Ninjago's Murder Mysteries

By demondaughter21

18.1K 488 1.6K

Can you see who's the murderer by a few clues? Or are you CLUEless? In every chapter a mystery is needed to s... More

the killing machine
the bloody pond
the assassination
a hi and a bye
Jealousy gone too far
tortured in the worst way
tortured in the worst way 2
The dagger
The dagger 2
confusing but YAY!
holy dang!
lingering in the dark
the consequence of his actions
*throws confetti*
right trough the head
*insert drumrolls here*
hidden statistics
one splash of water
the Halloween masquerade
coffee and tea
the new year jumper
he would die either way
throat slit in half
yay! (for one last time)

paying for past mistakes

253 7 65
By demondaughter21

Sensei Wu

After season 5
"Where is it?", Ronin murmured in frustration for himself as he hoofed trough the Forest of Tranquility in the early morning. 'I shouldn't have put the bag of money here, everything looks the same!'

As he searched for the money he hid he noticed a familiar knife on the ground. It had a black plastic handle and a shiny blade with some dried red liquid on it. He had seen the knife before in the Bounty once.

"What the..?", Ronin trailed off as he picked the knife up. "Is that blood?"

There was more of the liquid on the grass and a trail of it that went to an orange figure hidden in the higher grass around 10 feet away. He followed the trail and found a body. It was a female who was around her twenties, she had red hair in a ponytail and an orange gi. Her skin was pale and her eyes wide open, empty from any sign of life. She lied on her stomach and faced to the right. She had a wound just where her neck met the back of her head and it was still oozing blood from it.

'I recognize her', he thought as he remembered a young adult who ran a noodle house with the same hair color and gi. 'What was her name again? Ah, Skylor Chen! Wait a second...'

Ronin paled. 'Isn't that the master of amber and the ninja' s friend?'

He accidentally dropped the knife and ran back to R. E. X., his aerial vehicle, before he flew off to inform the ninja.

Time skip 2 hours

After Ronin had found the Bounty, where the ninja lived at the moment, he was brought inside by sensei Wu.

Ronin stood up as the others sat down in the living room. Lloyd, Zane and Jay still wore their pajamas while Kai and Cole wore their ninja gis. Nya, Misako and sensei Wu had their ordinary clothes on. Cole came 5 minutes later than the others.

"What do you want? It's 7 in the morning!", Jay groaned.

"7 is not that early", Cole retorted.

"Well, I was sleeping!"

"Jay, Cole", Lloyd said and interrupted the two rather annoyed. "Ronin came here obviously for a reason so let him talk"

"Thank you", Ronin thanked. He took a deep breath before he spoke. "It's about Skylor"

"I didn't even know you knew her", Nya said sheepishly.

"Not really, but I've met her before and recognized her when I saw her", Ronin admitted.

"Has something happened to her?", Kai asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, she... she's dead", Ronin said in sorrow. The others' eyes widened in shock. No one was prepared to hear that.

"No. No no no no...", Kai repeated and buried his face in his hands, his breathing quickened.

"Oh my", Zane gasped.

"Haha, good joke", Jay said, mostly trying to convince himself. "It is a joke, right?"

"Sadly not", Ronin responded.

They were devastated by this new information Ronin brought to them. As Ronin told them the details they became horrified.

"She was murdered!?", Misako exclaimed in disbelief.

"Have you called the police?", sensei Wu asked.

"Um.. no", Ronin responded.

"Why not?", Nya asked in confusion, she had tears in her eyes.

"I-... uh, left something there. If they find it I'm afraid that they'll probably think it's connected to the murder", Ronin admitted.

"Why would you leave something in the forest that you're going to retrieve!?", Jay shouted. "Someone else may take it!"

"How should we know if you aren't just lying for us to get away with murder?", Zane asked suspiciously.

"Are you accusing me?", Ronin asked, taken back.

"Zane's right, your story sounds pretty unbelievable", Kai agreed. He had calmed down when the others talked.

"What is this something anyway?", Lloyd asked.

Ronin hesitated. 'I can't tell them that I was looking for a duffle bag filled with money! Then they'll get suspicious and I have to tell them the whole story which will end up with me in jail! But if I don't say anything I'll still go to jail! I wish they weren't so close to the police!' (Watch out for what you wish for ;) #totallynothappeninginseason6)

"Spill the beans already", Cole said as he and the others waited for an answer.

"I was... looking for my...bag. It contained very-uh... valuable stuff. But guys, please, you have to believe me, I did not do it!", Ronin pleaded. The others gave him a doubting look.

"If it indeed wasn't you who committed the murder, who was it?", Misako questioned in a firm tone.

"The knife I found DID belong to you", Ronin said carefully and put emphasis on did.

"Wait, are you blaming us now!?", Nya exclaimed. "I've been making breakfast this morning"

"Kai and I have been training outside", Cole said.

"I've been reading a book", Misako claimed.

"I've been washing our clothes", Zane said.

"I've been sleeping", Jay yawned out.

"So have I", Lloyd added.

"And I've been meditating", sensei Wu said.

Time skip 4 hours

After arguing with the ninja team Ronin was now in his rented apartment in Ninjago city. His pawn shop was still destroyed so he couldn't go there yet. He hid R. E. X. in a secret location so he could use it for emergency.

He took a bite from his cheese burger as he wondered about who killed Skylor. His gut feeling told him that it was one of the ninja, but which one?

'I'm not sure how good her relations were with the ninja but I think it was quite good, but looks can deceive. She was Kai' s girlfriend and Nya said that she was her best friend, but there may be things they've left out on purpose to make their relationship seem good.'

'Jay seemed the most uninterested of them all or he was just genuinely tired. He was not that serious either but it's Jay, I shouldn't be surprised'

'Zane was kidnapped by master Chen, Skylor's father, in the past and maybe had a grudge against her, I know this because, well, I was the one assigned to capture him. But he doesn't seem like that kind of person.'

'Lloyd could've been mad because his father had to sacrifice himself to stop master Chen but his anger is directed to master Chen, not Skylor.'

'Cole may had hidden evidence since he was late but he had an alibi by Kai.'

'Sensei Wu and Misako were more angry at master Chen than his daughter and they're too honorable.'

Ronin perked up as it suddenly clicked in his mind.

Who was the murderer?
Why do you think so?
How hard was it(1-10)?

Ronin: eyyy, people! Thank you Shad0w3clipse for requesting this case!

Skylor: we hope you enjoyed it!

Author: I learned that I can't work with an old plot so I had to throw away my previous idea about this and make a completely new one, go with the plot, improvise the things I forgot and polish the story in less than a week for publication while taking care of my lil sis and feeling sad for no reason. I hate puberty :(

Skylor: uh... anyways-


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