
By 1hatecheesecake

2M 66.8K 5.3K

Under a stormy winter sky, moonlight guides my steps as my paws crunch the forest floor. A strange sound brea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Author's Note
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Sneak Peak

Chapter 5

56.6K 2K 274
By 1hatecheesecake


Author's Note

I saw that I had an increase in reads so here is another chapter. It gets me so excited to see more and more people noticing my story. Enough with my ramblings please leave a comment and vote. Thanks!

A gentle shake to my shoulder wakes me up the next morning. Eyes puffy and bloodshot I wake up extremely groggy from a night of crying. Mother at the foot of the bed, all prim and proper. The sun has not yet risen as candles illuminate the room.

"It is not morning yet. I've never woken so early not even with master. The birds are not chirping. The dew has not formed."

"This is normal time a slave rises. You will wash, then eat the porridge I have made for you. Your hair needs to be pulled back and put into a braid. I will schedule a hair cut for you later today."

"Master forbids it."

"I don't care what that man wants. You are not Rapunzel. Your hair shouldn't touch your bottom. It will be cut."

"I won't do it."

"I have no time to argue with you. Help is needed in the kitchen. I will be back for you in an hour. I expect you to wear the proper maid uniform I have laying on the bed for you. "

She leaves without another word as I turn over to scream into my pillow. After I let my frustrations out I do everything asked of me. Sitting and waiting for mother to come back my stomach is in knots. Never had I interacted with so many of my people before. It was overwhelming just thinking about it. I glance over my uniform in distaste. It is a grey frock with long sleeves and a hem that goes past my knees. It has a white Peter Pan collar and itches like the dickens. The stockings worn with the dress are a solid black accompanied with worn down leather shoes from mother. A knock at the door alerts me to a presence before I see mother come in.

"Up child up. It is time to work."

With one last huff of frustration I get up and follow behind my mother glad to be free from the walls of her room. We go down the hidden passage ways only meant for workers to move through the castle without being seen or heard. The washing room is one of the biggest parts of the castle besides the ballroom. As soon as we enter all chatter ceases. The humidity and heat hits me instantly. Whispers follow us as mother leads me to the pool, where women hand scrub the clothes in a fragrant mixture of soap, flowers and a tiny amount of oil. We find a spot at the pool and sit down on wooden stools directly near it.

"You stay here Winnie. I will get us our first bundle of clothes to wash."

"Please don't leave me." I whisper to her.

She gives my hand a reassuring squeeze before scurrying to retrieve clothes.  I follow her with my eyes only to lose her in the sea of maids. It does take long before a rough tug on my braid breaks my concentration on trying to find her.

Lillian: "Well, well, girls look who decided to join us peasants. Winter, the masters whore."

They all giggle as I stay silent not engaging with the group of women now surrounding me.

Lillian: "Look at her. She thinks she is so much better than us, but look at her now. Winter is all used up. Master doesn't want her anymore girls. Maybe we have a chance to live like royalty.  I guess our virginity is just the price we have to pay to live the good life."

My name is Winnie you wretched girl.

Winnie: "Shut up!"

Lillian: "So the whore does speak."

Winnie: "You know nothing. Leave me be."

The leader of the group insulting me goes to reply only to stop due to my mother's arrival.

Annabelle: " What's going on here?"

Lillian: "Nothing Ms. Annabelle, we were just welcoming back Winnie here to maid duties. See you later Winnie.

They all scatter quickly getting back to work. I sniff a little holding back tears.

"You shouldn't have left me.  They called me a whore. I am not a pleasure slave."

Annabelle (Mother): "What do you expect? When you never do work.You have your own room, elegant custom made dresses and jewelry. And you also sleep in his bed on occasion. People talk Winnie."

" How many times must I tell you mother I am still pure. I swear to you."

Annabelle: "I will not talk about your troubles now. We will work, then have lunch with the other servants. Watch my technique then follow."

After a couple of minutes of watching, I wash along side my mother. The water in the pool is scalding hot, but it takes a while to get use to. The chatter and merriment gets louder as the day progresses. All of a sudden it is deathly silent. I turn my attention to see where everyone is staring. Beta Gabriel at the entrance of the room searching around for something.

..... or someone

"What is he doing here? Do wolves normally come down here?"

Annabelle: "No they don't. I have a feeling he is looking for you."

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