
By Fishy_Hipster

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Chapter 2 (insert shmancy title here)
Chapter three (insert something violent here!)
Chapter four (insert mysterious title here)
Chapter five Insert something... um... DANGEROUS here!

Chapter 1! Insert something RANDOM here

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By Fishy_Hipster

Hey all of you lovely readers! Alyx decided she was too lazy to write the first chapter, so it's Jade here and ima write it. Hope you guys enjoy!

 You're name is Jade and you are currently enjoying your favorite pass-time: hiding fromk your life in the woods. You have been enjoying the beauty of this forest for as long as you can remember, and you have always come here to,,, escape. You love listening to the birds beautiful tone as they whistle a happy tune, and the sound of the river flowing by calms you. You sit in the trees a lot and enjoy the wind blowing through your medium length, wavy blonde hair.

You are currently sitting in the tallest oak tree you are able to climb. You sit there and look up through the branches of the large tree to look at the sky and watch the clouds roll bye. You suddenly realiuze it is sunset and your mother won't be happy with you if you stay out much longer. 

You are about to climb out of the tree when someone jumps up onto your branch and shouts


You reel backwards, startled, lose your balance and almost fall, but she catches your hand just in time.

"Ugh, Alyx!"

"What, did I scare you with my awesomely fast super quiet climbing skills?"

You roll your eyes and change the subject.

"So, whaddya want?"

"Well for one thing i'm bored and for another it's getting kinda late. Maybe we should get back to the village?"

You nod and stand on the branch, climbing down quickly and waiting for Alyx at the bottom, who followed right behind you. When she hops down next to you, you start the walk home.

"So, did you do the math home-work for tonight?"

"Ah, crap! Whatever, i'll just copy off someone when they aren't looking tommorrow."

You shrug, as this is completely normal. She always does this.

"Hey, so... you know our birtrhdays aren't that far off, right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"We still haven't found our other halves! Thats kind of important!"

You look at her with a look that says nothing else other than derp about a thousand times.

"Ooooh yeeeeah..."

"Yeah, well, if we dont find them soon we're likely to die of whatever happens when we don't."

You two had learned about this in one of your classes and you know she knows what happens, and that she's avoiding the concept. You dont mind because you would rather not discuss that as well.

"Yeah, we should probably leave the village to find them soon. They obviously aren't here."

Of course you know that you can't tell your parents you are leaving or they would think you were leaving for... other reasons.

The rest of the walk is silent and upon reaching the village you shudder, remembering you would have to go home now. You decide it's going to be fine and wave to Alyx, turning around and walking inside your house. Luckily, no new holes were punched in the wall that night.

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