One Direction drove me off th...

By Nloved1D

897K 3.2K 1.2K

Youé is a special girl, she's damaged and doesn't trust people. When she meets the 5 most amazing boys and a... More

One Direction drove me off the Road SEQUEL
Louis! Not again!
Almost the same girls
You ARE beautiful
The One and Only Liam Payne
The beetle
Youé's story
Camping in the garden
The crime and Derek
Shopping and clubbing
Just not fair
The little campire
What did I do?
What do we learn from this? CUPCAKES SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM
You're back!
Derek's place
Romantic... and playful kisses
A day at the park
Larry Stylinson
Larry Sty....what?
The fancy party part 1
The fancy party; part 2
Our trip begins here
There's no limit on a happy-meal, so STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!
The concert
Love makes people blind
The truth
Quick fire!
Just trusting you
Love in the air
Meeting Max
Ignoring you! HA
Not allowed to kiss Zayn
Please drive another girl out of the road...for me????
We need to leave
Sleeping on the trampoline
Cold shower??
New tops
I'll look after you
Get out of my face!
I'll cry a river
Red paint fail
Forever and always, I will love you ~last chapter

Mr. Romantic

15.2K 78 37
By Nloved1D

Youé's POV:


I scream and two seconds later he appears in the door opening, panting. He runs to me and hugs me, looking around the room. "What?" he asks. 

I went to bed again, I was exhausted and I don't know why. But I got a nightmare, Louis was being chased by someone, and it was horrid. 

Suddenly I begin to cry and Louis looks shocked, holding me tighter. "Tell me, what's wrong?" he asks and I sob into his shirt.

"N..nightmare," I say and he nods. He lays down with me on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. "Where's Liam?" I ask and try to stop my tears. "He has a surprise for you, but he's gone now, so I'll stay with you," he says and I cuddle into his chest. 

I'm wondering what the surprise could be. Liam knows I don't really like surprises... "Lou, a surprise?" I ask and I feel him grin against my hair. "Yes, you're going to love it, I'm sure. Liam loves to play Mr. Romantic," he says and I grin, my mood much better. "Tell me!" I say and he shakes his head. "Ha ha, no way," I pout and he winks at me. "Don't try me, I'm not going to give in!" he says and I think. "I'll give you carrots?" I ask and his eyes widen, but then he tenses. "No," he says and I frown. No carrots? Then I'm not going to get what I want now.

I cross my arms over my chest and he chuckles, then wraps me into a thight grip. "Just tell me one thing, Boobear!" I say and he shakes his head. "Liam is going to kill me if I do!"

That's right, if Liam has a secret, he want to keep it to himself, and if he tells it to somebody, that person can't tell it to ANYONE else otherwise you'll suffer from something bad.....

"Alright," I say and close my eyes. "Are you still tired? It's almost 3 pm." 

"It's the time difference," I say and he nods. "Do you want to sleep a little more?" he asks and I shake my head. "No, if I do, I won't sleep tonight," I say and try to open my eyes but fail. Louis lifts me up and my hands grip his shirt. "I'm not going to let you fall," he says and kisses my forehead. He lays me down on the couch and strokes my hair. I shove and he does too. I'm not comfortable and my back hurts. I groan and Louis lifts me up, laying me against his chest.

Louis smels weird, in a good way. But I'm used to the soft vanilla smell from Liam. Louis smells like fruits, I get a little smile on my face, but then feel my back again and shove. "Are you alright?" he asks and I nod, but shove again. "My back hurts from that plane," I explain and  his hand slide to my back. That tickles a little and I hold back my chuckle. "Here?" he asks and slowly presses on my lower back and I grit my teeth together, it hurts. I nod and he begin massaging it softly, it hurts a little but then the muscles relax and I close my eyes again.

How can't Louis not have a girlfriend? Just like Harry? They are just perfect guys, sweet, caring, 

I drift away into sleep. 

Niall's POV:

I hear Persephone sniff and I quickly get up, running to the direction of the sound. She's crying. I rush into the room and then see that she has a laptop in front of her. "Babe what's wrong?" I ask worried and she turns around, she's smiling. Then I look at the laptop and see 2 boys looking. "Did he just called you babe? GROSS!" One of the boys says and I sit down next to her and wrap an arm around her. "I'm fine, I'm skyping with my brothers. Boys, this is Niall," she says and I wave to the webcam.

"I just miss them," Persephone says and another tear rolls down her cheek. I kiss her softly. Her smaller brother, called Percy, makes a throwing up sound and the older one chuckles. Persephone chats with them, asks about what they did and how everything goes there in America. I hold her and sometimes lay my head on her shoulder or play with her hair. Then they say goodbye and the tears begin to flow again. I lay her down and she nuzzles her head into my neck. I turn her head to mine and gaze into her eyes, she smiles weakly and I press my lips to hers. She grabs my shirt tightly and pulls me closer.

"Even how much I miss my brothers, I would do everything to stay with you," she says and I grin. My beautiful Persephone. I connect my lips with hers again. 

After a while she pulls back, I pout and cup her face, bringing her lips back to mine. "What are we going to do today?" she whispers against my lips. "This," I say and lay my hands on her hips. She smiles and I pull her closer. "And after this?" she asks. "We'll see," I say and she chuckles. Her breath hitches when I pull my thighs in between hers. I smile and she blushes. I slam my lips onto hers again and her eyes close. 

Harry's POV:

"This is PERFECT Harry!"

Liam wanted to surprise Youé with a date, but he didn't know a place to go. When I came here as a kid, I had a place where I used to go if I was upset or angry. It's near the cliffs, you can see the sun rise and set. It's kinda my spot, but now I've got a perfect life, so I don't need it anymore. And I know Youé is going to love this place, it's extremely romantic and sweet. Liam is really into the old romantic stuff, so this place is perfect for them.

I'm standing with Liam looking at the sea. It's peacefull and calming. We set down the table and 2 chairs. It's just a 10 minute drive from our hotel. Then Liam gets out a white tablecloth and he places it over the round table. Then the plates and cutlery and the candles.

"Cheesy," I say and he turns around, looking at the candles and then back to me. Then I remember it's Youé who this date is for. I always help Zayn with his dates, and Laura doesn't like all the posh things. She's more an adventure girl, bunjee-jumping and stuff like that. "No, keep it. Youé is going to love it," I say and he smirks, places it down and we look at it. I slap his back and he looks at me. "Great job," I nod and he smirks again. "She's going to love it," he says and we walk back to the car. "The dress?" I ask and he bites his lip. "We have to buy one?" 

"LIAM! You just told me that I had to bring you here! And by the way, Zayn is way better with choosing clothes, take him," I say and he sighs. "Alright."

Liam's POV:

I rush into the apparment but freeze when I see Youé and Louis snuggling on the couch. She's sleeping and he's stroking her hair. "What happened?" I ask and walk over to her. She's sleeping peacefully in Louis arms. "She had a nightmare and I brought her here, then she fell asleep again," he explains to me and I stroke with my finger over her cheek. I look up and smile thankfully at Louis. He smiles back and I kiss Youé on her forehead.

The necklace I gave her is hanging around her neck, she's wearing it! It looks so beautiful on her.

I walk to Zayn's room and see him doubting which shirt he'll wear. "Zayn, can you help me? I have to buy a dress for Youé," I say and he raises an eyebrow. "You're going on a date with her, alright. I'll be ready in 5," he says. He has done his hair already, lucky me. If he hadn't, it would be like 2 hours till he was ready. 

He walked out and I dragged him with me to the car. I parked at the mall. Zayn looks around and then to me. 

I'm bad at shopping for girls. The necklace I bought her was a gamble, and I was so happy when she told me it's beautiful, and she's wearing it. Zayn likes to buy clothes for Laura, not in a bad way, but he just likes to surprise her with new things. I've seen her a couple of time when she's surprised, in a good way, the expression on her face is priceless. 

"A white dress," he says when we look through all the dresses. How can girls choose between all those dresses?

"Alright?" I say, but it sounds like a question. He chuckles. He shows me a dress and I frown. He puts it back even before I could say something. He takes another one and inspects it. He puts it back and I chuckle softly, he does what he wants, alright.

He shows me another one and I grin. She'll look beautiful in that one. Zayn grins back and he walks to the desk. "do you have this one in 36?" he asks and the women behind the desk chuckles and nods. "For your girlfriend?" she asks and he looks at me. "For his one," he says and she looks over at me. "Good choice, she'll love it. It doesn't happen often that 2 boys buy a dress for their girlfriend," she says and takes another dress, hands in to Zayn and he walks over to me. The dress is from white silk, a couple of sparkles. It will look beautiful on her.

"Now the shoes," he says when we walk out. This sounds so weird, we're walking out of a dress shop, and now to the girls shoes. "Liam don't look like that. Youé is going to be so happy, you have to do this more often," he says and slaps my back.

I sigh and nod. "Wait, Zayn, how do you know which size dress she has?" I ask and he turns around, chuckling. "You can see that, Liam. Laura is a 36 too and Persephone is a 34, I have to help Niall find a dress for her too sometimes," he says and thinks. 

How does that boy knows all that kind of things? "Do you know her shoe size?" he asks and I nod. "39," I say and he nods. We walk into the shoe store and he walks to the heels. "They have to be white," he says to me and I look around.

"There," I say and walk to the pair I see. Zayn walks behind me and smiles when he sees me grab them. "You're learning it, Payne," he says and I inspect the shoes. "BrilLiam!" he says and chuckles to himself. I roll my eyes. The fans came up with that word. "AmaZayn," I say and he laughs. 

"This one in 39 please," I say and the girl hands me the shoes. "Wait, aren't you two Liam Payne and Zayn Malik?" she says. I chuckle and nod. "Can I please have a picture?" she says, her eye wide with joy. She's 16 years old I think. "Of course, babe" Zayn says and she hands him his phone. He takes a picture with them and then a picture of me with her. Then Zayn takes a pen and a piece of paper, he signs it and hands it to me. I do too and the girls jumps up and down.

"Thanks so much!" she squeals as I chuckle. "Everything for our fans," say. "Wait, for who are those shoes?" she asks. "Are they for Laura Stone?" she says and her eyes get big. "No, for Liam's girlfriend. Youé Clearwater," Zayn says and she looks over at me. She hands me the bag and we say goodbye.

"Fans.." I say and Zayn chuckles. "Youé is going to love these shoes," he says and we walk back to the car, after taking Starbucks with us.

When we get home, Louis is still sitting on the couch, looking at her. It's almost 6 pm, how can she be this tired? What got her so exhausted?

"Zayn, there you are!" Laura says and falls into his arms. He chuckles and wraps her into a tight embrace. I lay the bags underneath the bed and walk over to the couch. "She didn't wake up?" I ask him and he shakes his head. I lift her up and she cuddles into my shirt.

I lay her down into the bed, wondering why she's this tired. She's not moving, just the movement of her chest proves that she's alive. I bend over her and kiss down her throat. I move my hands and hold her close against me, moving a little. My hands arching over her back. She sudders and her hands move to my hair, wrapping into them. " Liam.." she whisper and I move my lips to hers. She gasps softly and I smile. "Are you alright?" I ask and she nods. "You slept really long," I say. 

 She tangles her legs with mine. I hold back a little, we have to go soon. "Liam.." she moaned and a groan escaped my throat. She crawled onto her knees and arched me back into the bed, her hands tightend into a unbreakable grip on my shirt.

 When my hands got to her bum and I pull her lower body closer to mine, she gasps. I smile and my lips move to her neck. I feel her heart pumping fast, she's turned on. I move my hands over her back and her lips slam onto mine again. When her hands move to my pants, I let out a soft sound and she arches her body closer to mine, her kisses full of lust. "I missed you," she whispered against my lips. When her back hits the soft pillows she squeals softly but then my mouth covers hers and a moan escapes her throat. 

Her hips thrust against mine and I groan against her neck. I grab her hips and holds them against mine. Her eyes widen a little and she moans softly. That sound makes my heart flutter and I gaze into her green eyes, they are filled with lust. I can't hold back anymore and push her back against the bed, a little to hard and she groans. I see that she's alright and cover her body with mine. Her hands slide over my chest and I press her harder against the wall. I feel her sudder against me. My tongue drags up her neck and her hips buck against mine.

But being us, the door opens and Zayn steps inside. I pull her underneath me. Zayn doesn't seem to be bothered. "Liam? You's almost half past 6..." he says. Oh yeah, the date. Youé's hands move to my pants again and brush against my crotch, I whimper into her neck. "Zayn go away," I say and he chuckles. "No way, you did way to much effort for this," he says and walks to the bed. I try to kick him away. Suddenly Youé pulls back.

"Way to much effort for what?" she asks curious. I should've known. Zayn looks at me and smirks, then winks and walks away. He knew Youé can't hide her curiousity. I sigh and connect my lips with hers again. "Liam, tell me," she says and I groan. "Please?" I ask and thrust my hips against hers. Her breath stutters and she kisses me again, but then pulls back.

"Louis told me you had a surprise?" she asks and smiles, her eyes shining. I bury my face in her neck. "Promise me we'll finish this tonight?" I say and she smiles cheekly, bends forwards and our tongues brush together for a moment. "I promise, now tell me!" she says and I grin, crawl back and get the dress. I lay my hand on her eyes and she closes them. Then I lift her up and she squeals, holds my arms tight. I put her down on her feet and she tries to open her eyes. "No, stay closed," I say and she giggles. "Arms up," I say and she lifts her arms up, I shove her top over her head. I kiss the lowest point of her neck and she chuckles. "I told you we're going to finish it tonight," she says and I groan, irritated. I pull off her shorts. "It's hard to hold back, you know," I say, and she bites her lip. I take the dress and she hold her arms up again. I shove it over her head and turn her around, button it closed and then lift her up, lay her down on the bed and take the shoes.

"Now the shoes," I say, her eyes are still closed. I shove the shoes over her feet and then take her hands, she stand up and I grin. "You look.....amazing," I say and hold my breath. She opens her eyes and looks down, her eyes widen and looks at me, then she rushes to the mirror and gasps.

"You didn't..." she says and look at me. Zayn is right, her expression is priceless. My eyes light up as she runs to me and jump into my arms. "Thanks so much Liam, you shouldn't have done this! This dress, shoes, and the necklace? Are you cra.." Before she can talk further I kiss her and she moans softly.

I pull her closer and pull back, gazing into her eyes. "You deserve it. I'm so happy you like it."

Youé's POV:

"Of course I love it!" I say and kiss him again. "GUYS YOU HAVE TO LEAVE," Zayn yells and I chuckle.  I look at Liam and he looks at his clothes. "Back in a few," I say and rush to the bathroom. Laura and Persephone stop me and look at me, grin and then pull me into the bathroom. "I'll do your hair!" Persephone says and Laura grabs her make-up bag. "Make-upis on me."

They begin working and I try to relax. Liam aranged a date? And, knowing him, it's something romantic, and Louis told me Mr. Romantic is busy again...

I'm curious! Where is he going to take me? And he bought me this dress, it's beautiful! White...not something I think he would choose for me....

Wait, why is Zayn helping him now? Did Zayn choose the dress? Of course he did, Laura showed me the dresses he bought for her, it's the same style. But I don't bother about it. And the shoes? They fit exactly with the dress. Amazing how a boy can choose such a perfect set.

"DONE," they both scream and pull me up, dragging me into the livingroom. I almost fall and Zayn catches me. He lifts me up and takes a step back. "Girls, brilliant," he says and Laura grins at me. "Bril-LIAM" she says and Persephone burst out in laughing. I shake my head and chuckle a little. 

"Let's go!" Louis says and drags me outside where Liam is waiting. Liam walks to me and embraces me. "PICTURE," Louis yells and Liam turns me around. We smile and Louis takes a picture. "Another one," Liam says and I frown, then I feel his lips on mine and Louis snaps another one.

He runs back into the house and Liam takes me into the car. He's wearing white shorts and a tight black shirt. He knows I like tight black shirts on him.

While he drives, I'm thinking about where he could take me. "What are you thinking about?" he asks and smiles his irresistable smile. I decide to ask him about the dress.

"You didn't choose this dress, I say and smile. He blushes. "I never really...shopped for a girl before, so Zayn helped me.." he says and bites his lip. I chuckle. "Doesn't matter, I love it." 

"But I chose the shoes," he suddenly says and I smile. "Really?" I look at my shoes, they are beautiful. "I think they are amazing," I say and bend forward to give him a soft peck on the lips. He stops the car and before I can open the door, he already jumped out and opened the door for me.

I chuckle and he lays one arm around my waist. Then I hear the sea. The sea?

I see a table, chairs and plates. I sit down and he examines my face. I look around and squeal. "Candles! How romantic," I say and he chuckles. He turns around and bends forward, getting the food I think.

I have to admit, his bum looks extremely sexy in these shorts. When he turns around again I quickly look away and hold back my laughter, blushing slightly red. I see him narrow his eyes slightly, but he smiles. "Pasta?" he asks and I nod, I'm really hungry.

We eat and talk, just talk and sometimes just stare into each others eyes.  

Then I see a pasta strip that he wants to put in his mouth, I get the end and  bend forward. He frowns but then sees the pasta in my mouth and smiles. He bends forward too while we ate the strip and our lips connect. He stands up from behind the table and lays his hands on my waist. He takes me to the edge of the cliff and we gaze over the ocean. 

"You know, I dreamed about this?" I say and he smiles. "About standing on a cliff?" he asks me. "About kissing a hot guy called Liam Payne on a cliff," I say and,  our lips brush together.


Lovely's <3

I have an idea..... tell me if you like it! I want to write a third book, but then about Louis or Harry... Tell me if it has to be Louis or Harry! And guys, thank you all soooooooooooo much for voting and commenting! Please go on! I putted my story in the Watty's and I need your votes! IT'S ALREADY NUMER 393 :D So... it's holidays now here, and I'm going to upload a lot! 

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