
Bởi fishxthis

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Harry doesn't expect his life to change so drastically just because he meets Louis, and he doesn't know if th... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Fourteen

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Bởi fishxthis


“Louis?! Louis, god, please say something, please!” I shouted into the receiver, hoping that he would give some sort of a response and tell me that he was fine, that what I thought just happened didn’t actually happen.

But he never responded; all I heard was the screeching of tyres, and faint moans. And the line went dead.

I was left sitting there at the table, suddenly feeling all alone in his huge house. Unknowingly, my grip on my phone loosened and it fell to the parquet floor with a loud “clack”. I didn’t know what to do, and I had no idea where Louis was. Wait, he had just left the ice cream shop right?

Almost instantly I was on my feet, rushing to the door, dressed just in my sweatshirt and track pants.

I literally ran over to that little ice cream shop until my legs felt like they were going to give way, and on my way there, I saw a large crowd of people who seemed to be looking down at something. My eyes followed the direction of their shocked stares, and there was a huge pool of blood on the floor.

I stopped in my tracks.

Oh god no, it couldn’t be him… But yet again, who else could it have been? I stood there, rooted to the ground for a good minute or so, before summoning all my energy to walk over to that crowd. My legs refused to cooperate at first, but I willed them to move. I had to. I had to see if it was Louis. I knew it was him though; I just didn’t want to believe it.

As I neared the crowd of people, I felt a lump rising in my throat as my heart beat faster and faster. And finally I was just behind the crowd. I pushed past them, and I came face to face with Louis’ limp body.

I stood there, and just stared at him. I don’t know why I couldn’t bring myself to do anything. I couldn’t move at all. I just stared at him. He was wearing a jacket; now dirty with the grime and mud on the ground. As usual he was wearing his grey beanie. He had a scarf around his neck; it was the only one he had actually. It was grey as well, but now it was stained a darker grey, from the blood dripping down his face.

His beautiful face was full of dirt, mixed with the blood seeping out of his cuts. I winced upon seeing that, and tears began to prick at the corners of my eyes. Part of his jeans was torn and there was blood literally flowing out of those torn parts. His palms were stained totally red with blood.

He didn’t even look like Louis anymore. I couldn’t believe this was happening, because I couldn’t lose him; I just got him. And suddenly I heard myself yelling and screaming. “Somebody call the ambulance! SOMEBODY CALL THE AMBULANCE! PLEASE!” But yet, no one moved or took out their phones. Some of them even just walked away, shrugging.

I couldn’t control myself anymore; tears started streaming down my face. A nice elderly lady pat my back and told me that the ambulance had already been called. And true enough, I heard the sirens of the ambulance wailing just across the street.

The paramedics rushed over with the stretcher and before I knew entirely sure of what they were going to do, they whisked Louis onto the stretcher and off. “Wait!” I called out. “C-can I go to th-the hos-hospital with y-you? He’s my b-b…boyfriend… Please…” I stammered between sobs. One of the paramedics flashed a sympathetic smile at me and nodded.

And so I climbed into the ambulance and went the hospital. I had to be there with him. I had to be there and be the first person he saw when he opened his eyes. I loved him, and I couldn’t lose him. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do much, but I wanted to give him some sort of moral support, and tell him not to give up, because I fucking loved him.

Hours later I was sitting in the hospital, exhausted and cold. I tried sleeping, and the nurses advised me to. They said that they’d tell me when Louis was out of the operating theatre. But I couldn’t sleep. How was I supposed to sleep at a time like this when my boyfriend was so badly hurt?

Then suddenly the green light shut off and the doctor walked out. I rushed to my feet and he turned towards me. “Are you his family?” He asked. I paused for a while, before responding. “I’m his boyfriend, his family lives in another city. How is he?! Oh god, please tell me you saved him, please!” I begged, every word coming out like a strangled cry.

“He’s in a coma… The chance of him waking up is fifty percent. And even if he wakes up, he might suffer a memory loss because the impact on his head was really strong… You can go visit him in the ICU in about ten minutes…” The doctor looked genuinely upset, but I knew he tried his best.

The nurses wheeled Louis out of the operating theatre, and he looked so much better now, all cleaned up, with bandages around his wounds. I couldn’t take it anymore, I just burst out crying. I couldn’t bear to see him so broken. I followed the nurses into the ICU and stood there silently, staring while they hooked him up onto those machines that were supposed to save him. But they looked like machines that would kill you instead.

Before they walked out, one of the nurses stopped and spoke to me. “He’s got a couple of fractured bones and ribs but hey he’ll be alright. Don’t worry okay love? Just, stay by his side and talk to him, miracles do exist.” She smiled, and I forced a smile back. I appreciated it really; her trying to comfort me.

Come on Harry, miracles do exist. Don’t worry too much. He’ll be okay.

I slowly walked to his bedside and sat down on the chair. I couldn’t believe this was happening to Louis. Just 5 hours ago we were on the phone, and just 12 hours ago he had asked me to move in with him. Everything seemed so magical, so lovely, but this had to happen. And again the tears filled my eyes.

If I spoke to him, would he wake up? Well, in those dramas on TV they do wake up, or have some sort of a response when someone talks to them. Maybe if I spoke to Louis something like that would happen. Like a miracle. Miracles do exist.

“Hey Louis… God I don’t know what to say now… It’s only been 12 hours since I saw you and what happened to you? You know, it was my fault… I shouldn’t have called you at that time… If I didn’t, then… You wouldn’t have… I’m so sorry Louis, I’m so fucking sorry. I brought this upon you…” I stopped, trying to regain my composure, but I couldn’t help but sob.

I took a deep breath, before continuing.

“Hey, you know I’ll probably never dare to tell you this ever again… But I want to tell you now. I know you might not hear me, but I want to at least have told you this. Here it goes… When I first saw you on the street, tripping on air, I already liked you. It was like love at first sight. You were just so cute, in your beanie and red jeans and everything.

I loved how you blushed so hard when I held you, and I loved how you were so scared of me. Maybe this makes me sound like a pervert,” I paused, trying to laugh, “but it was true. You were so cute and you didn’t even know it. When I saw you days later and I got pissed at you, it was because… I don’t know, I can’t say it. But I regretted it so bad. I still remember that expression on your face, till now. You looked so hurt and broken. And I’m still sorry about it.”

I remember that day so clearly, because I blamed myself so badly when I shouted at him.

“And when I finally got your number, I was trying so hard not to smile like a total fool in front of you. But inside, I was jumping around and dancing like I was high on sugar or something, because it meant that we’d actually be friends. I liked knowing that.” I smiled at that memory, because it was so adorable when he asked me for my number in a long sentence without stopping at all.

“And then we started texting each other. You have no idea how much I smiled whenever I saw a new text from you. It was like you brightened my day just by sending me a message. Sometimes I wonder if you smiled as much as I did.” All the messages suddenly flashed through my mind, and I smiled. Yeah I remembered them all, because I read them so often.

“Louis, when you told me Niall liked you, I was shattered. I couldn’t take it, because I didn’t want you to be with him. It was kind of obvious, now that I think about it. I mean, I was so obviously pissed off when you told me you were going out.” I chuckled at my foolishness and at how jealous I acted when Louis and I weren’t even together in the first place.

“Then the day I saw you and Niall, the day I got that huge slash across my arm. I guess it was rude of me to be so hostile towards Niall, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t stand seeing the both of you acting so lovey dovey in front of me. At that time I hated Niall so bad, because he had you, and I wanted you so bad. I guess I shouldn’t have been so… Possessive when you weren’t mine in the first place huh?

Then do you remember that night, at the hospital? When I told you that the nurse said that my boyfriend was waiting for me outside… I was lying. She didn’t say that. I made it up just to see what your reaction would be,” I chuckled again, because I thought it was such a brilliant idea. In fact, the smartest thing I probably ever thought of.

“God, you were so cute. Your reaction; it was so fucking adorable, and you were blushing so hard. I wanted to kiss you there and then, but I couldn’t. Because I wasn’t entirely sure that I was really in love with you yet, and I didn’t know if you liked me back. And even if you did, Niall was in the way. I feel bad for thinking this of Niall at that time. But now I know how much he really means to you.” I really felt sorry, and that’s why I refused to help Clark.

“And days later when I saw you in that ice cream suit. At first sight, I knew it was you. I don’t know how I recognized you in that unflattering costume, but I just did. I guess that’s love huh? Or maybe it’s just my obsession over you. I know you tried not to talk, but that only confirmed my suspicion that it was you. You were so cute. God, I’m rambling on and on about how I observe you. That’s kinda freaky isn’t it…?” I let out a strangled laugh. But it was true, I really loved Louis and I probably observed every single detail about him unknowingly… I was like a stalker. Then again, I was…

“I only went to the shop to see you, obviously… And I asked you out, well, my “cousin” did… You have no idea how excited I was for our date along Champs Elysees. Call me a teenage girl but I loved that we had it there, because it’s where lovers always go. Yeah, uh, cheesy… But it’s true.” I laughed awkwardly. The memories of that night were flashing back in my mind, and the tears couldn’t help but stream down my face.

I couldn’t help but remember when he was well and healthy, unlike now. God, Louis was really accident prone… But that made me want to protect him even more though.

“Louis, please, wake up soon, please. Miracles do exist… Okay? Show me that they do exist. I want to go on another date with you. I want to hear your voice; I want to see your smile. They’re so lovely, and sometimes they’re all it takes to make me happy. Please… I beg you…” And by now I was sobbing like I was some girl watching a soap opera.

I sat there for the next hour or so, thinking about how cruel that driver was. He’d hit Louis, and just drove off like that, without calling the police or anything. He was a fucking coward. My fists balled up just thinking about him, whoever he was. He couldn’t face the music after making a mistake.

But that was like me… I couldn’t face the challenges, after agreeing to help Clark. Well that guy and I were different, but somewhat similar… We both couldn’t live up to our words or deeds… God, I shouldn’t have agreed in the first place. This had nothing to do with Louis, and although all I wanted now was for Louis to wake up, I couldn’t help but think about my problem…

I shouldn’t have agreed at all. And matters just got worse because Zayn suddenly popped out from god knows where after five years living in again god knows where. And now they know why I don’t want to help Clark. Louis was the reason why. I love Louis, more than anything in the world, and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt him, not for all the money in the world.

“Louis… I love you… Wake up, for me, okay? Please…” I whispered sleepily. I clutched his hand in mine, and rested it on my cheek as I drifted off to sleep.


“I want you to kill Louis Tomlinson. Remember your training with Sir and try to corner Louis. I’ll be waiting for good news, yes?” I instructed clearly over the phone. “Yeah okay, I’ll update you soon,” he replied, and then hung up. He was so easy to manipulate. I guess that’s how I got him to help me anyway, because of how gullible and coercible he was.

I sat at my desk, not knowing what to do. I was the owner of Clark Industries; a company that produced tools. We were earning billions of dollars each month, but yet here I was, sitting, plotting to kill someone because of my son. I know that my target is Niall Horan, but right now I had to make sure something happened to Louis Tomlinson, and I wanted it to hurt the people who cared about him.

I pitied Louis, because he had nothing to do with this whole thing at all. He was just Niall Horan’s friend, but yet he was about to get hurt so badly. I chuckled bitterly to myself. Of course, I would risk the world just to make sure Jordan was fine. He was my only son. I smiled at the thought of Jordan being happy again.

Suddenly I thought of the consequences if I were to be found guilty of attempting to kill two people. Well, I would go bankrupt, lose the company, and never be able to see Jordan again… But all of that was worth it, to make sure that Jordan was okay, to make sure that no one would hurt him anymore.

I knew that Harry saw me as a cold hearted person, someone who didn’t care about anything, but who knew that James Clark would do this for his son? Whoever saw him as someone who could love so deeply? Maybe he even saw me as crazy sometimes. But then again, maybe I was.

And suddenly anger welled up within me, because I did care, especially for Jordan, nothing else. I lost the ability to love, I thought. I laughed, and my laughter filled the empty and silent room. My phone vibrated. I looked at the screen as it displayed a message.

2:30, time for dose.

Ah yes, my daily dose.

I opened the drawer at the side of my table and took out the small bottle of pills.

For Manic Depression (Bipolar disorder), the label read.

I popped two pills into my mouth and swallowed them dry.


It’s Saturday.

He hasn’t called me in two days. Who is he? Louis, of course. Not even a text.

I was worried. I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not jealous. Not in that way, at least. I was maybe a little jealous that Louis was sacrificing our friendship, in a way, for Harry. It’s like he’s completely forgotten about my existence and it stung, because it shouldn’t be this way. Didn’t he promise we’d still be the best of friends, and nothing less?

It was a little unrealistic to be expecting this much, but hadn’t it always been this way, with the daily text messages and occasional phone calls that we used to have, say, maybe a year back? Yet it had to change now.

Now of all times, when I felt like there was nobody left for me.

I picked up my phone from the table beside me, absently spinning it in my hand. I scrolled through my contacts, stopping at ‘L’, my finger hovering over Louis’ name. I wanted to call him so bad and have a good long chat, but that somehow seemed too needy and…desperate, considering how he’d said he would call me back.

“I need to talk to you about…something.”


I pressed ‘Call’ and waited for him to pick up. I was sure he wouldn’t misunderstand my intentions. Yes, the intentions of a good friend. A mix of excitement and apprehension suddenly filled me, but I knew that it would only be excitement when he picked up. I couldn’t wait to hear his voice.

But…he wasn’t picking up. It normally wouldn’t take him this long. I frowned and checked my watch, making sure I hadn’t gotten the time difference all wrong. It was correct, though. The last time I had called him it was around this time too.

Then, it came, almost like a blow to the head, the crisp, electronic-sounding voice of the operator. “The number you have dialed is currently unavailable.” I sighed, ending the call. I just hoped it wasn’t an indication of Louis refusing to answer. All I could do now was hope that he would call me back again, I guess.

I moved to pick up my laptop, logging on to Facebook, and settled back into the comfort of my bed. I scrolled through my news feed, glancing at an occasional post that was nothing of interest.  An old classmate who was ranting about a noisy neighbour, a friend who was posting new pictures of herself every few minutes, and a guy who I don’t even remember adding as a friend was at the airport leaving for a holiday. That basically summed up the highlights on my news feed.

I was what you call the lurker. I didn’t use Facebook actively; I just went on to see what everybody was up to. So I know, but they don’t know that I know. But what caught my eye wasn’t all that. It was looking under ‘Online Friends’ and seeing ‘Louis Tomlinson’.

I don’t know if it hurt more than the relief I felt at knowing he was alright. It wasn’t like he was busy or anything, so he didn’t pick up. He was actually on Facebook. And I knew if it said he was online, then he was, because never did he fail to log out. So I started a chat.

I called you.

Instantly, there was a reply. No surprise. I was expecting him to apologise, or tell me he’d left his phone somewhere, or lost it.

Hey Niall, It’s Harry.


So now Harry had gotten himself access into Louis’ computer.


Oh, hi. Why’s it you?

There was no reply for a while. I looked to the bottom of the chat window. ‘Louis is typing…’ Well, more like Harry. But he had been typing for a long time.

Where’s Lou?




Why couldn’t he just tell me where Louis was? Just because he was his boyfriend didn’t entitle him to the rights to keep my best friend’s whereabouts a secret! Didn’t I deserve to know?

Well?My fingers flew over the keyboard, replying almost instantly.

He’s in the hospital.


The hospital. My heart felt like it had stopped, or skipped too many beats and couldn’t get started again. My fingers were hovering over the keyboard, frozen, unsure or what to reply. Why was he in the hospital? Was that why he hadn’t been calling or texting, or picking up my calls? How long had it been?

Questions were forming in my head, yet they were unable to be translated into text. They were going round in my head, not getting an answer.

He was in an accident.

Oh god. An accident?!

A car accident.

Is it serious? Is he okay? When did it happen?


I nearly typed, ‘Should I fly back?’, but some part of my brain that wasn’t numbed by the shock and worry held me back.

Three days ago. He’s in a coma. He’s in the ICU with some fractured bones and ribs. There’s only a fifty percent chance of him waking up and he might suffer from memory loss…

A mental picture of him flashed into my mind. I hadn’t seen him but I pictured the worst. Wrapped in layers clean white bandages everywhere, hooked up with wires to beeping machines, almost completely unrecognizable, and looking so small in a silent empty room that just radiated death and sickness. The image itself was heartbreaking, and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

Is…is he going to be okay, then? Soon?


It was a stupid question to ask because nobody would know, but typing it out seemed to make me feel better, my naivety cheating  myself into believing that maybe someone did know, and that Harry would reply ‘yes’.

I don’t know for sure, Niall. I’m so sorry…


Of course, of course he didn’t know. The reality was hitting me like a slap in the face, that everything was uncertain.

I’ve been talking to him, as the doctors and nurses said, but…nothing.

I stared at the screen blankly, the words appearing blurry through my tears, threatening to drip onto the keyboard any minute. Nothing.



It seemed too unreal to be talking to ‘Louis’ when I knew it wasn’t him. It was like a stab to the heart every time I saw his name at the top of the chat. Like pouring salt into a wound. Life was poking fun at me, taking pleasure in my pain. It was a constant reminder that he wasn’t there and that he was lying in the ICU, all alone and injured.

Would it…would it be too much if I asked you to come back? Come back and talk to him…


I let out a breath that I didn’t realise I was holding, blinking slowly at the words as the tears overflowed and the meaning sank in.

Harry was asking me to go back to talk to Louis.

No, not at all. I’ll be back soon.

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