On The Hunt (On Hold)

By DA0088

290 83 207

Highest Rank: #374 in Science Fiction Lily has had a hard life since her parents abandoned her at the front... More

On The Hunt
Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Sluan
On Hold

Chapter 5

19 8 30
By DA0088

I couldn't believe it, Silas was a murderer. A killer...and a friend. Or so I thought. "This can't be true, this must be a fake. Photoshop and clever editing...or something," but even to my own ears it sounds weak.

"If you wish, I could show you other video's and evidence we have collected over the last decade" the Empress informs me. "I understand this might be hard to take in, but you must know it's true."

I can't do this right now. It's to much, first Gunsmith, then teleporting, then time-travel and now Silas. "I need some alone time," I state "can you give me that?" I can't be here.

"As you wish, Officer Dostik will escort you to an available room. Veeran give her a copy of all the data so she can look at it if she wishes." As the guard scurries of to what she asks, I take a look over at Sluan.

"Well at least my life ain't boring, right?" I joke as I try not to have a mental break down right then and there.

Slaun studies me for what seems like an eternity and then his eye's change from the cold, hard ice to a softness I din't know he had. "True" he says "you could be bald." Though his joke sucks and I detest the man, in this very moment I can't help but love him.

Him, a stranger who's life I made hell and more complicated than needs be, comforting me when he has every right to hate me.

"Come," he continues "let's get you to your room so you can do... whatever it is you need to do."

"There are showers on board this death-trap right?" I question, feeling the need to wash away today's filth.

"Of course, we even have hot water!" Sarcasm is definitely not his strong suit.

"Whatever." I mutter "Any chance you could teach me how to use the computer system on boars this place? That way I can look at the data without you there."

"Sure, the Empress informed me that you need to fit you to your Guide."

"My what?"

"Your Guide, a program the acts as an educator, 'implanting' all the relevant information you need in your brain for you to access it."

"Yea no, not gonna happen." I state. "No way am I letting you guys mess around in my brain."

"Calm your self woman, it's what you would call and eye mask that you place over you face and the information gets transferred that way. It's been used thousands of times and has never failed."


"And what?"

"And what else? How long does it take? What information do I get? How do-"

Sluan cuts me off "Enough. It takes about 10 of your Earth minutes and you get information based on history, technology, language and anything else needed for you comfort."

"Sounds good, let's do it before I take a shower."

After about another ten minutes of walking though different halls, corridors and doors Sluan stops in front of a blue door. "Here is your room, code 8975." As the door slides open I immediately find myself mesmerized by the view from window; it was similar to the view from the Empresses room. The giant purple planet was absolutely magnificent.

But the best part would have to be the stars surrounding me. I felt as though I was alone in the universe; but with all the beauty there I didn't even matter.

"This is all real isn't it?" I whispered. " I won't wake up from this will I? It's not a bad dream it's true?"

"Sadly for you, yes."

"Even the time travel? I mean, I felt the beam rip me apart so I must be true, but-"

"I understand. It's a lot to take in, first me, then ending up here and then Luuken. It's been a bitch of a day for you."

"You ain't wrong, thanks. I guess." Again I felt my iciness towards him slipping away. Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought. We probably just got of on the wrong foot.

"Honestly, I would be more worried if you weren't reacting this way." True, I had didn't react it would so much worse. "How about we get the Guide done so you can take a shower and a nap? Sound good?"

"Yea sounds great." A nap would be a great idea. "I know you're an alien and all, but how come you sound so normal to me? Like your accent? Or you slang?"

"I've been working this case for almost two decades, I've been around since the late 90's so I guess I just picked it up" he explained.

"How old are you then?"

"I'm 34 by Earth stnadards, I enderd the Time Space Agency when I was 18 and have never left" he tell me. "Now lie down on the bed, so I can start the program."

"Aye aye, Captain."

I'm sure that as soon as the Guide is in place it get's taken off again. "Was that it? Are you sure that was ten minutes?"

"Yes, i'm sure. Now tell me-"

"Donald Trump was the reason for World War 3. Holy fuck." I interrupted. "He bombed the Kremlin and Russia retaliated. But a few months into the war he got assassinated due to a hit placed on him by El Chapo for a price of $10 million." I inform him. " After that Barack Obama re-announced his presidency, and remained president for the next two terms of office."

"Good, anything else."

"World War 4 was a planetary war in the twenty-fourth century, Earth was attacked by Torandians; a warrior race aimed at enslaving anyone they came across, two days later the war was over. They wiped out over 60% of the Earths population and now rule it, exploiting our resources. Humans are becoming more and more extinct." The fuck, Earth was gone.

"Well then seams like the Guide worked. History and language are a go. Should any issues arise you know how to contact me." He told me as he stood and packed up the Guide."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do" he sounded exasperated. "It was all in the Guide you just have to think about it." Oops, man I really need that nap.

"Thanks Sluan. For everything."

As he left I made my way over the the shower, or as they're called the cleansing unit, after about 5 minutes of figuring out how to turn on the bloody shower I was finally showering and washing of today's incidents. After drying off I found the closet hidden in the wall and put on a comfortable over sized t-shirt and climbed into bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

"Your're done, you're wife will be taken to pay of the rest of you debts."

I sit awake covered in sweat with the sound of Silas's gunshot still ringing in my ears. Fuck. I take another shower to wake my self up and try to get rid of the image of blood exploding from the man's head. I'm a soldier, I've killed before, but it was never like this. Once I've dried myself of and dressed again I open the files on the monitor in the room.

I go through every file, every video, every witness statement. I see more and more video's of Silas dealing drugs and guns. Abusing women. There's even video of Silas and me together at the office. We're joking about something he heard the other day looking like he truly is my friend, but it's all fake.

I can't even stop the tear from spilling from my eye. God, how could I have not seen it. I've spent years with the man and not even once did I notice.

Suddenly the door opens and Sluan walks in. I quickly wipe away the tears from my eyes and regain my composure.

"Ahh, so you've looked at the data. Do you believe us?" He asks.

"Like I couldn't. There's too much evidence against him. I'm sorry I ruined your mission, i'll help. I have to."

"You didn't ruin the mission. Luuken purposely gave you the false data and made you come after me. He knew this would happen. As soon as you and I arranged a meet he vanished. Though, I have some good news," he told me "we have information leading us to believe he traveled back to this time causing an anomaly in the censers."

"So the bastard used me as a distraction?" I asked, but then it occurred to me that he should have know who I was. "Wait, hold on. According to the file you knew I worked for Silas - I mean Luuken, but how come you still fell for it?"

"Yea about that," he said as he looked down at his boot and rubbed the back of his neck. Guess that's a universal gesture for 'I fucked up'. "That data was collected by some people here, as in this time line, but never sent back to me. Also I never knew you existed or worked for Luuken, you don't exist. I thought I could lour you along and nail your ass, but then I got information from my boss that Luuken time-traveled here while we were dealing so you had to come along." He explained.

"Well I guess that makes sense."

"You're a great ghost."

"Thank's I guess. But now what? Where do we start?" I asked, itching to get my hands around his neck.

"Well now we wait, we-"


"Yea, we need to know where he is otherwise we don't know where to start. We have people looking for leads, but for now we look over the file and try to establish a pattern or a motive, or anything to go on. Oh, and we need to wait for the next cargo transport to Phallu." He explained.

"Why are we going to Phallu?"

"Depending where Luuken is we might need to teleport ourselves to that location, and the best and fastest way is the on one the plant. At Time Space HQ. It can transport us to anywhere in the universe."

"Really! How cool!"

"Well, only to places that have a Time Space Beacon, so the further away from Phallu the less there are."

"Still, that's fucking awesome. Is this only for Time Space?"

"Pretty much, or if you're rich enough. But since we developed the technology we use it as much as we want" he ginned.

"Okay, how long till the next transport?"

"It should depart in 17 hours, tomorrow at 3:00 from cargo bay 3. I'll pick you up here at 2:30. Dress similarly to last night."

"So what do we do now?"


Well that was boring, then it hit me. "You guys got a training room?"

"Yea we do. Why...?"

"Let's make a bet. We spar, I win you have to do something for me. You win, I have to do something for you. Deal?"

"Deal" he said ginning. "Prepare to loose Earthling."

Earthling? Oh it's on now boy. It's on like Donkey Kong.

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