will always love my best friend
oh god James
Wow. that was well
James' mom

Birthday dinner part 1

17.5K 505 19
By Dinosaurstar

wooo this is another part chapter so you have to wait, keep reading and add to you libary and votee pleasee and guess what my first story nearly has 20,000 views whooop so happy go check it out ' The english badgirl and the Ameican Badbay'

anway to this chapter enjoy

I arrived at my house and unlocked the front door throwing my bag down my the door and took my shoes off and placed them in the shoe rack and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the food cupboard and grabbed a Hershey bar and went upstairs to get read for tonight. I walked in to my room and fell down on to my bed sighing “ ugh what the hell do I wear” I said pushing my head into my pillows. I groaned even more because my phone started to ring, who knew that turning 19 was so stressful. I pushed myself up from my bed and grabbed my phone and answered it with out looking at the caller ID “ hello?” I asked down the phone “ Hey dear, Happy birthday” I smiled at my moms voice “ oh hey mom and thanks its been very stressful” she sighed “ what’s happened May you should be Happy your nineteen” I sighed “ mom, James quit doing the Bucket list with me and I don't know what to wear for my date with Harry tonight to celebrate our birthdays”.

My mom laughed down the phone “ oh dear here is what you wear, get that tight black dress you have that goes past your knees and wear that with a pair of wedged black heels. I will let you do the rest” I smiled down at the phone “ thank you so much mom, I will see you soon bye love you!” “ love you to darling” I hung up the phone and ran over to my closet looking for my tight black dress. I found the dress and pulled it out of my closet and smiled down at it, the dress had no sleeves and went past my knees and just above my ankles shaping all of my curves in the perfect way. It was simple but elegant.

I text Harry asking what time I should be ready for and luckily enough he text back straight away ' 7:30 my love' I replied with ' okay best start getting ready' I looked at the time on my phone 4:50, time does sure pass quick when you are led on your bed complaining about your life to yourself. Well I had 2 hours and ten minuets to get ready so I better start.

I walked into my bathroom and removed all my make up that I had on today, which wasn't much. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair through ready to style, I walked back out of the bathroom and stripped from my clothes and changed my underwear to a pair of black laced underwear, I grabbed the dress and pulled it over my head and straightened it out out so it reached just above my ankles and made me look skinnier than I actually was. I took a seat in front of my mirror and grabbed my make up bag and poured the contents on to the dresser and spread everything out.

I grabbed the black and silver eye shadow and started to brush it onto my eyes creating the smokey eye affect to make my eyes pop. Once I was satisfied with my eye shadow I moved on to applying the eye liner, once I had finished the flicks I moved on to putting the mascara on to make my eye lashes longer. I grabbed my red lipstick and applied it to my lips and puckered my lips smiling at my reflection .now that my make up was done it was time to do my hair which I had the perfect idea for, I grabbed my comb and started to back comb the top of my hair and around the side to make it big. I sprayed it with a decent amount of hair spray and flattened it down a bit to make it tidier but keeping the volume, I grabbed the bottom bits of my hair and grabbed a black hair band and tied the end in a low pony tail pushing it up towards my head giving my hair volume. I pulled the pony tail round to my right side and smiled and my reflection, now its time to add the accessories.

I was already wearing the necklace Harry gave me so there was no need to put another on, so I grabbed my diamond earrings that my dad bought me just before he died and pushed them in my ears. I didn't want to go over the top with what I was wearing so I added nothing else apart from my black wedged high heels and a silver clutch. I grabbed my phone looking at them time and saw I had just 5 minuets before Harry should be here to pick me up, I wonder what restaurant we are going to, I hope I'm dressed correctly. I took one more glance in my mirror before smiling at my appearance and heading downstairs and getting a drink before Harry arrived.

I walked into my kitchen and grabbed and glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water and took a massive gulp on it, just as I put the glass down the door bell rung and I could feel the nervousness making its way to the pit of my stomach. I grabbed my silver clutch off the side and Leather Jacket before heading to the door, I grabbed my house keys off the side and pulled open the door and looked down at Harry. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a white dress shirt tucked in and the sleeves pulled up to his elbows, his hair was in a messy style across his face and in his hand was a bunch of roses “ hey” I said he smiled “ you look absolutely beautiful” I smiled and felt the blush come up to my cheeks “ thank you, you don’t look to bad yourself” he smiled and handed me the roses “these are for you” I smiled and grabbed them and took them into my house placing them in the sink with some water in until I get back.

I walked back to my front door and stepped out closing it behind me, Harry reached forward and grabbed my hand and lead me to his Black porche he pulled open my door which I got in and he closed it behind me. Harry walked round the front of the car and got into his side of the car and started the engine and started to drive down the road. “ May, the press May find us” I shrugged, it didn't bother me anymore as long as I was with Harry it shouldn't matter “ I'm not bothered as long as we have a good time then I'm okay with it” he smiled and grabbed my hand squeezing it “ thank you May, any other girl would want me for my money and fame” I chuckled “ not me I only want you for you massages” he chuckled “ Maybe I could give you one later?” I nodded my head eagerly “ yes please last time was amazing” he chuckled and carried on driving.


we pulled up outside some very fancy restaurant called Le Mange, I smiled at Harry who was getting out of the car I went to open my door but It was already being pulled open by Harry. I got out of the car and smiled at Harry and took his hand into mine and followed him into the restaurant. Harry walked up to the waiter “ reservation under Mr Starsons” the waiter nodded “ this way sir” we followed the waiter to a seat in the corner of the restaurant with flowers on the table as well as candles. Harry pulled my seat out which I gladly sat down in “ order anything you like” Harry said taking his seat. I smiled up at him and looked down at the menu... everything was so expensive and I hated to waist peoples money on myself. “ Harry” I said “ yeah May” I sighed “ do we have to come to such an expensive restaurant I don't want to waste your money” he chuckled “May my dear you are not wasting my money and I want to spend my money on you, you are my beautiful girlfriend after all” I blushed and nodded my head looking back down at the menu.

The waiter came back and I ordered a steak so now Harry and I were deep in conversation about what he actually does in his business “ well I check the final designs and go to all the meetings about the clothes and check the financial side to everything” I nodded my head “ so when were you going to tell my you were Harry Starsons?” he chuckled “ you are actually the only girl I have met who didn't know who I was” I laughed “ yeah it takes a while for things to click”. Harry chuckled “ and to answer your question I was going to tell you this weekend on our date but I thought seeing as we were going out on this date I should tell you if anything happens” I nodded my head “ yeah, it would be really weird if a load of press attacked us” he chuckled, does this guy never stop chuckling or what? “ you get use to it after a while, it just gets annoying when they get into your personal life” I nodded in understanding “ yeah I guess, but I guess it gets easier after a while” he nodded “ yeah it does, I kind of just say what they want to know only if it isn’t personal and then go on my way” I smiled “ now that is how you deal with the press”.

The waiter bought our food over and placed it in front of us both and left us, Harry and I ate in silence but he kept rubbing his foot up at down my leg. “ so what do you think of my dress” I asked pushing the plate out in front of me not being able to finish it all “ you look beautiful and I love how you have dressed elegantly” I smiled “ that is what I was going for” he chuckled “ your make up is also very beautiful” I blushed and thanked him, “ so shall we leave then?” I nodded my head.

thank you for reading this chapter make sure you vote and add it to your libary and give me support.

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sorry for any mistakes and i am so sorry for the poorly grammer in the last one, i did update on my phone and it was really hard. today though i did go back and change all the spelling mistakes

i also know im not the best when it comes to puncuation and stuff like that so please bear with.

Emilllyy :*  

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