Kissin' Pink | A$AP Rocky

By bigheadkaye

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My Work #3 | October 2013 - March 2014 | Completed [previously known as Purple] Twenty-five year old Rakim Ma... More

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10.4K 412 193
By bigheadkaye

I quickly looked around the restaurant as I noticed a woman who I guess worked here, approach me. The woman had on an all white outfit, and a menu the read 'The Cheesecake Factory' sat in her right arm. Just a few minutes ago Raven told me to meet her here, so that's exactly why I was here. I had no idea on what she had to talk to me about, but I was pretty hungry anyways.

"Party of one?" the woman asked.

"No ma'am, I'm here meeting someone," I lightly smiled as I noticed Raven sitting in the way back of the restaurant.

I pointed to the table Raven was sitting at so the woman could know who I was talking about. The woman then nodded and led me to the table, before handing me my menu and giving me time to look over it. The woman came back shortly after to take my drink order, then returned with my Sprite a few minutes later.

"Hey," Raven smiled at me once I took a seat across from her.

"Wassup," I nodded in reply, opening my menu.

"You weren't busy were you?" she asked.

"Na," I quickly shook my head no. "Don't you think if I was busy you would be with me?"

She shrugged her shoulders as she chuckled.

"After all you're my assistant," I added, taking a sip from the Sprite that I had just ordered.

"What if I want to be more than that?"

I nearly chocked on my drink, practically shooting it all back out my mouth as I tried to comprehend if I had just heard right.

"What?" I questioned.

"Nothing," she smiled as she casually took a sip from her water as if nothing was wrong with what she had just said.

"Did you just say what i think you just said?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Raven I'm serious."

"Yes okay," she sighed with a roll of her eyes as she pulled her cellphone out from her purse.

"Seriously?" I asked, confirming that she was serious by what she said.

If looks could kill, I would be dead by bow because of the look she gave me once looking up from her phone.

"Oh shit. Raven want to to be Lady Rocky," I cooed as a smile formed on my face.

"That is a ugly ass name," she chuckled with a roll of her eyes. "Lady Rocky doesn't even have a ring to it."

"Raven Mayers does though."

She blushed as she rolled her eyes and looked away from me. Our waiter suddenly appeared at the table and took both of our orders. After taking down our orders, the waiter returned with drink refills, and more bread to hold us over.

"But seriously though," Raven started as she decided to continue the conversation. "Am I the only one who has been thinking about what happened between us the other day?"

I shrugged my shoulders as a sigh escaped my lips. I knew the matter was going to be brought up sooner or later. And I had a gut feeling that this what she had me meet her for.

"I mean I was thinking about it too but the whole situation was sort of awkward to just bring up so I left it alone."

"Yeah," she agreed.

"It just sort of happened. I think we was both in the moment."

"But did you think anything else of it? You was all I seemed to think about before I went to sleep that night."

"Of course I thought about it."

"So .. what are we? Just friends with benefits, or .."

"Well what do you want to be?" I asked, knowing where she wanted to take this conversation.

She sheepishly looked at me as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Be real with me," I smiled.

"Lady Rocky," she chuckled as she did air quotes.

I couldn't help but laugh at how silly she was.

"I can make that happen."

She sucked her teeth at me she dramatically rolled her eyes.

"What?" I laughed.

"Rakim don't be playing with me. I'm serious."

"I am too! I mean we have been getting closer lately, and I sensed that 'us' was going to happen sooner or later, so why not? If we work out, we work out, if not, we'll always be friends right? What is there to lose?"

She shrugged her shoulders as she sheepishly looked away again.

I quickly reached over the table and forced her to look at me by tucking my index finger underneath her chin, and in one swift motion I pressed my lips against hers. Our lips were connected for what felt like hours as she widened her mouth, giving me permission to slip my tongue in. Our lips interlocked and fought for dominance as my tongue explored the inside of her mouth. We quickly both pulled away with a smile as I tucked a strand of her hair back behind her ear.

"I love you," I boldly stated.

"I love you too," she was quick to reply.

To Be Continued...

©Copyright @bigheadkaye 2014

All Rights Reserved.

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