Adopted By Dan Howell and Phi...

By lrby2001

24.3K 827 520

Being a teenager isn't easy, believe me. But when you get adopted by Youtube sensations Dan Howell and Phil L... More

Best Day Ever!
Hello, Des Moines!
Show Time!
Chicago Bound!
Would You Rather... Gone Wrong
Dad Of The Year
Homeward Bound
Surprises Every Corner
Forgive and Forget
Room Designing!
Authors Note
Septiplier Away!
Jari Collab
Very Important Video
Authors Note
Is This Goodbye?
Picture Perfect
Back to Normal
Meeting 1/2
Birthday Time!
Grandma Tag (?)
Welcome Home
Special Suprise
Special someone?
coffee "date"
trouble in paradise?
the tweet
just friends? or more?
good news
boyfriend tag
happy words (?)
familiar faces
home again
matte black ;)
rose gold ;)
fight/big step
stressing out!
please read
baking and PDA
"I'm not okay."
fixing hearts
save the date!
friends OR foes?
castleton mall and mean girls
clearing the air
run in at the mall
interesting flight home
screaming match
reception time!
friend zoned??
drama channels and losing subs
address the issue
new friends and weird actions?
terrible news *trigger warning*
friendly stranger
cafe talks
waking up confused
heart eyes
Meeting with Markiplier
I'll always take care of you
sick of exes
THE (suprising) DATE!!
announcement video!
big news!!!
dress shopping!
i love you...
ask the author
the big day! :)
phone calls and morning sickness
The End of an Era
The Story Ends

wedding planner's grandson

135 6 3
By lrby2001

*Time jump: a week and a half later*

So, things have been going pretty well. Dan and Phil have stopped fighting as much, they finally found a wedding planner who can deal with them. Her name is Khloe, she has two grandchildren as well, Isabella and Noah. Isalbella is around 6 years old, Noah is 17 like Austin. They are all at our house planning for the wedding. Austin had to fly over to America for his mom's treatment. He'll be gone for about three days, depending on how his mom takes the treatment. There's a knock on my bedroom door, it's Noah. "Hey." I say as I open the door. "Hey. Sorry, I got bored out there." He says, I smile at him. He has light brown hair, green eyes, and is about 6'2".

"It's fine, I totally understand." I say awkwardly, we've only met twice now but I know nothing about him. "So, tell me about yourself." He says, as if he was reading my mind. "Well, I'm obviously adopted, I'm a youtuber, I play the sims way too much, and I have a boyfriend named Austin." He looks sad when I finish, "Oh cool." He says sadly. "What about you?" I ask, he shrugs. "There isn't much to tell, I'm a pretty boring person." He says, I shake my head. "You don't seem like it, you seem pretty cool." I say, smiling. He smiles back weakly and gets up, "Want to go for lunch?" I nod and we go to the lounge.

"We're going to get something for lunch, do you guys want or need anything?" I ask, they all shake their heads. "Alright then." Noah and I walk out of the door and onto the street. "Where do you want to go?" He asks me, I shrug. "I don't care really." He starts to walk a little closer to me, I scoot away slightly. If any fans see us, they're going to have it all over social media. He scoots closer again, "What are you doing?" I ask nicely, he shrugs and scoots away. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. Luckily, Austin calls me. "Hey babe!" I say when I answer the phone. "Hey, beautiful. How are you?" He asks. "I'm good, how's your mom?" I ask. "She's doing pretty well, better then they thought she would! I'm on my plane right now." He says happily, "Yay! Dan and Phil finally found a wedding planner." I say. "Finally, I was wondering if they had yet. What's her name?" He asks. "Khloe Steele, she has two grandchildren too.

When I say that, Noah smiles. I wasn't meaning to talk about them, but I was trying to drop hints to Austin that one of them was a guy. "Cool," He says happily, "At least oyu won't be lonely while I'm gone." I smile, "Yeah, that's true. I miss you like crazy though." He chuckles, "I knew you would, look in my closet." He says, "I'm actually not home right now. I'm going to get lunch." I say. "Okay, well I have to go. I love you so much, babygirl." I hear the smile in his voice. "I love you too, I'll call you later." We hang up, Noah looks at me. He still looks sad and hurt. "Who was that?" He asks, I look at him. "My boyfriend." I said shortly, it isn't any of his business who I'm talking to. "Oh." He says, also sounding short. I roll my eyes and we stubble opon the same cafe Austin and I met for our collab.

"I love this place." I say as I walk in the door, he held the door open for me. "Why?" He asks, "This is where Austin and I met in person for the first time." I say, I see him roll his eyes. "Okay. What is your problem?" I say as I spin around to face him. He looks away, "Nothing." I don't believe him, he's acting weird. "No. That isn't going to work, tell me." He sighs. "Fine. I like you! Are you happy now? I know you have a boyfriend..." I close my eyes and breathe deeply, "Yes, you are correct. I do have a boyfriend." I hold up my left hand and point to the ring, "And we promised ourselves to each other." He gasps and backs away. "I'm leaving." I say, he grabs my arm as I go to walk away. "Where are you going?" He asks, I yank my arm away. "Home. Don't touch me ever again or I will actually punch you." He holds up his hands and I leave.

The nerve of him! He KNOWS I have a boyfriend! I knew he liked me, I mean it's obvious. I need to tell Austin so when he gets home he doesn't find out himself. I'll call him when I get home, I go up to the front door and storm off to my room. Phan and Khloe all look at me, confused as to where Noah is. I jump down on my bed and scream into my pillow. I pull out my phone and call Austin, he doesn't answer so I leave him a message. "Hey, babe. It's me. I need to talk to you before you get home so call me when you can. I love you." I end the message and throw my phone. What Noah said really bothers me, what is it about girls with boyfriends that make guys want them. Sure, Noah's kind, caring, sort of cute, but I don't care.

I sit there on my laptop scrolling through Tumblr when there's a knock on my door. I get up to open it and almost closed the door when I saw who it was, it's Noah. "What do you want?" I ask loudly. He bursts into the room and throws himself on me. He kisses me and tries to push me onto the bed. I grab the collar of his shirt and push him away. I hear a familiar voice behind him, "Don't ever touch my girlfriend again." It's Austin, he punches Noah till he's on the ground and runs over to me. "Are you okay, babe?" He asks me while holding me. I shake my head and sink to the ground. I start shaking like crazy and pass out. "Nari? NARi?!" Austin yells, as I slip into a deep sleep.


i will try and update once a day from now on guys.

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