The Da Vinci Effect [On Hold]

By NoLongerAlive

13.1K 444 213

Blood hit the floor with a dirty splatter. "Raph," Leo choked out," p-promise...Ugh, promise me...that... More

The Beginning Of It All
Chapter Two
Oh Frick
Matte Blue
Uncanny Effects
Secrets. Purely So.
Oh, To Be Young
And Her Name Was...
Back To The Old Grind
Plot Thickens
Not Everyone Is Cold Hearted
Robots and Turtles
Black Ice
Dang it

'64 Memory

427 16 12
By NoLongerAlive

      Not very many people know what depression tastes like. Leo does. His eyes cracked open, and he smacked his lips together as the taste plagued his tongue. It was like falling asleep in the doldrums of the day, and waking up at 6 pm.
      Leo expected to see the alley he woke up in. Instead, he found himself in his room. Bewildered, he sat up, groaning as his ears rang. He was relieved to find some ibuprofen on the bedside table and a cup of water, the condensation still gripping the cold glass.
He stuck the pills in his mouth, gulping down the water as if he'd never had a chilled glass of the stuff before. Brain freeze didn't help the dull throbbing at the back of his mind. He sucked in a deep breath, slowly lying back so as to not jostle his aching head.
Just as he was getting settled, the door opened, slamming against the wall loudly, causing poor Leo's head to ring. Raph stood in the doorway, glaring as usual.
"You're up," he spat, annoyed at God knows what," You're real lucky, you know that?" He walked in, snatching the glass off the bedside table. Leo looked at him softly, not wanting to move.
"Raph...?" He asked, his voice cracked and was hoarse from un-use," did you- Did someone bring me home?" He took a breath, clearing his throat. Raphael seemed to tense, and his rough aesthetic washed away to reveal something softer. Then, of course, not wanting to show too much emotion, he glared again.
"Yeah, I did. Only because Sensei ordered me to. You should have been a lot smarter, Leo! Someone could have found you before I did! Idiot. You're worse than Mikey." He started to walk out, grabbing the doorknob. Leo smiled, huffing in amusement,
"You're such a clot-pole." He smiled,not quite knowing how he knew that word, and shut his eyes to sleep. Raph froze, biting his lip as tears pricked his eyes. He hurried from the room, in pain. Oh, how he missed Merlin's jests.

Slowly, Karai traipsed down the steps into the dungeons, holding a dagger set with rubies, smirking almost sensually, she stops in front of a cell.
"It seems your only hope is dead," she coos, examining her dagger as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
In the cell, chains clanged painfully as their captive stirred.
"Whatever, L-Leo can't be dead! He's a-awesome!" The prisoner shouts as best they could in their weakened state. Karai chuckles.
"I shoved him off a rooftop, and to ensure death, assaulted him with a Nathair. Such a shame the little darling didn't bite him." She giggles. It's odd to see Karai giggle. Then again, she is a vessel for a High Priestess, so maybe not that weird?
"Never. H-he w-won't be that easy to get rid of..." The prisoner chuckles," I know Leo, he's brave, selfless, compassionate, a-and he won't give up. He'll f-find you and kick your butt. My b-brother will find out, or else m-my name isn't Donatello Hamato." Out of breath, the beaten terrapin sets his battered head against the cold concrete behind him. Even just talking wore the purple-clad turtle out. Karai scowled,
"Watch what you say..." Hissing, she pulls a black snake from her suit, and smirks down at Donnie.
"Do you know what this is, Donnie?" She asks cheerfully. He utters a sharp "no" and shuts his eyes tiredly.
      "This is a Nathair. Capable of making the strongest man fall. Bringing you to edge of the pain that you can endure. I'm sure, in your weakened state, your death will be much quicker." She smirks devilishly,
      "Unmicel snaca, suge þa soþan swilcnesse." Karai utters, her eyes momentarily flashing gold, letting the snake into the cell where it slithers its way up a terrified Donatello's throat. Karai skips away back up the stairs, smiling as Donatello's agonized screams filled the dungeon.

      (If you know what a Nathair is...then you'll know what excruciating pain Donnie is in.)

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