The Archer (A Tale Of Heroes...

By TheSorceress96

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When the land is in peril only one group stands in the way of the demon that would raze their home to the gro... More

Author's Note (Please Read) - Updated May 11th, 2018
Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Part 3
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 49

35 1 0
By TheSorceress96

The Lava Plains

"The world is a goddamned evil place, the strong prey on the weak, the rich on the poor; I've given up hope that there is a God that will save us all. How am I supposed to believe that there's a heaven and a hell when all I see now is hell."

Aaron B. Powell, Doomsday Diaries III: Luke the Protector

They travelled quickly over the land and within a few days they knew they were close. The temperature around them increased considerably until were all visibly sweating.

The group reached a small hill and when they climbed it the heat nearly knocked them back. Once they crested the incline they stopped to survey the scene before them.

Laid vast across the landscape, further than the eye could see, molten rock bubbled and shifted. The land beyond shimmered in the heat, and the shadow of a mountain loomed above.

"Is that it? Where the flame is?" Lilith wondered aloud.

"Sure seems like it." Orelius cocked an eyebrow. "But how are we supposed to reach it? I don't suppose we could swim across."

They turned to Caedmon. "Well?" Orelius asked. "You're the one with the story. Any clues on how to traverse the great Lava Plains?"

Caedmon shook his head. "I have no idea."

"Perhaps it is best to travel another way. Would it not be easier to go around?" Lilith tilted her head to the side.

Declan shook his head. "We don't have time to go around. The more time we spend avoiding obstacles, the more lives are lost."

"Do you even know what happens to the girls the demon steals?" Lilith's eyes were bright with curiosity.

"Why should it matter? It must be stopped." Declan waved his hand absently.

Lilith shrugged. "I was only thinking aloud."

"Perhaps it is best to keep such speculations inside, then." Orelius tapped his temple.

"Or perhaps she is correct," Katherine began, "and we should be speculating about the demon's motives. What is the grand plan? The final act in this elaborate scheme of death and destruction?"

"Or perhaps again," Lilith attempted, "we should concentrate on the task before us?"

They continued to discuss different fashions to cross the bubbling plains, oblivious from to the world around them. Finally, Orelius stopped and put up his hands.

"Why don't we just float across?"

Declan scoffed. "Float? What do you mean by that?"

"Lava is only melted stone. Could we not just use a large stone and propel ourselves across?"

Shaking his head, the archer said, "That is probably the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard."

Katherine, however, stepped forward. She could feel the beginning of an idea forming in her mind. "Orelius may not be crazy after all." She strode towards the edge of the gurgling lava and knelt to the ground.

Ensuring there was enough space that she would not be burned, she placed her hands on the ground and reached. She pushed her magic across the ground, looking for cracks in the earth, something that she could pry apart.

When she stood now she smiled and turned to the rest of the group. "I believe I have a way for us to cross."


Caedmon thought she was crazy. He knew she was a powerful witch from their experience with the golems, but to do this? Surely they would burn to death and he voiced as such.

"I'm sorry, but is this truly what we want to do?"

Striding over towards Katherine, Orelius turned and sneered at Caedmon. "What? Is the big hero too good to take some risks?"

"I am afraid I must agree with Caedmon." Lilith shrugged. "It does not appear as a safe mode of transportation. I would prefer to go around."

As Caedmon watched he could see Katherine becoming frustrated. "Please, you wanted a way across, and I'm giving you one. As everyone has been saying, the more time we waste, the more lives are lost."

Grimacing, Caedmon observed the others. Clearly Orelius approved of the plan, Lilith did not, but he was unsure of where Declan and Rosie stood. Rosie by far had the least say in the matters, but Caedmon still wished to know her stance.

So he turned to them and posed the question. "What say you to this?"

Declan turned to answer. "I am not sure how this is supposed to work, but if it is quicker than going around, I am willing to try it." Rosie simply shrugged in answer.

And so it was decided. They approached the edge of the molten rock an gathered around Katherine.

They watched as she placed her hands once again upon the ground and closed her eyes. The ground beneath their feet took on a slight glow. He could hear her whispering strange words, but when he tried to decipher them, he found his mind growing foggy. Pulling back, he switched his attention to the world around him.

Rosie screamed when the ground shifted beneath their feet and they were propelled away from the shoreline, barely hearing the cracking as the earth split behind them.

Lava flew around the group as they scrambled to try and avoid getting burned. They clung to the few pockets and protruding stones from their small pocket of stone.

Soon, though, their momentum stopped. They could barely see past the shimmering heat, and their breathing became labored, but they could tell they no longer moved across the plain.


The group felt brave enough to stand now on their small island and survey the situation they were now in.

"Well, isn't this just great?" Orelius leaned against the hollow shell of a blackened tree at the edge. "How do you suppose we move now? Seeing as we are nowhere near the edge."

"And will this ground we stand upon shrink? It is much to warm for it to not melt." Lilith rubbed her arms and cast her gaze fearfully to the gurgling rock around them.

Katherine opened her eyes briefly and turned to them. "The stone is enchanted. So long that I can withstand, it will not shrink. I am afraid, however, that I cannot help you with moving us more. I thought surely that the one time would get us where we needed to be."

"Lovely." Orelius crossed one leg over the other. "Then do we have any suggestions? Perhaps who should jump in to the lava first to end the misery that is sure to ensue?"

Declan rubbed his hand over his face and turned to face the bandit. "Perhaps you would wish to volunteer first."

Straightening up, Orelius turned and grabbed at a long branch from the tree he had just been leaning against. He tugged forcefully until it ripped off with a resounding crack. Smirking, Orelius turned and glared at Declan.

"Or perhaps I will be the one to find the solution to our problems." He went over to one of the edges and placed the stick into the molten rock. He braced himself and pushed back.

Nothing happened.

"Huh." He pulled the stick up and gazed at the charred and flaming end. "Well, it appears that isn't going to work." He tossed the remainder of the stick into the distance and watched as it burst into flames briefly before sinking into the lava.

Orelius turned to the others now and clapped his hands. "Any other suggestions?"

Declan's eyes darted around their little island, taking everything in at once. He stepped forward and knelt beside Katherine so he could speak to her directly.

"Can you do the same thing as before? Split the earth and use it to push us further?"

She appeared confused at first, but slowly the idea dawned on her. She nodded slightly, her brow creased in concentration. "I believe so. At's worth a try."

When they explained the plan to the others, they were more than dubious.

"We nearly died the first time!" Orelius gestured widely. "Why would we try it again?"

Declan cocked an eyebrow. "And you have a better idea? Perhaps another stick?"

The ground beneath their feet began to shake once more and they dove to grasp something solid around them. With another crack their island once again split, and they were launched forward, sending a wave of lava out around them.


"Is everyone alive?" Caedmon asked. He received a few groans in reply. He sat up and glanced, grateful to see they were all still aboard.

He was surprised to find Katherine still kneeling in the centre of what remained, her eyes staring off at the opposing shore. He leaned forward and placed a tentative hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" he asked.

She startled and turned to face him. Her voice was strained when she answered him. "Fine. But we have far to go yet." Her voice was raised now as she called to the others. "Brace yourselves!" They huddled close around her and the now familiar surge beneath their feet did not worry them as much as before.

Once again half of their platform was left behind to sink into the lava as they were pushed forward. Katherine repeated this motion twice more until there was barely room enough for them to lay without the threat of being burnt.

Caedmon felt concern building as Katherine was now visibly shaking from the effort to keep their platform together and launching them across the plain. He wished to ask her to rest, but knew they would surely perish if she did.

The other shore was in sight now, but still too far away. He leaned towards Katherine, and tried to place himself in such a way that he could help keep her up. Without her they were dead.

He could see Katherine about to launch themselves again, but Declan called out to stop. Caedmon braced himself and stood to face the archer, a question at the tip of his tongue, but Declan held up a hand and spoke first.

"If we split this rock one more time like this, some of us won't make it." He paused as the others recognized how dire their situation had become. "However, I think there is a way we can all survive if we stand together."

"Stand?" Lilith stared at him. "How are we to stand when we can barely hold on while lying down?"

Declan felt the stone around them, relieved to find a spot where dirt had packed between. He pulled his sword from his belt and plunged it into the earth. Caedmon and Orelius followed his lead until all six of them were securely centered on the remaining half of the stone.

They turned once again to Katherine and nodded. Caedmon looked from the shore to her. "Are you ready? One last time?"

Sweat poured down all them now. The heat was becoming increasingly unbearable with every moment that passed.

The group grasped each other tightly as Katherine closed her eyes for the final time. The lurch was different this time, but still they propelled forward on the small piece of stone. In a storm of limbs, they crashed into the shore.


Bodies were thrown every way, and Katherine quickly lost her grip as the stone rammed the shore and landed in a near vertical position. She found herself sliding down towards the lava. Desperately she kicked and dragged her hands around her, searching for something to grab and stop her fall.

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