Boys Are Dogs

By _nathanmckenna

51.9K 1.8K 602

-cringe warning- i wrote this when i was 15 lmao. the plot's a mess and the writing sucks but i had fun writi... More

Chapter One - Collin POV
Chapter 2 - Derek POV
Chapter 3 - Collin POV
Chapter 4 - Derek POV
Chapter 5 - Collin POV
Chapter 6 - Derek POV
Chapter 7 - Collin POV
Chapter 8 - Derek POV
Chapter 9 - Collin POV
Chapter 10 - Derek POV
Chapter 11 - Collin POV
Chapter 13 - Collin POV
Chapter 14 - Derek POV (final chapter)

Chapter 12 - Derek POV

2.4K 112 38
By _nathanmckenna


The tone of Collin's voice broke my heart. He seemed utterly destroyed, by what, I had no idea. I took a step forward, unsure as to what I should do with the situation.


The authority in his voice startled me.

"I'm just trying to help," I whispered. "Let me help you."

I took another shaky step forward. I don't think finding out that I'm homeless helped him any.

"If you take another step towards me, I swear to motherfucking God that I will knock your lights out."

Not exactly the response I had hoped for.

"Collin, you're not like this. What is wrong?"

He stood up and met my eyes.

"I told you to back off."

Before I knew it, our eye contact ended and his fist was flying alarmingly fast at my face. I grabbed his hand before he could do any real damage. He sent his other one flying but it only hit my chest. He jerked his hand out of my grip and continued pounding on my chest.

And I let him.

I took blow after blow after blow, for what seemed like a few minutes.

"Derek..." he suddenly whimpered. He stopped hitting me and laid his head on my chest.

"Derek.." he sobbed, his body shaking violently. I wrapped my arms around him, not letting go even once. He seemed so fragile.

I sat us down on the curb, the rain overhead still pelting us. He laid in my lap, and cried for what seemed like hours.

It was around 4:30 AM when he stopped crying. He sat up and we sat there in silence for a good five minutes.

Before I knew it, Collin was softly wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into a soft but fierce embrace.

We hugged for a long time, each of us dreading the moment when we had to let go.

We ended the hug, and Collin turned away.

"I'm so sorry," he began, "you did not deserve what I did to you. None of it was your fault... well actually some of it was... but that's not the point. I had no right to pound on you the way I did, and for that, I am truly, one hundred percent sorry. From the bottom of my heart."

He turned to look at me. I began to reply to him, wondering what he meant by 'some of it is my fault'. But he cut me off before I could say anything. He began lifting my shirt up.

Collin ran his hand along my chest. The early marks of bruises were already flowering all over.

He looked me in the eye, tears already welling up in his own.

"I..." he began, but didn't continue when he started crying.

I hugged him close, pressing his head against my bruising chest, causing a little burst of pain. I ignored it though.

He pulled away, tears streaking his face. I hated to see him in so much emotional pain. He didn't deserve it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were homeless?

I opened my eyes in shock. I hadn't even thought about that.

"Sorry," Collin quickly said, "too soon."

"No it's okay, I was gonna tell you anyway."

I took a deep breath and started the explanation, only pausing a second to appreciate the sun rise.


"This is all because of me?"

He stood up and started pacing.

"Who the fuck does he think he is? Kicking his son out for supposedly being gay? Without actual proof? Not that he needs proof cuz it's not fucking okay in the first place, but what the actual fuck?! And even if you were gay, what does it fucking matter? It's not like being gay is contagious! You are too good of a person to be kicked out of your own home like that! At least now we know that your father is a worthless piece of shit. I hope you know that I would never shut you out for something like that." He turned to me with the last sentence.

"I sure hope not," I muttered to myself, but gladly Collin was too absorbed in his rage to hear me.

Collin suddenly grabbed my arm and hoisted me up to my feet.

"Get in the car." He commanded.

I got in the car, unsure of what was to happen next.


We pulled into the parking lot of the nicest hotel in town. Collin practically dragged me to the front desk.

"Hi, can we have a room?" Collin sweetly asked the lady at the desk.

"Yes, of course. How many nights will you be staying?"

"We're not sure yet. Just keep charging my card until we check out."

The lady nodded her head, and got my room ready.

As we walked down the hall, I confronted Collin.

"Why are you doing this?"

He ignored me, and unlocked the room. We stepped inside to see one of the most fantastic hotel rooms I had ever seen.

I looked over at Collin, whose face was expressionless. He handed me my key card, and promptly walked out.

"I'll be back in thirty minutes." He stated and walked off.


After about fifteen minutes of waiting, I decided to get some air.

The street was buzzing with traffic. I walked on the sidewalk aimlessly. I got caught in a daydream, and before I knew it I ran into someone. A very little someone. I looked down to see Luna, smiling very brightly at me.


"Oh, Luna! It's so good to see you!"

I pulled her into a tight hug right as our mother walked up behind us.

"Hello, Derek." she said with pursed lips.

"Come on Luna, the movie's about to start."

"Oh yeah, Der-bear. Mom's taking me to see Finding Dory!"

"Oh really? Well you should get to it so you don't miss it." I said with excitement.

"Okay, but I have a secret to tell you."

"Okay." I said and leaned in.

"I think I like girls," she whispered, albeit very matter-of-factly.

She hopped down and ran to catch up with our mom.

I stood there in shock.


I was laying on the bed in my newly acquired room. When I heard a knock. Figuring it was Collin, I hopped up to open the door.

My suspicions were correct. He waltzed in, carrying arms full of groceries.

I looked at him in shock.

"Okay first the hotel room, and now this?" I question.

"Is it bad that I care about you?" He asked playfully.

"No, but that doesn't mean that you have to do this."

"Well I felt that I should."

I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, careful not to step on any of the groceries now laying on the ground.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked gingerly, hoping my voice was soft enough.

He sighed and looked down at his shoes, while twiddling with his fingers.

"I'm guessing you want the real answer, and not some excuse?" he said.

"Yes, of course. You can tell me." I whispered.

He sighed and took a deep breath before slowly saying,

"I think I'm in love with you and I hate to see people I love getting hurt."

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