The Truth | The Sister book 2...

By nopenottaylor

518K 16.1K 6.9K

(Book Trailer First Chapter) Clara Potter spent her summer much like any other; curled up with a sketchbook a... More

Book Trailer
-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-
-Chapter 19-
-Chapter 20-
-Chapter 21-
-Chapter 22-
-Chapter 23-
-Chapter 24-
-Chapter 25-
-Chapter 26-
-Chapter 27-
-Chapter 28-
-Chapter 29-
-Chapter 30-
-Chapter 31-
-Chapter 32-
-Chapter 33-
-Chapter 34-
-Chapter 35-
-Chapter 36-
-Chapter 37-
-Chapter 38-
-Chapter 39-
-Chapter 40-
-Chapter 41-
-Chapter 42-

-Chapter 8-

11.5K 384 72
By nopenottaylor

Vote if you enjoy!

The weeks pass by with the slow and annoying pace the school year usually does. Classes moulding into one continuous stream of assignments and lectures. I haven't spoken rudely to Umbridge in a month- A bit of a record considering all the things she has said. I've had two more equally awful detentions with her, but instead of my hand she has begun to cut into my back. Mostly my upper back, my shoulders and the very bottom of my neck. Let me tell you, wearing a bra with those cuts was not pleasant when they were fresh. I haven't said anything still. I don't want to, I know it will worry Harry and the others. Even Draco isn't getting the whole story. I want to get through this on my own. She scheduled three detentions due to first misbehaviour, and slowly I feel much less at ease and brave around her. It's like I'm starting to believe that I am a liar, like all the words on my back say. I look down in class and only speak when she speaks to me. I don't want any more detentions. 

I feel the sharp cut of another word in my back. Tears prick at my eyes but I hold back in silence. She asked me to write it until she says to stop, and slowly the time has become longer and longer. Whenever I stop she looks over at me sternly, waiting for me to start up again. I hold back a sob as it cuts deeper, going over the words again. My cheeks begin to burn, and my robes begin to feel heavy on my back. My hand begins to shake as a write each word, my tears joining the drops of blood on the parchment. She has begun each session with one line on my hand, meaning it hasn't healed. Each time it draws blood. 

"Let's see if you've got the message yet, shall we?" She says, getting up from her desk and smiling a sickening smile. I look up at her, dropping the quill on the desk. She examines my face. I know I look like I've been crying. I sniff. She nods to herself, seeming rather chuffed. "You may leave, do not disobey me again, Miss Potter, stop with your lies, or you will have more detentions." 

I nod shakily, standing and wincing as the cuts on my back rub with my clothes. I walk out of the room, and hobble back to the common room. Just around the corner from the entrance, I wipe my cheeks, take a deep breath and smooth my robes. I never have to do that again, I remind myself, walking around the corner. I do my best to walk normally, not showing any sign of pain. I mutter the password, and walk inside. Hermione looks up at me immediately, smiling. Ron and Harry both look up at me as well. Crap. I'm not going to get away that easily. I walk over to them, sucking in a shaky breath. 

"How was detention? What did the witch have you do?"

"More lines." I say. I'm not exactly lying. 

"Sounds awful, but at least it's your last one," Hermione says hopefully, grinning at me. I shift my weight from foot to foot. She frowns. "You're looking rather pail, Clara. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm alright. I think I might be getting sick is all. I might have tomorrow off," I lie again, 

"Oh, ok. I'll tell the teachers." Harry says, nodding at me. I turn to walk away. 

"Where are you going?" Hermione asks,

"To have a bath," I answer, turning to face them. 

"Can I help with-"

"No, no thanks Hermione, I'm fine." I say, a little harsher than I wanted. I turn to continue walking, but then I remember. 

"Ron! How did tryouts go?" Ron had Quidditch tryouts today. I would have gone if it weren't for my detention. His face lights up.

"I made the team! I'm Keeper!" He says, grinning at me. I gasp, clapping. He had been so excited about the tryouts this morning. 

"I would have tried out if-"

"Yeah it was cruel of her to have the detentions at the same time as tryouts. Anyway, you go and have your bath." Harry says, smiling at me. I nod and walk away. 

I walk up the stairs and into our dorm which is thankfully empty. I get a clean shirt and hobble into the bathroom. I turn on a tap and a bath begins to fill. I pull the red curtain around the small cubical and start to undress. I wince, feeling the clothes slip over my raw skin was enough to bring tears to my eyes. I hold my wand up over my shoulder and cast a disinfectant charm, crying out in pain as if someone had actually spilt disinfectant on my back. I then slip into the bath and close my eyes as the pain starts to stop. I hate her. I hate her. I hopefully have beat her. I did what she asked. I suffered through her god awful detentions. I did it. 


The weeks afterwards drone on. My cuts heal leaving rather remarkable scars on my back. After a  fight with McGonagal, Umbridge decided she needed more power. And guess what? That is precisely what she got. More power. As if she needed more- She did whatever she wanted anyway. Harry has been talking to me a lot about Cho, a girl he seriously likes. Whenever I say anything to him about how funny it is, he shoots something back about Draco, which makes me turn bright red. 

"We're just friends!" I would say, elbowing him. He would just chuckle, looking away and rolling his eyes. It drives me insane. How would he know anything about Draco and I? We meet up every second day in one of our usual places, and we occasionally sit together in class if Hermione is being too annoying. She does that sometimes, with her S.P.E.W thing. I support it, but there comes a point where I simply cannot here another word about it or I will explode. Harry and I keep our eyes on the papers for anything concerning the Order or ourselves. Sadly, there is rarely a time where the Daily Prophet is lacking any information concerning either of these topics. 

Umbridge has been testing the teachers during class. She asks them questions, and watches them which annoys them to no end. It's hilarious. Well, it would be, if I wasn't so scared of annoying her. Snape's had been quite amusing. Now, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I are sitting near the front of the classroom, Hermione and I on one table and the boys on another. Trelawney stands at the front of class. Umbrage and her talk for a minute, before Umbridge takes a step back. Trelawney looks around the room unsure, and her eyes find mine. I give her a smile and a reassuring nod. It's going to be ok. 



Ok IMPORTANT there will be no update for the next two weeks cause I have exams and I'm only human. 

Don't be angry at me! I would love to update but I'm afraid I just have to focus on school for the next few weeks.

Thanks for understanding-

A very frazzled Taylor xx

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