California Dreaming // keaton...

By fvckemblem3

25.2K 713 73

Gabby Mullens has known Keaton Stromberg her whole life, they were best friends and did everything together... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
New Story?
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
'My Calling'
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

677 24 1
By fvckemblem3


"What. Are. You. Doing. Here." My words came out in short, angry breaths. Dylan Price. What the hell was that idiot doing here? And with Gabby nonetheless?

"Eating." He shrugged, giving me a cocky grin. I wanted to punch that smug little smile right off his face.

"I meant, what are you doing here with my girlfriend?" I spat at him. Dylan's eyes widened as he turned to Gabby.

"Ex-girlfriend." Gabby clarified, glaring at me. Eventhough I wanted to look tough in front of Dylan, Gabby's comment made me shift uncomfortably. She hated me. I had broken her heart- more than once; and I was still trying to earn her forgiveness. Dylan whipped his head back around to stare at me. He looked somewhat amused.

"Wait, so this is the douchebag that cheated on you?" He scoffed at me.

"Shut up, Price, you don't even know her. Gabby, get up. We're leaving." I growled. I wanted to get her as far away from this guy as possible. I didn't want her to see me tear his face off.

"No. We're friends, I'm staying." Gabby crossed her arms in front of her chest to prove that she wasn't going anywhere. If it was anyone else I would have dragged them out by the elbow if I had to. But this wasn't just anyone, this was Gabby Mullens- the first girl that I've ever really felt something for.

"But Gabby-" I started.

"No. Wes, I'm staying. Dylan and I are friends, and I want to stay." She said. I narrowed my eyes. There was no freaking way I was letting her stay here alone with him.

"Fine. If you're staying then I'm staying." I plopped down on Gabby's side of the booth and slung my arm around the back to get comfy. It seemed like I was staying for a while. It was obvious that this made Gabby uncomfortable- she wouldn't even look at me. But that didn't matter. I was willing to do whatever it took to keep her safe from Dylan. A stretch of silence awkwardly overcame the table.

"How do you guys even know each other anyway?" Gabby asked suddenly.

"Oh it's a fantastic story, really." I smiled. I was happy to talk about the day that Dylan and I met. Especially since it portrayed him in such a negative light. "You see I was at this party with my current girlfriend, and I- being the gentleman that I am, go to get the two of us some drinks. When I came back, Vanessa was gone. Now, imagine my surprise when I find this guy," I jerked my finger at Dylan, "on top of my girlfriend making out on the couch." I announced.

"Doesn't feel to good, does it?" Gabby narrowed her eyes in my direction. Okay, I guess I kind of deserved that. I had really hurt her, and if I was ever going to have a chance with her ever again it was going to take some time.

"That's not exactly how it went down and you know it." Dylan scoffed. "Vanessa came to me because she heard you were cheating on her with some girl that worked down at the Frozen Yogurt place." He narrowed his eyes at me. "And given your track record, it was most likely true." He smirked.

"That never happened!" I growled back at him. And it didn't. I was completely whipped by Vanessa- she was the best thing that had ever happened to me before Gabby. I would never hurt her.

"Well then maybe she just got tired of you. i guess Van just got tired of being with a guy who couldn't provide for her." Dylan smirked. I looked over to Gabby who just looked confused. There was so much new information running through her brain right now that she probably didn't know what to believe. "Oh and then there's what Wes did to me to get revenge..." Dylan noted. Okay, the information to follow wasn't exactly my finest moment. "To get revenge on me for "stealing" his girl, Wes dated my little sister, used her, then dumped her." Dylan growled at me angrily. :She fell for you, and you completely crushed her. All to get to me you low life son of a-" He would have finished his sentence but Gabby cut him off.

"Wesley, I think you need to go." She said calmly, not even looking me in the eye.

"Gabby that's not-"


"I swear that's not how it went down!" I protested.

"Wesley. You need to leave now." Her last word was pleading. I saw tears pooling in her eyes. I had obviously made her upset, which was the last thing I wanted to happen. I'm not this huge player that everyone thinks I am. Yes, I cheated on Gabby but it was the biggest mistake of my entire existence. And I was going to spend the rest of my life paying for it.

I swiftly removed myself from the table and walked back towards the front door. Once I reached the hostess stand I turned around to get one last look at her. After I had left, Dylan's expression had softened. He looked happier; nicer. He placed a hand on Gabby's arm and seemed to mouth something that looked like: "are you okay?" That was probably the hardest thing to watch; that Gabby was in the arms of another guy.

I had royally fucked up and there was nothing I could do about it. What I'm experiencing right now is probably the worst feeling in the entire world. Gabby hates me, and I can never fix this. And that sucks.

Because I'm in love with Gabriella Mullens.

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