Can't get him off my mind//Ja...

By dolanwdwx

24.4K 624 136

Highest ranking #7 in loveatfirstsight Lily is Logan and Jake Paul's sister. She moved in with Logan to get... More

Meeting them ch.2
Him ch.3
Feeling ch.4
Cant get her off my mind ch.5
What is happening ch.6
Its happening ch.7
Date ch.8
I can break you ch.9
Virginity ch.10
Fake ch.11
I ship it: Lance ch.12
Forgivness ch.13
Couple? Ch.14
Chicken wars ch.15
Friends? Ch.16
Surprise ch.17
Party ch.18
Feelings ch. 19
I love you ch.20
The End of something new ch.21
Lost and Found ch.22
Happy birthday Pt 1 ch.23
Happy birthday pt 2 ch.24
Happy birthday Pt3 ch.25
Family ch.26
Reunited ch.27
Sydney ch.28
Thank you
Movie night ch.29
Barbecue ch.30
Love ch.31
Broken ch.32
My love ch.33
Family love ch.34
Home ch.35
New home ch.36
Suprise ch.37
What ch.38
Life ch. 39
New York ch. 40
Proposal pt 1 ch. 41
Proposal pt 2 ch 42
Last chapter ch. 43
New book

Moving ch.1

1.6K 24 3
By dolanwdwx

A/N warning chapters 1-20 have some cringe warning. It gets better the more you read. Play song above
Hi my name is Lily Paul, if the name sounds familiar that is because I am jake and Logan Paul's little sister. I am the only child left in the house after Logan and jake left. I am 17 years old and today is the day I move in with my brother Logan in LA to try and figure out my life.


I hear my mom yell from down stairs. I roll out of bed slowly grabbing my phone and checking my notifications as I walk downstairs.

"Good Morning to you to mom" I say as I walk down stairs.

"Good Morning coug , are you all packed?"

"Yes mom." I see my moms eyes start to tear up so I walk over to her and give her a hug.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just my last baby is leaving and going to LA. I am going to miss you so much" she said crying.

I don't want to leave her. Believe me, we may have had some rough years but we've gotten through them and she has been there for me through thick and think

"I know mama, I love you so much and I will miss you more than you can imagine"

"I know, I know. Well you need to get ready so I can take you to the air port. Get in the shower and I will have your breakfast ready for you when you get out."

"Ok mama. Thank you"

I give her a kiss on her cheek and I walked upstairs into my room. I lied my outfit on my bed for today and I chose a pair of grey sweats, a guns and roses shirt and a pair of white vans.

I got out of the shower and changed into my clothes for the day. Honestly, I am kind of nervous to move to LA. It is far from my family and friends and I won't know anyone in LA. I called my best friend in the whole world, Kylie.

Kylie has been my best friend since we were 4 years old she has always been there for me.
Calling Kylie🖤❤️...
K: hey lils are you ready to go to LA
L: kind of but not really. I will miss you so much.
K: I know I will miss you so much but you will come and visit me and I will come and visit you
L: ik, you better come!
K:I will. Find some cute boys for me
L:what about me???
K: oh and you to, of course. But you won't have a hard time with that
L: Oh my gosh. I love you but I have to go.
S: ok I love you bye.
End of call

I walked downstairs and saw that my mom made me eggs and bacon.

I walked back up to my room to brush my teeth, comb my hair and put it in a bun because I didn't feel like doing anything pretty. I do my make up and it is just light as normal. I drew on my eyebrow and put mascara on and some chapstick and put my glasses on. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. Right now it is 8:56am and my plane leaves and 10:00am so my mom is rushing me to get out the door.

I grab all my things and load up the car, as soon as I close the trunk to the car I start thinking of all of the memories I have had in this house. The time when I broke my foot playing basketball with kylie. Another time Logan and Jake chasing me all over the house. I laughed at the thought.

"I am going to miss this place so much" I whisper to my self as we drive out of the driveway to the air port.

We got to the air port at 9:20 and I get out of the car and grab all of my stuff from the trunk. I see my mom standing in front of me crying and when my mom cries i start to cry. I walked up to her and hugged her.

"I love you so much mama." 

I pulled away from the hug and my mom wiped my tears of my face.

" I love you too cougar, now go get to your plane"

I gave my mom one last hug and left. After going trough security and everything I got to my gate and I got there right when my plane was boarding. I walked over and gave the lady my ticket.

" have a safe trip and have a nice day"

"Thank you, you to" I say to her as I walk past her and get onto the plane and find my seat.

Lucky me I get the whole row to my self. I grab my phone and my ear buds and play my music and buckle my self in. One of the flight attendants woke me up telling me that we have landed. I get out of my seat and grab my things and exit the plane.

I walk over to baggage clame and wait for my luggage to come around. While I was waiting I pull my phone out right when someone walked up behind me and covers my eyes. Before they could say anything I elbowed them in the stomach and turned around.

Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you for reading and this is my first story so I am sorry if there is some spelling mistakes in it. I am just saying that I just read over my whole story and I wanted to say it gets better the more you read. Bye

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