One Direction fan fiction: Ha...

By kawennbr0

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A girl named Michelle who is a sixteen year old who is depressed and very insecure. Her whole life changes wh... More

"Stay" One Direction Fan Fiction: Harry Styles
Chapter One: "Stranger" Part I
Chapter Two: "Stranger" Part II
Chapter Three: Fun and Games
Chapter Four: Getting Some Rest
Chapter Five: Letting You In - Part I
Chapter Six: Letting You In - Part II
Chapter Seven: "More Than This"
Chapter Eight: Something's Wrong
Chapter Nine: All In a Matter of a Day
Chapter Ten: Everything is Different Now
Chapter Eleven: You Can't Have it Your Way
Chapter Twelve: A Revelation of Longing
Chapter Thirteen: How Will I Survive?
Chapter Fifteen: Fears, Water, and Abandonment
Chapter Sixteen: It's Not Easy
Chapter Seventeen: Goodbye and Sweet Dreams
Chapter Eighteen: Bad News
Chapter Nineteen: To Old Times and a New Beginning
Chapter Twenty: Run, Run, Run- Part I
Chapter Twenty-One: Run, Run, Run- Part II
Chapter Twenty-Two: Secrets and Diplomas
Chapter Twenty-Three: Guilt, Love, and Honesty
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Only Reason
Chapter Twenty-Five: Sparks
Chapter Twenty-Six: Explanations
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Mr. Liam Payne
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Directions and Guilt of A Spitting Image
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Hamber
Chapter Thirty: Sickness and Lectures
Chapter Thirty-One: She's A Keeper
Chapter Thirty-Two: Lies Give The Thrills
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Warm Feeling
Chapter Thirty-Four: What Do You Have In Mind?
Chapter Thirty-Five: Not This
Chapter Thirty-Six: Adventure

Chapter Fourteen: Putting It All Behind

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By kawennbr0

(Michelle’s Point of View)

   He grabbed my hand, and held it. It seemed weird, how my fingers fit perfectly in the gaps of his. “Look!” I pointed out to a bird that was flying in the sky that caught my attention. Harry looked up, and nodded. “It’s pretty,” Harry smiled. I nodded, and leaned against him. I took a deep breath of air. “I’m so tired,” I admitted. “Tired?” Harry looked at me with confusion. “You know, of everything,” I answered him. “Me too,” Harry replied. I really was tired. I finally felt relaxed. That’s what I loved about Harry. I just felt so comfortable with him. 

   After just sitting there for a good maybe thirty minutes or so, we decided to head back to our campsite. He got up, and held his hand out to help me. As we walked, he had his arm around me. I noticed there were more tents set up this time around the area. I was surprised that nobody had walked up to us. 

   As we reach our designation, everyone looked at us. I ignored them, and sat down next to Aaron and Crystal with Harry. Crystal kept blushing the whole time. I think it was the fact that whatever Aaron said, sounded attractive due to his British accent. “Hey, pass me the marshmallows,” Harry told Aaron. “Mate, it’s too early,” Aaron laughed. “Eh,” Harry shrugged. Aaron handed him the bag of marshmallows, and Harry stuffed about three in his mouth. His cheeks were so puffed. It reminded me of a chipmunk, which made me giggle. “What’s so funny Cheeks?” Harry asked as he swallowed the marshmallows after chewing. I shook my head and tried to stop myself of laughing. 

   Crystal nudged me with her elbow. I looked at her. “You.. Harry.. what?” Crystal mouthed. I shrugged my shoulders and just looked at Harry. He was now throwing marshmallows at Aaron. Each time a marshmallow went in Aaron’s direction, he tried catching it. Then, he’d throw it back to Harry. “You guys are wasting them,” Danielle laughed as she took a seat at the picnic table near us. I smiled at her. “Babes, I haven’t seen you!” Danielle laughed. “You were too busy with Liam,” I said with a smirk. Danielle started laughing. “Well,” Danielle said. She tried thinking of something to say, but she couldn’t. She changed the subject. “Aaron, have you put on bug repellent yet?” Danielle asked in a motherly way. Aaron rolled his eyes. “Yes Danielle,” Aaron said annoyed. “Good,” Danielle laughed as she pinched her younger cousin’s cheeks. “What’s everyone doing over here?” Liam said as he walked over to us. He took a seat next to his girlfriend and placed his arm around her. “Wasting marshmallows,” Danielle joked. I laughed. I couldn’t help it. It was funny; well, to me. 

   We sat there chatting about absolutely anything and caught up with things. “Well, there’s a lake over there, it seems lovely. Wanna go check it out?” Liam asked us. I shook my head. “No thanks, we’ve seen it already,” I smiled. “Alrighty. Are you coming, Harry?” Liam asked Harry. “I saw it with Michelle,” Harry informed him. Liam had a shocked face on. “Wait, what?” Liam asked. “I saw it already,” Harry repeated himself. “Oh, alright,” Liam said as him and Danielle got up from off their seats and walked towards the lake. Crystal and Aaron joined them. I noticed Danielle whisper something in Liam’s ear, but I couldn’t really make out what she said. But I did hear Liam have a moment of revelation. 

   Now, it was only Harry and I. Maggie was with Amy, Niall, and Louis. Louis was trying to make a move on Maggie, and Maggie occasionally went along with it. Amy was sitting on Niall’s lap. Right before Amy was going to place a kiss on her boyfriend’s lips, she was interrupted. “Hey hey, hey!” Paul interrupted. Amy looked up. “Get a tent!” Paul joked. Niall broke out in laughter. “Maybe that’s what we’ll do!” Niall joked. Amy hit him on his arm. “OUCH!” Niall complained. “I was just kidding!” Niall laughed. Amy rolled her eyes and got up from off his lap and walked over to Zayn and Jessica. “Babe! I was just kididng!” Niall said as he followed her. 

   ”What did you do now, Horan?” Zayn laughed. “Paul was telling us to get a tent cause we were about to snog, and then, I was telling him how we might just do that, and Amy got mad!” Niall pouted. “You don’t just joke about things like that about you and your girlfriend, man,” Zayn laughed as he placed his hand on Niall’s shoulder. “Babe, I’m sorry!” Niall said as he tried apologizing to Amy. Amy wouldn’t look at him. But after a good two minutes, she broke out in laughter. “Gee Horan, calm your whore-moans,” Amy laughed. This time, they all started laughing. Even Jessica.

   Louis and Maggie were play fighting. Louis would try tickling her, and she would hit him and tell him to stop. They looked so cute. They looked like best friends that were secretly crushing on each other. “Love, there’s a bug on you!” Louis shouted. “EW!” Maggie screamed as she jumped around and started to hit her arms trying to kill whatever was on her. Maggie hated bugs, with a passion. “I was just kidding!” Louis laughed. “Not funny, Lou!” Maggie said as she hit him on his arm. They both started laughing, then, Louis wrapped his arms around her waist while they looked at their surroundings. 

   ”You know, we don’t have to stay here the whole time,” Harry pointed out. My mind finally came back. “What?” I asked him. “I said, we don’t have to stay here the whole time,” Harry repeated himself. “Oh, yeah, I know,” I smiled at him. I sat there. “Well?” He laughed. “OH! Right!” I said as I got up. He got up as well, and we joined the others. “Hey man!” Niall greeted Harry. “Hey man,” Harry greeted him. Jessica just looked at us. I stood there while Harry put his arm around me. While Niall and Harry chatted, Zayn looked at me. “You and Harry?” He mouthed. I shrugged my shoulders a little bit. “We sort of made up, I guess,” I mouthed. He nodded. I noticed Jessica was looking at Zayn and I. She didn’t say a word to me. “So,” Amy said trying to break the awkward silence between Zayn, Jessica, Amy, and me. “What time is it?” She asked us. I looked at my phone. It was almost four. Wow, time went by fast. I told her the time, and she thanked me. “I’m starving!” Niall complained. “Niall, you just ate..” Amy said. “That was so long ago!” Niall pointed out. “Not that long ago, hun,” Amy said. “Paul’s grilling burgers,” Zayn informed us. “Yes!” Niall said with excitement. Amy rolled her eyes. 

   ”I’m tired,” I heard Jessica tell Zayn. Zayn looked at her. “Go take a nap, I’ll wake you up when the food is ready,” he said softly as he gently kissed her on her forehead. “Okay,” Jessica said. I watched her as she went in Zayn’s tent, until she zippered it shut. “Let’s play some football!” Louis shouted. Niall’s head shot up. “I’M IN!” Niall shouted with excitement. Louis walked over to us. “I heard there’s a huge field over there,” Louis pointed. “Let’s play some football while we wait for the food,” Niall stated. “Yeah!” Louis said with his fist in the air. “Let me just get my ball from the car,” Louis said as he walked towards the car. He grabbed the soccer ball from the trunk, and headed towards the woods. “Well, are you coming?” He asked. Niall kissed his girlfriend on the cheek, and headed off. “Wait! Harry, you coming?” Niall asked. Harry looked at me, and I nodded. The fact that I nodded meant yes. The fact that he looked at me, was to see if I approved. Harry kissed me on the cheek and caught up with the boys. Now, It was just Maggie, Zayn, Amy, and I. 

   ”Why didn’t you go?” I asked him. “I wanted to talk to you,” Zayn smiled at me. That gave Amy the cue that she had to go. She smiled at me, and walked over to Maggie who was talking to Paul. “Well,” Zayn began. “Well?” I asked him. “Hm, so tell me, what happened with you and Harry?” Zayn asked me. “Well, I don’t know. I was pretty tired of bullshit. I wanted to just have peace and fun this vacation. I knew I couldn’t have any of that if I didn’t make up with him,” I pointed out. “So?” Zayn asked. “Well, we made up. I tried saying sorry, and he stopped me, then blamed himself, which, really was his fault, but yeah, then he tried saying sorry, and I stopped him. Then, we were just talking and sitting by the dock and stuff,” I informed him. “Oh I see,” Zayn winked at me. “HAHAHAHA, no,” I said. Then, I broke out in laughter. “I didn’t know Jessica was coming?” I asked him. Technically, this whole camping thing was only mine and Zayn’s thing. “Well, I mentioned something about camping, and you.. and she insisted in coming,” Zayn explained to me. “Ah,” I sighed. He gave me a half-hearted smile, and put his arm around me. “Look, you’re my best friend Mich, and she’s my somewhat, girlfriend..” Zayn began. “But she’s not your girlfriend,” I stated. “Yeah, I know, but I like her,” Zayn added. I took a deep breath and let him continue. “Why haven’t you made her yours then?” I asked him. He sighed. He was quiet for a moment, then finally answered. “Well, I don’t know. That’s a good question Mich,” Zayn laughed. “It’s just, I’m not really sure if she’s the one, ‘ya know?” Zayn chuckled. I nodded.

   ”Is it done yet?” Amy aked Paul. “Almost. Call the Liam, Danielle, Aaron, and Crystal and tell them,” Paul replied as he flipped the burger over. “Alright,” Amy replied with a smile. She took out her phone from her back pocket, and dialed a number on the phone. “Hey Crystal, the food is almost done, you guys should head back,” Amy told Crystal on the phone then hung up. Maggie was preparing the picnic table with foam plates. 

   ”Come over guys!” Maggie shouted with a smile on her face from a few feet away. Zayn looked at me, and I replied with a smile. We headed towards the picnic table and took our seats. We waited until the food was ready. After a good five minutes, Danielle, Liam, Crystal and Aaron were back. “Mmmm, smells good!” Liam said. It actually did smell good. You could probably smell it from a good maybe ten feet away. Liam and Danielle took a seat across from Maggie and I. Amy was saving a seat for Niall. “I should wake up Jessica now,” Zayn said as he got up from his seat and headed towards his tent. He unzipped the opening and put his head in the tent. “Wake up beautiful,” Zayn said. He stood there bent over with his upper body in the tent, and his lower body outside. He was then pulled inside. I heard giggling. “Uh, someone’s getting it on,” Aaron laughed. Danielle hit him on his arm. “OUCH!” Aaron complained. “Shush it, Aaron,” Danielle laughed. Aaron just kept laughing. Crystal was sitting next to him. Her head was leaned against him. He looked at her and smiled. 

   ”You should call the boys,” Paul told Amy. “Ergh, Niall left his phone here,” Amy said. “I’ll call them,” I offered. Paul just looked at me and then looked away. I have a feeling Paul isn’t a big fan of me. I took my phone out of my back pocket, and dialed Harry’s number. It rang a few times. “Hey babe,” Harry said out of breath. “You sound exhausted,” I laughed. “Eh, it was a good game,” Harry said. I laughed. “Well, the food is ready, you guys should head back. Tell Niall that the food smells really good,” I laughed. Harry laughed as well. “NIALL, LOU! THE FOOD IS READY!” I heard Harry shout. “FOOD!” Niall shouted. “Alrighty!” Louis shouted. “Alright, we’ll be there soon. Bye babe,” Harry said as he hung up. I actually liked when Harry called me Babe. I mean, I know he probably says it to a lot of girls, but I liked when he called he it. 

   As we waited for the boys, I decided to help Paul out. “Want me to help?” I asked him with a smile. “No, It’s fine,” Paul said without looking at me. I felt as if he was shunning me. “Are you sure?” I asked him. “Yeah,” He muttered. “Okay..” I said as I sat back down. “Hey Aims, could you hand me the burger buns?” Paul asked Amy. Um.. It sort of hurt. I mean, I felt upset. I offered to help, but he didn’t want me to, so he chose Amy? I mean yeah, Amy and him get along well, but, seriously? “Sure!” Amy said as she stopped her conversation with Aaron and Crystal, and got the burger buns from the container in the big tent with food and extra stuff in it. 

   ”So, I see you and Harry are okay again,” Maggie smiled at me. “I guess so,” I smiled at her. “Does he make you happy?” Maggie asked me. “He pisses me off sometimes, I mean, I haven’t really talked to him when he left, but, he’s been trying to put an effort into fixing things. But yeah, he does,” I smiled at her. “That’s good. As long as he makes my best friend happy. Just know, if he hurts you, I’m gonna kill him,” Maggie joked. I nodded. Honestly, Maggie would actually go after him. Not hurt him or anything, but talk to him. She’s really the protective best friend. 

   Each time a burger was finished, Amy would pass Paul each plate that had a burger bun on them. It took a pretty long time since there were more than ten of us. I helped Amy place them on the table. You could see the plate getting moist due to the hot burger that was placed on it. 

   I heard laughter coming from the woods. “Mate, we all know that I was the winner,” Louis joked. “Yeah, winner of losing,” Niall laughed. “You guys are both wrong. We all know I was the winner,” Harry laughed. As they came closer, their laughter grew louder. “Mmm, smells good!” Niall shouted as he walked over to Paul who was grilling the last burgers. Niall was looking over Paul’s shoulder. Louis placed his soccer ball on the ground and took a seat next to Maggie on her left side. I was on her right side. Harry took a seat on my right side. “Babe, you look tired,” I laughed. “Eh, I’m fine,” Harry flashed me a smile. 

   When Paul finished, he took a seat next to Louis. Niall automatically grabbed the burger, and took a big bite of it. “Mmmmm,” Niall said. “Babe! You didn’t even wash your hands!” Amy said. “I’m hungry though!” Niall said upset. “Here,” Amy said as she handed him a small bottle of hand sanitizer that was in her bag. He put some on, and continued to eat. Danielle and Liam were all lovey dovey while they ate. Aaron and Crystal were laughing and getting to know each other more. Louis and Maggie were laughing and joking around. They’d often tease each other. Harry and I were just eating. “Pass the ketchup please,” Harry said. The ketchup was right in front of Paul. Paul didn’t even bother to look up. “Louis, can you pass the ketchup?” Harry asked again. “Sure babe,” Louis winked at Harry. “Thanks sexy,” Harry laughed. I just laughed. 

   By the time Zayn and Jessica came out, we were almost done with our food. Niall had finished his burger and was now snacking on potato chips. I heard a tent unzip. It was Zayn. Behind him was Jessica. They were laughing and smiling. He had a lipstick stain on his cheek. As he walked over, I heard Danielle whisper something to Crystal. Crystal looked up, and gave a shrug. “Well, looks like someone was getting it in,” Maggie whispered to me while she laughed. I faked a laugh, and ignored them. “Well, how was it?” Aaron joked. “How was what?” Jessica asked. “You know,” Aaron winked and flashed a cheeky smile. “Oh shut up Aaron,” Zayn laughed. “It’s not what it looks like. We just took a nap,” Zayn continued. “A nap, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Aaron joked. Danielle elbowed him. “Shut up Aaron!” Danielle hushed him. He kept laughing. 

   Zayn took a seat next to Liam, and Jessica sat on Zayn’s left side. I noticed Jessica looking at me from the side of my eye. Should I glance at her and give her a little smile? Or should I not? “Babe, you seem stressed,” Harry whispered in my ear. “Nah, I’m fine,” I smiled at him. “You sure?” he asked me with a sympathetic smile. “Yeah, don’t worry,” I informed him. He gave me a gentle kiss on my cheek. 

   I looked at the time, and it was about six now. It was starting to get darker out and a bit chilly. “So, who’s up for a bonfire?” Liam asked. “It’s a bit too early for that, don’t you think?” Harry laughed. “Yeah, I know, but, what’s a great way to start off our camping trip, but with a bonfire?” Liam smiled. “Sounds great!” Danielle smiled at her boyfriend’s idea. “Maybe later, like at eight,” Paul replied. “Alright,” Liam said as he placed him and Danielle’s empty plate in the trash bag. As Liam sat down, Danielle linked her arm with his and leaned her head against him. “Tired?” Liam asked softly. “A bit,” Danielle smiled. 

   My hands were on the picnic table freely. Harry took my hand and held it. I sat there quietly. “Are you sure you’re fine babe?” Harry asked me. I looked up at him. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I told him. “Smile, okay? You’re beautiful,” Harry smiled at me. I felt the butterflies forming in my stomach. The butterflies that were all gone before today. The butterflies that were only caterpillars before. 

   *At the bonfire* 

   ”Ah! It’s freezing!” Danielle said as she shivered. She was wearing a short sleeve shirt. Liam hugged her. After the hug, he took off his sweatshirt, and wrapped it around his girlfriend. She smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the lips. “Babe, you feel warmer now?” He smiled at her. She nodded and hugged him. They were so cute. I honestly feel like the two of them will get married one day. 

   Louis and Maggie were sitting by the fire holding hands. “Maggs, did you know that you’re pretty?” Louis laughed. “Shut up Lou,” Maggie blushed. “But I’m being serious. Actualy, you’re not pretty,” Louis said. Maggie looked at him with confusion. “I’m not?” She asked. “Nope. You’re beyond that. You’re gorgeous. Breath taking,” Louis smiled at her. I could see Maggie blushing. Her cheeks as red as a rose. She looked at him, then smiled at the ground. He wrapped his arms around her as they looked at the fire. 

   Paul was getting all the sticks, marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers ready. “Hurry Paul! I was s’mores!” Niall said with excitement. Paul shook his head while laughing. Honestly, Paul was like a second dad to Niall. Niall was like a five year old boy. Amy sat down near the fire. She was staring at the fire, and was shivering. It was getting colder. Niall glanced at his girlfriend, and sat down next to her. He too off his sweatshirt and put it around Amy. It reminded me of the first time they met. Wow, so much has happened.. and it’s only been like a month or so. 

   Harry tried speaking to Paul. “Paul,” Harry began. Paul didn’t even bother to look at him. “Look, I know you’re upset at me or probably hate me, but you don’t have to ignore me,” Harry frowned. Paul finally looked up. “Harry, I could never hate you. You’re like a son to me. But I’m so disappointed in you,” Paul said with a serious tone. Harry was speechless. 

   Harry walked over to us. “You cold, babe?” Harry asked me as he wrapped an arm around me. “A little,” I flashed him a smile. He took off his hoodie and gave it to me. I put it on. It was really comfy and warm. It had his scent. He hugged me. 

   We all sat by the fire and roasted marshmallows. “Woah! It’s on fire!” Niall shouted as he moved his marshmallow out of the fire. He blew on it, and it was now burnt. Amy shook her head and laughed. “Hey, how about we tell stories?” Liam asked. “I’m in!” Louis replied with a smile. “Yeah, that sounds cool,” Zayn said. He looked at Jessica. “Well, babe?” Zayn asked. “Sure,” Jessica smiled at him. We all agreed, and Liam began. 

   ”Well, I remember that one time, when Niall got lost in a crowd, and we couldn’t find him. I was so worried. Especially since he’s very claustrophobic,” Liam began. “Well, after everyone left, Niall was no longer there, too. We looked around the area, and he was no where to be found,” Liam continued. I looked at Niall, and he hid his face in the palms of his hands. I think he knew where this was going. “Oh boy,” Niall’s face turned red. “Anyways,” Liam laughed. “We spent a good hour looking for the boy. Then, Harry had this idea of where he might be. And I thought ‘wow, why hadn’t I thought of that?’ Well, Harry suggested we look in McDonalds. Zayn thought the idea was crazy, but I knew that that should’ve been the first place we looked. Guess what? We found him crying and eating ice cream. He was talking to an old man who was reading a newspaper,” Liam laughed. “Hey! I was lonely, and scared,” Niall frowned, but broke out in laughter. Amy laughed and hugged her boyfriend. “It’s okay babe,” Amy laughed. 

   ”My turn!” Louis shouted. Louis had all our attention now. “Well, once, when Danielle and Eleanor were on vacation,” Louis began. Maggie didn’t look happy with the sound of hearing El’s name. “The boys decided, ‘hey, let’s throw a party’ and, silly me, I agreed,” Louis said as he shook his head with disappointment. “Well, we all bought a few beers, and a bunch of people came. Of course, the beer we bought wasn’t enough. And Harry over here, decided he should buy a few more. That ‘few more’ turned out to be four more cases of beer. And guess what? He drank about five of them. He was very pissed, or as you guys say, drunk. A few of us got pissed too, of course Liam wasn’t though. He kept yelling at us to stop messing up the girls’ stuff. But we didn’t listen. Anyways, the next morning, we found Harry passed out and nude on the pool table,” Louis continued. Danielle was ashamed. “What?! This is why we found his boxers in the couch when we got back?!” Danielle said shocked. Harry broke out in laughter, so did Niall. “But I’m proud of you Liam,” Danielle smiled at him. “Why thank you,” Liam smiled. “Anyways! Then, we decided to a-” Louis was interrupted by Paul. “Ahem,” Paul faked a cough. “Oh, right, sorry,” Louis laughed. “But yeah, then we drew stuff on him with permanent marker, and it didn’t come off until a week after, and for a photo shoot, they had to put make up on it,” Louis laughed. “Hey! It’s not my fault I passed out and didn’t know you guys would do that! I had a huge hang over,” Harry said. “Uh, it kinda was your fault babe,” Louis laughed. Harry shook his head with laughter. We all broke out in laughter, even Jessica. 

   ”Oh! That reminds me of that time that someone wrote ‘Harry, you want this pussy cat DTF!?’ It was hilarious! There was even a winky face and everything,” Jessica added and broke out in laughter. Jessica, Niall, Louis and Aaron were the only ones laughing. Though Aaron wasn’t there, he found it funny. I wasn’t laughing. That brought back so much memories. The beginning of the reasons why my life turned into shit. Harry didn’t laugh. He was quiet. I guess he noticed that I was uncomfortable with the topic. He leaned in next to me. “You okay, beautiful?” Harry asked. I was roasting my marshmallow. I didn’t take my eyes off it. Although I know it was probably burnt by now. I looked at him, pursed my lips, and nodded. He placed his finger underneath my chin and made me look at him. He looked into my eyes. We stared at each other for a good two minutes. “Well, are you going to kiss or not?” Louis laughed. I laughed as well. Harry smirked, and leaned in. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I felt a smile form on his face. “Smile, okay?” Harry smiled. I nodded and a huge smile lit across my face. “Aw!” Crystal said with a smile. I laughed, and took my marshmallow out of the fire. It looked like fire on a stick. “Woah!” Harry laughed. He blew it, and it was now a burnt marshmallow, even worse than Niall’s from earlier. 

   I noticed Zayn flash me a smile. He gave me a thumbs up. I flashed him a smile back. “Well, it’s getting late, we should head off now,” Danielle stated as she got up. “Wait, I don’t have a tent,” Maggie stated. “I set yours up earlier, and blew up the air mattress,” Paul said with a smile. “Thank you, Paul!” Maggie flashed him a smile. “No problem! You’re like family!” Paul said. Maggie smiled at him. “Wait, who’s bunking with who?” Amy asked. “Well…” Niall said. “Oh! You want me to bunk with you?” Amy said. “Well.. if you want,” Niall said with a smile. “Jessica’s with Zayn,” Maggie stated. Jessica nodded. “Danielle’s with Liam,” Danielle stated and laughed. “I’ll bunk with you!” Crystal said. “Alright!” Maggie smiled. “I’m bunking with Aaron,” Louis stated. “Yeah, and you better wear socks,” Aaron laughed. “Yeah, not gonna happen, little man,” Louis said as he got up and headed off to brush his teeth. Aaron and Liam did the same. “Uh, I don’t know where I’m sleeping..” I stated. I really had no idea. I mean, I would’ve bunked with Maggie, but Crystal took my spot. “You could bunk with me?” Harry smiled. “Really?” I asked. “Yeah, of course,” Harry flashed me a smile while he got up and went to brush his teeth. He kissed me on the forehead and headed off. Niall and Zayn followed him. 

   ”I’m going to go get ready for bed,” I stated as I got up. “I’ll come with!” Danielle began. “I need to brush my teeth anyways! Hygiene is important!” Danielle flashed me a white smile. “I’ll come too!” Amy stated. “So will I!” Crystal added. “Me too!” Maggie said as she got up. I walked over to Maggie’s car as she unlocked it, and I grabbed my bag and headed to the rest rooms. I had no idea where it was, so Danielle had to lead the way since she had been there earlier with Crystal. Jessica didn’t come with us. She stayed there with Paul. 

   Danielle shined the flashlight on our path to see where we were going. While Crystal flashed the other flashlight around our surroundings to see what was around us. It was darker now. It was almost pitch black outside, and our only light was from the two flashlights. It was too quiet; almost deafening. The only noise was our footsteps on the rocky path and the wind whistling in the wind. I was getting a bit scared, especially when I heard something in the bushes. I heard the crunching of leaves. “Did you hear that?” Amy whispered in my ear. I could tell she was terrified. I nodded. Though, I know she couldn’t see me. “Danielle, I’m scared!” Crystal said. “It’s okay, hun, it’s probably just an animal or something,” Danielle laughed. Since Danielle thought that, It made me convince myself that maybe it was just an animal, and not some crazy murder after us. 

   As we kept walking, I heard the noises getting louder. “BOO!” A voice screamed as the person jumped in front of us. We all screamed. I felt as if my heart was going to jump out of my body. “Oh my gosh, Jessica! I almost had a heart attack!” Maggie shouted. Jessica broke out in laughter. “It’s not funny!” Crystal shouted. “It kind of is,” Jessica said as she tried to hold in her laughter. I could kind of see Danielle shaking her head. Did Danielle have a problem with Jessica? Or, did she just not like the fact that Jessica went off and scared us like that? “Oh brighten up, it was just a joke,” Jessica said. “You shouldn’t have done that,” Maggie said. “Gee,” Jessica said as she continued to walk with us. It was awkward.. just being near her. It was weird. 

   When we reached the bathroom, I searched for an available stall. After looking under the stalls at peoples’ feet, I finally found one. “Ah!” I thought to myself in relief. I hooked my bag to the stall door and grabbed my pj’s out of the bag. I changed into a tank top and shorts. Since it was colder now, I wore Harry’s Jack Wills’ hoodie. After I changed, I placed my clothes that I’ve worn all day into my bag and headed out of the stall to brush my teeth.  

   I grabbed my toothbrush out of my bag and ran it under the faucet and placed toothpaste on it. Danielle, Maggie, Jessica, Amy, and Crystal had already brushed their teeth. Maggie and Danielle were each in a stall changing into their pajamas while Amy, Jessica and Crystal waited for an available one. I brushed my teeth while they waited. After I finished, my mouth felt so refreshed. 

   There were moths flying everywhere. It made me irk. By the time the girls finished, it was already about almost ten. I was getting a bit tired. Even though I washed my face with water and it was supposed to wake me up, I was very tired. “Shall we go?” Danielle smiled at me. I nodded and opened the door. When we got outside, we spotted the boys, and Paul. Niall was teasing Louis. “Yeah, Lou. Wear socks tonight. We wouldn’t want Aaron to die,” Niall laughed. Louis slapped Niall playfully on the face. “Shut up, Niall,” Louis laughed. Harry was laughing as well. He seemed so happy. Paul was actually laughing as well. “Paul, stop being cranky,” Niall laughed. Paul chuckled. “Oh look, the girls are done,” Zayn stated. The boys looked up, and noticed we were done. “Wow, took you long enough,” Liam laughed. “Oh shush,” Danielle laughed as she walked over to her boyfriend. I walked over to Harry. “Well, you look adorable,” Harry smiled at me. It gave me butterflies. “You know, it’s kind of a bit too cold for shorts, right babe?” Harry laughed. “I know, that’s why I’m wearing your hoodie, silly,” I laughed. “Right,” Harry laughed as he put his arm around me. He was now wearing sweats and a plain white t-shirt. 

   We walked and chatted while we headed back to the campsite. We now had about four flashlights so it was easier for us to find our way back. 

   When we got back, we were all tired. “Well, I’m all worn out, I’m going to bed! Good night everyone!” Maggie informed us. We all said good night, and Crystal went off to bed as well. “Well, I’m off to bed too! My tent is next to Aaron’s if you need me,” Paul stated. We said goodnight to him as he went in his tent. Everyone else went in their tents, and soon, it was only Jessica, Zayn, Harry and I. It was VERY awkward. While Zayn and Harry talked, Jessica and I sat there in silence. “Um, I’m getting tired,” Jessica said softly. “Alright, I’ll meet you there in a few. Night love,” Zayn said as he kissed Jessica on the cheek. She said goodnight to Harry, and Harry said goodbye. Harry and Zayn chatted for a while about their upcoming tour. “Well, I should head off now,” Zayn said as he sat up. “Goodnight,” He said as he walked to his tent to join Jessica. “Goodnight,” Harry and I said. Then, it was only Harry and I now. We sat there. Just looking at the sky. It was so pretty out. The stars shined so bright. I guess Harry caught me staring at the stars, and he looked at me. “What?” I looked at him and smiled. “You’re beautiful,” a smile formed on his face. “Harry, you tell me all the time,” I laughed. “Well, you deserve to know,” Harry smiled. 

   After a good ten minutes, it got even colder, and I grew even more tired. “Harry, I’m getting sleepy,” I informed him. “Alright, let’s go,” Harry said as he sat up. We walked over to his tent. I slipped my shoes off and crawled into his air mattress that had a huge comforter in it, and a few pillows. It looked so comfy, and it felt comfy. I buried myself in his comforter, and he joined me. I felt so warm. He snuggled in next to me and wrapped his arms around me. “Feeling a little less cold?” Harry laughed in my ear. I nodded and hugged him tighter. He rubbed his hands on my arms so I could get warmer as he hugged me. I laid my head against his chest. It felt so nice just laying there with him. I haven’t felt this safe in a while. He kissed my forehead. “Goodnight, beautiful,” He whispered. Goodnight, Harry. 

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