Spotlight ~ larry mpreg au

By bestwriterever8

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[FINISHED 2017] Who would want to be in the spotlight? Certainly, Louis wouldn't. He cherished his private li... More



29K 1K 989
By bestwriterever8


By Claudia Mayer

1. A Christmas album, or at least a song: Many artists have been known to release Christmas tracks to celebrate the holidays, but Harry has never done it, and we wish he would; his raspy velvety voice would be amazing singing about snow and reindeers.
2. A picture of his daughter Sage: Harry's daughter was born at the end of August, but he has only shared one picture of her since then, and it was only of her hand, and not just us, but the entire world has been dying to see more of baby Styles.
3. A new documentary movie: Back in 2013 Harry released a documentary film about his life on tour, and we even got a glimpse of his personal life in it. A lot has changed since 2013, so we think a new movie is way overdue.


Every time Louis was with his sisters, he felt his heart was happy, because it reminded him of his childhood and all the good memories he had of that time, and he was making even better memories now that he could be himself around both of them all of the time.

He had picked them up at the train station around noon, and had taken them out to lunch, which had been great, and then they had gone to Louis' flat so they could rest for a while before they had to get ready to head to Harry's house for the dinner party.

And that's what they were doing now, at least Louis was, because he had changed into the clothes he had specially bought for the occasion, and now he was doing his hair, or at least trying to, because he wanted to look nice for his party.

"Lou?" Lottie asked coming into his bathroom.

"Mmm" Louis hummed as he carefully combed his hair the way he wanted it.

"Can I borrow some eyeliner, I forgot mine at home" Lottie said.

Louis stopped doing his hair and turned to look at his sister, who was staring back at him with expecting eyes, and he blinked once, then twice, feeling really confused.

"Well?" Lottie insisted.

"What makes you think I have eyeliner?" Louis asked her.

"I don't know" Lottie shrugged.

"I know I'm gay, but I'm not a drag queen, Lottie" Louis explained.

"You don't need to be a drag queen to wear eyeliner, lots of guys wear it, even straight guys" Lottie told him.

"Well, I don't, so I don't have any, sorry, love" Louis said, and went back to his hair.

"It's fine" Lottie accepted "Do you need help with your hair?".

"No, thank you, love, I'm almost done" Louis answered, because he was "Could you do me a favor, though?".

"Sure" replied Lottie.

"Could you go check if Sage woke up from her nap?" Louis asked, not having set up the baby monitor.

"Yeah, of course" Lottie agreed, and walked away.

Louis was left alone to finish styling his hair, deciding to put a lot of hairspray on it when he decided it was ready, wanting it to stay in place.

When he was done, Lottie still hadn't come back, so he decided to go look for her and Sage, and when he walked into the nursery, he noticed his sister had the baby on the changing table.

"She was awake, but she had a wet nappy" Lottie explained.

"Thank you for changing her, but you didn't have to" Louis told her walking up to them.

"It's no trouble" Lottie shrugged as she fastened the new nappy "Should I dress her back in what she was wearing or are you changing her into something else?".

"Something else" Louis said heading to the closet.

He picked up plain under layers, and then two dresses, because he still hadn't decided which one he liked better for the occasion, and brought all the clothes back to the changing table, where Lottie had Sage in just her nappy, and she started dressing the baby right away.

"Which one do you like most?" Louis asked showing the tiny dresses to his sister.

"Aww, they're both adorable" Lottie cooed as she put Sage's stockings on her "But I think the flowery one for today, and the sweater dress for Christmas day, is has a Christmas feel to it".

"Alright" Louis said agreeing.

He left the flowery dress on the table, and went to put the sweater dress back in the closet, and grabbed a cardigan and a pair of tiny shoes that he thought matched the dress.

"Is this real Gucci?" Lottie asked surprised, probably noticing the tag.

"Uhm... yeah, Harry got her a few things from there a while back" Louis answered.

"Wow" Lottie said impressed as she dressed the baby in it "I hope she doesn't drool on it".

"She probably will" Louis chuckled, and offered the shoes.

"I'm ready to go" Fizzy announced coming into the nursery.

She was wearing a very nice dress, and had makeup on, but not too much, or at least it didn't seem like it was too much.

"You look so beautiful, Fiz" Louis complimented her.

"Thanks" Fizzy grinned.

"So does Sage, look at her" Lottie said showing the baby to her sister.

"Aww, she looks so pretty in that dress" Fizzy said approaching them.

"It's Gucci" Lottie pointed out.

"Oooh, what a fancy baby you are" Fizzy cooed, and tickled Sage's tummy.

"She could use a cute bow to match her dress, though" Lottie suggested.

"I don't have bows, she barely has any hair, they wouldn't hold" Louis answered.

"I meant a headband with a bow" Lottie corrected.

"I don't have those either" Louis shrugged, as Lottie gave him the baby "And I don't think she needs it, she looks perfect".

"Of course" Lottie agreed, and gave Sage a kiss "But I'm still going to bring her some bows next time I visit".

Louis chuckled just as Sage started whining a little, and he knew it meant she was hungry, so he made sure to put a bib on her, so to not ruin her dress, and then sat down on the rocker to feed her, while Lottie went to finish getting ready, and Fizzy kept him company.

They talked about FIzzy's Uni, which she had just started in September, and Louis was happy to hear that she was loving it, and that she had made a lot of friends in the last few months.

When Sage was done eating, he burped her, and thankfully, nor his or Sage's clothes were ruined in the process, and  then Fizzy took her to keep her entertained, while Louis packed a baby bag  to take to Harry's house.

Once that was done, and Lottie declared that she was ready, they all grabbed their overnight bags (they were staying at Harry's for the night, mainly because of Sage; Louis didn't want to have to take her outside in the middle of a cold winter the night to bring her back), Louis put Edgar in his crate (because he wasn't going to abandon him), he strapped Sage in her car seat bundled in a blanket, and they headed outside where Harry's car was parked.

The night before, Harry had arrived from whatever work he had been doing, just in time for dinner, and because he had been away all day, he had ended up staying the night, to which Louis didn't object. But that morning, he had left right after breakfast, saying he wanted to supervise the party preparations, but he had been a sweetheart, and had called a car to pick him up, so he could leave his car to Louis, so the latter could go pick up his sisters from the train station.

"How far away is Harry's house?" Fizzy asked once they were all settled in the car, she was in the back seat with Sage, Edgar's crate in the middle.

"Uh... it depends on traffic, but usually it's a 20 - 25 minute drive" Louis replied as he drove the car away from the parking spot.

"I thought you lived closer" Lottie commented.

"It's not that far considering London distances" Louis explained.

"Haven't you and Harry considered just living together in his house?" Lottie proposed.

"Uhm..." Louis hesitated, the question catching him off guard "To be honest, no, neither of us has brought it up, and with good reason I think; it's too soon for that, we've only been back together for 3 months".

"But you dated before" Fizzy pointed out.

"Not for very long, Fiz" Louis answered "And even then we didn't see each other a lot; I was working 2 jobs back then, and Harry was busy with the release of his album, and then he went on tour, so even if we have a daughter together, our relationship still feels very new".

"But you're doing well, right?" Lottie wondered.

"We are doing great" Louis stated with a smile, because he really thought they were "Really great".

They got to Harry's house 20 minutes later like Louis predicted, and he pressed the button of the remote control for the big black gate to open, revealing the long driveway, and Harry's beautiful house in the end.

"Wow" Lottie said in awe.

"It's huge" Fizzy commented.

"May I ask again why you don't you want to live here, Lou?" Lottie asked.

"It's too soon" Louis repeated.

There was a white van with the name of a catering company, and 2 regular cars parked in the driveway, one of which Louis recognized as Harry's mum's car, and he was happy to know she was already there, he hadn't seen her in a while.

Louis parked the car, and they all unbuckled their seat belts, and got out of the car, just as Harry had come out of the house, and he greeted the girls with a hug and then Louis with a kiss on the lips.

They got all the bags from the car, as well as Sage's carrier and Edgar's crate, and they went inside the house, Harry ushering them upstairs so they could leave their things there.

"Lottie, Fizzy, you'll be staying here" Harry said showing them one of his guest bedrooms "Lou said you were fine sharing a double bed".

"Yeah, it's perfect" Lottie said as she dumped her bag on the armchair in the corner of the room

"Thank you for letting us stay here" Fizzy told him.

"Please don't thank me" Harry waved off "Just make yourselves at home... the bathroom is through that door, and the party is downstairs, for when you're ready".

Both girls nodded, and they left them to do whatever they wanted to do, and they went to Harry's room, where Louis set Edgar's crate on the floor, and left his backpack and Sage's bag on the bed, while Harry took Sage from her car seat, which he had been carrying all along.

"Hey" Harry said.

"Mmm?" Louis asked, standing up, having just opened Edgar's crate, who walked out of there immediately.

"I forgot to say Happy Birthday, so Happy Birthday" Harry wished him.

"It's not really my birthday today, so it's fine" Louis reminded him, because that was on Monday.

"But we're pretending it's today" Harry shrugged.

"Okay, then, thank you" Louis grinned "And thank you for letting me have my party here".

"Of course, baby" Harry replied, and kissed Louis "Let's go downstairs, I want to show you how things turned out".

"Alright, just let me leave Sage's things in her room, and... did you end up getting stuff for Edgar or not?" Louis questioned, because Harry had offered to do that that morning, so Louis wouldn't have to bring all the things he needed.

"Yeah, I set up everything in the telly room downstairs, and I think maybe we could leave him in there for the party" Harry suggested "There's going to be a lot of people coming in and out, and I don't want him to run off or something".

"Good idea" Louis nodded, and picked up Edgar from the floor, who was just stretching there "Come here, baby".

Harry grabbed Sage's stuff with his free hand, and they left them in her nursery, and then headed downstairs to leave Edgar in his 'room'. Then finally Louis followed his boyfriend inside the living room, where soft music was playing, and Lottie and Fizzy had made themselves comfortable, and were sitting down, both of them seeming busy with their phones.

But that wasn't what caught Louis' attention, it was that the entire room was decorated very elegantly in black, white and gold, and there was a very nice banner that said Happy Birthday Louis, and big gold number balloons that said 27.

"Oh, wow, this is great" Louis said looking around.

"Yeah? You like it?" Harry asked, he still had Sage in his arms and he was bouncing her.

"I love it" Louis said sincerely.

"Good, now come see the dining room".

Harry held Louis hand, and led him to the big dining room, where the table was decorated in the same white, black and gold theme, and honestly, it was the best looking table he had ever seen in his life.

"This looks great too, babe" Louis smiled.

"Wait till you see and taste the food, it's amazing" Harry declared.

"I'm sure it will be... as long as there's no shellfish in it?" Louis added, not sure if Harry had forgotten about his allergy.

"No shellfish, I made sure of it" Harry replied.

"Thank you, and for all of this, I would have been happy with a simple dinner, but the fact you went the extra mile for me means a lot" Louis said honestly.

"Anything for my baby" Harry said and gave him a kiss.

Louis smiled as he kissed Harry back, and even wrapped his arm around his neck, bringing their bodies closer, but apparently Sage didn't like being trapped  between her parents, because she let out a complaining whine.

"What's wrong? You don't like it when mummy and daddy kiss?" Harry asked her.

"I think we were squishing her" Louis chuckled as he stroked the baby's head.

"Poor baby" Harry said, and kissed her temple.

Sage leaned into Harry's body, like she was trying to cuddle with her daddy, which was adorable in Louis' opinion, it was clear as day how much she loved him.

"Her bottles!" Louis said, suddenly remembering.

"You forgot them?" Harry asked with huge eyes.

"No, I just forgot to put them in the fridge, I'll go get them" Louis announced.

Harry didn't protest, so Louis ran upstairs to get the bottles from the baby bag, which he had brought for Sage especially so he could be free to have a drink or two, and took them to the kitchen, which he found was very busy with people. There was a chef, other cooks, and waiters, so Louis just said a general hello, put the bottles in the fridge, and quickly left, not wanting to get in the way.

He had just walked out of the kitchen, when he saw Harry's mum coming down the stairs, who he knew was staying in Harry's other guest bedroom.

"Hi, Anne" Louis smiled, feeling happy to see her.

"Hi, honey, Happy Birthday!" Anne replied, and when she got to him she hugged him.

"Thank you" Louis answered as he hugged her back, and it honestly felt like he was hugging his own mum.

"I got you a little something" Anne told him, offering a present.

"You didn't have to" Louis said, but still took the gift.

"It's just a silly little thing" Anne brushed off "Go ahead, open it".

"Okay" Louis smiled, because to be honest, he had always loved to open presents, ever since he was a kid.

He unwrapped the paper, and found a plain black, kind of flat box, and when he took the lid off, he discovered a very beautiful leather notebook, and in the right bottom corner it had engraved 'L.T'.

"I know you already have a special notebook where you write your poems, but I also know you want to write a novel, so I thought maybe a fresh place to write could help inspire you" Anne explained.

"This is very thoughtful" Louis smiled at the notebook, and then at Anne "Thank you so much, I love it".

"You're welcome, love" Anne replied, and gave Louis another hug "Now where is my baby girl?".

"Harry has her" Louis replied.

They walked together to the living room, as Anne explained her husband was still getting ready, and would come downstairs to the party soon.

The second they walked through the door, Anne stole Sage from Harry, and said how big and beautiful she was, which Louis agreed on.

"Anne, you remember my sisters, right?" Louis asker her, because she had met them when the girls came to London to meet Sage a few months ago.

"Of course I remember them" Anne replied.

"Girls, put away those phones, and say hi to Harry's mum" Louis instructed, because they both still had their eyes on the screens, and it was plain rude.

"Sorry" Lottie said, quickly getting up, and going over to Harry's mum "Hi, it's nice to see you again".

"You too, and you look lovely tonight" Anne said, as Fizzy approached her "You both do".

"Thank you" Fizzy answered with a smile.

Louis had been too focused on their interaction, and didn't notice Harry approaching him until he wrapped his arms around his waist from the back, making him jump a little in surprise.

"What do you have there, baby?" Harry questioned.

"Oh, uhm... it's a notebook, your mum gave it to me" Louis explained, showing it to his boyfriend.

"That was nice of her" Harry smiled.

"Yeah, it was very thoughtful" Louis repeated what he had said to Anne, because it was true.

A waiter came into the living room holding a tray with a few champagne flutes on it, and Louis watched as he offered them to his sisters and Anne first, and they each took one.

"Girls, you can only have that one glass" Louis told them, although they were both legal to drink.

Both Lottie and Fizzy rolled their eyes simultaneously at him, and he knew what that meant.

"I mean it" Louis warned as he took a champagne flute himself when the waiter offered, and he thanked him.

"Sure, Lou" Lottie replied.

Louis was going to insist, but he got distracted when he heard the gate buzzer, which he knew meant there was one of his guests outside the house gates.

But what was weird, was that he felt Harry tense the second the buzzer went off, but he didn't do anything else.

"Shouldn't you get that, babe?" Louis questioned.

"No, there's a butler in charge of that, he has a guest list" Harry explained.

"Oh, okay" Louis shrugged, and took a sip from his champagne, which was really, really good.

A few minutes passed, in which Harry continued to be tense, but he relaxed notoriously when Niall and Liam walked inside the living room, and went straight to them to say hello and Happy Birthday to Louis, and they even brought him a present, which he made sure to thank them for.

Barely 10 minutes after Niall and Liam arrived, Harry's step dad showed up, and he wished Louis a Happy Birthday as well, and when Gemma arrived with Sawyer shortly after that, they did the same.

By then, the waiters were offering appetizers, which were to die for, and Louis felt really happy about his decision to let Harry throw him the party, because so far everything was turning out a million times better than it would have been if he had done it.

"Why do you get all stiff every time the buzzer goes off?" Louis whispered to Harry when it happened again.

"I don't" Harry denied, and he let go of his grip on Louis a bit.

"Yes, you are" Louis insisted "What's wrong?".

"Nothing" Harry answered

"Harry" Louis said knowingly.

"I guess I'm just stressed because I want this party to be perfect for you" Harry explained.

"I already think the party's perfect, so don't worry about it" Louis said, because he didn't want him to stress about something so silly.

"Okay" Harry smiled.

Louis smiled back, and gave Harry a small kiss on his lips to reassure him everything was great, and when their lips parted, and he looked at the living room door, and saw his friend Eleanor was the latest to arrive.

"El!" Louis said smiling, as he approached her "I'm so happy you came".

"Of course, babe, Happy early Birthday" Eleanor said as she hugged him tightly

"Thank you" Louis replied, and turned to look at Eleanor's husband "Hi, Zach".

"Hi, Louis, Happy Birthday" Zach wished him.

Louis said thank you, just as Harry joined him and said hello to the newcomers.

"Harry, this is my friend-" Louis started to introduce them.

"Best friend" Eleanor corrected.

"My best friend, Eleanor, and her husband Zach" Louis properly introduced them "El, Zach, this is my boyfriend, Harry".

"It's really nice to finally meet you" Harry smiled.

Eleanor had actually visited Louis twice since the birth of Sage; the first time she just had just been passing through London, but she made sure to visit Louis wanting to meet the baby, but it happened to be while Harry had been at rehearsal for his tour. The second time, she had come for an entire weekend, but on that weekend Harry had been on tour in Scotland, so they hadn't met then either.

"You too, it was about time" Eleanor answered "I love your house, by the way, it's amazing".

"Oh, thank you" Harry smiled his perfect smile.

"Here, Lou, I brought you a little present" Eleanor said handing Louis a gift bag she had in her hand "Just don't open it here".

"What is it?" Louis asked cautiously taking the bag.

"Something fun" Eleanor smirked.

"I thought we were over getting each other inappropriate gifts" Louis said, because they did that a lot when they were in Uni, but not anymore, Louis and given her and Zach a fancy expresso machine for their wedding.

"We're not" Eleanor laughed.

"Well, thank you, for whatever this is" Louis said.

"You've very welcome, and I promise you'll love it... and so will Harry" Eleanor added.

"I'm suddenly very interested" Harry decided, and tried to peek inside the gift bag.

"Don't" Louis said, and slapped Harry's hand away playfully.

"Hey, El" Fizzy said coming up to them "How are you?".

"Fizzy, love, I haven't seen you in so long, you're so grown up" Eleanor replied, giving her a hug.

Then Lottie came to say hello as well, and Eleanor introduced them both to her husband and started making conversation, but Louis had to excuse himself to go greet Virginia, who had just arrived. And she gave him a present too, which turned out to be books, of course, and Louis absolutely loved them, because in his opinion, a person could never have enough books to read.

She was the last of Louis' guests to arrive, because as he had predicted, his friend Asher from the club told him he wouldn't be able to make it because he had to work, and his parents weren't coming either.

But despite the fact that he wished they had accepted his invitation and that they had been there to celebrate his birthday, he felt happy seeing all the people he loved the most gathered together, enjoying themselves while drinking champagne and eating appetizers.

"Lou, I think Sagie's tired" Gemma told him after a while.

The baby had been passed around for the last hour, being the center of the party, and with good reason, she had been specially smiley for everyone... but she wasn't anymore.

"I agree" Louis replied, seeing his daughter was starting to get fussy, which always meant she was sleepy, so he got up from his seat to get her "I'll put her to bed".

"I can do it, babe, you just enjoy your party" Harry was quick to say, getting up as well, and took the baby from his sister.

"Okay, thank you" Louis smiled, knowing Harry knew Sage's bedtime ritual, but he still gave his daughter a kiss on her head "Goodnight, darling, mummy loves you".

"Say goodnight to everyone, Sagie" Harry said, as he waved Sage's little hand to all the guests.

Everyone said goodnight to Sage, and Harry took her with him, only coming back half an hour later, baby monitor in hand, and announced dinner was served in the dinning room, so all the guests headed that way.

And of course, everything was delicious, the starter, the wine, the main course, and the conversation and company was even better, and Louis found himself smiling a lot.

They were in the middle of the main course, when Harry got up from his seat, which was on the end of the table opposite from Louis, his glass of wine in hand, and he cleared his throat, getting everyones attention.

"Uhm... I know this is not my party, but I still wanted to thank everyone for coming to celebrate Louis' birthday with him, and I also want to make a toast to the birthday boy" Harry announced.

Louis smiled at his boyfriend, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"I think all of us here can agree on how lucky we are to be part of Louis Tomlinson's life; he's the most amazing person that has ever walked this earth, he's a very talented writer, an unconditional friend, an incredible and loving father, a supporting boyfriend, and he's just...".

Harry paused, and looked into Louis' eyes, and it seemed like he couldn't find the words to say what he wanted to say.

"He is the one person who made me want to fall in love in a very long time... so here's to Louis" Harry said raising his glass, and everyone did the same "Happy 27th Birthday, baby, I love you... cheers".

Everyone said cheers, and drank from their glasses, except for Louis, who mouthed 'I love you' to Harry, and only then he took a sip of wine from his glass.

They finished the main course, and then the cake was brought out, and everyone sang Happy Birthday, but before Louis blew out the candles, he made a wish, a very special one, one that he hoped with all his heart to come true... at least one day.

As the evening drew to a close, and the guests started leaving, Gemma and Sawyer first, then Virginia, Eleanor and Zach following, and Louis made sure to thank them for coming.

"We should go too, I have to be up early tomorrow to go to the airport" Niall announced, looking at Liam, who nodded.

They said goodbye to Harry and his parents, and Louis' sisters, and Louis walked them to the door, as the butler got their coats.

"Thanks for coming" Louis said to his friends "Did you have fun?".

"We did, and the food was so good, right Liam?" Niall asked his boyfriend.

"Best steak I've had in a long time" Liam confirmed.

"The only thing I didn't appreciate was your friend Eleanor introducing herself as your best friend, because she might have been when you were in Uni, but I have that role now" Niall told him.

"How old are you Nialler?" Louis laughed, thinking that was the most childish thing in the world.

"Old enough to know who your best friend is, so please let her know that" Niall asked.

"Sure, I'll talk to her" Louis told his friend, but he wasn't really going to do that, it was ridiculous.

"Good" Niall smiled, and gave Louis a hug "Bye, Lou, I'll call you on Monday to say Happy Birthday again".

"Alright, bye, mate, have fun in Ireland" Louis said, knowing his friend was leaving to his home country the next day to spend Christmas with his family "And say hi to your parents for me".

Niall agreed, and Louis said goodbye to Liam, and they were on their way. Louis went back to the living room, and his sisters and Harry's parents said they were going to bed, so he and Harry said goodnight to all of them

"And then there were two" Harry smiled looking at Louis

Louis smiled, and walked up to Harry and gave him a tight hug.

"Thank you for tonight" Louis said as Harry put his arms around him, and kissed his head.

"You're welcome, but I wish it would have been better for you".

"What are you talking about? It was a perfect birthday" Louis said honestly.

"But your parents didn't come" Harry explained.

"I already knew they wouldn't come" Louis shrugged.

"I thought they might show up" Harry told him.

"Why?" Louis frowned.

Harry sighed, and led Louis to the sofa, and they both sat down, leaving Louis completely confused.

"I have to tell you something" Harry started.

"What is it?" Louis wondered, feeling a little worried.

"Yesterday I lied when I said I had work meeting all day" Harry declared.

"Excuse me?" Louis asked in disbelief.

"I had a good reason to lie" Harry was quick to say.

"There's never a good reason to lie, Harry" Louis said starting to get upset.

"I just wanted it to be a surprise... in case it worked" Harry said.

"What are you on about?" Louis asked confused.

"I lied because I didn't want to tell you that I went to Doncaster to talk to your parents" Harry confessed.

"Why would you do that?" Louis asked, his eyes huge.

"I saw how disappointed you were when your mum said they wouldn't come to the dinner party, and I thought maybe I could talk to them and make them understand that what they were doing to you is wrong, and how much it meant to you that they came" Harry explained, and then shrugged "But I didn't work, they didn't come, and I'm sorry if it was the wrong thing to do, I just wanted to see you happy".

"I'm not mad, okay? I get that you had a good intention, and I love you for that" Louis said, and stroked Harry's beautiful face "But if you had asked I would have told you it wouldn't work, I know my parents".

"I just had to try, baby" Harry told him.

"I know" Louis nodded, understanding, but he was curious as to how things had gone between them "So how was it? What did they say?".

"I just talked to your mum, your dad was at work, and uhm... she basically said that she loves you, but that she can't support your life choices" Harry explained "I even gave her a picture of you and Sage, thinking it might soften her a bit, but I guess it didn't".

"Mmm" Louis nodded.

"I'm sorry, Lou" Harry apologized

"You know the day I accepted I was gay, I knew this was how it was going to be when I came out, but that doesn't mean that it's okay, or that I'm okay with it... I know I said I was fine the other day, but I'm really not, and I don't think I'll ever be okay knowing that my parents love their religion more than me" Louis confessed, and Harry nodded "But there's nothing I can do about it, so I have to learn to live with that knowledge, there's no way around it".

"I wish there was" Harry said, his face showing how sad he was for Louis.

"Me too" Louis agreed "But let's not get down about this after I had such a great birthday party, okay?".

"You really had fun?" Harry smiled.

"Yes, so much, that we can even skip my actual birthday" Louis decided.

"We're not skipping your actual birthday, I have something very special saved for that day" Harry informed him.

"Baby, tonight was amazing, I really don't need anything else" Louis swore.

"Let's just go to bed, I bet I can make your night even better" Harry smirked, clearly changing the subject.

"Is that a sex proposition?" Louis asked knowingly.

"Of course it is" Harry winked at him.

They went upstairs, and Harry surely made Louis forget all about his objection about getting more things for his birthday, but he was going to remember it, but not until 2 days.

The morning after the party, Harry's mum made a big breakfast for everyone, and around noon, Harry and Louis drove Lottie and Fizzy to the train station so they could go home, and then they spent the rest of the day decorating Harry's house for Christmas, because that was where they were spending it.

It was a big house and a big tree, which meant there was a lot to do, so Louis, Sage and Edgar ended up staying another night at Harry's, which in turn meant that for his actual birthday, Louis woke up in his boyfriend's room, with him serving him breakfast in bed.

"Alright, now it's time for your birthday present" Harry announced when they finished eating.

"Babe, I told you not to get me anything else, the party was enough" Louis assured him, now remembering his protests from 2 days ago.

"I already bought it, so you're getting it anyway" Harry informed him "Now get up, it's downstairs".

Louis didn't want to seem ungrateful, so he got up, picking up Sage from the bed, who had been laying there, just chilling while her parents had breakfast, and he followed Harry down the stairs.

They got to the entrance hall, and Harry opened the coats closet that was close to the door, and Louis thought it was weird that his present would be there, but Harry just took out a coat, put it on, and then took another one, and offered it to Louis.

"Why do we need coats?" Louis frowned, but he took it.

"Because we're going outside and it's cold" Harry said, taking the baby from Louis, and bundled her in a thick blanket, while Louis put on the coat "Alright, now open the door".

Louis squinted his eyes at Harry suspiciously, unsure of why his present would be outside.

"Go on" Harry encouraged him.

Louis opened the front door, and didn't have to take even one step outside, to see the brand new dark gray SUV with a big red bow on the hood that was parked in the driveway.

"Harry, you didn't" Louis said as he walked outside.

"Yes, I did" Harry grinned as he followed him"Happy Birthday, baby".

"Oh my fûcking God, it's a Porsche" Louis said when he noticed the Porsche badge on the front.

"Yeah, it's a Porshe Macan Turbo; it's slightly smaller than the Porsche Cayenne, but it drives a lot better, it's like a sports car in the body of an SUV, and I personally think the design is beautiful" Harry explained as Louis walked around the car, and he agreed on that, it was very beautiful "And the most important part is that it's very safe for you and Sage, I even already installed a carseat for her"

Louis opened the driver's door, and peeked inside, noticing that the interior was leather, and the dashboard was just perfect.

"So what do you think?" Harry asked, probably having expected another reaction from Louis.

"I love it, it's a beautiful car, but I can't possibly take it" Louis said, and closed the car door.

"Of course you can" Harry said, and offered him the keys.

"Baby, I can't" Louis refused, and didn't take the keys.

"Why not?" Harry frowned.

"Because it must have cost you a fortune" Louis explained.

"What does it matter what it cost? I decided to buy it for you for your birthday because I think you deserve it, and that's all that matters" Harry said very seriously.

Louis bit his lip, because he really liked the car, and he really wanted to drive it, but he could just imagine the media talking again about him being a gold digger if they found out about the car, and he was so over that.

"Come on, babe, just take it" Harry insisted "You know you want to".

"I do" Louis said with a little smile.

"Take it then" Harry smiled back.

Louis took the key from his boyfriend, and then attacked him into a hug to say thank you, and he said it so many times, the words even lost their meaning.

"Should we go get a shower and then take it for a spin?" Harry proposed, when the thank you fest was over.

"Let's take it now" Louis answered.

"We're in our pajamas and slippers, babe, and you should take your driver's license" Harry chuckled.

"Okay, but let's get dressed fast" Louis decided, and ran inside the house, Harry following with Sage.

Louis was ready to go in 10 minutes, and while Harry showered, he got Sage ready as he talked to her about how excited he was to drive the car.

And he was right to be excited, because the second he sat on it, and started the engine, he was in heaven, and when he started driving it was even better.

It drove so smoothly, Louis was tempted to hit the gas pedal harder to see how fast it could go, but he knew better than do something like that, especially with Sage in the back of the car.

"Do you like it?" Harry wondered as Louis drove down the street.

"I really, really like it, I like it even more than your car" Louis concluded "It's better than your car".

"Than my Range Rover? Sure, I can give you that, but my Ferrari? No way, babe" Harry answered.

"I like this more than all your cars combined" Louis decided "This is honestly the best present I've gotten in my entire life".

"Wait until you get your Christmas present tomorrow" Harry declared.

"Harry, no, please don't give me anything else" Louis begged, feeling bad.

"It was a joke, I didn't really get you anything for Christmas, I thought you would say the car was enough for both" Harry explained.

"It is, and it's enough for the next 10 Christmases and birthdays" Louis assured him.

"Sure, babe".

A.N. That was Louis' birthday, did you like it?

What do you think about his parents not showing up?

And what about his reaction when Harry told him he had talked to them?

Thank you for reading 💚💙


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