By infinity_mj

5.2K 421 274

It was suppose to be an average spring break vacations. No more school work , No more teachers and mostly no... More



349 31 10
By infinity_mj


I woke up startled and soaking wet.

I looked up to Josh in nothing but football pajamas.

He stood over me with a now empty bucket of water.

He looked so worried.

Why was he worried?

Did he found out that he might've caught something from Tresk?

He then said in relief-"Oh thank god , I thought you were unconscious or something."

I was with out words .

He then looked down and he suddenly seemed shocked.

I looked down and realized that I was with out a shirt.

Which mean that my carving(Abomination) was showing.

I quickly reached for the dirty cloth lying on the floor and covered myself .

I then asked-"What happened ?"

He then said-"I was wondering where you ran off to , so I came and looked for you . I found you on the ground knocked out. You got wet when you landed in the puddle so I took off your shirt. I'm sorry if I invaded your space ."

He then went in his bag and handed me a plain white T.

I quickly put it on .

He then smiled and said-"I guess we're sharing a room."

I then said-"What?"

He then explained-"There was only three decent beds in the place. Will and Mendy are sharing and Kevin and Tresk are sharing and that leaves just me and you."

I then stood up and said-"Well you don't have to worry about that. Thank you for taking care of me my I guess , but I'm leaving."

I turned around and grabbed my bags and began walking away.

I ended back in the same dark creepy hallway.

I took in a deep breath and walked straight for the door.

Surprisingly nothing happened.

I held my head as I wondered what  that was.

It was probably Kevin or Josh  messing with me.

I opened the door and immediately got slapped by the cold icy breeze.

I shivered in disgust as I felt the disgusting cold snow touch my skin.

I looked up and saw the winds of ice whirling around.

Where did this snow come from?

Should I still go?

I looked back at this creepy ass Asylum and then back to the snow storm.


Horrible Asylum with evil homophobes that'll kill me ?

Or a snow storm that'll probably  freeze me to death ?

I'm going with the Snow.

I took one step into the snow and immediately felt my leg cramp up .

I tried moving but my weak flimsy body was no match to this snow storm.

It felt like a hand of ice wrapped around my ankle  as I tried moving.

I started to lose feeling in my body slowly .

My vision began to get blurry .

I then completely let go and landed face first in the snow.

Frost bite sneaked upon my skin.

I felt my skin hardening up.

This is it.

I actually I'm going to freeze to death.

Suddenly I felt a large sheet like cloth wrapped around me and began to lift me up .

The warmth of the sheet began to ease the cold over me.

The numb icy feeling over me began to fade away as I'm being carried back into the Asylum.

I then looked up and see Josh rushing me back into his room .

He rested me on the bed and hands me the steaming hot cup of tea.

He looked down at me and shouted-"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?"

I just looked at him in disbelief.

Why the hell did he bring me back?

What's wrong with this dude?

I then asked-"Why did you bring me back?"

He then looked at me with eyes full of rage.

Josh then shouted -"You were about to die."

I then said-"So?"

He then looked at me like I was crazy and said-"What's wrong with you?"

I then shrugged my shoulder and continued sipping the tea.

He just stood there staring at me like I was a alien or something.

He then pulled up a chair next to the bed and sighed .

He then asked-"Why were you going to leave ?"

I then answered-"Isn't it obvious?"

He then said-"No it's not."

I then said-"Everbody here hates me and this place is creepy."

Josh-"So why did you come?"

-"Mendy made me."

Josh-"Why does everybody hate you?"

-"Because I'm a fag that breathes the same air as them."

Josh-"I think that's stupid and that you should stay ."

-"But nobody wants me here."

Josh-"Mendy wants you here."

-"I don't think so."

Josh-"Oh , well I want you here."


Josh-"Why not?"

He then smirked at me and climbed in the bed next to me and shut off the lights.

Josh-"Enough questions , in tired from saving your ass twice tonight."

I then chuckled and said-"Thank you for that ."

We both then drifted off into our sleep .

Josh seemed very sweet and different from the others .

He's probably just messing with my mind so I can open up and then he can tear me apart.

Probably just a sick joke from Will.

That asshole!

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