Long Distance Love

By i_nbolt

4K 655 452

Highest Rank #9 in Paranormal. Do you know the ones you love? They did but didn't! Eros' POV: I saw... More

Eros And Nubia
Author's Note #1
Author's Note #2
Author's Note #3
Author's Note #4
Author's Note #5
Author's Note #6
Author's Note #7
Author's Note #8
Author's Note #9
What is Long Distance Love?


88 19 0
By i_nbolt

Nubia's POV:
Everyone felt that I was wrong when I decided to end the relationship, but no one understood me and the amount of suffering I was going through. I wanted to say many things to Eros when he was offline.

I wanted to hug him, kiss him and do everything with him which people do with someone they love but all I got is messages and too but just a few hours of watching him wasn't enough for me.

He kept on promising me that he will somehow come to me and get me but I knew that it was close to impossible and even if it was possible we would have had to suffer a lot as we were from different countries, we followed different religion, we ate different foods and most importantly we lived different lifestyles.

There were too many sacrifices just for one love and nothing lasts forever. The day we end getting pleasures from each other, will be the day these sacrifices will make us suffer.

Hence we had to separate for the good of each other.

Eros never understood me but in his misunderstanding, I felt a love for me which I didn't want to lose but as I said before, nothing lasts forever and after that night I thought it was all over.

I and Eros had a very big gap in between us now and if it was good for him, I was ready to accept it. Obviously, Leonardo was a distraction but he had something which addicted me to him.

Even that day when Ben saw mom coming and he told me to hide, I just couldn't stop myself to follow Leonardo. I chased him and for the first time, I saw him somewhere other than the beach. He went to the nearby graveyard and started cleaning graves.

I approached to talk to him. As he saw me he asked," Why are you following me? Do you need something?" I needed to be clear and hence I said," Why don't you smile or laugh? I am sorry I am following you but this question has been in my head for long as did you love the one you lost so much that you lost even the smile on your face? What is the thing which makes you regret? Why didn't you move on when everyone else in the world does?"

He thought for a minute and replied," I work at this graveyard and death isn't a big thing for me but as you said I regret something I did, my family died because of me. It was 2-3 years before when I was driving my car with my mom, dad wife, and newborn baby in it. We were talking about something and I looked back at my wife, from the front a car's driver died by getting a heart attack and his car entered our lane hitting my car head to head killing everyone other than me and my father. My father died last year and there is nothing much to live for now. I tried to commit suicide too but my life doesn't allow me to die I guess."

I thanked him for the time he gave me and came back home thinking about him during the entire travel.

Ben's POV:
I didn't know where she vanished and she didn't pick up my phone too so I ran to her house and saw her there. I felt relief but she was deep into thought about something and hence I left without us talking too much.

She didn't even thank me for taking the danger and I was not angry about it instead I wanted to know what she was thinking. It was quite obvious that she had found him but I didn't know what he told her and I wanted to know it.

Nuana's POV:
Ben never left so early from my house and Nubia was quiet and thinking something. I approached her thinking that Ben proposed her but she didn't want to speak a word about anything.

It was not the first time when Nubia stayed quite but she never stayed quiet for so long and this was something biting me. I even called Mary to know if something has happened but she knew nothing at all.

I went to her twice or thrice but every time turned out to be useless. She didn't want to speak a word about what had actually happened.

Mary's POV:
I guess an hour later after aunty called me, I received a call from Nubia and she told me everything that happened. It was indeed a sad incident and Nubia was very upset for him.

I felt that Nubia had started to love him. It was good if she loved someone as it was necessary for her to get over Eros but still, I feared a bit.

Nubia always listened to me and I didn't want someone to ruin her life that got a green signal from me.

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