Quicksilver (X-men) One shots

By vrededromer

87.6K 1.6K 400

A selection of one shots about our favorite fast X-men, with emphasis on Dadneto, and other family relationsh... More

The Big Secret
A Big Day
A New Mutant
He left again
Experiment Part 1
Experiment Part 2
Experiment Part 3
Family Ties
Father's day
Where's Peter?
The Argument
Growing Up
Finding out (An alternative Scenario)
Return of the Stepfather
The Road Trip
Meet the Brother


1.7K 53 13
By vrededromer

Please read note at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

Summer vacation had started and most of the students had gone back home to their parents for the summer. In addition to the adults who lived at the mansion –now including Peter and Isabel- about 25 or so students remained over the summer because they didn't have a home to return to. On this particular day though, the mansion was basically empty. Isabel had suggested to take the kids out of the mansion and do something fun all together, since they weren't going to get a real vacation, but staying in the mansion for so many weeks would be kind of boring. And so the professor, Raven, Hank Isabel and all the kids went to the zoo for the day.

Erik, for one wasn't really allowed to leave the land of the mansion, but secondly, was particularly angry and grief stricken that day. Apparently it was the birthday of his dead daughter, and he was mourning her death.

Peter himself didn't really feel like going to the zoo. Except for his little sister he had never been very good with kids, and he had gotten a sunburn a few days before and decided it was better to stay inside for the day.

The only problem was that after so many months of being surrounded by his friends, who were now more like family, being alone had become boring. For the first few hours of the day he played pacman on his arcade machine. He then decided to run around in the training room, feeling bored of sitting still for too long.

After running for about 30 minutes Peter ran upstairs again and fell down on his bed, with a deep sigh.

'This is so boring...'

In his mind he quickly ran through all the options of things he could do alone but would probably still bore him. Yes, there was a huge library, but he had never had the patience for reading. He couldn't go outside because of the sun. During the summer the tv only showed re runs of bad shows, so watching tv wasn't really an option either.

Eventually he decided to run down to the phone and call his mom.

'Hello?' his mom's voice filled his ears and Peter smiled, realizing just how much he missed his mom.

'Hey mom, it's me!' he excitedly answered. 'How are you?'

'Oh, hi Peter, sweetheart.' His mom sounded absentminded as she answered him, and Peter could just imagine how his mom would be looking out the window while talking on the phone.

'How's it going, mom?' He asked.

'Well, honey, I'm sorry, but I'm actually in a hurry. I have to take your sister to the doctor for her broken leg, and we're already running late. Why don't you call back tomorrow, Peter?'

Peter smiled sadly. 'Yeah... sure mom. Wish Claire good luck.'

'I will love. Bye honey!'

'Bye mom...' He mumbled after the horn his the receiver, and dial tone filled Peter's ear. Peter sighed and put down the phone. He leaned back against the wall, and again thought about what he could do. Eventually he decided that he was hungry and would make himself some food.

He quickly got up and walked to the large mansion kitchen. The kitchen was absolutely huge, and the cheer size of it all still quite surprised him after all these months. A quick survey of the fridge showed Peter that making a huge amount of sandwiches wasn't going to be possible. He thought for a moment and decided to bake brownies instead. He and his sister had done so all the time, however, what escaped Peter's mind was that it was mostly Wanda who did the baking, and Peter just eating the batter.

With the thought of beautiful baked brownies in his head, he took the ingredients out of the fridge and cupboards and started on the batter.

Upstairs in the mansion, Erik sat in his room. The curtains closed, no lights on, he sat on the floor in completely silence. In front of him on the table a small candle burned next to a picture of his daughter and wife. Their smiling faces broke his heart still, knowing that they would never smile again. He had been crying on and off for many hours now, but he didn't really care. He took a deep breath and softly song an old Hebrew mourning song filling the silence of the room.

The silence of his mourning however was disrupted by a sound from downstairs. Erik stopped his singing and slowly stood up in order to explore the sound. Finding the noise was not easy in the large mansion but after a few minutes of walked around Erik found the source of the noise in the kitchen.

'Peter?' Erik asked in surprise as he walked into the kitchen where large surface areas were covered in brown sticky substance.

'Hi dad.' Peter awkwardly said.

Erik sighed. 'What happened?' he asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Peter shrugged. 'Well, no one is around so I got bored and since I was hungry I decided to make myself some food... I just wanted to do something...'

Erik looked down and felt ashamed. Charles had told him Peter would also stay home because of a sunburn, and his grief for his lost daughter had clouded his responsibilities for his son. 'I'm sorry I didn't spend time with you today, Peter. I should have expected you would get bored...'

Peter shrugged, not blaming his dad for his own boredom.

'How about we clean up this mess and try baking something else, without damaging the kitchen?'

Peter laughed. 'Sure, dad... whatever you say.'

And so the men started cleaning the kitchen. Of course Peter could have done it in a mere minute with his speed, but he preferred the bonding time and jokes he shared with his dad.

By the time everyone returned from the zoo, Peter and Erik had baked 1 cake, 2 different pies and few dozen cookies.

Everyone in the mansion lay in bed that evening feeling far fuller than they would like to, but would all say it was worth it, because all the cookies and cakes made the best desert they had had in a long time.

A/N So this is a short and somewhat uninteresting chapter, but after 2 or 3 weeks without any uploads you deserved something. However, I have been getting somewhat stuck as to what to write these one shots about, so PLEASEEE if you have any ideas or requests for one shots (focused around Peter of course), please let me know in the comments because I could really use some help.

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