The Guardian - A Jelsa Fanfic

By RiseOfTheFrozen

1K 23 9

When Man In The Moon ordered Jack Frost to be a guardian of someone in a royal blood, that's how their story... More

The Guardian - A Jelsa Fanfic
The Guardian - Chapter 2

The Guardian - Chapter 1

189 9 3
By RiseOfTheFrozen

Jack's P.O.V:

"Where is that Arendelle?" I flew through the air, finding that place called Arendelle.

I continued searching up from the air, until I found a castle nearby.

I flew to it, and landed on the window.

I peeked at the window.

I saw a brunette haired young girl jumped up and landed to another young girl with blonde hair wrapped up in a blue soft blanket.

"Elsa wake up, wake up!" The brunette spoke.

Wait, did I just heard ELSA?

"Anna, go to sleep."

Oh, so the brunette is Anna.

"Uh, I just can't!" She laid down on top of Elsa.

Ow, that hurts.

"The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!"

"Go play by yourself." Elsa pushed Anna to the floor.

Well let me tell ya, Elsa is really fair and pretty.

But I bet she's annoyed by Anna.

Anna pouted, then smiled like she just had an idea of something.

She jumped back on the bed and opened Elsa's eyelid.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" She cooed.

And Elsa's lips parted to a smile.

Then they went out of their bedroom and walked away.

I quickly went inside their bedroom and followed them.

Well, I knew they won't see me.

I'm a guardian, you know?

As I followed them, they stepped in to an empty ballroom.

Elsa was about to close the door, good thing I quickly flew in inside.

Then she suddenly shoved out her hands and ice suddenly bursted out from her hands.

Wait, she got ICE POWERS LIKE ME?

I knew Man in the Moon made a right choice for me to be her guardian!

They made a snowman.

"Hi I'm Olaf and I like Warm Hugs!" Elsa spoke.

"I LOVE YOU OLAF!" Anna squealed and hugged the snowman.

Well, that almost chickened me out.

Then Anna grabbed the wooden twig arms of the snowman and danced with it.

Well, I also played with them.

While Elsa was making mountain like structures for Anna to jump on like hills, I also did the same way as Anna did.

But then Anna was getting faster than ever.

"Hey, Slow Down!" Elsa yelled at Anna, trying to focus.

Suddenly, Anna jumped.

As Elsa was about to make another mountain structure, she accidentaly hit Anna with her powers on Anna's head.

We both dashed to Anna, who was know lying on the ground.

Elsa wrapped Anna around her arms as she yelled;


Then the floor suddenly turned to ice.

Then suddenly, the door bursted open.

They must be the king and the queen.

The queen grabbed Anna out of Elsa's arms.

"She's ice cold!" The queen's raspy voice said.

"I think I know where to go!" The king replied as he ran away.

I followed after him.

The king walked into the library and hurriedly got a book out from a shelf.

After the king read a page, he returned the book from the shelf and ran away.

Then I noticed a map lying on the floor.

"So this must be Arendelle." I muttered.

Then I noticed horses galloping.

I looked to see the king and the queen in their horses with their princesses with them.

I quickly followed them as I flew into the air.

Then they stopped at a ground full of perfectly shaped round rocks.

"Please, help us." The king called out to the rocks.

Well, who is he actually calling out to?

Some sort of uh... ghost?

Until I've noticed the rocks shaking then moving their way towards the king with the queen and their daughters.

Then they all stood and looked at them.

Hey wait, they're TROLLS!


While they were talking, I heard a noise right near to me.

I looked.

"Cuties, I'm gonna keep you!"

It was another troll with a young blonde boy and a reindeer right beside it.

I looked back at the royal family and listened closely.

The troll touched Anna's forehead.

And every picture of Elsa and her playing with ice in the empty hall room was changed into a scene of them with the background of them outside the castle grounds of snow.

"So she'll forget that I have powers?" Elsa asked the troll.

"It's for your own good." The king approached her.

"Elsa, your power, will only grow." The troll spoke, releasing mist into the air.

The troll continued speaking words I can't understand but what I heard was;

"Fear, may be your enemy."

Elsa gasped as he hugged his father, feeling scared.

"Is there anything we can do to heal her curse?"

The troll nodded.

"Only true love can heal it all."

Elsa gasped again.

"True Love?"

The troll nodded again.

"But before you could find your true love, you better be away from people for a while so you won't get them hurt."

"What are we gonna do?" The king asked.

"Close the doors, windows, and gates. Limit her contact with people..."

The troll paused for a moment.

"Including Anna."

They moved everything Elsa has to a new room.

Her bed, clothes, everything just to keep her contact away from Anna.

And every night Elsa would do before she'd sleep, is cry.

"Elsa, please." I comforted her, but I knew she couldn't hear me.

She continued crying and after an hour, she felt asleep right there at the door.

The next day, I woke up from the floor with Elsa right by my side, her arms wrapped around her.

I looked around the room, and it was really like a snowstorm just passed by.

Then I heard Elsa grunt.

So, she finally woke up!

She had a bath, well tell me, how could she ever bath herself when everything she touches turns to ice?


She dressed up in a blue silky dress and on a pair of white doll shoes.

Then she braided her hair by herself and sat on the bed.

I sat beside her, and patted her on the shoulder, even though she can't see me at all.

"I hope you'll feel and hear me Elsa because wherever you go, I'll always be the guardian for you." I smiled as if she knew I was there.

But then I heard her say "Thanks."






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