Crash Ten Sanity

By Wishmaker1028

315 8 0

In honor of the 10th anniversary of Crash Twin Sanity, we have this story! Cortex is trying to stay in London... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

29 0 0
By Wishmaker1028

Cortex slowly opened his eyes, surprised that he wasn't blasted to kingdom come. Instead, there was a shield in front of him - a Protect coming from a Gengar. Gengar lowered the Protect, creepily saying its name. Everyone (on the good side anyways) was a bit puzzled. Who in the world had this Ghost/Poison type?

"She's here," Evil Cortex hissed.

"Who's here," Cortex asked, truly puzzled.

"The only one that could defeat even me," Evil Cortex answered as Cynthia ran in. "My girlfriend," he added, grimacing at the sight of the good version of Cynthia.

Cortex, on the other hand, was stunned that Cynthia was able to make it. Gengar flew over to her as she joined the fight. 'I have the best girlfriend in the world,' Cortex thought, with a smile.

Uka-Uka roared, "NO! We will NOT be defeated!"

All of the sudden, he started to glow a gray-ish light, turning mostly everyone into a statue - just like in Cortex's nightmare - all except Crash and Cortex. Uka-Uka was furious and was about to kill them but Cortex knew that he had to try it...there was no other option.

He turned to Crash and asked, "Do you trust me?"

Crash looked at him as he answered, "Yes."

Cortex grabbed Crash's hand, out of pure fear, activating the Light. Uka-Uka screamed in absolute horror as the Light returned him and Aku-Aku back to their original forms - feathers and bones. The entire 10th Dimension was lit up with this magnificent thing that it even lit up the 1st Dimension where the heroes were from...


"I always knew you were special."

"We all did."

"I am proud of you."

"We all are."

"Now the island is finally free of those masks."

"...but the curse will never be lifted..."


"Good morning Doctor Cortex!"

Cortex looked up from behind his reading glasses, seeing one of his best students, Teresa. The short yellow bald man smiled at her, putting his paper down. Teresa was one of his senior students, who had short brown hair, hazel eyes, wearing a blue button down shirt, a pencil thin skirt, and light blue high heeled shoes. She had her purse and backpack close to her body, smiling.

"Why good morning, Teresa," he greeted, smiling.

"Looking forward to class today," she gushed, giggling.

Cortex chuckled as he replied, "As am I, Teresa. I was hoping to continue with our discussion from Monday."

Teresa asked, "You mean on the morals of the world and how quickly they are to judge a person?"

Cortex answered, "Quite. I found it rather interesting on your viewpoints, Teresa."

Teresa stated, "Thank you, Dr. Cortex. That means a lot. I'll see you in class!"

With that, Teresa went on her way as Cortex smiled as she left. She reminded him of someone but he just couldn't remember who. He checked his phone for any messages from his friend, Nicholas, or from his wife - Cynthia. When he saw there was none, he couldn't help but wonder why he felt...saddened. Cortex had lived in London all of his life and worked at this university for...he didn't know how long. It felt like forever.

But there was always something missing his life, it seemed. He didn't know what it was but it was tugging at his heart.



Cortex chuckled as he was tackled by his twin children: Chloe and Kenai. He had returned home later that evening as he was hugged by his 12 year old kids. Chloe was the oldest and yet the shyest. She had long brown hair tied into pigtails, green eyes, wearing her favorite navy blue dress and navy blue shoes. Kenai was the youngest and a rebel of sorts. He had short brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a blue pollo shirt, dark blue shorts, and light blue shoes.

Cortex scooped up his twin children, both of them laughing.

"Now what do we have here," he asked, teasingly. "Hug monsters?"

"We're not hug monsters," Kenai answered, smiling.

"Oh you aren't, huh," Cortex questioned, as he started to tickle his two kids.

Kenai and Chloe busted up laughing, though Chloe was more confined (being shy as always). Cortex put his two children down as he greeted Cynthia with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Neo," Cynthia greeted, smiling.

"Hello my sweet," Cortex replied, also smiling. "What are you making?"

"Your favorite. Ham, cabbage, and potatoes," Cynthia answered.

Cortex smiled as his stomach grumbled, making his two twin children giggle. He turned to them, showing them a tickling motion. They squealed as they ran off, not wanting to be tickled again. Cortex chuckled, turning back to his wife and right into a kiss. Cortex returned it, holding his wife close. He was the one to break it, smiling.

"What was that for," he teased.

"For coming home finally," she answered, smiling.

"I still don't remember being gone for so long after high school," he admitted, drawing a bit of a blank.

"Same here but I do remember you being gone for about a long period of time before we were married," she stated, turning her attention to the potatoes.

"I know," Cortex replied, crossing his arms in front of his chest in a thinking position as he tried to remember.

But all that was coming to him was a flash of orange and smell that he never came in contact before in his life. And he just couldn't place it.


That night, Cortex was up late, grading papers for his classes tomorrow. He had just finished grading the last paper when gave off a big yawn. Why couldn't he remember? Why couldn't he recall? Granted, he remembered his wedding 15 years ago and the birth of his twin children 12 years ago but he couldn't recall anything else. It was like it was a gaping hole in his memory. If it was there, he couldn't retrieve it for some reason or another. He often wondered what it all meant.

There were only a handful of people that knew that something strange was going on. But Cortex didn't know what it was. He felt like his mind was in a fog. 'Well, whatever it is,' he thought, as he started to change into his pajamas, 'Must've been something awful for me and the others to forget.' He climbed into bed, kissed Cynthia's cheek, and he was asleep before his head hit the pillow.


AK1028: Yep! That's where I am leaving it, guys. I hope you all enjoyed this. Don't quite know if I will make another story following this story line or not but it was a fun ride while it lasted. Hope you all enjoyed. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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