Third Degree

By InfinityDavis

1.3K 76 20

Book One of The Silver Series I looked back into his eyes, the same ones I used to call home, and my heart hu... More

chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty-one.
chapter twenty-two.
chapter twenty-three.
chapter twenty-four.
chapter twenty-five.
chapter twenty-six.
chapter twenty-seven.
chapter twenty-eight.
chapter twenty-nine.
chapter thirty.
chapter thirty-one.
chapter thirty-three.
chapter thirty-four.
chapter thirty-five.

chapter thirty-two.

33 2 0
By InfinityDavis

Thalia's POV

I tiredly rub my face as I decide it's time I finally go take the tests. I have to pee anyway, but I need to know before I go to sleep. With today's events, I need the good news.

I head to the restroom and pull out the pregnancy tests from under the sink. Theo is already asleep and Nate is washing the last of the dishes before we head to bed, meaning I have enough privacy and time to take these. 

I quickly follow the test instructions and wait. 

Three anxiety filled minutes later, I'm staring at three positive tests and my excitement nearly causes me to faint. I force myself to relax, and it's fairly easy because I'm so tired.

Half an hour later, Nate and I are half asleep, cuddling and I decide to tell him.

"I'm pregnant." I blurt out. He only snores softly in return and I tiredly laugh. I'll just tell him in the morning.

I start to wake up with the sun on my skin and Nate's arm around my waist. I frown, realizing he's cuddled up to me, meaning Theo isn't between us, like usual. I sit up and look around, worry setting in at the lack of hazel eyes. I quickly search the room, both restrooms and his room before rushing down the stairs and I finally spot his tiny figure in the living room, playing with toys.

I let out a heavy sigh, which draws his attention towards me.

"Morning mumma!" He grins and gets up, his little legs rushing towards me. I crouch and he crashes into me with a hug. I pick him up and kiss his cheek.

"Good morning, my little love bug." I smile. "Next time you wake up early, wake me or dad up please." he nods and smiles.

"Okay, mumma. We make foods?" He grins and I giggle, nodding in response. 

"Let's make your dad's favorite pancakes, yes?"

"Yes! Surprise daddy!" I put him down and he rushes straight into the kitchen.

Half an hour later, we've got nice and hot pancakes on plates and I'm looking for a blank sheet of paper and a blank envelope. Once I find them, I write on the piece of paper, fold it up, seal it in the envelope and make it look like Nate got mail.

"Alright, let's go wake up your pops." I smile. Theo giggles and quietly crawls up the stairs as I follow, walking normally, making sure he doesn't fall.

We quietly walk over to the bed and I motion for him to stay quiet as we try to keep our giggling quiet. I allow a second to take in Nate's sleeping, peaceful state. 

He's laying on his stomach and his arms are under his pillows. I smile as Theo sits on Nate's back and I gently straddle Nate's lower back.

"Daddy!" Theo giggles. I smile and lean to the side so I can reach his hair. I gently play with his golden locks of hair.

"Babe, wake up," I smile as he stirs under Theo and I.

"We make you pancakes!" Theo grins, hopping a bit on his back, making him groan. I can't stop giggles from escaping me while Theo giggles loudly.

"Okay, thank you." He mumbles as I grab Theo and we slip off, laying next to him. He immediately faces us and pulls us into a hug. "You guys are amazing." He sleepily smiles.

"Thank you, babe." I smile as he starts to doze off again. I lean over Theo and kiss Nate softly.

"Come on, Nate, the pancakes are going to get cold and you got a letter." I smile, nervous as Theo and I sit up. "Hurry downstairs, we'll wait for you." He nods and rubs his eyes before sitting up.

Theo and I head downstairs and to the table. I get Theo's sippy cup and two glasses for Nate and I before pouring us all some juice. I grab the newspaper from the doorstep and set it next to Nate's plate.  Soon, I hear Nate coming down the stairs and I put Theo in his high chair and bring him closer to me, so I can monitor his eating. I begin to cut up Theo's pancakes as Nate comes down and opens the drawer of the nightstand by the stairs and puts his reading glasses on.

"Everything looks and smells delicious." Nate smiles as he kisses my cheek and sits down beside me.

"Your letter is by the newspaper." I comment before starting to eat and allowing Theo to eat his cut up pancakes.

Nate's POV

I tear open the letter and take a sip of orange juice before looking at the paper. It's only 3 largely written words.

I'm pregnant.

My eyes widen and I look at her and then down to her stomach and then back at the letter.

"Really?!" I excitedly ask. My heart is swimming in happiness. We've been trying for about five months now and it's finally happening!

"Yes," she blushes and continues to eat. Before I can express my absolute happiness, there's the sound of knocking on the door and I sigh, annoyed that someone would impede on such a happy moment.

"Just leave it, it's early enough in the morning for them to think that we're still sleeping." I mutter. She nods and we all silently eat, hoping the person knocking would just go away.

After about a minute, the knocking seems to be more persistent, having become louder and faster on the poor wooden door.

"Alright, it seems important." Thalia gets up, but I stop her.

"Let me get it babe." I smile as I stand up. Within seconds, there's the sound of Theo landing on the floor. He's somehow escaped the restrictions of the high chair and is running to the door.

"I get it mumma!" He yells as he gets to the door. Thalia's chair loudly scrapes against the floor as she snaps out of her chair and we bolt after him, but he's already unlocking the door.

"What have I told about not answering the door!? That's mommy and daddy's job!" Thalia freaks out as Theo swings the door open and we're greeted by a formally clad Grayson.

He's holding red and white roses and a wrapped present.

"Oh! Daddy! Look, pretty flowers!" Theo gasps, a wide smile on his face as I scoop him into my arms. "Gimme please!" He points at them as I frown, slightly moving Theo further away from the door.

"Uh, hi." Grayson speaks softly. Thalia immediately urges Theo and I back inside and towards the table with a gentle push.

"Let me deal with this." She mutters and goes outside, shutting the door behind her. I set Theo  back in his high chair to eat, but press my ear to the door to listen.

Thalia's POV

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper yell. Gray blushes and hands me the flowers and the wrapped box.

"I wanted to apologize and try to fix things." He gives a shy smile. My heart races but I shake my head, he can't just pop up and do this shit.

"You can't be here." I sigh, "And either way, I can't accept them... I've got a loving boyfriend who gives me the world..." I leave out the part that I'm pregnant because I know that'd be too much for him to handle right now.

His faces falls and he seems to break inside, but no one would've noticed it except me.. because we still know each other better than anyone else does.

"Oh... Uhm, well, just take 'em... As a thank you for raising such a... such a wonderful, beautiful son... I, uhm, I already know he's a fantastic kid.."

I oblige and send him on his way home as fast as I can. He walks away with his head down and my heart breaks. I turn back inside and Nate is just barely sitting down and he looks uncertain.

"So what's going to happen?" He insecurely asks. I pull him into the kitchen and set the flowers and present down and speak lowly so Theo doesn't hear.

"For now, we slowly introduce Grayson to Theo and just have him be a friend, but as far as he knows, you're still his dad." I force a small smile. Nate looks relieved.

"Okay... Sounds good..." After quickly reassuring him that everything will be okay, he returns to eat, but I am left thinking.

I am still so in love with Grayson, it hurts.

And I can't help but be angry at myself. With everything that this boy has put me through, why am I still in love with him? I can't find an answer other than the simplest, most foolish one. 

Because I am. I still love him. 

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