In Your Dreams: a Harry X Vol...

By MidnightNinja27

2M 58.7K 43K

AU: You can talk to your soulmate in your dreams. If you can love me only in my dreams, let me sleep forever... More

Godric's Hollow...
The Dursleys and the Hogwarts Express...
Sorting and the Dorm...
First Week and a Suprise...
Flying and a Duel...
Halloween and the Mirror of Erised...
Malfoy Manor and the Yule Ball...
Last Day...
Diagon and Knockturn Alley...
Back to School...
The Diary...
LeStrange Manor and the Yule Ball...
The Chamber of Secrets...
Azkaban Escape and Remus Black neé Lupin...
Boggarts and the Mauraders Map...
Grimmuld Place and a Visitor...
Family Vacation...
Qudditch World Cup and Triwizard Tournament...
The First and Second Task...
The Third Task...
Riddle Manor and Lady Mercy...
The Council and the Challenge...
Divine Retribution...
Madam Umbridge...
Secret Lessons...
Department of Mysteries...
The Order of the Phoenix...
What is Mine...
Animagus and Werewolves...
Cho Chang and the Chamber...
Slug Club and Two Meetings...
Horcruxes and Revealing Doom...
The Minister of Magic...
The Deal and the Duel...
The Final Battle...

Reconstruction and Bonding...

38K 1.1K 250
By MidnightNinja27

Narrator's POV

Once the battle was over, the Dark began to identify the dead and treat the wounded.

"What are the casualties, Lucius?" Lord Voldemort asked, walking through the corpses, but careful not to step on any

"Forty seven dead on our side —all Outer Circle— and ninety injured, but our healers are already treating them. There is five hundred dead for the Order, my Lord." Lucius answered

In the distance, Bellatrix was fussing over her son, her husband, and brother-in-law.

Tom then found Harry with Sirius who was cleaning the blood of his godson's face.


Since Dumbledore was dead and the Order was gone, the Dark began to change the world.

Muggle-Borns would be taken from there Muggle parents at birth and given to Wizarding Families, the Wizarding World would be cutting all ties with the Muggle World, Dark Arts would be a mandatory class at Hogwarts with Barty Crouch Jr. as its teacher, and Minerva McGonagall would be the Headmistress of Hogwarts and Severus and Remus for her Deputy Headmaster.


Several weeks later, a statue was placed in corner between Diagon and Knockturn Alley.

The statue was a life-like Death Eaters with a plaque that read:

"Memorial to all the Death Eaters that lost their lives fighting against the Order of the Phoenix.

Gone but never forgotten."

The living Death Eaters mourned the deaths of their fallen brethren.


A week until the school year would start, Harry and Tom decided to get bonded.

So they were alone, Harry in a white dress and Tom in a suit, performed the bonding spell.

"Vim magicam dico quod per omnes partes amores. In hac sanguine vel columbae nunc geris amore aeternam. Nunc quia amor decedit alii, ligatis pedibus vestris sicut cor et anima in me pro animabus nostris, et cetera." Harry whispered his part of the ritual

"Vim magicam dico quod per omnes partes amores. In hac sanguine vel columbae nunc geris amore aeternam. Nunc quia amor decedit alii, ligatis pedibus vestris sicut cor et anima in me pro animabus nostris, et cetera." Tom completed, pulling Harry into a kiss

And then they made love.


Harry and his friends finished their Seventh Year at Hogwarts, but all of them were anxious to continue their lives.


After graduation, Hermione became the Head of Education Department in the Ministry.

Draco became a investor.

Luna became the new Divination Teacher.

Neville became the Herbology Teacher.

Theo joined the Aurors.

Pansy became a reporter for the Daily Prophet.

Cedric became the Qudditch Coach at Hogwarts.

Victoria worked in the Department of Mysteries.

Louis became a musician.

Charlie returned to Romania as a Dragon Keeper.

Viktor continued to play Qudditch professionally.

Bill and Fleur continued to be curse breakers for Gringotts.

Percy became Lucius', the Minister of Magic, secretary.

And the twins continued to run their joke shop, Weasley Wizarding Wheezes.

And all was good with the world...

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