Through the shadows

By Charisma6

2.3K 91 20

Kisara and Seth are together when she discovers she has to marry Atemu. How can Seth save his beloved Kisara... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

128 6 0
By Charisma6

Kisara was sitting alone in her room at nighttime, yet her room was palely illuminated due to the stars and the almost full moon shining out the window. Her fingers traced lightly the marks Atemu left on her skin when he gripped her in utter rage. She anointed the medicine Mana gave her on the wounded skin, hoping the marks would disappear soon. (How could everything ruin up like this? I never thought Seth would abandon me like this…I never thought Atemu could find out about Seth and I…I never thought I would marry anyone but Seth…I even dreamt about this day…) Kisara closed her eyes, imagining she was marrying Seth.

(He said he would make it the happiest day of my life. The day I was going to stay by his side forever. Who could have known everything was going to turn up like this? Here I am now, sitting in the Pharaoh's palace, waiting for our wedding the day after tomorrow, and Seth is far away from here, in the endless desert, traveling to some distant village. What had he lost there? How could it be more important than me? I thought he loved me. He was the only ray of hope I had in my life when I lived in my father's palace, being treated like a tool and a useless being. He talked to me at nights, he told me about his duties, about his father.)

Kisara remembered the nights they were talking in Seth's garden so vividly, it again brought tears to her tightly closed eyes. (He told me his father was cruel to him too. Always made him seek for power and endanger himself for getting more Kaa.) Seth was a pawn just like she was. And she still is. Now she is the pawn of Pharaoh Atemu, she is his prize, his pet.

Kisara rolled to her side, her fingers leaving her wounded arms. The memories slowly filled her entire being, she could hear Seth just like he was close to her now, whispering sweet words in her ears, embracing her to him…

/"I love you, Kisara…"/

"I-I love you too," Kisara whispered as the illusion hypnotized her. She was so desperate to see Seth that her imagination took over her; but why was her voice shaking? Wasn't she sure that she truly love him? Wasn't she?

/"Remember Kisara…Never give up…"/

"I never will," she mumbled, her voice weak. Her eyelids flickered "I will never give up, Seth." (Just return to me. Don't forget me, I'm awaiting you forever. I will wait for you until the end of the world…)

/"Don't forget I love you…I'll never let him take you away…/

Kisara smiled, her eyes still closed and her hand reaching out to take his hand "Seth…" she whispered, her voice still silent. He turned away and started pacing quickly away from her.

"Seth!" Kisara called, trying to run to him, but he was getting far away and away. She ran, ran as fast as she could, sinking in the icy waters, almost drowning. She was trying to scream his name, but fear crawled into her heart. "Don't leave me," she whimpered, the cold water reaching her arms, she moved so slowly in the almost solid ice. Seth was still pacing ahead of her. Why didn't he turn around? Didn't he see her? Didn't he hear her?

"Seth…" she watched him leave, his back facing her, when she sank more and more, the waves pulling her down, covering her face for long minutes so she couldn't breathe. But she didn't scream. She was afraid to let out the noise and she didn't have breath inside her lungs. She watched Seth's figure disappearing into the dark as she breathed so slowly, reaching one hand to try and touch him…

Then the illusion disappeared. The light filled her eyes as she opened them.

She was still in her room. In Atemu's palace. A slave. Worthless pet. Nothing.

"Are you alright, mis-Kisara?" asked Mana when she saw her with Ikana in the morning. Kisara was pale, and looked very troubled. Kisara raised her eyes to meet Mana's concerned look. She smiled faintly. "Yes, I'm fine. Ikana is taking me to the river." Ikana nodded at the statement. Mana looked at Kisara, and softly asked "Can I come with you, Kisara? We still have many things to talk about." her eyes were pleading her silently.

Kisara nodded, her eyes slightly closing "Of course you can, Mana. I would like you to come." Mana seemed joyful again after she got Kisara's permission. "Thank you, Kisara. Are you going now?" Kisara nodded and Ikana lowered her head, knowing her place. Kisara noticed that, and said "Ikana told me about a beautiful shore yesterday. I really want to see it." and her smile to Ikana was so kind, that the servant girl's spirit was encouraged immediately.

Ikana led Kisara and Mana down the river, walking the way she knew so well that she could do it with her eyes closed. She moved some reeds aside and Kisara's eyes were filled with the most beautiful view that she has ever saw. The "shore" was a piece of Heaven on earth; Pure waters pooled into a small pond there, and the sand around was warm and dry.

Ikana stretched out some of the sheets onto the sand, and Kisara place her hand inside the water. "It is warm," she exclaimed, feeling better after the nightmarish night she had. Mana smiled and put her hand inside too. "This place is the most wonderful I've ever seen. Ikana, you impressed me quite a lot," the young servant girl blushed and waved her hand shyly.

Kisara sat on the sheet and got her white sandals off. Then she firmly placed her legs into the water. Mana smiled when she saw the relaxed expression spreading over Kisara's face. (Finally I see she is resting. She looks like she hasn't slept all night…I wonder why she couldn't sleep. Now, I have to ask Ikana to go back to the palace and bring us some things I need…Kisara have to think only about her wedding…Because it is tomorrow!)

"Oh, how could I forget!" exclaimed Mana suddenly. Ikana and Kisara stared at her. "What – what do you need, mistress Mana?" asked Ikana politely. Mana looked at her.

"Oh, I'm just so forgetful. I thought it was important to look for some jewels for you, Kisara, but I forgot to bring the jewel box with us…"

"Don't you worry, mistress Mana. I will bring it for you, if you'd like." suggested Ikana rapidly. Kisara looked at her silently.

"Really? Could you? That would be great!" said Mana. Ikana bowed and went to bring the jewel box. "I hope she'll manage," Kisara said "The box is quiet heavy. I've never even opened it to examine all the things inside."

"Well, we'll do open it today," said Mana as she sat next to her.

The horses had to slow down, and there was nothing Seth could do. He tried to make his horse run faster, but the poor animal was exhausted, and Seth wasn't cruel to make it suffer for not running fast enough. His convoy had to slow down, and eventually their pace was reduced to mincing walk.

"The horses can't run anymore, Master Seth," said one of his servants "They are really tired. We should do a rest stop today, since yesterday we rode all day and night. The animals just can't take it, and if a horse dies, one of us will have to stay here and starve to death." Seth nodded.

"We will stop soon, but now we have to find appropriate place for rest. Maybe there's a water source somewhere near here. We should ride a little ahead and check it …" with that Seth bypassed the servant and rode in the head of the convoy.

After a while riding, feeling the burden of the poor animal beneath, Seth's eyes saw a strange figure in the distance. As they rode further, it turned out to be an old man.

Seth stopped his horse, and got off with a jump. He eyed the man, which stopped in front of him. The man was very old, gray beard covered his face, his clothes was torn in several places yet his eyes were intense blue and wise.

"Hello there!" called Seth "Maybe you can tell us whether there is any village somewhere near here? Or maybe is there a well with water for my servants and horses?"

The man remained silent, and eyed Seth seriously. He didn't say a word, and it seemed somehow strange to Seth.

"You are looking for it," said the man finally. Seth looked at him with curiosity in his eyes.

"I'm looking for what?" he asked, not sure what to do.

The man looked Seth straight in the eyes. "You are looking for the Kaa. But it is not here. Your journey was a waste of time. There's no Kaa here."

Seth's heart skipped a beat as he stared shocked at the old man.

(How does he know?...There's no Kaa? Then…I left Kisara for no reason…)

Ikana brought the box and a golden comb. She placed it before Mana and backed away a little. Mana opened it, gasping at all the jewels inside. "How did you manage? This thing seems quiet heavy to me!" she said while getting out golden earring and a necklace.

"It is my job," smiled Ikana proudly as she watched Kisara tracing the water with her pale hand. "Mistress Kisara, please let me comb your hair for you." asked Ikana. Kisara looked at her "It is alright Ikana," said Kisara "I used to do it myself, but if you really want to, I'd be glad." Ikana nodded.

"Well, look what I've found for you!" Mana showed Kisara some of the earring she found, and big golden bracelets. Meanwhile Ikana's gentle and experienced hands stroke Kisara's bright locks quietly, making them shine and glow in the Egypt sun.

(I have to wait only one more day…) Pharaoh Atemu thought as he looked outside the window. He had some spare time now, the discussion with his advisors about trade relations with Moab was going to take place only in an hour or so. (Kisara and I are getting married tomorrow. That's it, Seth, you can do nothing now. Kisara will be mine forever…)

He paced towards the window, looking outside to the gardens. (Tomorrow…Finally…)

Seth stared at the man with disbelief in his eyes. "What are you saying? Then where is the Kaa I'm looking for?"

The man lowered his eyes, and hesitated. Then he looked at Seth again. "There is something you just don't understand. You don't understand what Kaa really is. How can you look after it if you don't even know what you are looking for?" the man asked quietly. "I've seen many Kaa thieves and many other beasts and creature in my long travels. I've seen other earths and other temples. I've seen the world and found great Kaa resources…But they are not the way you think they are…" the man stopped, looking at Seth.

"W-what do you mean?" asked Seth sharply "I've seen Kaa resources too, I know the feeling of power streaming in the body when you find one."

But the man interrupted him, continuing the story. Seth's servants silently approached them and got off the horses, listening.

"The real Kaa isn't an object; you can't take it out just like this. The Kaa isn't floating in the air for you to take. It is inside, inside your heart, inside people's hearts. I wonder…There are some people with great Kaa, they can do magnificent things using it…And there are some people that don't know how to use their Kaa at all, but I assure you, everyone has it. Everyone has Kaa, and the only way to get it is either to kill the person you wish his power or convince him to give it to you. But only a person who is truly willing to give you his inner Kaa can really help you to increase your power."

Seth just stood there, his heart now pounding like a bell (So the times I've searched for Kaa were just a game, nothing real? I never could find enough, and now I understand the reason…) he shook his head (Kisara…I-I left you, and now it is too late to save you from the Pharaoh. I haven't found more Kaa, and I'm so late. The wedding is tomorrow…)

"I see you are hesitating…" the old man said "What is important to you? Now, that you know you shouldn't have gone for this travel, what will you do?"

Seth's eyes returned to look at the man "How do you know so many things about me? How did you know I was searching for Kaa? Who are you?"

"Many difficult questions you are asking me," the old man sighed "But I will try to answer you. I am a traveler, I've seen so many other lands that I've forgotten already where was I born and who I really am. But I know what I need to do. I need to see more places, I need to help people I meet. I saw you, and you needed a good advice. You left someone important to you back home. The person you left is waiting for you, but also is constantly losing hope. If you want to save that person, you need to hurry back."

Seth turned to his servants. "Which horse can still run fast?" he asked in one short breath. One of his servants handed him the harness of the horse. "I'm going back now, you can stay here and rest and then return back home when the horses are ready. I have to go back. I have to do something I needed to do long ago," said Seth as he jumped on the horse.

He turned to the man "Thank you for opening my eyes. I will never forget you." the man nodded, waving his hand "I wish you good luck."

Seth nodded once, and then navigated the horse into the darkening horizon.

Kisara felt like Hell broke loose over her. She opened her eyes after having another nightmare about her and Seth. She drowned in the icy water, calling for him, but he never looked back at her. Didn't he care about her anymore? Was their love unreal?

But she had no time to think about it. She was very tired, and the preparations for the wedding were in their peak-time.

Ikana brought her some breakfast, and Kisara ate outside in the sun, trying to rest before the real stress of the wedding began. Mana appeared right after breakfast, and dragged Kisara to try on the dress again, to make sure everything was just perfect. Then Kisara was brought to the Temple of Ra, where she had to read the prayers of the queen-of-Egypt-to-be. Mahado was the one who read for her and she had to repeat the words he said. When they finished, Mahado smiled at Kisara. He approached her, and put his hand on her shoulder, smiling at her calmly "You did it just fine Kisara, I'm sure Ra is blessing you now. Don't worry, go and get prepared. I believe Mana is helping you." Kisara nodded silently, and left the Temple. Right afterward Atemu got in, and knelt before Ra as Mahado guided his prayers.

Meanwhile, Kisara was brought to the Bath Hall, where Ikana poured liters of aromatic oils on her, cleaning her skin and her hair that she gently combed again. Mana came to help her dress in her wedding attire, and put on her the jewels she chose the previous day. Ikana and Mana were so proud when they looked at Kisara's beauty. She looked marvelous in her attire; her jewels were shining and her hair was lying so gracefully around her gorgeous face. The girls were amazed by her, yet she was worried and somehow sad. Mana noticed that.

"Don't be so worried Kisara, this is your great day. You should be full of smiles," said Mana. Kisara lowered her head (I wish Seth was the one who I marry today. I wish I was forever his…But…I can't believe this is really happening…Am I really going to marry Atemu? But I don't love him…)

"We have to leave you alone for some time now, Kisara…" said Mana, "But we'll come back to take you to the ceremony. Please try to rest now, the ceremony is going to be really great." with that Mana and Ikana went to their sessions: Ikana had some work in the kitchen, and Mana went to help Mahado get prepared.

Kisara wandered to the highest floors of Atemu's palace. She had nothing to do, and when she sat quiet on her place she felt suffocated and nervous so she decided to go for a walk in the palace.

She reached the fifth floor, and got onto the roof. The roof was a flat plain area, and she could sit there and watch the view, which she did. Careful not to wrinkle her dress she sat herself on the edge, and let her mind flow.

The first image that appeared in her mind was Seth's. She dreamt about this day, yes, she wished to be married to Seth. But now he's gone, and when he comes back she would be Atemu's wife and he is going to be sent away.

But why? Why was it her? Why did Atemu choose her? Why all her life she had to be ruled and pushed around? Her father made her life miserable. Long years of being Atemu's pet are waiting for her until the day she dies.

She looked at the last rays of a beautiful sunset, and into the few stars and the big full moon that appeared in the deep blue sky. Suddenly she wished to be over, to be dead. The sun disappeared, leaving her in semi dark.

The stress and tension ruled her life for the last few months. She felt sick and tired now. And the fate awaiting her was awful. No, she better die soon…Rest her head and never wake up again…

Atemu was finally ready. He wore red cloak and his traditional jewels. Now he had some spare time before the wedding, and he was going out to breathe some fresh air. He made sure the package Mana gave him was with him. He opened it again and stared to the wonderful necklace that was inside.

He decided to give it to Kisara now. Therefore, he went up the stairs to her room. But when he opened the door she wasn't there. Atemu wasn't very satisfied with that, but he supposed she didn't left the palace. So he went up the stairs searching for her. He didn't find her as easily as he thought he would, and it made him wonder what have happened to her.

He reached the roof stairs, and wondered (Did she go up there? Maybe she wanted to see the landscape. Well, I must find her so I have to try) and with that Atemu went upstairs.

Kisara looked down from the edge of the palace's roof. She was on great high now (No way I'll live if I jump…) she thought to herself.

(What do I have left? I lost myself long time ago, I lost everything I loved, my home – though it wasn't really so friendly to me, I lost my life – and now I lost Seth, and he was the only one who could encourage me through bad times, he was the one how kissed me and soothed me when I was afraid or tired or depressed. But now he is gone. He…I love you so much, Seth, you can't even believe. I'm sorry…I wanted to make you happy, I wanted to be yours forever…But now I can't live with myself anymore…) She paced slowly to the nothingness awaiting her.

Atemu quietly opened the door to the roof, and was frozen on spot when he saw Kisara there, standing on the edge, looking down. She stepped even closer to the abyss downwards. (What the Hell is she doing?) He thought in horror (No, Kisara, you don't get away from me like this!)

One of Kisara's feet was already in the open air. Atemu jumped on the roof surface and started to run, crossing the roof in amok. Kisara looked up to the sky (I won't feel anything soon. I love you Seth, goodbye...) She thought, as she let herself fall down, her arms crossed on her chest, her eyes closed, waiting the doom.

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