The Bad Boy Stole My Diary

By _neanea_

3.7M 174K 53.8K

"I love how innocent you act, but I know you're not." **************************** My dad had given me a simp... More

17 - part 1
17- part 2
52 [last chapter]


55.1K 2.7K 817
By _neanea_

Dillon POV

I couldn't focus on anything as I got into my car. I angrily slammed my fist against the steering wheel and started it up. I could barely see straight I was so angry.

My mind flashed back to my childhood.


He was such an easy target to mess with in school, so everyone picked on him. But he had to just come for me? Of all people? Me? And he had to do it through Cait?!

She doesn't deserve any of this!

As I pulled out my driveway I turned to look for Cait and my heart softened as I saw her watching me leave.

I immediately stopped in the street and got out the car, walking towards her.

"Cait, come with me." I said.

"I don't know if that will be a good idea." She said. She looked cold and sad and my first instinct was to protect her with all I had.

"I need you here with me Cait. We can stop him together." I wrapped my arm around her and she nodded. We walked to the car and she slipped into the passenger street.

"Are you ready?" I asked, looking at her.

"Yes. But... you aren't actually going to kill him are you?" she asked. God, she was so... innocent almost.

"Maybe. Maybe not." I smirked.

Jeez, just a moment ago I was angrier than ever, and now Cait has got me drooling and smiling over her?!

I turned towards the wheel, remembering how angry I was, remembering how Nathan took advantage of the most beautiful girl. How could he do that? He threw her away like a piece of trash.

"Let's go." I said staring straight ahead at the road. "Where does this scum bag live?"

"What if he's not home?" Cait asked me.

"We'll wait until he gets there."

"We don't even have a plan."

"We're killing him right?"


I chuckled.

She told me where his house was located as I sped up my car speed.

Cait POV

"But forreal, we don't have a plan." I looked up at him and watched his toned facial features. His jaw was locked in place and he was biting his lip, probably an angry gesture.

He just shrugged.

He looks very, very attractive when he is angry.

We got to Nathan's house and I noticed his bedroom light was on.

"Okay, I'll call Nathan, and trick him into coming out here. You're going to wait by your car while I talk to him for a second. I'll give you a signal when to come out. Park you car down the street." I ordered. I don't know were this sudden urge of confrontation came from but I was really ready to show Nathan that he is not the all mighty god that can make people follow his rules and ruin them.

Not today Satan.

"Damn." Dillon muttered. "I like a woman who knows what she want." He smirked as he drove the car further down.

I felt my cheeks blush. I quickly got out my phone and called Nathan.

"Hey, come outside I want to talk to you." I said into the phone.

"What? Are you insane." He asked in an annoyed tone.

"C'mon it'll be worth it." I replied.

"It better be." He said hanging up.

'Oh it sure in the hell will be' I thought in a cold tone.

"Ok.. well, here I go." We turned towards each other. "The signal will be when I put my hand on my hip. Make sure you pay attention."

He nodded.

I hurriedly jogged to Nathan's front lawn. I already have my first words ready to roll off my tongue.

He walked out, with a confused an annoyed look ok his face. It was only 6 pm! Why was this guy acting like I was dragging him out the house at 3 am?!

"What?" He asked.

"Nathan, I'm tired of this. I'm tired of this stupid pretend relationship." I told him.

He scoffed. "Are you a fucking idiot? You can't just be 'tired' and think this is all going to end." He held his head back in laughter and all I wanted to do was punch him in the throat.

"Yes, yes I can." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh really? Did you forget I still have those pictures?" He said bringing out his phone.

"Not anymore." I snarled.

"What do you mean... hey, what happened to those picture?!" He asked angrily, scrolling through his phone.

"What the fuck did you do?" He asked grabbing my arm.

"What the hell!" I cried. "Let me go!"

I did not expect him to be this aggressive!

He tightened his grip and I winced.

"You think I'm dumb, don't you Cait?"

I turned and saw Dillon running full speed at Nathan.

"Get your fucking hands off of her!" He yelled.

He was breathing heavy once he got to us and I don't think it was from the running.

Nathan let me go and pushed me away. He started laughing.

"What? You're gonna beat me up like the old days huh?"

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing but you better leave her alone from now on." Dillon took a step towards him.

"Oh wow, should I be scared now? Dillon, all you are is a coward and a liar. You won't do shit. Oh and also," Nathan paused and walked to his car that was next to us on the driveway.

We watched as he took out about four sheets of paper.

"Want to know what these are Cait? Copies of your slutty pictures. Here, you can have them." He snarled as he threw the pictures at me. They spread out around me and I grabbed them all, trying not to tear up as I balled them in my hand.

"You really aren't even worth my time anymore. I can see how much of a low-life Dillon actually is for wasting his on you." Nathan rolled his eyes.o

And that's when Dillon threw the first punch, knocked him square in the jaw.

"Oh so that's how we're gonna play?" Nathan asked, shaking his head back and forth as if he was trying to shake the punch off.

He uppercutted Dillon, throwing him off. Then they started to wrestle each other on the grass, trying to get in a punch. One would punch, and then another and I lost count of how many times each guy got a hit at each other.

I watched in horror, wanting to do something about it but I couldn't.

Dillon was over him, continuously punching him in the face and I'm surprised no one hasn't called the police yet.

"Stop! Stop!" Nathan called as Dillon hadn't stopped punching him.

He lifted him off the ground by his collar.

"This is just a warning. If I ever see you talking to her, or even breathing around her, I will do way worse." Dillon said inches away from his face.

"Okay! Okay! Let me go!" Nathan cried angrily, flaring his arms around like a child. 

It was amusing watching him like this, I have to admit.

Dillon threw him out his grip.

"Now fuck off." He spat out.

I watched as Nathan ran up to his front door, almost tripping.

I've never seen Dillon so angry. He started walking to his car, and I hurried after him, trying to keep up with his fast walking.

We drove back to our neighborhood in silence, except for his angry breathing.

He pulled into his driveway and turned off the car, and we sat in darkness.

"I wanted to kill him, Cait. I thought about his hands on you, and how he must have made you feel and I thought about murdering him for a split second." Dillon said cutting the silence.

I wanted to say something but it was like my insides were frozen.

He put his arm down and I rested my hand on his hand.

"Thank you." I said softly.

"Cait. I will do anything I have to do to change for you. I want to be a better person for you, you know that right."

"Not Nicki?" I asked, kind of serious, almost not.

"Oh... about that. I'm sorry. I heard you and your friends say you guys were going to that cafe and I wanted to make you... you know. But right after That happened I felt like shit. I regretted everything."

"It's okay, I don't care about it anymore,  I just wanted to know." I smiled a bit. 

Dillon wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into him as we sat in his car.

I felt so peaceful, I felt... safe. I felt like I could never get hurt wrapped in Dillon Taylors leather covered arm.


Ayeee I actually made a chapter longer than 10 pages! Lol. Thanks for reading xx

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