Can't Outrun The Past {Book 3}

De Izy_Winchester

258 68 385

(Several years later) "After all this time why would he come back now?" For a long time now, everything has b... Mais

Can't Outrun The Past
Chapter 1: The Call
Chapter 2: Ice Cream and Friends
Chapter 4: Two Year Later
Chapter 5: London
Chapter 6: A Small Lead To a Big Secret
Chapter 7: Finally Getting Somewhere
Chapter 8: Sister Darling
Chapter 9: Getting the Whole Truth Part 1
Chapter 10: Getting The Whole Truth Part 2
Chapter 11: Stories That'll Haunt Forever
Chapter 12: Too Old For Playdates
Chapter 13: We Didn't Mean To Scare Anyone
Chapter 14: Promise Not To Get Mad
Chapter 15: What The Bloody Heck
Chapter 16: I'm Innocent
Chapter 17: Stefan
Chapter 18: Noah?
Chapter 19: Don't Yell At Her
Chapter 20: There Is No Fixing It This Time
Chapter 21: Being Scared Is Only Human
Chapter 22: All Things Must Come To An End

Chapter 3: Breathe

11 4 17
De Izy_Winchester

*Ellie's POV*

"I just don't know." Mack sighed.
We had just finished telling her about Jasper, and she wasn't taking it well.
"Mack, you know how dangerous he is." Alex leaned forward, lowering his voice-so the children in the next room couldn't hear. "He almost killed you once."
"Yeah, but I'm still here." Mack gestured around her. "Do you think it's right to move the kids? I don't." She looked at me for help.
Shaking my head, I spoke. "I think we need to go."
"If we don't go then our friends could suffer for it." I cut her off.
"That would be selfish." Alex agreed.
"You're both not thinking straight." Mack argued. "We can't just go like when we were younger. We have children to worry about now." She stood. "Do you really want to move Noah, Ellie, after she's been doing a bit better?"
"I'm not saying I'm going back for good. All I'm saying is to go back until this blows over." I stood as well. "My sister is in danger, Mack."
"Our friends could get killed because we did nothing." Alex joined us. "I'm going with Nori. The question is: are you coming?"
Mack opened her mouth to speak, but before she could a scream tore through the room.
Another scream came shortly after, this time it came from Connor who was screaming for me.
I took off toward the back room, Alex and Mack on my heels.
Nancy had a crying Ellis in her arms when we arrived. She pointed to the other side of the room.
I followed her gaze to Connor who bent of Noah. He was trying to calm here.
"Mummy!" Noah sobbed. "I want Mummy! I want my mummy!" She cried out.
I ran to her, moving Connor out of the way. "I'm here. I'm right here, Noah."
She looked up at me slowly. She looked absolutely heartbreaken and scared. "Mummy?"
"Yeah I'm here. Mummy's here." I gathered her into my arms and straightened back up.
Her arms wrapped themselves tightly around my neck, her head buried in my shoulder, as she continued to cry.
"Nancy, take Connor and Ellis to your room and stay there." Mack ordered.
"But what's happening?" Nancy protested. "We were playing and all the sudden she just started screaming."
"Nancy, just go." Alex said sternly.
Nancy did as told.
"We've got 'em, just take care of her." Alex assured.
I nodded and immediately left.
Noah's crys subsided a little when we got home and were seated on my bed. She was still latched onto me though as if by letting go I'd disappear.
"You're alright, baby girl." I rocked her. "You're safe. Nothing is going to hurt you ever again, I promise." I kissed her head. "Just breathe. I got you." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I got you, baby." I whispered.
About five minutes later Noah stopped. As she looked up, I felt like crying. Her face tear stained and red.
I kissed her forehead and pulled her hair away from her face. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked softly.
Noah shook her head. "I'm sorry, Mum."
"Sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about, Noah." I hugged her back to me. "It's perfectly alright to be upset sometimes."
"I didn't do anything." She mumbled. "I didn't stop it."
"You couldn't have stopped it, sweety, no one could have." I rubbed her back, trying hard to not cry.
"But I..." Noah trailed off looking around the room. "I only got a few stitches while-"
I cut her off. "I'm just glad you're okay."
"It should have been me." She whispered, looking down at her hands.
"Don't say that, Noah." I shook my head. "It shouldn't have been anyone, but it definitely shouldn't have been you."
Noah looked up again, her brown eyes locking onto mine. "Can I have a hug?"
"You bet." I laughed slightly and pulled her into a bear hug. "I have have to go retrieve your siblings." I said after a minute or so. "Do you wanna go with me?"
"Can I stay here?"
"Sure you can." I sat her down on the bed. "You want the TV on?"
"Can I watch Boy Meets World?" Noah questioned, a smile playing across her lips. She was back to normal again.
"Of course." I turned on the show seeing the familiar face of Corey Matthews pop up. "I'll be back.

"We've talked it over." Mack stated.
"Okay." I nodded. "Hey, Con, go on home, okay. Noah is in my room watching TV."
"Okay, Mom." Connor scurried off out the door.
Once we were alone, the conversation continued. "Go on." I held a sleeping Ellis in my arms, but there was no chance of her waking soon.
"We're in." Mack sighed. "Or rather I'm in."
"We thought since tomorrow is Tuesday that it might bw a good idea to leave then." Alex said, entering the room. "It's only a couple hour drive."
"Sounds fine to me. I'll tell the kids tomorrow." I said."Goodnight, guys."
"Night." Mack bent over and kissed Ellis. "Goodnight, little one."

I'd just finished tucking the kids in when the front door closed.
Glancing at the clock, I smiled. It was ten-fifteen and Janna was just getting home.
Janna stood in the kitchen getting a drink as I entered.
"Oh, hi, Mom." Janna tried to play it cool.
"How was the party?" I crossed the room to lean back on the counter beside her.
"Party? I was with Julette. I didn't go-"
"Save it, Jan, I know about the party." I said. "What I don't know is why you had to lie? Or how you thought it was okay to leave your siblings with Stefan without telling me. Please explain yourself."
"Well I didn't know about the party until you left, and I barely ever go to them. I just thought it'd be fun. The kids love Stefan, and he loves them." She explained.
"But why lie?"
"I figured you'd say no because it was a hour away." Janna run a hand through her red curls.
"I would have let you go, kid, it's just a party." I smiled.
"Because you lied, and Noah had a-"
It was her turn to cut me off. "Is she okay?" She rushed out. "She hasn't had one in a month."
"She's fine now. It actually wasn't that bad." I shrugged.
"I'm so sorry, Mom."
"I know you are, kiddo." I side-hugged her. "That's why you're not in trouble."
"Thanks." Janna smiled happily at that.
"Now go pack." I shooed her away. "We leave in the morning."
"Leave? To go where?" Janna half asked half demanded.
"Back. We're going back."
"What, why?"
"You better sit." I laughed. "You remember Jasper?"
"I wish I didn't." Janna laughed bitterly. "He haunted my dreams for years."
"Well he's possibly getting out Tuesday and wants to kill us." I told her.
"So what else is new?" Janna got up and headed for the hall. "I'm going to bed on that note. Night."

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