Hallelujah || Brallon (SLOW U...

By fan_face

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871 26 20
By fan_face


I wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom and have a mini freak out before I remember what happened last night.

I had snorted about three lines of coke in the bathroom before watching Dallon sing. His singing really is amazing but I never would have agreed to stay here if I were clean.

I just don't think it's a good idea but it would be rude if I told Dallon that I only agreed to stay with him because I was high. He would act like it doesn't matter but it would hurt his feelings and he wouldn't feel good enough.

I don't ever want Dallon to feel like that.

If I do stay here, he'll eventually find out about the drugs and try to help me or kick me out but Dallon is too nice to kick me out so he'll always be stressed and worried about where I am.

I get out of bed and wander into the kitchen to see Dallon making breakfast while he talks to Tyler and Josh.

"Brendon!" Josh yells as he gets up and hugs me tightly. "It's been so long!"

"I know! I've missed you!" I say back. I really did miss Josh but I'm happy that he wasn't there to watch me get addicted to drugs. Hopefully he doesn't find out.

I look to Tyler to see him giving a look to Dallon that says "We need to talk."

Dallon just laughs nervously and sets out a shit ton of food and we all sit down at the table and begin to eat.

"So Brendon... Where have you been?" Tyler asks me.

"I've been living in LA for a while now with Sarah but I'm recently going through a divorce so I had nowhere to stay until last night." I answer truthfully.

"Why are you guys getting a divorce?" Tyler asks. An uncomfortable silence fills the room as I just stare down at my full plate.

"Tyler, Can I talk to you for a minute?" Dallon asks and Tyler rolls his eyes as Dallon pulls him out of the room.

Josh smiles at me and we both start to talk.

"I'm happy you're here. Dallon seems really lonely lately." Josh says and I smile a little bit.

"I don't know if you think we're getting back together because we're not. Dallon and I talked for the first time in years last night." I tell him.

"And how did you feel when you heard his voice again?" Josh asks as he takes a bite of his food.

"Lighter than air."


"Tyler you have got to be kidding me." I say as I pull him into my bedroom and shut the door behind us.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says as he looks around the room.

"He's already really sad about this and you're just making him feel worse." I say and Tyler rolls his eyes.

"Do you even know why he's getting a divorce? He probably did something like cheat and you don't even care." Tyler says bitterly.

"Brendon and I aren't even dating so why are you talking about the reason his marriage ended like it's our business?" I ask and Tyler once again rolls his eyes.

  "Brendon can't do anything wrong in your eyes. He's just this perfect guy who won't hurt you." Tyler says sarcastically.

"We're not dating." I say through my teeth.

"But you will be! I'm not saying that Brendon's the only one in the wrong because you're trying to get back together with him while he's sad and vulnerable. Once he gets more confident I wouldn't expect him to stick around." Tyler says.

"I'm not going to do that to him!" I say back, because I'm really not.

"You're still the same love sick puppy that you were in highschool! Brendon didn't love you then and he won't now! I'm trying to help you!" Tyler yells.

I stare at him in disbelief as tears fill my eyes.

"I- I'm sorry Dallon." Tyler tries to apologize and hug me but I shrug him off and lock myself in the bathroom.

I sit on the floor with my knees against my chest as I cry silently.

I hate that I know he's right about Brendon never loving me. I hate it so much.

He was wrong about me using Brendon's vulnerable state to try to get back together with him. I would never do that to him.

I can't believe Tyler would think that low of me. That hurts a lot too.

Brendon and I will probably never date again and at this point, I'm fine with it. I just like having someone else around.

I hear a small knock on the door and I sniffle and wipe my eyes before letting out a weak "What?"

"It's me." Brendon almost whispers from the other side.

I sigh and open the doors and Brendon immediately hugs me.

"What happened?" He asks as he pulls me into his chest even more.

"Nothing. I just- it was nothing." I say and Brendon nods, probably not wanting to push it.

"Okay. Tyler and Josh went home. Do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asks and I just nod.

We walk into my living room and sit on the couch before going into the Netflix app.

I'm still sniffling a bit and Brendon offers me a few sympathetic smiles.

We end up watching The Breakfast Club because we've both been obsessed with it since high school.

I watch Brendon as he watches the movie. His facial expressions are the same as the first time we watched it together.

I take this time to realize how much Brendon has changed.

He wears different clothes and has ditched the shaggy haircut for a shorter one that shows off the forehead that he was so desperately insecure about. He has also started wearing glasses more I guess because I haven't seen him take them off since we got to the apartment.

He's changed but his face hasn't and I'm grateful for that.

The only noticeable difference I can see is that the happy glint in his eyes has faded to almost nothing. His eyes have become dull and they are almost unrecognizable.

Brendon almost caught me staring but I look away before he sees.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him sneakily study my face.

I can see a small smile form on his lips the longer he looks at me and that small smile makes my heart explode.

I really hope I don't fall for him because then I will either hate the fact that he left in the first place or the he came back.

Right now all I care about is making Brendon smile though.



I just went downstairs to eat an english muffin and got yelled at by my 6 year old brother bc I woke him up.



Doggo Stoppo El Chapo

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