Zodiac Adventures: The School...

By Z_White

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"Welcome, my dear heroes and villains to the School for Heroes and Villains, also known as HV. You will be tr... More

💥The Heroes and the Villains💥
💥Chapter 1: Dorms and Arrangements💥
💥Chapter 2: Fashionably Late💥
💥Chapter 4: Territory💥
💥Chapter 5: A Villain's Mind💥
Wattys 2017
💥Chapter 6: Just Another Day💥
💥Chapter 7: Let's get Educational💥
💥Chapter 8: Questions and Answers💥
💥Chapter 9: Broken Hearts Pt 1💥
💥Chapter 10: Broken Hearts Pt 2💥
💥Chapter 11: Heroes Code💥
💥Chapter 12: Meet The Parents💥
💥Chapter 13: Change💥
💥Chapter 14: Lies💥
💥Chapter 15: Taken in💥
💥Chapter 15.5 : Weak💥
💥Chapter 16: Lust and Love💥
💥Chapter 17: The Movies💥
💥Chapter 18: Sailing💥
💥Chapter 19: Plans💥
💥Chapter 20: Food💥
💥Chapter 21: Exposed💥
💥Chapter 22: Goodbye?💥
💥Chapter 23: Left Unsaid💥
💥Chapter 24: 4 months💥
💥Chapter 25: Trap💥
💥Chapter 25: Yin and Yang💥
💥Chapter 26: The Extractor (End of Book 1)💥
Check it Out!
1st Chapter is Out!

💥Chapter 3: Laser Tag Death Match💥

3.8K 176 299
By Z_White

(*Sniffle* No Comments makes me feel like this chapter wasn't interesting, sorry everyone.)

It took the Zodiacs almost an hour to arrive at the Lazer Tag arena and though some of them hid it, they were excited for the game ahead.

Capricorn went up to the registration area.

The women, who was typing on the computer that sat infront of her looked up, putting on a smile, "How may I help you?"

"I would like a game for 12 please." Capricorn smiled back.

"How many teams?"

Capricorn looked back and analyzed the best possible way to split the group, "Uhh, 4 teams, yeah 4."

"Okay, and what are the team names?"

"Earth, Fire, Water and Air." Capricorn answered.

"Okay... so the price for a party of 10 or more is 100 for 10 people and 5 dollars for every additional person. So your total would be 110 dollars."

Capricorn nodded taking out his wallet and pulling out a black master card.

The girl took the card, a bit of surprise showing up on her face before it quickly went away. She swiped the card, and waited for Capricorn to place his pin before handing it back to him with the receipt. "Your party will be called soon."

Capricorn nodded, placing his black card back in his wallet before walking back to the group.

"So when are we playing?" Taurus asks.

"Soon." Capricorn stated, standing besides Virgo, or rather towering besides Virgo.

"Leo, Cancer and Gemini, you're in my team." Taurus began.

"Oh, the teams are split into teams of 3. So, I was hoping we split into our respective elements." Capricorn added.

"How about no?" Cancer says with the shake of her head.

The Heroes rolled their eyes. "Look, we don't want to work with you as much as you don't want to work with us, but guess what, we're going to need to learn sometime. So how about you all man and or woman up and deal with it." Sagittarius bellows.

The Villains stared at the fiery red head for a good minute or so.

"I'm really loving this fiery attitude." Gemini smirks.

Sagittarius rolls her eyes.

"I guess splitting up into elements isn't that bad, plus it'll teach us to work as a team." Pisces indirectly agrees with Sagittarius. Pisces was the most sensible out of all the Villains, well, most of the times.

"Fine, I'm happy as long as I'm not in a group with Aquarius." Leo shrugs.

"You're a fire elementalist, I'm an air elementalist. Put it together." Aquarius retorts.

Leo took a step towards Aquarius, a look of disgust present on her face, "Want to use that tone on me again? Do it. I dare you." Leo barks.

"Okay, seriously what the fuck is wrong with you. What did I ever do to you?" Aquarius spats.

"Oh... nothing, your existence is a problem enough." Leo snorts.

"You know what? I'm looking forward to defeating you." Aquarius smiles.

"Defeating me? You couldn't defeat me if my hands were tied behind my back."

"We'll see about that." Aquarius shrugs.

"Yeah, we will." Leo says crossing her arms.

Taurus smiled at Leo's competitive personality. It was so... hot. But don't get him wrong, he doesn't see any real relationship budding between them. Since he wasn't a 'relationship' type of guy. In fact, ever since this morning he has had his eye on a different girl, and it seems like she had his eyes on him too. So... let's just say... it's complicated.

"Your game is ready, please split up into your respective teams, grab your gear, and have fun." A guy said addressing them.

"Game on." Aries smiles.

The Teams lazer colors were as so;

Fire; Red

Air; White

Earth; Green

Water; Blue


The Arena was set up as so;

"You have 5 minutes to plan your strategy. Once my count down gets down to 10 seconds prepare for battle!" A guy said over the speaker.

"I say, one of us should stay back while the other two split up and shoot as many people as they can." Aries suggests to his fellow fire signs, Sagittarius and Leo.

"I'll stay back." Leo volunteered.

Sagittarius and Aries looked at eachother then shrugged. "Okay, our strategy is done."

"4 minutes left."

"Let's show'em that fire elementalist are the best." Sagittarius said extending a fist in front of her. Aries joined bumping his fist against Sagittarius. Leo looked back and forth before the two signs in thought.

"Come on... Leo..." Sagittarius pouts.

Leo rolls her eyes and smiles, "Fine." She said joining her fist as well.

"Okay, whisper Fire Elementalist on 3. 1..." Aries began.

"2..." Sagittarius continued.

"3!" Leo finished.

Over in the Earth Base...

"Staying here the whole game is not a bad idea." Taurus says to Capricorn and Virgo, "But it's not a good idea either. What if people spot us, they can shoot all 3 of us and boom, instant loss."

Virgo and Capricorn nodded in understanding.

"So what if two people travel out together and shoot people as much as you can while one person stays here?" Capricorn suggests.

"I like that idea." Virgo nodded.

"I actually do too. I'll stay here then." Taurus says.

"And Virgo and I will travel together." Capricorn said wrapping his arm around her. Virgo was in relief that it was a bit dark in here so Capricorn couldn't see the blush creeping up on her face.

"3 minutes left."

"These punks are going down." Taurus smiles.

Over in the Air Base...

"I have a feeling everyones going to play it on the safe side." Gemini says to Libra and Aquarius.

"What do you mean by that?" Libra asks.

"I think at least 1 or 2 people will be camping out in their base. The others shooting, they may be together or not. Not sure. But camping out in the base is a high possibility." Gemini informs his team.

"Okay... so what should we do?" Aquarius asks.

"Well..." Gemini thought.

"How about we split up?" Libra suggest.

"We'll have to be fast, then..." Aquarius added.

"As fast as the wind?" Gemini smiles.

Aquarius and Libra smiled as well.

"I didn't hear any rule against using our super speed after all." Gemini shrugs.

"Same." Aquarius and Libra said in unison.

With their plan set in stone they laughed.

"1 minutes left."

Over in the Water Base...

"I say one of us stays here the rest of us split up and find a spot to camp out." Cancer said to Pisces and Scorpio.

"I'll camp out here." Pisces said, "You two can go."

Cancer shrugs. "As long a we win, I don't care."

"Okay, let's go team." Scorpio said.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! May the best team win!"

The teams immediately initiated their plans. The first one to get out was in fact Virgo, since she didn't have the fastest trigger speed. The one to get her out? Scorpio. But, just as Scorpio shot Virgo, Capricorn came out from behind an arena wall and shot him.

"Nice one Cap." Virgo smiles.

"Sorry I couldn't save you."

"Don't worry. Good luck! Let's go Scorpio."

"See ya Cap." Scorpio said walking besides Virgo as they headed to the dead area.

The next one out was Cancer, taken out but none other than Leo. While looking out for possible targets to shoot she forgot to look all around her because Leo, like a lion hunting her prey took the opportunity to shoot her unsuspecting friend.

Cancer looked at her friend and pouted, "Leo... I thought we were friends." She whines.

"Sorry Cance, but like when I play Uno, I have no friends." Leo shrugs.

Cancer rolls her eyes head to the dead arena.

Pisces looked at his lazer color it was dim, very dim.

"Shit, I'm the last one?"

The next out was Sagittarius by... you guessed it. Gemini. Boy, she was not happy. Not one bit.

"Sorry babe, but even cute girls like you can't woo me out of winning a game. I'll make it up to you later okay?" He winks. Sagittarius rolled her eyes, but suddenly smiled.

"Don't bother, but... you better turn around."

"What? Why?" He turns around to see a green lazer vest. He looked up to the face to spot Capricorn pointing the gun at him and without a second thought Gemini was shot.

"This is exactly why I don't play with chicks, they're such a distraction." Gemini sighs.

"You distract yourself. Don't blame women for you problems." With that said Sagittarius walks away. (I made Sagittarius a bit of a feminist and I love it.)

The game was heating up. The earth team was out, 2 members of the rest of the teams were out. Yes, it was down to only 3, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces.

Aquarius creeped around being extra conscious. Or... rather... too cautious.

"Hey, Aquarius." A voice said from behind her. Her heart started to beat around in her chest.

"Pisces." She sighs, letting her gun hang around her neck as she turned to look at the boy.

"Only one left in your team?"

"Yeah, unfortunately."

"You know Leo is still in the game right?"

"Wait, she is? How do you know?"

"I saw her sneaking around here just a minute ago or so."

"Pisces... I begging you do not shoot me, I need to shoot Leo."


"She has no respect for me. And maybe just maybe if I beat her she'll give me some."

"And what's in it for me?"

"After I finish Leo, you can finish me."

"Hmm tempting. But I want something else as well."


"I'll tell you later, but right now, I can sense Leo near by so, come with me."
Pisces moves back behind his base walls, Aquarius follows suit. Pisces looks around the corners and spots the dim glow of red.

With careful steps and hiding behind multiple walls she was able in position to get a good shot. If she missed this, it was game over.

She takes a deep breath and shoots.

"Shit!" Leo shouts.
Aquarius smiles, she comes up to Leo lazer gun in hand.

"Did you shoot me?" She asks.

"Yup." Aquarius said popping the p.

"I give you props."

Aquarius smiled mentally to herself. Making sure to keep a straight face.

"Did you win?"

"No, I believe there's at least one more person."

"Oh, really who?"

"Me." Pisces appeared, quickly shooting Aquarius down.

"Water Team, wins!" The announcer said over the speaker.

"You could have totally shot him!" Leo shouts.

"I wasn't ready. I was talking to you after all." Aquarius informed her.

"Whatever." Leo says walking away to the dead zone.

"Well at least you got a bit of respect."
Pisces says from besides me.

"Yeah..." Aquarius sighs as she makes her way to the dead area as well.


After the game, the signs hung out at the arena eating some food. They were having, dare they say it... a good time with eachother.

Leo bothered Aquarius less.

Gemini continued to flirt with Sagittarius who kept on ignoring him.

Virgo was having an active conversation with Taurus and Capricorn. But... mostly Taurus.

"Guys... when is the school's curfew?" Aries asks checking his watch.

Sagittarius faked coughs, "And gals."

"Uhhh... I think 8:30. Why?" Capricorn interjects.

"We have... 5 more hours. So should we do something else?" Aries asked.

"I just want to sleep." Taurus groans.

"I need to watch some Netflix and go to bed." Libra yawns.

The day was still alive, yet with everything that has happened it was a tiring.

"Seems like everyone wants to go home. Let's leave." Aries shrugs.

Chapter 3 done, I'm tired. So yeah... this story was almost 2000 words yeah.

Welp, night all!

☁Z.White Up, up and away!☁

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