The Sentinel's Shield

By Tejas_Menon96

91 2 0

The world is nearing apocalypse. The only way to save it? Recover a mythological device created by the people... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3


41 0 0
By Tejas_Menon96


It was dimly lit room with a bulb that flickered its way through the darkness. The light shone on a plate that lay on the floor. The mice that scurried along the sides of the room filled their hunger with the remains left on the plate Yet, the hunger of the man present in the room was not filled to his satisfaction.

His last act was still due. His last act towards the human race. His last act that that would make him remembered in world history. Were they for good or bad, he did not know.

'cluck'  fell a drop of water from the leaking ceiling into the previous puddle of water that stagnated in the corner of the small room . It must be raining outside, he thought. He walked towards the puddle and looked into it. Yes, he was getting old. Reflections never lied.

'tuck tuck tuck' came the sound from the outside of the room. It was time. He looked at his reflection for one last time.

Then came a creaking sound and the door in front of o the square room slid open. Three uniformed men, armed with sub-machine guns that slung around the bulletproof vests entered. Between them stood a short and stout man in a dark blue Harris-tweed suit. He was Benjamin Hampton.

With a stern look towards the man in front of him he spoke "Lucus Thorn, today is the day of your execution". He gave a digusted glance at the mice that squeaked near the plate. He then continued "and lucky for you, you have been granted your one final wish. Despite my desperate pleas, oh! believe me, i tried, some people feel its just" raising his hands, he said mockingly  "human, to let you have your wish. So, lets get over with this crap. What do you want?".

Thorn, who had been looking at the stone floor till now gave a weak smile and spoke "Well, Hampton, i want to speak with someone".

"Who? Your son? He does not want to see your face" said Hampton with a sarcastic laugh.

"I've never considered him my son. He been nothing but a bloody traitor" bellowed Thorn. I want to talk to one of your men, a certain agent called Travis Ray"

"Travis Ray? We dont have any agent called Travis Ray"

A sound of laughter erupted in the small room, Thorn spoke half laughing and half smiling "That's because he is still in the FBI. You are gonna get him for me "

"What on hell makes you think that I will do that and more importantly how do you know about him?" asked Hampton with his face showing all signs of surprise. "You have been in this underground prison for the past 6 months. There are jammers in every inch of this place to block any sort of signal, incoming or outgoing. The door can be opened only by authorized personell's finger print and retina scan. Not to mention that the only people who know your wherabouts are people who have been condemned to secrecy. To top it all off, there is a chip inserted into your spine which acts as a homing device and as a instant paralyzer should anyone tamper with it. Yet, you come to know about this person.

"You done Hampton ?" Thorn asked annoyed.  "I want to speak to Mr.Travis Ray. How I know about him is nothing for you to worry. This is my last wish and you better get it granted genie."

"Nothing for me to worry you say ?  We'll see about that. But tell me this, have you ever met this Travis Ray?"  questioned Hampton.

"No, but i know what he looks like so don't  bother sending me one of your men."

"Yeah? What is there so special that your'e gonna talk only to ths guy".

With the the widest evil grin that wrinkled up the skin on his bald head, Lucas Thorn said "The Sentinel's Shield". 

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