The Boss

By Halayna123x

186K 4.7K 195

All of her life, River has been fed the sliver spoon she hates just because her parents own a successful comp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 13

5.2K 147 16
By Halayna123x

A few days after.

Should I get him a watch? No he wouldn't want that. A headset? An video game? A cologne? Simon gosh I hate you so much! It is his birthday today and there is going to be a massive party for him.  My computer pinged, I clicked onto the email and read it.


I want you in my office now.

If you aren't there right now

You can kiss your job goodbye.

Maximilian Carter Kayton

What is it now that he wants? I got up from my seat and walked into his office I closed the door behind me.

He was by the massive window looking down at the view. He took a sip of his whiskey in his whiskey glass his hand in his pocket his shoulder leaned onto the pillar.

"What do you want me for now?"I asked as I put my hands on my hip "I have got things I need to do"

"Are you sure you should be talking to your boss like that?"He replied "Sit  down "

"No I'm perfectly fine here thank you very much "

He turned around and looked at me it was quiet between us then he spoke "You are going to a party with me tonight "

"No I'm not!"I argued "It's my friend's birthday tonight I have plans! And I wouldn't want to go with you "

"Who said you had a choice?"He said sharply "And you are lucky that I'm even taking you "

"Why don't you hire an escort or something?"I crossed my arms against my chest "You've got money for it "

"Does it look like I want to waste my money?"He rolled his eyes "Then again your pay check I'll take the money out of that "

I looked at him sternly he would Actually do that. "I don't have posh clothes "I lied I have loads of them because of mum and dad "So I can't come "

"I had that sorted out "He said with a grin as he sipped on his whiskey "I'm always three steps ahead of you "

"You are a dipshit!"I growled "I swear I can't believe you are making me go with you!"

"If you don't come with me then you are fired "

"Don't worry there are plenty jobs out there "

"There will be a car at your house at seven "He came closer to me "The dress will be in your house with everything else and you better be ready "

He was near really net he brought his lips to my ear and whispered "If you don't there will be consequences that'll happen"

His body was right by mine his abs were showing through his shirt I just wanted to rip his shirt off.

What the fuck did I just think???

"Understood?"He whispered

I nodded then he moved a few steps back "Go home and get ready it is four and women do take a long time to get ready "

"More like you would "

Then I left


"I can't come "I said with a sigh over the phone "I'm stuck at work "

"Simon is going to have a massive fit "Cara said over the phone "it isn't going to be the same without you there "

"I'm so sorry "I spoke softly over the phone "Tell him I'll see him tomorrow and I got him something "

"I will don't worry "Cara said over the phone "Are you lying to us? is it a new guy? You c an bring him to the party you know "

"No I'm not lying "I lied over the phone "There is no new guy never has been never will be "

"Okay "Cara sighed over the phone "Even Matt cancelled he has something or something to do "

I winced when she said Matt's name "It'll be alright and give him an amazing party wish I could be there to help "

"I wish you were "Cara chuckled over the phone"Alex isn't even helping just sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips "

I laughed over the phone "What could you expect?"

"Yeah I know "She said over the phone "I'll see you then?"

"Yeah see ya bye and make sure give him a kiss from me "

"Will do "

Then she hunged up the phone i looked at the time it was 6:30 already I took advantage of my half day off I got Simon a gift then ate a Taco Bell wondered around Central Park for bit then got home and just rang Cara.

I got up from the couch ad walked into my bedroom. He was right the dress was layed out on my bed with the heels.

But how did he get the keys? I should of asked him. I grabbed my make up bag and went into the bathroom I put on tinted cream on then I used beige eyeshadow then put eyeliner and mascara. I got a nude lipstick and put that on as well.

I tucked my hair onto my side and went into the bedroom. I picked up the dress it was really nice it was coral and it had a beaded belt it was really nice I put it on I zipped it up then put the belt on. I slipped on my heels then doorbell rang I quickly walked to the door and opened it.

A middle age man in a black suit and a chauffeur hat on his head was stood there he looked at me "River Allen?"

I nodded "Are you the car guy?"

He nodded "Let's go We don't want to be late  "

I nodded I picked up my clutch from the table next to the door and then walked out of the door I locked up the left with this man.

He opened the door and I sat in the car I placed my clutch on my lap.

"You scrub up well "A voice spoke "Ypu almost reach my standards "

The voice made me jump and I turned to the seat next to me to see Max there. In a tux. His hair in a quiff. His chiselled face . His eyes. His eyes are breathtaking the whole of him is . He looked so good right there. I would of love to rip his clothes off right now.

"You scared me"I picked up my clutch and wacked him with my clutch on his arm

"I'm your boss let's remember that tonight "He whispered huskily

"Let's remember I'm your assistant "I said with a smile "Make sure you tell that to everyone and to the cut guys that I'm single as well."

He let out a growl "Let's remember that you are with me tonight and won't be talking to any guys "

"Is this how you are with your girlfriends? Tame them when you go out?"

"Oh just shut up "He rolled his eyes "I'm your boss "

"Don't need to keep repeating it you know and we aren't in the work place "

"Does your trap ever shut up?"

"No it doesn't why?"

He doesn't say anything and shuffled to the window. "So where are we going? For all I know you would kill me and bury me in Central Park "

He turned to me "We are just going somewhere don't you worry "

"See when people say that it makes me worry more "

"You'll see "

"When I had to cancel going to my friends birthday party so I want to know otherwise you and my clutch will get to know each more "

"I told you at the office "He replied "it's a party "

"What is the party for?"

"To do with work "

That's all he said then the car stopped Max got out and the chaffuer opened my door and helped me out of the car.

He just stood there. He looked at the building then his hands were on his buttons of his suit jacket.

I walked up to him "So what do I call you Maxi pad?"

He looked at me he let out a grunt "I'm regretting this "He muttered

I nudged him "So what do I call you? And what I'm to you? sister? "

"You call me Max and only max "He replied "And you'll see "

Then he held out his arm for us to link I looked at him "I don't want to "

"You are going to "

Our arms linked then we walked into the building my heels are hurting my feet "What kind of heels did you get me?"I mumbled as we walked up the stairs

"I told them to get any pair "

I looked at him and rolled my eyes "We could of took the elevator "

"Can you stop moaning?"

Before I could say anything we were there at the party. So many people around in tuxes and dresses. Waiters walking around with food or champagne on the platters they were carrying.

The massive chandelier which was in the middle of the room and it was gold. The whole room was made out of marble and the room was massive.

"It is beautiful "I spoke in awe as I looked at the room

"There are many rooms "Max said with a sigh "Which are decorated like this "

I turned my head to him "Can you just let me enjoy this please?"

He looked at me and shook his head for no and then we started to walk around the room.

Max introduced me to everyone as his girlfriend yeah as if over my dead body. I stood by him sipping on champagne and nodded to everything that was said.

Then a song came on it was a soft nice instrumental song.

The guy Max was talking to and looked at me "Would you like to dance?"He asked he was cute

Before I could say something someone already did "My darling has two left feet "Max replied with a sigh "She can't dance "

He nodded then left I looked at him "I would of love to dance "

"Shut up "

"No "

Then I saw Matt walking towards us my eyes were watery again I looked at Max "I'm going to get a drink "

"You haven't ev-"I cut him off by walking away from him.

I walked to the balcony and just looked outside, my arms leaned against the balcony "You seem lonely "Someone spoke I looked up he had strawberry blonde hair jet blue eyes his cheekbones were chiselled his face was but not like Max's and Max was breathtaking this guy only took half of my breath away.

"I'm not "I said with a chuckle "I just  wanted fresh air "

"Well it is a nice view "He said as he looked at the view and it was the countryside of New York a place you would hardly see.

"I'm river "I said with a smile "You are?"

"I'm Donathon Daligiesh "He introduced himself

"It is nice to meet you "

" You too "He said "Would you care for a dance?"

He held out his hand I placed mine in his then we walked back into the room and I saw my parents stood right there talking to these people I have to leave.

I turned to Donathan "I'm so sorry I feel sick " then I moved my hand out of his and quickly walked to the food palace. I couldn't find Max. He disappeared.

"River?"Someone spoke behind me I turned behind me to see Matt.

Then I saw Max I quickly walked over to him he looked at me "Were you getting the whole room one?"

"Shut up!"I sighed "We have to leave "


"My parents are here and M-"

He cut me off with a chuckle "I would love to meet them "

I kicked him on his leg "We need to leave "

"Fine "

Then we left we went into the car he sat in his place and I sat in my place. "Is Matt your ex?"He asked out of nowhere

I looked at him "No he isn't "

"Can you not lie to me?"

"Yeah he is "I sighed "He is "

Then the car stopped Max looked at me he got out of the car then my door opened and he was stood there he held out his hand and I placed mine in his. We walked inside the building of my apartment and went into my apartment.

He stood there in front of me "if I knew then I wouldn't of kept on telling him to come to the office "

"It's fine "

He nodded "it is my turn now "He said "Me and Alex dated for a while then we broke up then she found out she was having my child "

I looked at him my eyes widend he continued "Then this big thing blew up she had it and gave it up for adoption we were both very young then she left a few months after I just want her to happy  "

"Oh my gosh "I sighed "And I kept on telling you to tell me I'm so sorry "

"It's fine "

"She is don't worry but don't you think you should?"

He didn't say anything he sat down on the couch I told him I was going to get change I walked into my room I took the belt off then the zip this time I could reach should I ask?

He did get me the dress so he can help. "Max!" I yelled he walked to the room "Yes?"

I turned around to him "I can't do my zip can you?"

He hesitated for a second then nodded I turned around then his hands were placed on my back. One of his hands started to the zip as his other hand stayed in its place.

Then zip was undone I turned around I didn't care at this moment that the dress was slowly slipping down. I wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him closer then our lips touched.

It was a spark. His lips moved with mine then I slipped off my heels and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hot breath on me.

He walked over to the bed and pushed me onto the bed his lips on mine he took his jacket off then his lips travelled down to my neck as I unbuttoned his shirt he threw it off his abs showing then he sipped he looked at me then moved himself off me. He picked up his shirt and buttoned then picked up his suit jacket the left I heard the door shut.

Did he just do that to me?

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